jacknash · 7 years
Wow, has it really been 2 years since my last post! Ooops! Hello everybody! I’m back! Gonna just keep it short but I hope to start blogging again I miss it! Been working on my music a lot lately and played a gig in Lisbon recently with my mates Ligadura for their EP launch show. Their violinist Gil Dionísio joined me for one song and it was great! Here’s the video! Enjoy!
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jacknash · 9 years
I’m Alive!
Oh my days! It has been, like, FOREVER since I last posted on here. I just wanted to do a quick update to let you all know I’m still here! I’m going to try to do some recap posts (seems to be all I post now) to catch up with all my activities since... May 2015!
In the mean time, I want to mention the project I’m working on at the moment: The Drowning of Arthur Braxton (another awesome Kickstarter success). It’s an independent feature directed by Luke Cutforth (aka YouTuber LukeIsNotSexy) and is based on the book of the same name, written by Caroline Smailes. We are already a week into production, shooting at the beautiful Victoria Baths in Manchester with an absolutely fantastic crew!
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I created an Instagram account after I finally joined the world of smartphone owners and have been posting a bunch of music loops, digital portraits and just random stuff from my life, as you do. I’ve been getting some snapshots during the production of this film, so check it out if you want to keep up, or go find all the other social media outlets that are posting about it. My posts are better though!
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jacknash · 9 years
March/April/May Recap!
Right. So, it’s about time I wrote something, right guys?
Until The Day Breaks didn’t manage to raise it’s goal on Kickstarter, but we managed to reach £34,220, which means we weren’t that far off! Obviously we haven’t given up and the film will get made one way or another. I’ll post more info once something develops.
My folks were in town for a week in March and we went to see The Book Of Mormon. I can’t recommend it enough; it’s great! I also went to see Strobes again and took my dad. I think he dug it :) Their new drummer Joshua Blackmore is freaking wicked, can’t wait to hear the album they are prepping. Here’s a tune:
So after that I went to to EGX Rezzed,which was awesome. I met Rami Ismail there and had an interesting chat with him. He’s really nice and we just talked about random videogame stuff. I also hung out with the dev team of Convoy trying out the game (it’s out now!). They were also really cool dudes and I had a blast doing a playthrough, uncovering all sorts of new bugs for them. It’s an FTL style game but with car combat, inspired by Mad Max. Totally worth checking out!
I did a few corporate jobs after that and then worked with Oliver Kember again, this time on a short he put together on his spare time, Amy. It stars Oli himself and the lovely Victoria Emslie, while set in a 1960′s Louisiana diner. It’s a quaint but strange film. I’ve seen a rough cut and it’s looking good!
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I went to see Town Portal and they totally kicked ass. They are so tight live! My Brighton mates at Small Pond Recordings are putting out their next album, The Occident, which will be available in the 25th this month. I’ve heard it already and it’s fantastic (fav track is World Core and Peripheral Islands)! In the meantime, here’s a video I shot at the gig.
The week after I started working on the film Daisy by Nancy Paton and brought Joss Colin along again to boom for me (fun times!). The story revolves around a girl with a terminal disease and how she connects with a homeless man with a broken past, helping him regain his life. We had an excellent, tight knit crew and I miss everyone already! Can’t wait to see how the film turns out.
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I then when on to work on a short improv film with my friend George Graham (along with Miles Ridgway on camera) and also on the short Mine, by Simon Berry, where we got to mess with some gibs!
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Last weekend I was in Brighton for the Fools Paradise vs Bad Math All-Dayer and it was awesome! Highlights were &U&I, Black Peaks (man they are sick!) and Polymath! Here’s a vid from the concert to close it off.
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jacknash · 10 years
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Oh, just editing some Until The Day Breaks behind the scenes stuff when this happened.
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jacknash · 10 years
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Poster for Until the Day Breaks.
In the wake of a zombie apocalypse Reverend Ivan Passworthy is alone in the world, his dog Wacko and an imaginary old lady named Maureen his only companions. In the 12 years since the end of civilisation Ivan has carved out an isolated existence within a few acres of heavily fortified English countryside, waiting patiently for survivors to return.
When Maureen’s constant nattering becomes too much to bear, Ivan’s prayers for salvation are answered by the crash landing of a bizarre extraterrestrial named Lee. The unlikely pair quickly find common ground through their own personal losses, but can they send Lee home before they are consumed by the undead evil just beyond the fence?
Until the Day Breaks is an indie sci-fi movie that’s on Kickstarter right now and this poster is one of the rewards - check it out!  If you’d like to have this as a poster or merely help out, please consider backing this. You know it’s gonna be weird AND fun.
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jacknash · 10 years
The Until The Day Breaks Kickstarter is live! Just today we got selected as a Staff Pick! Wooooooooooo!
Please donate some money if you can and share this with your friends!!
Don't forget to watch the trailer! It's freaking AWESOME!
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jacknash · 10 years
Major Recap
Boy, has it been a while! I haven't posted anything here since June 2014. I'm going to try and keep this as short as possible but here goes:
- July 2014
I boom operated on a film called Age Of Kill, an action film starring Martin Kemp directed by Neil Jones. It was a long shoot and might have contributed to the beginning of my hiatus here.
- August 2014
After the shoot wrapped I took some time off and went home to Portugal to visit my family and friends.
When I got back to London, I did a short job for Dusthouse, documenting the production of Julius Caesar at the Shakespeare's Globe, before heading off to the ArcTanGent festival! This was my highlight of last year (already have my ticket for this year). Check out some videos I shot there:
- September 2014
Nathan Craig hooked me up with ace filmmaker Oliver Kember and I got to work on his slick Bose advert (see below). I then worked back-to-back on a corporate streaming event with Michael Dorgan in Weybridge and a video for EDF with Dom John in Bridgewater.
Now here's the fun bit. After all that, I went up to Newmarket to meet up with the guys from Project Trident to shoot the trailer for Until The Day Breaks, which has a Kickstarter launching on the 26th of February so keep your eyes peeled! We had an absolute blast and I can not wait to show you all what we've accomplished! I just recently saw a render from one of the special effects shots and, well... here's my reaction:
When we finished up the trailer (and cleaning up Carl's flat!) I headed straight down to Brighton to shoot a promo trailer and short film (again through Nathan) for the new book by Jenny Morton Potts, Piano From a 4th Storey Window. Man, I remember... these few weeks were hectic!
- October 2014
I worked a video for the Idea Awards, through Latimer and Alastair Uhlig, then helped out my friend Alex Richardson do some pickups for his upcoming film Don't Stop Running (Check the trailer below).
I was on a little factual video shoot about chess boxing with Samona Olanipekun that was very interesting (see below) then went up near Manchester to do a handful of days on the new Chee Keong Cheung film, Zombie Apocalypse (got to love them zombies!).
- November 2014
I had my first gig as sound mixer on a feature (thanks to producer James Rumsey for bringing me aboard!) and it was a great experience. The film is called My Feral Heart and was directed by Jane Gull (we actually just wrapped some final pickups a week or so ago) and written by Ducan Paveling. I'd talk more about it but I will leave that for a more dedicated post maybe once there is more to show, but another thing that happened was that I also met my favourite boom op ever (besides me, of course), Joss Colin. Hire this dude if you need someone in and around Bristol.
- December 2014
I teamed up with Ben Aston (love the guy!) for another crazy project. This time it's a pilot for a sketch comedy series called Hodgepodge. He was brought in to direct and brought a bunch of his regular crew along so it was a lot of fun 
I was on another familiar-faced shoot literally the next day (and I got Joss to come!) for the short film Inside by my friend Carolina Petro. I got to try out some less-conventional recording techniques on this one so I'm excited to see how it turns out.
After that, Joe Giacomet hit me up to shoot another BTS video for his next photoshoot. Somehow I ended up being a replacement model and it was hilarious!
- January 2015
He Took His Skin Off For Me released online and has had OVER A MILLION views, so you should totally watch it now if you haven't yet!
After a bit of a holiday, I worked on the short films Apal by Amelia Hashemi and Help I'm Trapped In A Movie by Riley Madincea. Both were good fun and without stress. What a good way to start the year!
- February 2015
Last week I was helping with some pickups for the upcoming feature A Secret Heart by Cary Sawhney and have been working on some dialogue editing for Alasdair Beckett-King's awesome new pirate adventure game, Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet!
Oh! and just yesterday, I started a new idea to keep myself musically busy and am going to try and record a new track every week to show to all you out there! I'm encouraging suggestions for genres, covers, themes or whatever, to help me have new ideas, so please leave comments on Youtube, Facebook; send me a message here or wherever.
Anyhow, that should be it for now. See ya!
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jacknash · 10 years
'Sensitive Neville' was entered into the My RØDE Reel competition. You can watch it here but head over to it's page and vote for it (click the heart)! You can also see the Making Of video which showcases some of my mad booming skills!
Last week I was down in Brighton for the shoot of 'Daisy' by Katharine Segura Harvey. The shoot was great and I loved the city. I want to go back and explore it properly soon!
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jacknash · 10 years
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Last week I was working on a new film by Amy Coop called 'The Treehouse', shot down at Shepperton Studios. It's funny that, on the train ride down, I was reading an article in Empire's 300th issue which has a shot of Joss Whedon on the set of the new Avengers film at Shepperton Studios. So just the thought of being on the same studio lot as the Avengers was pretty cool. Then, on a break I was having, I saw Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner cruise by in a little golf cart, followed by Chris Hemsworth in another. The next day I went polyboard hunting with my boss Nadine Richardson (who was lovely to work with!), and we were just standing there when we realised Robert Downey Jr. was right next to us. He was in his own little golf cart, of which he got out and walked past us with a rather gracious stride. It was probably the first time I was truly star-struck. I also had a quick peek into the set but all I could see were lights and a whole lot of green. Exciting!
The actual shoot I was on had a rough start but ended up being a great experience. I was completely blown away by the talent and professionalism of the lead actors, Cameron King and Mabel Watson, both not much older than 10. I'll never forget the two of them whispering "Tiago, Tiago" into their radio mics to have a laugh. It was a treat to work with them.
The set they built for the interior of the treehouse was amazing, as well (thanks to Anna Mould and her team!), along with the whole lot of complex dollys, jibs and lighting transitions going on. Massive respect for the DoP Gabi Norland and her crew! So look out for 'The Treehouse'. I have a gut feeling that it will be great and cannot wait to see it!
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jacknash · 10 years
Meet Elsie, the mechanical dragon! She was built by Paka the Uncredible and is now on display at the Artcore International 14 exhibition. It's still open until tomorrow and is free, so make sure you drop by to see all the amazing things on display!
The video above shows me just playing around with the controls (yes, you can control Elsie!), but she also breaths fire, rears up an moves around more. It's impressively well engineered so if you are into animatronics this is a must-see! Check out the video below for the fire-breathing.
I did a number of other things during the past week. I worked on a film by Ross Barnwell called 'Sensitive Neville' and another by the young Fabien Frankel (son of Mark Frankel) named 'Love and Punches'.
I also went to a Strobes gig, which was absolutely incredible. They are playing at the Emulsion Festival on the 28th, so check them out if you are going and want to dig in to some groovy "mathrobeat".
Oh, and yesterday I randomly ran into some of the Project Trident guys and we did some catching up. They are furiously working on their upcoming feature film 'Until The Day Breaks' which I can't be excited enough about! You will be hearing more about that fo' sho!
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jacknash · 10 years
This past week I was working on 'Out', a new short comedic drama by Gsus López. We shot a few days out in Wye, Kent, where we found ourselves between sunshine and a mini tornado!
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I had a great time on this shoot and can't wait to see the results!
Speaking of results, I also went to a screening of 'MOTH' and it looks great! Congrats to O.T. and everyone involved!
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jacknash · 10 years
A few weeks ago, I was out on a boat off the coast of Sussex for the upcoming revenge film set in North Korea by The Halsall Brothers, 'When Dead Ghosts Don't Cry' (you should check out their previous film, 'If I Had A Heart', above).
I worked along side Al and Cillian again, on a short pitch by Gareth Stewart called 'Hot Thespian Action' which was quite funny. I hope they get to make it into a feature as they intend to.
I also did some work with the guys at 2 Take Films and was on an shoot for a Rolo ad, produced by my friend Anand Madabushi.
In other news, Michael Dorgan's doc, now titled 'Young, Fit & Dying: The Truth About Running', is finished and has been picked up by a couple european television stations already. I just saw the final cut the other day and it looks great!
Oh, and Joe Giacomet has launched a new Kickstarter. This time he's offering you the once in a life time chance to get some bacon wrapping paper!
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jacknash · 10 years
Check out the trailer for 'Shoe Polish' by Dom Lenoir.
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jacknash · 10 years
Here is the final version of 'Russian Roulette'! It is also being featured on Short of the Week, so watch it now and go give it a good rating!
I also went to see the first screening of 'He Took His Skin Off For Me' last week and it looks AMAZING! I feel very proud! Congrats to Ben Aston and everyone involved in both films!
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jacknash · 10 years
So! Earlier last month I went up to Knutsford to assist James Kibbey shoot this piece for the National Trust's 50 Things to do before you're 11 ¾ in Tatton Park. It was so great to get out of London and drive around a massive park in a safari-style jeep, just observing birds, deer and other wildlife. I also had the pleasure of meeting the talented vocal artist and musician Jason Singh, who created the nature-inspired "Tweet Music" which you can listen to and read about here.
I then got called up to work on Jess Ferguson's next short film 'Whirlpool', which was shot on the Arriflex 416, with an amazing crew, over 5 arduous days/nights. I have to say it was quite the experience! I also got to dance around playing a little oldschool keyboard as an extra for the party scene :D
Sound familiar?
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jacknash · 11 years
Last month I worked with Tom Levinge and Sarah Campbell on 'LinkedIn In Real Life' (watch above), their latest comedy short for The Poke. Great fun working on this! Tom also makes awesome illustrations and more films, so make sure you check out his stuff!
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jacknash · 11 years
So here's the trailer for Keir Burrows' 'The Showreel'. It is looking great! Can't wait to see the final cut.
We shot for a few more days on 'Not For Sale' last week, and I have some behind the scenes footage I will post at some point. Look out for that!
Last weekend some of my close friends came to visit from Portugal and we went to see an amazing concert at Electrowerkz with the bands LITE, The Physics House Band, Axes, Delta Sleep, Alarmist and Luo. Axes was a complete surprise. Very, very good and amazing energy. I'll be looking for more of them around town.
We also saw a free gig at the Old Blue Last, and I can't remember the names of the bands except for Shitwife, which was totally awesome!
Oh, and the weekend before that I got to see Tera Melos again at Birthdays. That was great, too.
So, lot's of good gigs! My ears have never been so happy!
I have some more stuff to talk about but I'll leave it at that for now.
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