jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
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I regret introducing my dad to memes
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jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
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how do you like my new summer manicure look
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jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
I want to follow you all, so please reblog this :-)
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jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
hey if you guys want to follow the sister I always talk about it’s @long-distance-fly 
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jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
I swim mainly backstroke and I was wondering if you have any advice for oxygen debt. My streamline at practice is great but when I am at a meet I need to breathe the stroke before and after my flip turn. I blow out a lot of air for my flipturn but I need to or water fills up my nose. My streamline only last a couple seconds because I NEED to breathe. I could knock off so much time if I could get this down. I know there is not much advice you could give me but I thought it was worth a try
I’m assuming you are talking about freestyle flipturns since you referenced breathing the stroke before and after the wall. What I would try:
1. In practice, make sure you aren’t breathing into your walls. Right now, you said you need to breathe the stroke before the wall. Try to take that to two strokes, on every wall. Challenge yourself. The more you do something, the more your body is used to it, and won’t complain when you attempt to breathe less in competition. The same goes for strokes off the wall. 
2. This ties in with point 1, but make progress gradually. When I first started fixing my turns, I first added one more stroke into the wall before breathing, then two, and THEN I added one more coming off of the wall. You wouldn’t start a beginners gymnastics class by performing an olympic-worthy beam routine, and you shouldn’t try to instantly have olympic-level turns. Change takes time.
3. Swimming is very much a mental sport. If you have good walls in practice, but bad ones in competition, it may just be your brain getting the best of you. Try to visualize the race before you swim it, telling yourself about how each wall is going to go, how many strokes you will take in, how many you will take out. It may sound ridiculous, but if you have a plan, the race goes much more smoothly.
4. If you’re on your stomach while under the water, the water won’t have anywhere to get into. Your nose is basically a hole in your face. The reason that you have to blow so much air out of your nose is to keep the water out of that hole. This only happens when you are on your back (gravity or buoyancy, I’m not sure about the exact science.) Try to flip to your stomach while under the water.
to sum up, practice what you want to do and clear your mind before the race. Your problem does seem psychological, and I don’t know that much about that side of swimming lmao. Try to do things that pump you up before the race!
That’s all I got for now I hope it helps.
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jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
Hi! I’m a distance swim who some times does mid distance haha I was wondering how to be able to breath on both sides and get a good amount of air. I only can breath on my right and I know if I could fix it my times would drop but I’m not sure what to do
PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE (oh no I literally just saw this in my inbox I have no idea how old it is this reply might be months late!!! I’m so sorry). Work on the rotation in your strokes, trying to force yourself to breath to the other side. Do this ALL THE TIME in practice. Once you have the muscle memory, you won’t have to think about it.
In practice to work on breathing to your other side, try doing one-armed freestyle, left hand by your side/ right hand taking the strokes. Rotate fully, as if taking a stroke on your right side, each time after taking a left side stroke. This  replicates the rhythm you have when you are just swimming. Take a breath every three strokes.
Another thing - once you have the breathing down on both sides, try doing a breathing pattern 3 2 3 2. This reduces the risk of cramps in your chest/side, and I use it when I am swimming any distance 200 or above (since you mentioned you were a distance swimmer)
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jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
i support all women in jail who killed their abusive boyfriend/husband.
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jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
rihanna would never let a man ruin her life and neither will I
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jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
“Opposites attract” should be reserved for like “she’s messy and he’s neat!” Not like “she’s supportive and he’s a soul-sucking toxic person!”
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jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
Me, trying to swim the 500: For once, will you please shut up?
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jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
i’d like to thank all of the bots following me for boosting my self esteem
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jacobpebleys-blog · 6 years
for all the posts i make about The Straights™ please remember that on-screen romances for people of color, particularly for women, are severely lacking and underrepresented. people of color deserve to have just as many epic love stories told, deserve to have stories that confirm how worthy they are of being admired and loved and swept away too, whether it’s between two straight ppl or not
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jacobpebleys-blog · 7 years
The Holy Trinity
Nathan “Screw It, I’ll do it” Chen
Chloe “Tweeting between runs because she’s hungry” Kim
Red “Missed his alarm because of a Brooklyn Nine Nine marathon” Gerard
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jacobpebleys-blog · 7 years
How do I tell snapchat i don’t care about the people they’ve recommended
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jacobpebleys-blog · 7 years
The Olympics, AKA how many “fuck”s can you drop on live television
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jacobpebleys-blog · 7 years
fun fact about the next avengers film being filmed in edinburgh: they’ve blocked off certain areas which is disrupting one specific postal van’s delivery route which is in turn leading to an awkward stand-off at the police station because Marvel Studios might be a billion dollar company but this man really wants to do his job and apparently interfering with the course of the Royal Mail technically counts as treason so they’re at a stalemate
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jacobpebleys-blog · 7 years
Once I fix my flip turns it’s over for you hoes
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