izzy-art-879 · 6 hours
KND Digimon: Other Characters Part 2
Cree Lincoln's (formerly known as Numbuh 11) partner is the ruthless and dependent Lopmon. Cree met Lopmon when she was a cadet. The two grew closer and closer as time went on and when Cree escaped decommissioning on her 13th birthday and joined the Teen Ninjas, Lopmon joined her as well. Lopmon may seem cute and innocent, but she is cold and calculating like her partner. She uses her cuteness to fool KND operatives and kids and manipulates them for the Teen Ninjas' plan. Lopmon used to be sweet and sensitive and was like a big sister to Renamon (There may be a part of Lopmon who still cares about her). Lopmon is dependent on Cree and hates the thought of being abandoned by her. When not doing evil work, the two like to go shopping together. Cree's D.I.G.I.V.I.C.E. is purple.
Lopmon's Digivolution Line 🖤:
Fresh: Conomon
In-Training: Kokomon
Champion: Wendigomon
Ultimate: Antylamon (Evil)
Mega: Cherubimon (Evil)
Lopmon's second Mega form is Lilithmon who first appeared in Operation: M.A.U.R.I.C.E. Her past Digivolution line when she was part of the KND was Turuiemon (Champion), Good Antylamon (Ultimate) and Good Cherubimon (Mega).
Chad Dickson's (formerly known as Supreme Leader Numbuh 274) partner is the ferocious and tough Dracomon. They both met when Chad was a cadet. Dracomon used to be timid but has grown to be heroic during his time with Chad. But that all changed after their scheme in Operation: E.N.D. (That was part of a cover-up). Now Dracomon became a jerk to the Kids Next Door and to their partners. However what they don't know is that Chad and Dracomon are in the Teens Next Door and have been secretly helping Sector V. The two want to be the strongest so they're training every day to truly become the best of the best. Chad's D.I.G.I.V.IC.E. is red and blue.
Dracomon's Digivolution Line 🐲:
Fresh: Pettimon
In-Training: Babydmon
Champion: Coredramon (Green)
Ultimate: Groundramon
Mega: Breakdramon
Dracomon's second Mega form is Dorbickmon who first appeared in Operation: T.R.E.A.T.Y. His past Digivolution line was Blue Coredramon (Champion), Wingdramon (Ultimate) and Slayerdramon.
Numbuh 9's partner is the smart and brave Hawkmon. They both met when Maurice as a cadet. Hawkmon is kind, caring and wise. He and Maurice share a deep bond with each other ever since Maurice was a cadet and Hawkmon was a Pururumon. When they were "decommissioned", they were recruited by the Teen Ninjas but it was actually a cover up. They were actually recruited by the Teens Next Door. He is also close with Renamon as friends.
Hawkmon's Digivolution Line 🪶:
Fresh: Pururumon
In-Training: Poromon
Champion: Aquilamon
Ultimate: Garudamon
Mega: Varodurumon
Hawkmon's second Mega form is Ravemon who first appeared in Operation: P.A.R.T.Y. His Digivolution line didn't change because Hawkmon is still on the side of good. Hawkmon can armor digivolve to Halsemon with the Digi-Egg of Love and to Rinkmon with the Digi-Egg of Friendship.
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izzy-art-879 · 16 hours
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izzy-art-879 · 1 day
I still can't get over how cute she is! She is truly a rainbow girl! Thank you so much for drawing her! 🌈
Hi! Could you draw my OC Paloma/Numbuh 162? She is a Mexican-American 10 year old girl who wears rainbow goggles on her head and wears a rainbow heart shirt with rainbow suspenders and a skirt. She wears rainbow high knee socks with tennis shoes. She has brown hair in two back ponytails.
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Rainbow girl!!!
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izzy-art-879 · 1 day
KND Digimon: Other Characters
Numbuh 362's partner is the shy and gentle Sistermon Blanc (Rachel calls her Blanc for short). They both met after Rachel joined the Kids Next Door. Blanc helps Rachel with her job as Supreme Leader and makes sure she takes breaks so she doesn't overwork herself. Blanc is also known as the Supreme Digi-Leader to the other Digimon and has a secret crush on Guilmon. Rachel's D.I.G.I.V.I.C.E. is cyan.
Blanc's Digivolution Line 😇:
Fresh: Puttimon
In-Training: Kyupimon
Champion: Darcmon
Ultimate: Angewomon
Mega: Ophanimon
Numbuh 86's partner is the prideful and arrogant Floramon. They both met after Fanny joined the Kids Next Door. Floramon is the only one who can calm Fanny down and she's basically Fanny's only friend. That's why they're so close to each other and why Fanny trusts her than anybody. Floramon doesn't hate boys like Fanny but acts all high and mighty around male Digimon. Other than that, she's pretty nice to others. Fanny's D.I.G.I.V.I.C.E. is light green.
Floramon's Digivolution Line 🌼:
Fresh: Yuramon
In-Training: Tanemon
Champion: Kiwimon
Ultimate: Blossomon
Mega: Lotosmon
Numbuh 60's partner is the cool and tactical SnowAgumon. They met when Patton was a cadet. SnowAgumon trains the cadets' partners to prepare them for missions and battles. SnowAgumon is stern and strict but shows his soft side to Patton, the cadets and Digimon cadets. Patton's D.I.G.I.V.I.C.E. is dark green.
SnowAgumon's Digivolution Line ❄️:
Fresh: Botamon
In-Training: Koromon
Champion: Frigimon
Ultimate: Korikakumon
Mega: Vikemon
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izzy-art-879 · 2 days
KND Digimon AU: Digivolution Lines
Numbuh 1's partner: Guilmon 🔥
Fresh: Jyarimon
In-Training: Gigimon
Champion: Growlmon
Ultimate: WarGrowlmon
Mega: Gallantmon
Guilmon's other Mega forms are Megidramon (first appeared when Numbuh 1's anger ran high during an intense battle with Father) and Gallantmon X (first appeared in Operation: Z.E.R.O.)
Numbuh 2's partner: FanBeemon 🐝
Fresh: Pupumon
In-Training: Puroromon
Champion: Waspmon
Ultimate: Vespamon
Mega: TigerVespamon
FanBeemon's second Mega form is QueenBeemon (goes by she/her pronouns) who first appears in Operation: T.R.I.C.Y.C.L.E.
Numbuh 3's partner: Salamon 🐶
Fresh: YukimiBotamon
In-Training: Nyaromon
Champion: Gatomon
Ultimate: Lillymon
Mega: Rosemon
Salamon's second Mega form is MarineAngemon who first appears in Operation: H.O.M.E.
Numbuh 4's partner: Veemon ✌🏻
Fresh: Chibomon
In-Training: DemiVeemon
Champion: ExVeemon
Ultimate: RizeGreymon
Mega: VictoryGreymon
Veemon's second Mega form is ShineGreymon who first appears in Operation: S.A.F.E.T.Y. Veemon can also armor digivolve with the Digi-Egg of Courage and the Digi-Egg of Hope after Numbuh 4 found both of them during a mission. With the Digi-Egg of Courage, he becomes Flamedramon and with the Digi-Egg of Hope he becomes Sagittarimon.
Numbuh 5's partner: Renamon 🦊
Fresh: Relemon
In-Training: Viximon
Champion: Kyubimon
Ultimate: Taomon
Mega: Sakuyamon
Renamon's second Mega form is Dianamon who first appears in Operation: C.A.R.A.M.E.L.
Bonus: DNA Digivolution
Gallantmon and TigerVespamon: Gallantmon Crimson Mode
Rosemon and VictoryGreymon: Imperialdramon Fighter Mode
Sakuyamon and TigerVespamon: Sakuyamon Maid Mode
Sakuyamon and Rosemon: Rosemon Burst Mode
VictoryGreymon and TigerVespamon: BanchoStingmon
Gallantmon and Sakuyamon: MedievalGallantmon
Champion Version:
Growlmon and Kyubimon: Kyukimon
Waspmon and Growlmon: Okuwamon
Gatomon and ExVeemon: Beastmon
Kyubimon and ExVeemon: WereGarurumon
ExVeemon and Waspmon: AeroVeedramon
Gatomon and Kyubimon: Cho-Hakkaimon
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izzy-art-879 · 4 days
KND Digimon AU
This is an AU where the Kids Next Door are given Digimon partners to help defeat adult tyranny.
Mostly KND Operatives have Digimon partners and need to treat them with love and care.
However some villains like Father manage to capture and corrupt Digimon from the Digital World to do his evil bidding.
Numbuh 1's partner is the playful and loyal Guilmon. He met Guilmon after he rescued him from the Delightful Children when Guilmon was a Gigimon. The Delightful Children captured Gigimon to train him into an obedient Digimon that supports adult tyranny. Nigel had befriended the young Gigimon after Gigimon accidentally stumbled into the real world. The two had bonded so when the Delightful Children kidnapped him, Nigel had to go save him. Nigel may have lost his hair during the rescue but he rescued Gigimon who later became Guilmon once he began a cadet. Ever since then, the two have been close.
Numbuh 2's partner is the dedicated and cheerful FanBeemon. He met FanBeemon when Numbuh 2 was a cadet and FanBeemon was a Pupumon.
Numbuh 3's partner is the cute and friendly Salamon. She met Salamon when Kuki was a cadet and Salamon was a YukimiBotamon. Like Kuki, Salamon also has an aggressive side and loves Rainbow Monkeys.
Numbuh 4's partner is the mischievous and adventurous Veemon. He met Veemon when Wally first came to America and Veemon was a DemiVeemon who wandered into the real world but got injured. Wally took him in and ever since then, they became close friends. Veemon has a crush on Salamon and is kinda smarter than his partner but still slow on some things.
Numbuh 5's partner is the serene and collected Renamon. She met Renamon when she was a cadet and Renamon was a Relemon. At first, Relemon was shy and quiet but later warmed up to Abby and has always been by her side. Renamon may look serious but she does have a sense of humor and is the voice of reason of her fellow Digimon friends. She was once close with Cree's partner Lopmon.
The Digimon partners are often called "Digimon Next Door".
When an operative turns 13 and gets decommissioned, their partner also gets decommission and turns back into a Digi-Egg where they are put into the Kids Next Door Digimon Daycare and Nursery. However, when an operative escapes their decommission they also take their partner with them. Mainly because they don't wanna lose their partners/best friends.
However, some operatives get to keep their partners in the Teens Next Door after faking decommissioning.
Of course, the KND have Digivices called the D.I.G.I.V.I.C.E. (Digital Intelligence Impacts Greatly In Victorious Insight Children Earn) which is a Tamagotchi-like Digivice that can be worn as a necklace. These Digivices not only allow Digivolution but can heal Digimon wounds, scan Digimon for info and can store items. They can even be used for Digi-fusion. They come in many different colors (Red for Nigel, sky blue for Hoagie, green for Kuki, orange for Wally and dark blue for Abby).
Some operatives can have two Digimon partners.
According to stories, Numbuh 0's partner was a Flamemon who was the reincarnation of AncientGreymon, one of the Ten Legendary Warriors.
The legendary Sector Z's partners went missing when Sector Z mysteriously disappeared. Some say they were so heartbroken about losing their partners that they ran away to the Digital World, others said they became Digi-Eggs. What they don't know is that their partners went into hiding, waiting for the time when they can get their partners back....
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izzy-art-879 · 6 days
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Here's Numbuh 162, the 2x4 Technology Officer and lover of rainbows of Sector QT! Here's some extra facts about her.
Her parents moved to Richmond before she was born.
Her last name Arcoíris is Spanish for "rainbow" which fits her love for rainbows and colors.
If she had to pick a favorite color other than rainbow, it would be pink.
She knows some Spanish from her parents and relatives but can't speak Spanish fully.
The name Paloma means "dove."
Her nicknames are Pam and Pammy.
She is considered very attractive and cute and pretty so many boys in her class and in the KND often flirt with her. However, she is oblivious to this and takes it as them being nice.
She creates new weapons and gadgets such as the G.L.I.T.T.E.R.B.O.M.B.S and the S.K.A.T.E.B.O.A.R.D.S.
She not only loves Rainbow Monkeys, but also fashion doll brands such as Brittany (a parody of Barbie) and Scented Sheep plushes (a parody of Care Bears and Squishmallows).
She LOVES glitter and anything sparkly and cute! (She goes crazy for glitter! Make sure you never run out of glitter when Numbuh 162's around...)
She is the combination of Hoagie/Numbuh 2 and Kuki/Numbuh 3.
Her favorite Rainbow Monkeys are the Glittering Color Rainbow Monkey (which is colored rainbow, decorated in glitter and even glows in the dark) and the Theater Actor Rainbow Monkey (which may reference her secret crush on Monroe!).
Just because she's oblivious to some things and can be a bit of an airhead doesn't mean she's not smart. She has a high intelligence and is a skilled fighter.
She likes to sketch out her weapons before building them.
She acts as second-in-command whenever Cyrus is away or out sick.
She loves anime! Her favorite is the magical girl genre!
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izzy-art-879 · 8 days
KND Swap AU: Part 2
The Six-Gum Gang - The Delightful Children From Down the Lane
Vin Moosk - Mrs. Thompson
Windsor - Valerie
Chad Dickson - Cree Lincoln
Numbuh 85 - Tommy Gilligan
The Lovely Children From Around the Corner consists of Runt, Lunk, Goof, Wilbur and Dixie. They are polite and proper to the adults and rude to the other kids, especially to the Kids Next Door (mainly Sector VI). They talk in southern accents in unison, want to become adults as soon as possible and use robots and machines to destroy the KND.
The Delightful Gang consists of Bruce, David, Alessandra, Lenny and Constance. They are a gang of western cowboy robbers who work for the Lovely Children. They enjoying stealing other kids' belongings like toys, candy and homework.
Vin Moosk, better known as Mr. Moosk at school, is the homeroom teacher of Sector VI, the Lovely Children and other classmates at Gallagher Elementary School. He seems nice, stern and kind but is secretly the King of the Weredogs after being given a cursed necklace by his angry and bitter ex-wife. He turned most of his Honor Roll students into weredogs where they eat other students' homework.
Jolene Thompson was once an accountant working at Accounting and Daughter until one day she realized that accounting is boring and hated wearing ties. So she became a Tie Hunter and kicks the butts of ties everywhere. She is a bit eccentric but means well. She recruits Numbuh 362 in her rebellion. Numbuh 362 was at first wary of her but later on, she considers Jolene as a friend.
Windsor is part of the Honor Roll Society at Gallagher Elementary School and is Numbuh 60's school rival. He is snotty and enjoys bragging about his school accomplishments and grades to the other students, specially Numbuh 60. He is a teacher's pet and a favorite of Mr. Moosk. He is also a Weredog who eats homework. He also has a cute pet puppy who he is possessive of.
Valerie is the daughter of Jolene's former boss (who she refers to as Mommy) at Accounting and Daughter who pretended to be a Tie Hunter to make Jolene an accountant again since she was the best accountant at the company. She is a junior executive at the company and managed to fool Jolene into thinking she wants to fight ties alongside her.
Chad Drilovsky (formerly known as Numbuh 274) is the older brother of Numbuh 60 and is one of the most wanted enemies of the KND. He escaped decommissioning on his 13th birthday and joined the Teen Ninjas. He is ruthless, cunning and a skilled fighter. He and his brother are arch-nemesis although, deep down , he misses how close they were when they were younger and slightly cares about Patton.
Cree Lincoln (formerly known as Numbuh 11) was the Supreme Leader of the Kids Next Door before Numbuh 1 and is the older sister of Abby. She was the best of the best but when she turned 13, she escaped decommissioning and defected to the Teen Ninjas. As Supreme Leader she was loyal, humble and mild-mannered. But after becoming a Teen Ninja, she became a jerk and self-absorbed. Her relationship with her little sister became strained and is a cheerleader at school. However, there may be more to Cree than what meets the eye...
Paddy Fulbright is the younger brother of Numbuh 86. He loves to hang out with his sister but often can't due to her being busy with the KND which kinda makes him jealous. He can come off as annoying to others but means well. He was formerly known as Numbuh P (despite P not being a number) but removed his booger from the Code Module to save the KND from being stuck as animals. Due to not being able to re-enter the Kids Next Door, he instead became known as "The Paddy", a vigilante who protects kids everywhere. Fanny and Paddy have a little brother named Shaunie.
Numbuh 2.0 (Tommy Gilligan) is the younger brother of Numbuh 2 and part of Sector W. He is a bit of a slacker and is always goofing off, much to the dismay of his brother. He and his brother have a pretty good relationship but he fears his brother's temper.
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izzy-art-879 · 8 days
Sector QT LGBTQ Headcanons
Since it's Pride Month, I've decided to make LGBTQ headcanons for Sector QT!
Cyrus/Numbuh 161: Bisexual
Paloma/Numbuh 162: Pansexual
Monroe/Numbuh 163: Bisexual
Judy/Numbuh 164: Demisexual
Dee/Numbuh 165 (he's a squirrel but why not?): Demiromantic
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izzy-art-879 · 14 days
Well-Mannered Children/Wild Kids Headcanons
(WM for Well-Mannered and W for Wild)
The Well-Mannered Children are the type of kids who not just snitch on other kids to the teachers but also occasionally blackmails the kids.
The Wild Kids prefer living in the woods than in the Well-Mannered Mansion.
WM Bruce hates being called short or shortie and will either glare at the person calling him short or use some ray gun to obliterate them.
W Bruce will punch, kick and bite anyone calling him short.
The Wild Kids have a romantic and love crazy side. The boys will try and charm the ladies (with cheesy pickup lines) while the girls will be more straightforward and kiss the boys they like (kinda like the Kanker Sisters from Ed, Edd n Eddy). Their "crushes" will always run away from them out of fear but the Wild Kids chase them around, thinking that they're playing hard to get. All of them think they're so smooth.
The Well-Mannered Kids are more reserved when it comes to love. However if they do find love, they would shower their crushes/partners with gifts and affection.
Unlike their well-mannered counterparts, the Wild Kids HATE school and if they turn wild in school, they'll just ditch school or cause trouble in school.
W David is more dumber and stupid in his wild form.
Both the Well-Mannered Children and Wild Kids have a sweet tooth. However when the Wild Kids eat too much sugar, they go a lot more crazy than they already are.
When the Well-Mannered Children were well-mannerized, they lost all memories of who they were before. Mother told them they were orphans before she adopted them but that's not the full truth...
Before attending Sector QT's school, the Well-Mannered Children attended a private school for rich kids but got expelled due to an incident involving their wild sides.
Marybeth March, a girl from school, has a huge crush on Bruce (both his well-mannered side and wild side). WM Bruce ignores her advances towards him while W Bruce happily reciprocates .
The Well-Mannered Children keep a deer skull (who was their first kill when they were the Wild Kids) and named it Bernice. They (and their wild sides) are very attached to her.
The Wild Kids have very different individual personalities than the Well-Mannered Children: W Bruce is cocky and bold, W David is dumb and a hopeless romantic, W Alessandra is playful and flirty, W Lenny is outgoing and loud and W Constance is witty and bold.
The Wild Kids hate taking baths and love smelling terrible.
The Wild Kids' favorite sport is dodgeball. They're really good at it and can give someone a concussion just by throwing a dodgeball due to their strength.
The Well-Mannered Children are terrible at sports and can't pitch a baseball to save their life.
The Wild Kids want to appreciated by Mother more like their well-mannered counterparts.
Both sides wish they can just separate and live their lives without each other (But secretly care about each other, they just don't want to admit it).
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izzy-art-879 · 22 days
Cutie and the Beast: Chapter 1
The sun rose on a quaint little town as morning came. As the villagers became to wake up, a small house's door opened as a young girl with red frizzy hair walked out of it, her hand carrying a small basket. She wears a blue and white dress with a white apron and black Mary-Janes. This girl was named Fanny and she lived with her single father who was an inventor. However, some people in town thought he was a lunatic and a madman and sure he was cranky and obnoxious he was anything but a lunatic. He loved his daughter with all his heart and Fanny encouraged him to continue his work.
Speaking of Fanny, she was a beautiful little girl but the townspeople thought she was a bit strange. Yes she was in fact pretty, she was the kind of girl who would rather read books all than than play with dolls or talk about boys. While the other girls were talking about who their crushes being their future husbands or which pretty dress they should get, Fanny had her nose in her book all day long. Fanny didn't care if the town thought she was odd or weird, she usually ignored them or yelled at them to shut it. She wasn't a pushover and had a temper, but other than that she was a nice and friendly girl who was headstrong at times.
Fanny walked around town as she saw people walking and doing their usual jobs such as making food and sweets, pulling carts, opening their stores, moving objects and more. Kids were playing with their toys or at the playground. Fanny walked past a bakery when she was greeted by a tall, blonde man in said bakery.
"Ah, Fanny! Good morning, dear!" The man said in an Australian accent.
"Good morning, Mr. Beetles!" Fanny replied in her thick Irish accent.
"Where ya off to?" Mr Beetles asked.
"The bookshop. I just finished the most wonderful story yet! It's about a beanstalk and an ogre and-!" Fanny said before she was interrupted by Mr. Beatles placing a tray of baked goods on the window.
"That's nice, dear. Evie! The muffins, hurry up!" Mr. Beetles said as he called out to his wife. Fanny huffed and shrugged her shoulders. She continued her walk to the bookstore. She finally arrived there and opened the door where the small bell above the door rang.
"Ah, hello Fanny!" Mrs. Thompson, the owner of bookstore, said as she welcomed her favorite customer.
"Good morning, Mrs. Thompson! I'm here to return the book I borrowed." Fanny said as she pulled out a book from her basket and handed it to her.
"Finished already? You just borrowed it three days ago." Ms. Thompson said as she took the book and giggled.
"I know, I know. I just couldn't put it down. It was so interesting! And you know that I'm a fast reader." Fanny replied as she looked through the shelves looking for a new book. "You got anything new?"
"Sorry dear, but not since yesterday." Ms. Thompson said as she shook her head.
"Oh, that's okay. I'll just borrow...this one!" Fanny picked out a yellow book from the shelf and handed it to Ms. Thompson.
"That one? But you read it twice!" Ms. Thompson said, astonished.
"Yeah, but it's my favorite! Far off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!" Fanny exclaimed as she twirled with a wide grin on her face. Ms. Thompson chuckled at her excitement. She always loved Fanny's love of books and her imagination.
"Well if you like it so much, it's yours. I insist." The brunette woman said, walking her out of her store and giving her the book.
"Really? Oh, thank you! Thank you very much, ma'am!" Fanny graciously said as she walked out of the store and began to read her book while taking a stroll. The people in town saw her reading and began to gossip about her as usual, but Fanny didn't care. She loved being sucked into the world of fiction in the books and hoped that one day, she'll have an exciting adventure like the characters in the books instead of just living a simple and boring life.
On the other side of town was an archery range. An arrow hit a painted red target. Two boys were in the archery range. An boy with orange hair wearing a red tunic, brown gloves, black pants and brown boots with gold buckles. He was holding an arrow and was the one who made the shot. Next to him was an overweight boy with black hair and wears a red vest with a brown coat and black shoes.
"Amazing shot as always, Bernard! You're the best, no, the greatest archer in the world!" The black-haired boy named Josh said to Bernard, the orange-haired boy, who was looking at his finely-manicured hands.
"I know." Bernard said with a smirk on his face.
"No one stands a chance against you! And no girl for that matter!" Josh said with a big grin on his face.
"It's true, Josh, and I've got my sights on that one!" Bernard said as he pointed to Fanny who was talking to some kids before burying her nose in a book.
"Wait, what? F-Fanny?! The inventor's daughter?" Josh exclaimed with a shocked expression.
"Of course! She's the one! The lucky girl who's going to be my girlfriend!" Bernard said with a dreamy look on his face.
"But she's-"
"The most beautiful girl in town, I know!"
"Yeah, but she's-"
"That makes her the best!" Bernard said. He dropped the bow and grabbed Josh by his coat, glaring at him. "And don't I deserve the best?" He growled, making Josh shiver in fear.
"Y-Yes! O-Of course you do! I-I mean you do!" Josh stuttered. Satisfied, Bernard dropped Josh and looked in his handheld mirror.
"Obviously! I mean, just look at me! I am the best!" Bernard smugly said. Bernard was the handsomest boy in town and excelled in lots of things. Everybody loved him and the boys in town were jealous of him. Of course, he had many admirers but the one he really wanted was Fanny. Fanny, however, couldn't stand him. He was such a narcissist and attention-seeker, not to mention he was obsessed with his looks 24/7. She hated people like him but he wouldn't take the hint and kept bugging her. He's always had a crush on her since Kindergarten and wouldn't stop until Fanny was his girlfriend and eventually future wife.
Fanny, still walking and reading her book, was stopped by Bernard who was smirking at her with Josh at his side, trying to look cool.
"Hello, Fanny." Bernard said with a smirk on his face. Fanny rolled her eyes. Not this again, she thought.
"Good morning, Bernard." She said, trying to be polite. Bernard snatched her book away from her, much to the shock and annoyance of Fanny. She was starting to lose her temper.
"Hey! Give me my book back!" Fanny said as she tried to grab it back from him. Bernard ignored her.
"Fanny, dear, how can you even read this? There's no pictures!" Bernard said, flipping through the pages.
Fanny crossed her arms and answered him with annoyance in her tone, "There's a thing called imagination. Heard of it?"
"Now, now, Fanny, I think it's time to stop reading to these books and start paying attention to more important things such as moi!" Bernard said pointing to himself. He threw the book on the ground.
"Grr! As if!" Fanny said as she picked up the book and dusted off the dirt on it. "You are positively primal, Bernard!"
"Why thank you!" Bernard said with a chuckle, not knowing that wasn't a comment much to Fanny's chagrin. "How about you and me go for a walk and see me shot some arrows? Maybe I'll hit something. I am a good hunter!"
"Ugh, no thanks." Fanny said in disgust. Behind Bernard were three girls: one with ginger hair and two with blonde hair. They were sighing romantically at Bernard and looked at Fanny with envy.
"What's wrong with her?" The ginger haired girl, Maddie, asked when she saw Fanny reject Bernard's offer.
"She's crazy to reject him! What does he even see in her?" The blonde haired girl, Jalen, asked with envy.
"He's gorgeous!" The other blonde haired girl, Mary-Lou, said with a lovesick sigh, focusing more on Bernard. The other girls also sighed and begin to swoon over him again.
"Look, Bernard, I can't. One, I don't like you and two, I have to go home and help my father. See ya!" Fanny said trying to leave until Josh laughed out loud.
"Oh you mean that crazy old loon? Yeah, that grumpy old man needs all the help he can get! He's not even a good inventor! Everything he makes literally blows up in his face!" Josh said, making both him and Bernard laugh. Fanny in anger pounded Josh on his head.
"Hey!" Josh said in pain.
"Don't you dare talk about my father that way, you stupid boy!" Fanny shouted.
"Yeah! Don't talk about her father that way!" Bernard said, trying to act all innocent and taking Fanny's side. He also pounded Josh on his head.
"Ouch!" Josh said rubbing his head. Fanny just rolled her eyes and knew that Bernard was just pretending to take her side.
"My father's not crazy! He's a genius and the best inventor ever!" Fanny said, defending her father. Just then, a loud explosion was heard from Fanny's house.
"Well, kinda." Fanny said nervously before rushing home to find out what happened and to help her father. She ignored the two idiots laughing their butts off and focused on helping the mess her father made this time.
(There we go! Chapter 1 of Cutie and the Beast! I gave characters who didn't have names on the show names such as Numbuh 19th Century who I named Bernard and Numbuh 50 Million B.C. who I named after his voice actor Josh Peck.)
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izzy-art-879 · 23 days
KND Swap AU: Part 1
A swap/role-reversal AU! I've seen that most swap AUs have Sector V switch roles with the Delightful Children/Sector Z but I decided to do something a little different!
Numbuh 362 - Numbuh 1
Numbuh 86 - Numbuh 2
Numbuh 35 - Numbuh 3
Numbuh 23 - Numbuh 4
Numbuh 60 - Numbuh 5
Sector V is now called Sector VI.
Numbuh 1 (Nigel Uno) is the Supreme Leader of the Kids Next Door and still retains his workaholic personality but is friendly and supportive. Although he loves his job, the pressure does sometimes gets to him.
Numbuh 2 (Hoagie P. Gilligan) is the Head of Decommissioning. He still tells bad jokes but is bossy, stubborn and loud at times. He doesn't hate girls but doesn't want to put them in harm's way, so he can come off as sexist to others.
Numbuh 3 (Kuki Sanban) is a Moonbase Scout and the Sooper-Stealthy Communications Officer. She still retains her cheerful personality but is a bit of a nerd and loves Yipper.
Numbuh 4 (Wally Beetles) is the Incendiary Confectionary Munitions Agent. He's a pretty cheerful but can be pretty crazy at times with his candy weapons. He's also a fan of Rainbow Monkeys.
Numbuh 5 (Abby Lincoln) is the Drill Sergeant at the Kids Next Door Arctic Base. She is strict and stern when training the cadets and has a serious personality. Despite that, she is loyal to the KND and has a laid-back side. She is a close friend of Numbuh 1 and her sister is the formerly Supreme Leader Numbuh 11.
As for Sector VI...
Numbuh 362 (Rachel T. McKenzie) is the workaholic leader of Sector VI and would rather go on missions than hang out and play at the park. She tends to be paranoid and is quick to jump into action. She puts her team before herself and cares deeply about them.
Numbuh 86 (Fanny Fulbright) is the 2x4 Technology Officer of Sector VI. She is a nerd and enjoys eating food. She enjoys cracking bad jokes and puns much to the annoyance of her team. She is also known to play detective whenever there's a mystery.
Numbuh 35 (Bartie Storks) is the Diversionary Tactics Expert and Medical Specialist of Sector VI. He is optimistic, clueless and loves Rainbow Monkeys. He has an aggressive side when someone insults Rainbow Monkeys and takes great care of the hamsters of the Sector VI treehouse.
Numbuh 23 (Virginia Sims) is the Hand-to-Hand Combat Expert and Brawler Weaponry Expert of Sector VI. She is the team's muscle and is the strongest, toughest and wildest member of the team. While she's not very smart, she makes up for it using her fists. She is impulsive and hates Rainbow Monkeys because of how girly they are (Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she has to like Rainbow Monkeys!). She has a crush on Numbuh 35 (but don't you dare tell anyone!).
Numbuh 60 (Patton Drilovsky) is the Second-in-Command and Spy of Sector VI. He is intelligent, calm and book-smart. He is seen as the cool one and usually refers to himself as "Numbuh 60" in the third person. He loves candy and is a candy hunter. He usually goes on candy adventures alone and has a fatherly side. He has a secret crush on Numbuh 86 (despite her bad jokes) and has a fierce rivalry with his older brother Chad.
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izzy-art-879 · 24 days
KND AU: The Princess and the Hamster
Numbuh 5 as Tiana
Hamster Numbuh 5 as Frog Tiana
Numbuh 2 as Prince Naveen
Hamster Numbuh 2 as Frog Naveen
Numbuh 3 as Charlotte La Bouf
Kani Sanban as Eli "Big Daddy" La Bouf
Father as Dr. Facilier
Numbuh 42 as Ray
Maurice as Louis
Leaky Leona as Mama Odie
Bradley as Juju
Numbuh 48 Flavors as Mr. Lawerence
Mrs. Lincoln as Eudora
Dr. Lincoln as James
I know it's been a while since I did a KND Disney AU but don't worry, I haven't stop making them! I also have some other AUs that are not Disney related.
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izzy-art-879 · 26 days
The Wild Kids From Down the Forest
The Wild Kids From Down the Forest are the alternate forms or "wild sides" of the Well-Mannered Children From Up the Street. Their neat uniforms and shoes are ripped, their hair is messy and they have vibrant skin tones and hair colors than their pale Well-Mannered counterparts. True to their name, these kids are wild but on a more extreme level. These guys are feral, bloodthirsty, ruthless, short-tempered and ravenous. They always have food on their mind and eat anything they can get their hands on including animals, trash and even attempt to eat people making them cannibalistic. Unlike their well-mannered counterparts, the Wild Kids rely on brawn more than brains and will attack anyone in their way or just for fun.
They hang out in the forest, in their cave or in the junkyard. Anyone who's in their territory is never seen again. They also have a dark sense of humor and are wise-cracking. They are goofy and more carefree and relaxed than the well-mannered sides. They enjoy getting dirty and smelly and hate taking baths. They are excellent hunters and have the abilities of animals (ex: running as fast as cheetah, night vision like an owl and powerful jaws like an alligator). This makes them formidable enemies to the Kids Next Door.
Their favorite victims to torment are Sector QT. They enjoy chasing them around, trying to eat them, beating them up and forcing them to play "games" with them which the Wild Kids always win at (usually by cheating). They can be defeated by tricking them into eating healthy food, tiring them out or forcing them to take a bath which causes them to take a bath. Sector QT are obviously scared of them and fear them more than they fear the Well-Mannered Children. They usually try to avoid making the Well-Mannered Children angry because that's when the Wild Kids come out and play.
The Wild Kids cause trouble and destruction wherever they go on purpose and have no remorse whatsoever. They obey no one, only Mother (who they prefer to call her Mom or Ma) and of course, adore her. When they get tired out or defeated, they turn back into the Well-Mannered Children. However, perhaps deep down, the Wild Kids really want someone who understands them and doesn't see them as monsters.
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izzy-art-879 · 28 days
KND Crackships
Here's some of my KND crackships that I came up with. Let me know what your favorite KND crackship/crack pairing is.
Mushi Sanban x Tommy Gilligan
Windsor x Valerie
Numbuh 65.3 x Lizzie Devine
Bruce x Marybeth March
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izzy-art-879 · 1 month
The Well-Mannered Children From Up the Street
The Well-Mannered Children From Up the Street are one of the enemies of Sector QT and the adopted children of Mother. They are bent on adult supremacy and the destruction of the Kids Next Door. They were Well-Mannerized by Mother and became the "perfect children" that all adults/parents want. They obey adults, are sticklers for rules, and wish to become adults themselves. Their names are Bruce, David, Alessandra, Lenny and Constance. They are intelligent, sophisticated and love to show off to their peers. They use advanced technology to try and take down Kids Next Door, mainly Sector QT. However, they frequently get annoyed by Sector QT's antics and obliviousness, whether it's intentional or not. Even thought they're enemies, Sector QT does try to get along with them, albeit with little success, much to the Well-Mannered Children's annoyance (Although they'll never admit it, they do appreciate it since no one else has done that before).
Yes, they are truly well-mannered, delightful and perfect in every way....however, they do have one flaw that came from the effects of the well-mannerization since the Well-Mannered Machine was a prototype. Oh, the machine worked all right but unfortunately it gave the Well-Mannered Children a wild side.
(Instead of speaking in sync and having a hive mind, the Well-Mannered Children speak individually. And don't worry, I'll explain more the WMCFUTS' wild sides.)
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izzy-art-879 · 1 month
Sector QT Voice Actor Headcanons
Just some voice actor headcanons for Sector QT!
Numbuh 161 - Jason Harris Katz (Voiced Chad Dickson/Numbuh 274 and Top Cat)
Numbuh 162 - Stephanie Beatriz (Voiced Vaggie and Mirabel Madrigal)
Numbuh 163 - Scott Menville (Voiced Robin and Jake Armstrong)
Numbuh 164 - Lara Jill Miller (Voiced Kari Kamiya and Lisa Loud)
Numbuh 165 - Dee Bradley Baker (Voiced Wally Beatles/Numbuh 4 and Perry the Platypus)
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