jacesilva-blog · 7 years
text || jace & embry
Embry: ... I'm Supergirl..
Embry: I don't really know how to explain it but it's weird. It's best if I don't come out.
Jace: Oh...you mean like how I just climbed a building and backflipped off of it and landed sort of thing. You're supergirl...shit can you fly? Oh my god do your eyes do the fire thing?
Jace: Babe that's the coolest!!
Jace: And probably totally scary obviously. Do you need me to come to you? You know I will. Fuck this party.
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
text || jace & embry
Embry: I don't think I should be out and about.
Jace: What's wrong, babe?
Jace: I was really looking forward to seeing you in your costume! Catwoman was going to bring Supergirl to the dark side ;)
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
Luciana couldn’t explain what was happening, but when she went to turn the lights on in her room using her magic, she felt a power rise in her that was from a completely different source. Usually she could feel the electrical current spread through her fingers. This time, it felt like her magic was concentrated in her mind. Arriving at the arriving at the festival, she didn’t know what to expect. Was everyone changed? She heard a girl by her speaking a familiar incantation and was immediately curious. She stepped up to the girl and spoke without hesitation “Your magic isn’t working either is it?” It was a bold approach but she needed to know she wasn’t the only one.
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Glancing up in surprise Jace’s eyes came to rest on a familiar face. Slightly different witchy look than normal but still someone she had gone to school with. “Hey Luc. Yeah I don’t know what’s happening but I don’t like it,” Jace explained as she turned her finger, looking first at the blood and then at the very real claws. “I have claws now.” The comment was spoken in a matter of fact tone.
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
“What’s the matter?” he asked her with a raised eyebrow, he wasn’t sure what she was trying to do, but something did seem wrong, and even though he doesn’t remember if they talked or not, he was pretty sure they didn’t, he decided to ask her. He was usually a really caring guy, and  when something seemed wrong with someone, he asked them about it, even if he was a bit awkward when he did, due to the fact that he was shy, but that particular night, he seemed a little less, he wasn’t sure why, but that wasn’t a bad thing.
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“I cut myself with my fake claws or they were fake when I put them on,” Jace mused in answer as she still watched her hands for a moment. Looking up she was surprised to see Superman standing before her. “Well hey there Supes. Where’s Batsy? I’d love to see him,” Jace greeted the words out of her mouth before she could stop to consider them. Why did she suddenly want to see a batman?
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
“Silva.” He greeted before gesturing to the rest of the town, “As in, I feel different and I don’t know if I like it or not. For one thing, he no longer had a burden of a wolf with his lack of enhanced senses. There was another sort of power within him and he didn’t know how to control them.
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“Rendall,” Jace answered slightly surprised by his altered appearance and not having realized it was him at first. Pausing for a moment she focused on her own odd feelings and realized the connection to magic no longer pulsed within her. “Well, shit. I guess I feel weird too. Just another day in fucking Fallcrest.”
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
“I suppose. It’s giving others a panic attack though.” He turned to see a few people freaking out about their newfound powers due to the costumes they were wearing. The one who decided that the alien from Predators was a good idea was surely regretting at the moment. “Fallcrest.. never a dull moment..” Turning to the other, his eyes narrowed, “You seem unaffected.”
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“Well they do live in Fallcrest by choice. You’d think most people would have learned by now,” Jace countered as she too watched a bit of the chaos unfolding. “Unaffected as in not bothered because yeah I’m not,” Jace answered before flashing her claws and climbing the side of the building next to them with ease. Then she backflipped off of the building landing in a three point crouch. “I sure couldn’t do that before.”
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
With the unsettled atmosphere causing Nim’s state of neurosis to multiply, she flew around, hovering a few feet from the ground and recognized that flying was considerably easier without her wings. At least, she thought, she could find one positive element in this bizarre situation. Spying a girl in clear anguish on a ledge, she took inspiration from the character she was currently portraying, and floated over to offer help, only hoping the lady wouldn’t fear her. “I think we’re all feeling the same way, but, are you okay?”
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Luckily the blaze of light came up in her full view or Jace might have lashed out unintentionally again. It still felt odd to look up and see a floating candle of a girl but hey it meant she wasn’t the only weirdo around. “I’m beginning to see that. It’s just a cut. I’ll be fine. Mostly it was just a little surprising to suddenly have claws. Thanks though.”
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
Sean had taken to giving his newfound abilities a good old fashioned test run. And the boy was so not disappointed. His sense were still heightened but in such a different way, and that Spidey-sense -aside from actually tingling- was totally coming in handy as he managed to use it to avoid collisions with other people similarly taking their opportunity to leave the dream…so to speak. Coming across a Catwoman on a ledge, the salve sitting next to her giving away who she was prior to this - seriously, Sean only knew of the one person who carried stuff like that with them everywhere. The day the town got another one, he’d be screwed. “Sup, Señorita!” he exclaimed as he dropped down from a nearby tree.
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The sound of someone coming up beside her had Jace suddenly on high alert and she swiped out with the sharp claws at the figure. Her eyes narrowed in on the other and she gave him a nod. Spiderman. How odd. The instinct to prey on whatever had been near her seemed to dissipate and she felt a bit of her own personally scooting back in. “Are you speaking Spanish because I’m latina because that might make me swipe again,” Jace commented blankly and without much emotion though she was totally joking.
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
“This…” She tried but it came out all weird, “Iiiiisss..” She stomped around again, “Stoooopiiiiiiiddddd.” Eventually she stopped with a huff, sitting on the ground with a thud. This is definitely more ridiculous than being a cat. She shouldn’t have taken Sean’s suggestion in dressing up at all. Why was Halloween a thing? Fallcrest was being such a pain in the ass with its people messing with.. whatever it was they were messing with.
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The voice all but confirmed the cartoon character that her brother loved was in fact standing before her. Jace didn’t understand why but it probably had something to do with all the other weird shit going on. “On the bright side. We both have claws,” Jace offered thought it was mostly joking. She did like the claws and had a weird itch to use them.
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
Kyle had been walking about town, taking in all the newly powered residents. Something of this caliber could only be the action of the Nexus, but exactly what that meant was unclear yet. She could only be content that the costume she had opted for was not too far from her actual nature, with the exception of the heightened sense, which, ironically were not driving her insane. It was a nice reprieve from the chaos that was her usual brain. She glanced up at the sound of the question. “I’m not entirely sure, ma’am. However, it does fair possible that whatever has overtaken the city has now left you as my mother,” she provided.
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Looking up to see someone in a similar costume as her own a weirdly protective feeling fell over her. Did she even know this person? It certainly felt like it. “Wait, what? I am way too young to be a mother,” Jace answered sardonically because some part of her felt like that was certainly true. What the hell kind of magic was this? “Overtaken? I like the sound of that. Bit said I didn’t manage it myself.”
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
text || jace & embry
Embry: hey
Embry: i dun think i can make it to the festival
Embry: hope youre having fun tho
Jace: What? Why?
Jace: I was saving all the fun for you!
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
Waiting on her friends or even her girlfriend to show up to the event Jace hopped up on a nearby ledge and was messing with her clawed gloves. She felt pretty damn good in her outfit but she was bored without anyone around her. Then she felt a sharp scratch and she let out a low catlike hiss as her nails on the gloves somehow cut her. Plastic nails. Blood welled up and she sighed before moving to grab a salve she had in order to use it as a bit of help with the healing. Putting it on she muttered an incantation to help it out but was shocked to find nothing happen. “Okay what the hell?” 
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
Angelito wasn’t a fan of Halloween but nothing could prepare him for the sudden lack of strength. Whatever happened in the night, the half-demon no longer felt his usual magic. Instead, there was a newfound strength ability to him. Knowing that someone out there was up to something, Angelito went out to investigate.  Walking around with his dogs, he realized that it wasn’t only him who was affected, “…. I just saw a dragon fly by.. Why is there a dragon? They should not exist!?”
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Seeing the same thing the man mentioned allowed Jace looked over at him to gauge his reaction. Confusion was all she could see considering he had a mask on. “Animatronic,” Jace wondered aloud even though her real first thought on the matter was magic. How else would a dragon be flying around.
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
Being a shapeshifter, Amaryllis was no stranger to having an animal form but this? This was not what she had expected. The girl only wanted to spend the day over at Sean’s to watch the newest episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved and the boy had insisted that she’d wear a costume since it was Halloween after all. This town - whatever had happened during the night - resulted in the girl suddenly shrinking in size. ‘I hate Halloween’ She thought as she scowled in the middle of the street. This was nothing like being a cat. This was.. She was a damn blue alien. Without the ability to switch back, Stitch was extremely cranky and ended up throwing a tantrum. 
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Very nearly kicking the blue form as she walked down the sidewalk Jace only noticed it because she heard it whining. Thinking she was going to see some sort of animal she was a little surprised to see Stitch instead. Well that looked realistic? As realistic as an alien cartoon could look. Was somebody messing with magic? Reaching down she lifted the small form feeling that it was indeed real. “Hey little buddy. What the hell are you?”
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
He frowned as he stood just outside of his gym. The beta just wanted to stop by to ensure everything was good for the night. It’s Halloween! The manchild was very excited for it and did not understand why anyone wanted to come work out when they could spend it figuring out the last minute touches of their costumes. However, there was a weird sensation flowing through him. The thing that shocked him the most was that it seemed that his senses appear.. cut off? He couldn’t hear what the woman across the street saying to her friend, nor could smell the scent coming from her coffee. What just happened? He looked at his hands and feel a certain anger rise within him. “What the actual fuck is going on?” This town had got to chill..
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Walking towards the event Jace was surprised to hear the sudden cursing from the man she had just passed by on the street. He appeared to be alone and she hadn’t seen anything happen. “What do you mean,” Jace prompted in confusion as she tried to look around for whatever it was he was referring to. Not really noticing the way her senses suddenly felt heightened.
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jacesilva-blog · 7 years
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Jace Silva: Catwoman
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