iz-it-game-time · 4 years
I’m screaming why does Mamma Mia fit every fight scene so perfectly ajkaslajjddhhajadkjfh
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iz-it-game-time · 4 years
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Dark apostle commission and whole lot of chaos chickens.
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
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💚Appreciate your DMs/GMs folks 💜
I may be a bit biased because I absolutely love everything about the man that is our current DM but he does so much work and gets so passionate about our games.
This was session 2 of our new game and he had some phenomenal story hooks using bits of our backgrounds, brought back a returning NPC that has appeared in like every game he's ever run, been practicing his voices so all his NPCs don't sound the same, has a really good political structure built for this world, and recorded a really ominous and vague sounding prophecy with some voice effects on it which he blasted through a speaker after covering the lights with heavy red shades that made it almost impossible to take notes in.
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
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Finished this as a wedding gift to my best friend of nearly 12 years. I magnetized the minis so he could use them in future games if he wished. The bride and groom were designed in Heroforge and ths pug is from Reaper
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
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“It’s entirely possible that you are already playing an Alpha Legion army without realising it, that’s how sneaky they are.“
Warhammer Community, 14 November 2019
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
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Honestly lost inspiration for these chaps toward the end so I just added an Incubin Darknes glaze all over the more physical pieces and decided to move on to another project.
#ThornsOfTheBriarQueen #AgeofSigmar #Warhammer #PaintingWarhammer #Nighthaunt #Nightvault #Beastgrave #Shadespure #WarhammerUnderworlds #Underworlds #UnderworldsNightvault #MiniPainting #Warmongers https://www.instagram.com/p/B48RrPSnDrF/?igshid=14svfui6uw4tm
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
Why is there no UWR Artifact themed Legendary Creature? There's UW, UR, Mono U, Mono R, and a lot of W legendary cards that care about artifacts but none with all 3 colours combined?
There are a lot of themes and a lot of color combinations.
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
These all look great but that last sentence really sold me on this post
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Since I’m neglecting all my models at the moment I figured I’d post some pics of my Tyranids.
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Tyranids are the army that got me into Warhammer 40,000 back in 1995; a friend of mine sold me a couple of unfinished Genestealers and my interest just grew from there.
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My original Nids went through so many different paint schemes that the detail was well and truely filled in on some of them. It wasn’t until my late teens did I come up with this purple on purple scheme.
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I’ve had a few different Nids armies over the years, with colour schemes I just could not get into. Finally I came back to my old scheme and am happy to stick with it.
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Despite Genestealers being the first Nids I ever got, I don’t actually have any in my list. This is because it bothers me that Genestealers do not look like Tyranids.
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Genestealers do not have a segmented carapace, they barely have the 5 plates on their heads that all Nids have and their feet are clawed not hoofed. They’re a hold-over from Rogue Trader combined into Tyranids for convenience sake but were never redesigned.
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You can say they look different because they are cross bred with humans via the Genestealer Cult life cycle but that only makes me wonder what brand new, just born by the Hive Ship Purestrain Genestealer looks like…
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This thing? It looks less like a Tyranid than the model does.
I like Genestealers, but prefer to think of them as seperate to Tyranids in my own headcanon; however, since Purestrain Genestealers do not get GSC traits for some reason, I don’t have any in my Genestealer Cult army list either.
They don’t look like Nids and they don’t get to use the same rules as the rest of the GSC army. Poor Genestealers be left out.
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Last photos are of my Tyrannocyte (which doesn’t fit in my photobox). I don’t understand why GeeDubs designed the Tyrannocyte/Sporocyst to have 5 of everything. They have 5 Deathspitters, 5 sets of armour plates, 5 tentacles… So much 5, when Tyranids are supposed to have 6.
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Tyranids are insectoid; they’re not starfish. And their Tyrannocytes are certainly not just fleshy versions of Space Marine Drop Pods (cough cough). Which is why I converted my Tyrannocyte to have 3 of most things and 6 tendrils at the bottom; my Haruspex aint dropping into no battlefield in an aesthetically unpleasing pod.
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
This looks great! Keep up the good work!
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Look! A mini! My first painted miniature. A stormcast eternal, because there were no space marines in the painting workshop (and with the exchange rate in my country being outrageous, I was delighted just by seeing Warhammer minis).
The dudes who helped me paint were kind, knowledgeable and really cool. One of them even brought his Blood Angels codex just to show me. I may have walked away for a moment just to process the EMOTIONS.
I am really happy and excited about painting minis. I mean, this boy here dispelled in a couple of days the 20+ years I had spent thinking I had NO paint skills AT ALL.
Also his name is Tymrael. And I love him.
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
Pressing F to pay respects 💔
rip I sleeved my EDH deck to realize I only had 99 sleeves… :(
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
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Here’s the updated version of the Oath of the Prism! A paladin oath inspired by the new She-Ra show which is really good btw!
[Brewer’s Supplies]
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
My Hallowed Knights are in the case! My girlfriend took some nice shots, looking forward to getting another 10 sequitors painted!
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
me in a depressive episode: im just not really progressing my board state right now :(
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
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The description of this photo on the Death Guard page on 1d4chan is never not the funniest thing ever said by anyone in the warhammer community
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iz-it-game-time · 5 years
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I had some time recovering from surgery recently so I decided to put it to good use once I was up and about.
My modular games table has to have a river in it if you want it to be all green...
Or at least, that used to be true.
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I managed to get enough sections done to do the whole 8x4 foot thing in green side without the river.
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Even managed to work in the old crashed Aquilla Lander from 4th edition that I still had.
But wait, there's more...
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It's not finished yet, but I couldn't help myself once the resin cured. I built enough beach tiles to do one edge of the board; for those epic coastal assault themed game moments.
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And because I'm a whore for rivers I built an estuary to link the river with the beach. Works well with the waterfall I already had that linked the river with the mountains.
Haven't got time this morning to set it up with all the trees but you get the idea.
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