the ludicrous amount of disaster bi energy john boyega was emitting as jake in the scene where he’s eating loads of junk food in his bath robe is my biggest worm of the week
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RIGHT???? bless and thank whoever came up with that added layer of angst
The bitterness when Nate said “you form better bonds when you’re young, that’s the point!” like… Can you imagine his heartbreak when Jake left, and he had to find someone else to drift with, knowing fully he won’t find anyone else that gets him like Jake did?
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I think the changes done w drifting technology between movies 1 and 2 would actually be really interesting to explore if people could just get over this idea of ‘they changed it so it sucks’. Like.. it opens the door for some really cute things.
Like before, the tech was good for the kind of crisis era they lived in, but ultimately it relied on extremely high compatibility between pilots to work. (Almost) Every team was made up of top tier compatible people. BUT! There was already precedence in place in the form of Stacker to show that, while it takes one heck of a pilot, you can absolutely forge a team between two people with 0 compatibility.
SO TEN YEARS GO BY. And now the tech is tightened up enough that more teams can be made with less compatible people. But even though it works for the majority, not everyone can hang on like that, some people need to find their perfect partner(s). Nate failed to be compatible with 6 pilots before he finally got to Jake. And sure, eventually he found a replacement when Jake left, but they were a bad match, it took him a long time, and he only managed to do it after already having trained with Jake.
And even with the majority, there’s nothing to show that these ‘good enough’ bonds are as effective as highly compatible bonds. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they represented the one-size fits most bonds concept with the inexperienced pilots, and the Strong Bonds concept with Nate and Jake (the most efficient team in the movie for obvious reasons) and Jake and Amara (who have lots of common ground both in their past and in their personalities, with that cute brother-sister dynamic) who save the day.
So like... yes technically (almost) anybody could drift with anybody, but that hasn’t removed the fact that people have Perfect Co-Pilots. If anything, it’s just made finding your perfect co-pilot(s) more special because not everyone in the field actually has one!!
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they’re both based on very different scripts from the movie, so they’re really only good for like little nuggets of canon, but.. >w>
according to one of the novels, Nate was actually about to be flunked out of training because he couldn’t find anyone to compatible enough to be his copilot, but Jake really believed in him, so Stacker and Mako went to bat for the kid... and that’s how he and Jake ended up partners.
The bitterness when Nate said “you form better bonds when you’re young, that’s the point!” like… Can you imagine his heartbreak when Jake left, and he had to find someone else to drift with, knowing fully he won’t find anyone else that gets him like Jake did?
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Give Steve S. DeKnight and John Boyega full creative control of Pacific Rim so we can finally get some textual gays up in this joint
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Like I’m a Jake/Nate person 110k%, but we all know Nate’s a dumb idiot who would take time to finally come out and Feeling like.. out loud. And in the meantime, Jake is a handsome man who is maybe also oblivious to Nate liking him anyway so he? Is going out w his friend Liwen and being hit on by all of the pretty people, and hitting on the ones that actually interest him. And maintaining that 100% phone number collection success rate.
Which, you will note, is a great basis for a pining Nate + confession fic. You are all welcome.
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Liwen and Jake? Go out and hit the town every weekend, taking turns playing wingman for the other.
They’re picky people but they have a 100% success rate.
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adsjflskdjfslkdf that’s literally.... the FASTEST I have ever lost a follower.
I’M NOT EVEN MAD like that’s what the warning was for I’m just... it’s a little funny.
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I’ve been in the fandom for five days and I’m already sick of all of you.
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I feel like I should warn y’all that Hermann is the only one of the science men I actually.....like. At all.
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guys i’m fucking dead my love for hermann gottlieb burst my heart
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Newt: Try ending the world. You'll find out who your real friends are, I promise you that.
Jake: I just feel like there are steps you could probably take before that one.
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We were born into a world at war — between the monsters that destroyed our cities, and the monsters we created to stop them.
Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)
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jake: i’m jake, and this is my ex
nate: i told you to stop telling people that
nate: i’m his husband
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