jaimereyes13 · 3 years
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Hannibal comparing them to Achilles and Patroclus  Will comparing them to Romeo and Juliet
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
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Don’t cross any of the many active picket lines and pay close attention to what’s going on…
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
i find it really disheartening when radfems/gc women reblog pictures of transwomen and say pretty horrible things about their appearance. it’s one thing to say they’re obviously men/male (perfectly true and fine), but to say you’d see him dressed like that and start screaming? or assume he’s a predator…or a serial killer…no wonder TRAs level accusations of hatred toward gnc people against us, tbh.
the only thing a man in a dress means is that he’s a man and he’s wearing a dress. he can have poor style, bad makeup, etc. but none of that gives us license to really come to hurt him. what’s wrong with those of you who do this?
we can talk critically about the inherent misogyny of thinking a man can even “dress like a woman,” but savaging his appearance because he’s wearing clothing from the women’s section? bad look. we can talk critically about men who wear clothing that is marketed for little girls without disparaging gender nonconformist dressing in men overall.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with men in dresses or makeup or with long hair or high heels—the worthy critique is that none of this makes them women. it does not matter how badly they apply makeup or that they don’t know how to fit a dress, when you shift from addressing the fallacy that “feminine clothing = woman” to calling him “busted and scary,” you’re crossing into the territory that disparages gender nonconformity in men.
it’s not the costume that is the issue, it’s what transwomen insist the costume MEANS. focus.
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
i hope americans know about the unjust, unfair system that allowed them to get vaccines so early. while young and healthy ppl in the us decide which day of the week is more convinient to get a shot, the majority of the world can’t even secure vaccines for their elders. 
it’s not “effort” it’s no “innovation”. its just modern imperialism. 
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
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Tina Fiveash, Twilight Lovers, from the series ‘Stories for Girls,’ 1994
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
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Big advocate for this!
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
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is soviet cinema....you know....
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
do you know how hard it is to find an article that won’t say ‘no one benefits from patriarchy’. omg if the patriarchy doesn’t benefit men, who created it? who is enforcing it? why haven’t men abolished it?
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
Men have been asking probably since the beginning of feminism “when can I hit a woman” and the answer up until recently was always “never”, but now it’s “when she’s a terf”. Women who call themselves feminists are actually advocating FOR male violence now smh
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
the next big Marvel villain is gonna be named “Killworker” or something and his catchphrase is gonna be “workers of the world unite, we have nothing to lose but our chains” and he’s gonna slit a child’s throat as he says it
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
I found this on Google by accident when searching Jason pictures. YOU are crying.
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
here’s the thing, if you consume porn i don’t want to hear your opinion on social issues at all. you don’t like racism but you watch videos from a site that has slavery themed porn? you want to smash the patriarchy but you’ll watch 18 year old girls get pissed on by grown men. you hate homophobes but you’ll watch porn on a site that has videos titled “lesbian forced to take cock”? you want to battle transphobia but you’re okay with pornhub recruiting trans identitied teens to be abused on film for a couple hundred bucks? if you can boycott a spice brand for prejudice why can’t you do it for porn? if your activism ends the moment you want to nut, shut your fucking mouth and stop pretending like you give a fuck about any of this.
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
Anti sex “work” because—
Consent can’t be bought
The majority of prostituted women want to exit
Poor women and girls of color are disproportionately funneled into the sex industry
The industry relies on there being a vulnerable and uncared for class of women and girls to sexually exploit
Racism, classism, imperialism, slavery, and colonialism are all embedded in or connected to prostitution
Prostitution is a cause and result of inequality between the sexes
The sex industry is proven to rely heavily on trafficking and exploitation
It promotes violence against women
It is violence against women
Prostitution is inherently violent
The sex industry encourages, promotes, and caters to male sexual entitlement
Under full decriminalization and legalization, prostituted women are still murdered, raped, assaulted, and stolen from by pimps and johns
Women who have escaped from prostitution have high rates of PTSD and other disorders
The industry promotes fetishization, stereotypes, and sexualized racism and racialized sexism against women of color
“Consensual sex work” and human trafficking are inescapably linked (Oof)
The liberation of women and an industry dedicated to the objectification of women cannot coexist
It reduces women to sexual objects and masturbatory aids
The sex industry preys on the most marginalized women and girls
Porn culture harms women and girls (yes, even “feminist” porn)
The normalization of sex as “work” degrades the status of women as a class
These are a few reasons for the abolitionist stance I came up with at the top of my head. The only reason to be pro-porn and pro-prostitution is if one believes that the orgasms of johns, profits of pimps, and pleasure of a few “happy hookers” is worth more than the safety, freedom, and humanity of every other woman and girl.
The sex industry is incompatible with feminism.
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
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Her name is Katalin Karikó. Hungarian. Daughter of a butcher. Her thesis work became the basis of the mRNA vaccine technology. Read the article here.
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jaimereyes13 · 3 years
keeping poasts up is so embarrassing im trying so hard not to delete them
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