jakedamikasa · 1 year
Continuation Mommy Issues
Mikasa x Male trans
– I was afraid, afraid of the conversation we would have, a million thoughts appeared about, could it be that she saw me smoking? I don't even smoke. Did she see me drinking? I don't even drink. Did she see me walking the streets at dawn? she doesn't even go out at that time. Did she find out about my relationship with Mikasa? Did she find out I'm not a mama's girl? All these thoughts were running through my head, but the last two scared me, a lot. I keep my bike in a corner of the garage, my hands were sweating cold, I was shivering a little, I sigh and open the door slowly but unfortunately it makes a noise -I know it's you, come here now- says a voice coming from the kitchen, I knew it was the woman, I take the backpack off my back and leave it on the sofa, I walk to the kitchen door, but I don't go through, I didn't want to go through, I didn't want to go, I knew something would happen , I knew it was all going to start again. I go through the door, the woman was sitting in the chair at the table with her cell phone open, from afar I couldn't see straight -Sit down- the woman asks, I pull the chair and sit down in front of her, the woman looks at me, her gaze red from crying -Why?- she asks -Answer me [Dead name], why?- she asks again looking deep into my eyes capturing my every movement -Mom, I don't know what you're talking about- I answer -Now you're going to pretend to be silly with your mother!!?- She raises her voice making me shrug -You need to calm down and seek therapy to help you- I say trying to make my voice steady -Me? Why do you say that, I'm fine! - she exclaims - You, besides being destroying your psychological, are also destroying mine too – the woman raises an eyebrow -What do you mean? I give you everything, I give you water, food, clothes.- I just keep silent, it wasn't worth arguing with that kind of person - I found out everything, [dead name] or [name]- when my name comes out of your mouth , I feel my heart racing, she slides the phone towards me, when I flicked my eyes across the screen I just wanted to disappear in the moment, there were pictures and videos of me and Mikasa, I couldn't move -Explain to me [dead name], ME EXPLAIN WHAT THOSE ARE!!- the woman gets up slamming her hands on the table with force -I give you everything, I gave you love, affection, attention for you to be with a disgusting woman and still keeps saying that she is a boy, that she identifies as a boy- said -Do you give me love? kindness? attention? You never gave me any of that, NEVER- I retort raising my voice -And you respect my girlfriend, unlike you they respect me!- I mean referring to my friends -You lower your voice with me! I'm your mother and I was the one who brought you into this world! - She says starting to approach me, I quickly get up and leave the kitchen being accompanied by the woman -You say mother but you don't even know how to do the least that every mother does! My father, even though he was absent, he certainly wouldn't be an idiot like you - the woman is surprised by the words, her eyes transmit anger, the angry woman hits my chest hard, pushing me hard, catching me off guard, I fall to the ground scared, shaking , with a pain in the chest and an enormous desire to cry
-IF YOUR FATHER REALLY CARES ABOUT YOU HE WOULD ASK YOU TO LIVE WITH HIM, DO YOU REALLY THINK THESE FRIENDS CARE ABOUT YOU? THEY WILL JUST USE YOU AND YOUR DISGUSTING LITTLE GIRLFRIEND WILL LEAVE YOU AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY - she spits out all these words, it hurt me, it hurt me deeply like it was knives with sharp blades, still on the ground I scream back -YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT THEM THAT WAY YOUR BREAKDOWN- I curse her, something I never had the courage to say in front of her, the woman approaches me and grabs my neck - HERE'S THE NEXT, YOU DON'T TALK TO YOUR MOM THAT WAY, I PUT YOU INTO THIS WORLD AND I CAN IF I WANT TAKE IT OUT!!!- Loosen my neck -You will never be a real boy, you were born a girl, a woman!! I will always see you as my daughter, if you have these things about being a boy, let it be far from my house, far from me- she walks away and goes back to the kitchen, I get up from the floor, grab my backpack and run up to my room, I open my wardrobe and take my clothes and stuff them in my backpack. I run out of my room with my backpack ready -I HATE YOU, I JUST WANTED A MOM- I shout for the woman to hear and slam the front door hard
– Tears were running down my cheeks, I wiped them off but they wouldn't stop, I don't care about the speed of the bike my mixed feelings, anger, sadness, thoughts of self-harm, feeling useless, disgusting, stupid. I desperately knock on the door which is soon answered by Eren, his expression of boredom turned to one of concern, he pulls me by the arm putting me inside, he sat me on the couch and started asking me countless questions but he did not receive any answers, he looks for on the cell phone but he doesn't think so, he runs to his room to get it but when he returns to the room he notices me disappearing, he goes into despair and goes to the bathroom but when she tries to open the door it was locked. Was it true? Are they using me? My father didn't care about me? Would I ever get to be a real boy? SHIT! THE TALKS OF THAT WOMAN HIT ME, I hold my hair pulling the strands hard -You useless, you useless- I started repeating in a low voice, my body was shaking like hell, I couldn't breathe properly, when I least realized it the bathroom door was open and a female figure enters, Mikasa without thinking twice hugs me tight, her warm and warm arms gave me a little comfort -She's right, I never I'll be a real boy, I'm a complete useless- I comment -Hey, hey, hey who said you're not a real boy?- Mikasa asks -That woman, she said horrible things to me, she said she never I'll be a real boy, that my father never cared about me that my friends and you will abandon me, she assaulted me… - my throat dry, failing miserably to continue, I just bury my head in her chests and cry even harder -That bastard you don't know what you're talking about, she's not your real mother, if she really was, it wouldn't be such a stick up your ass. Baby, I will never, never leave you, me, Eren and Armin will never do that, Eren called me desperate saying that you locked yourself in the bathroom crying and saying something, Armin and I came running here. We all care about you just like you care about us- she says stroking my hair, she sits on the bathroom floor and puts me sitting on her lap -You are our big boy, I love you so much honey, you are the boy more and stronger than I know, every day I remember how lucky I am to have you with me, I wanted to protect you and all the bad, from the break-ins that hurt you.- your words comfort me, my heart warms and little by little I I stop shaking, I just stay silent listening to every beat of your heart, I snuggle closer into your chest and I feel a huge desire to sleep, I'm happy to know that even everything was falling I had people by my side, I'm totally grateful for them - I love you too- I speak softly, soon falling asleep, the only thing I remember was his low laugh and his grip around me tightening.
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jakedamikasa · 1 year
Mommy Issues
Mikasa Ackerman x Trans Male
– Only the bowls were missing to finish washing everything, when I took the first bowl I feel arms hug my waist, kisses are deposited on my neck tickling me - Baby, is there much left?- Mikasa asks still kissing my neck -Just missing these bowls, my dear. go back to the room and I'm going there right away- I answer -Let Eren wash the rest- she says resting her head on my shoulder tightening her arms around my waist -You know he's not going to do that, right?- I say rinsing my hands , Mikasa loosened her arms grip and turned me around, she pecked my lips -You're so handsome- the girl comments, my cheeks turn red with her compliment -You're very affectionate today- I talk a little curious with that one all the affection coming from Ackerman, this morning she was like this -It's just that today you're leaving, I just want to enjoy my last hours with my boyfriend- she says hugging me, I laugh at her speech -Honey, talking like that it seems like I'm going to change city- I commented hugging her back, I run my fingers through her black strands -But I wish you could stay longer- she moves away a little to look at me -You know I can't, and my mother will start suspecting everything this- I speak with a sad face -Come on, the boys are waiting for us-she takes my hand pulling her to the living room.
– Mikasa and I dated for a year and a half, we met because of our mutual friends, but before I joined the little group, I had certain friendships that became toxic at a moderate level, but it doesn't justify anything, many of them don't they respected and claimed to respect, but when I was going to introduce myself to someone or say something it was always female pronouns and my name was dead, when I complained it was always the same excuse “I met you like that” “Your traits are feminine, there’s no way for me to call you for a man” “I promise to change, but it's hard for me” all this slowly made me sick but I accepted it quietly, no one supported or helped me, there were many intrusive thoughts that even caused me dysphoria or an anxiety attack.
– I stayed in this little group for two years, until one of these 'friends' received an invitation to a party from someone at school, everyone agreed to go, but I was a bit hesitant about the party. At this party there would be countless groups, mainly one that had a fight with ours, I tried to alert the group but they thought they were badass, that I would clash with any of them. I was forced to go with them, at the party which was quite busy, the group drank like crazy, like a friend I worried about the countless cans of beer and strong drinks, the leader of the group pulled me to a corner and said so much and in the end threw a glass of various liquids mixed in my face, I pushed the boy and left the house quickly, I had no one to take me out so with a great fear running through my body I walked alone in the street leaving, but a voice calling by name, name real name, not the dead name, call me and I turned back curiously making sure it was me, a blond boy came running towards me -Me and my friends saw what just happened, are you well?- he had an expression of concern -Thanks for asking, but yes, I'm fine- I answer -I know it's kind of crazy of me, but would you accept a ride to your house?- he asked taking the keys from his pocket, I just wave and follow the guy to his car. We exchanged an idea along the way, I found out that when I left a fight broke out and my old friends lost in ugly, he left me at my house and before he left I gave him my number. – I became friends with the boy, who is called Armin, as he had no more friends he introduced me to theirs and they all respected me and saw me as a boy, many of them did not know that I am transgender, but this case is totally irrelevant, only Eren and Mikasa knew about it. One day he called me to go out with his friends, as I had discussed with my mother I decided to go without thinking twice, as soon as I arrived at the ice cream parlor Armin was waiting for me with Mikasa and Eren, I sat down with them, Armin and Eren They went to order while I was alone with the girl, she was fiddling with her fingers, she seemed nervous, I decided to bring up the subject without fear, that's how I started talking to her a lot.
– When I least realized it, I had already completed a year of friendship, mikasa and I got closer to a level that I started to like her romantically, at first I thought it was an admiration or a passion, but each day that passed this 'passion' increased and it became something I had never felt before, I vented it to Armin and the boy was very happy about it.. One night in the pajamas that Armin made and called me, at dawn I couldn't sleep so I went to have a glass of water, while I was drinking my water, mikasa appears saying that she was also having trouble sleeping, she stood in front of me with her arms crossed waiting for me to finish drinking water in that glass, as if it were a fanfic scene our eyes crossed and a force made my body move move and when I least realized I was kissing Mikasa, in seconds the girl holds me against the bench with her arms on either side of my body and deepens the kiss when we separate our eyes sparkle and it was at that moment that we discovered each other's intentions. Weeks passed and we stayed for a few more times, when she asked me to date I was surprised but unsure at the same time because I've always seen and heard cis women leave transgender men because they don't have that or "Not being real men" as the saying goes. transphobic, but when Mikasa found out about this thought of mine she always assured me that she wouldn't leave me for those stupid reasons, that she would never leave me, and all those months that we stayed together were the best of my life, I've never felt so happy in my life Compared to these last few years, she and my friends did so much good to me, I felt like myself with them and it's so freeing to be yourself. – We watched the Spider-Man movie on television, on the middle sofa was me and Mikasa, she lying on top of me with her head on my chest and next to the other sofa was Eren and Armin hugging, Mikasa a few moments in the middle of the movie teased me by passing her hand on my thigh and taking it in places I couldn't now, kissed my neck and made me very embarrassed when she whispered nonsense in my ear. I managed to control myself with all your teasing, I feel my cell phone vibrate several times and when I look it was my mother sending several messages asking me to come home now, I would not answer her but her message “We need to talk” made me feel chills all over my body and a bad feeling -I need to go guys- warning getting up next to Mikasa -But already?- Eren asks -There are still two hours to go, why do you need to go early?- now it's Armin's turn, I swallow hard with fear in the tone -My mom sent a message, she said she needs to talk with me- I answer, everyone looks at each other in silence, I go upstairs quickly to get my backpack, I go down the stairs and go to the front door but Mikasa holds my wrist -You don't want me to accompany you?- she asks with concern, I give a Quick peck on the girl and shake her hand -I'll be fine, my love. See you later guys- I say goodbye, Ackerman doesn't say anything and just let me go
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jakedamikasa · 1 year
Cafeteria Mikasa x leitor
Bom dia por cês!! primeiro cap da nossa querida Mikasa por cês, saibam que esse é meu primeiro
terá coisinhas +18
–Meu dia hoje estava bem corrido, além da universidade tinha inúmeras tarefas para fazer, eu só queria ter um tempo para respirar um pouco, nem sequer saia mais com meus amigos e com ficantes. Tinha uma hora vaga para colocar as coisas um pouco em ordem, para minha felicidade tinha uma cafeteria perto da universidade para eu ficar um pouco e não me preocupar em chegar atrasado naquele inferno, digo, universidade.
—Quando eu entro um sininho toca em cima da minha cabeça, a cafeteria estava vazia e o silêncio era grande, estampo um sorriso de alívio e vou até a cadeira me sentar, deixo minha mochila em cima da mesa abrindo-a e tirando meu notebook, enquanto o ligava uma pessoa para ao meu lado, a pessoa usava um uniforme e eu deduzi que é uma garçonete atender meu pedido, quando meus olhos se cruzam com os seus sinto uma leve conexão, parece que a mulher sente o mesmo pois suas pupilas dilatam -Bom dia, senhor! Vai querer algo para comer, beber?- com uma voz doce a mulher pergunta -Vou querer um bolo de chocolate- peço, a mulher anotou rapidamente -Vai querer mais alguma coisa?- ela pergunta esperando minha resposta -Por enquanto só isso, obrigado- a mulher acena com um sorriso e volta para o balcão. Em poucos minutos ela volta com meu pedaço de bolo em um prato acompanhado por uma colher -Bom apetite, qualquer coisa é só chamar!- e novamente a mulher volta ao balcão, respirei fundo encarando a tela do meu notebook indo encarar aquelas inúmeras atividades, enquanto comia o bolo e digitava umas coisas no notebook sinto alguém me olhando, na hora eu já soube quem era já que só tinha eu e ela no local, desvio meu olhar da tela para a garota que já me olhava, nos encaramos por alguns segundos mas esses foi os segundos mais demorado que tive, a garota tinha cabelos curtos e pretos, seu olhar era bastante penetrante e dava calafrio em qualquer um, uma coisa que me chamou atenção foi sua cicatriz em sua bochecha direita, aquilo a deixava mais atraente. Faltavam 10 minutos para minhas aulas começarem, eu nem percebi o tempo passar pois eu focava em olhar o notebook e a mulher, rapidamente guardo minhas coisas e coloco minhas mochila nas costas, vou até o balcão -Eu queria ficar mais e comer outras coisas, mas preciso urgente ir- falo tirando minha carteira do bolso -Está tudo bem, deu reais- entrego meu dinheiro para a moça e me viro para correr, mas eu volto e pego uma caneta -esse daqui é meu número, me mande mensagem que em cinco minutos eu respondo- escrevo o meu número em um papel e antes de sair correndo dou uma piscadinha para a moça e saio correndo.
— Se passaram algumas semanas desde que passei o meu número para a garota de cabelos preto, que chamava Mikasa, em tão pouco tempo nós ficamos íntimos um do outro, nossas conversas eram sempre intensas e longas, quase não ficamos sem assunto, em um desses assunto descobrimos que tínhamos um amigo em comum que era o Armin, a Mikasa é amiga dele desde pequeno enquanto eu o conhecia na universidade. Assim que a universidade deu um tempo bom para nós, Armin aproveitou do melhor jeito possível e todo final de semana me chamava para sair com ele, seu namorado Eren e a Mikasa, é claro que eu sempre aceitava, e no meio dessas saídas eu e Mikasa ficamos várias vezes, era no máximo beijos e um aperto na cintura ou na bunda, no começo eu que tomei iniciativa mas logo depois quem tomava controle da situação era a Mikasa, eu não achava ruim, aquilo me deixava bastante animado mas não queria admitir.
— Na tela do meu celular eram 02:34 em um domingo, nós estávamos em uma festa que os amigos de Mikasa e Armin fizeram, apenas só tinha pessoal conhecido, tirando eu que ninguém conhecia e eu não conhecia quase ninguém, tirando Hange e Erwin -Fiquei sabendo que está ficando com a irmã do baixinho, é verdade?- Hange perguntou, estava eu, ela e Erwin em um canto mas não tão longe do pessoal -Quem?- Erwin aponta para o seu namorado, Levi, que estava pegando bebida -Por que a pergunta?- sinto minhas bochechas corarem -As fofocas por aqui correm rápido, quando menos percebe todos já sabem- ela diz passando o braço no meu pescoço bebericando seu energético -Eu gosto dela- digo do nada, Hange e Erwin logo abrem um sorriso -Que bom sabemos disso, vocês até que seriam um ótimo casal, se ainda não sou- Erwin comentou. Se passaram alguns minutos e mais algumas pessoas chegou, e uma delas foi uma pessoa que eu conhecia a tempo, Annie, quando eu vejo a garota arregalo os olhos e a mesma também em surpresa, começamos a conversar e colocar o papo em dia, fazia uns meses que não a via e apenas mantenhamos contato no celular, em um momento da conversa a Mikasa apareceu do nada nos interrompendo para que fossemos até a sala pois todos se reuniram lá, a Annie foi na frente deixando eu e a Mikasa, a garota me coloca contra a parede e me olha no fundo dos olhos, sinto sua mão adentrando minha blusa e fisgando meu abdômen onde ela arranha forte -Eu estou de olho em você- ela sussura no meu ouvido e depois se afasta tirando sua mão, meu corpo se arrepiou inteiro, levanto minha blusa olhando o tamanho do arranhão -Se quiser mais, é só continuar- ela avisa, minha cabeça logo acende e um sorriso aparece meu rosto, essa brincadeira vai ser interessante.
— Todos reunidos na sala, jogávamos conversa fora até que Eren teve a brilhante idéia de uma brincadeira igual verdade e desafio, mas a diferença é que no 'verdade' seria 'pergunta' e todos concordaram com essa idéia, no começo foi bastante engraçada e muita revelação, só nesses minutos descobrimos que Connie já ficou com um homem pensando que era mulher, mas no fim ele gostou, que Sasha já ficou com um monte de gente, Hange ficou com mulher casada, Levi e Erwin perderam seus bv juntos, Eren e Armin já ficou presos no shopping. Quando menos esperava, a garrafa  parou apontada pra mim e para Connie -Você já ficou com a Annie?- todos ficam em silêncio, Hange faz sinal para Sasha meter um tapa em Connie, Mikasa que estava sentada ao meu lado levantou uma sobrancelha esperando minha resposta, Annie que estava ao meu lado dar um sorrisinho de canto -Que? Por que a pergunta?- pergunto surpreso -Desde que Annie apareceu você não para de conversar com ela- o quase careca diz -Nós somos apenas amigos, o máximo que rolou entre nós foi um beijo, mas eu já sou de outra pessoa- todo mundo grita quando eu deixo escapar a última frase, e pela primeira vez consigo ver Mikasa corar e muito. O resto do jogo foi bem tranquilo, eu e Annie participamos mais e fizemos inúmeras merdas, já eram 03:27 e ainda continuamos com a brincadeira, o foco de todo mundo passou para o trio dos patetas, Mikasa na cara dura deixava sua mão em minha coxa e dava vários apertos e arranhões, com o tempo foi aumentando e alguns vezes ela chegava perto e me mordia bem rápido, decido que já é hora de ir embora, me despeço de todos e peço para a Mikasa me levar para casa, antes de saímos ouvimos gritaria direcionado para nós dois
— Como já era de madrugada, convido Mikasa para dormir na minha casa hoje e ela aceita, peço para ela me acompanhar até o meu quarto para mostrá-la o banheiro e dar umas peças de roupa, quando entramos no quarto a primeira coisa que ela fez foi me colocar sentado na cadeira e se sentar no meu colo com força -Hoje você estava conversando muito com a Annie- ela fala passando os dedos no meu queixo enquanto me olhava -Meu plano seria ficar com você, mas você parecia não ocupado- ela continuou com seu dedo até meu pescoço -E você está esperando o que? Eu estou aqui todo para você- digo levando minhas mãos até sua cintura mas ela logo os parou -Não te dei autorização de me tocar- ela diz logo se levantando do meu colo -Fiquei apenas de cueca e se deite na cama, isso é uma ordem- ela manda, eu sem pensar duas vezes a obedeço, assim que me deito na cama ela aparece com um pano -Que grossa, ela não faria isso comigo- provoco a Ackerman, ela tinha um olhar de raiva e luxúria, ela agarra meus pulsos e os amarra com força os deixando para cima da minha cabeça -Você tem sorte de não estarmos na minha casa- ela sobe na cama  e se curva ficando perto do meu ouvido -Você se prepare, vou fazer você de minha putinha- ela diz com suas unhas arranhando minha coxa com força e subindo até meu abdômen, ela começa a distribuir vários beijos no meu pescoço até começar a chupa-lo com força arrancando gemidos fracos, ela desceu seus beijos até meu peito e deu uma mordida fraca no meu mamilo enquanto o outro ela apertou forte entre os dedos, remexi meu corpo sentindo uma dor mas ao mesmo tempo prazer, ela brincou com meu peitoral e minha barriga dando vários arranhões por toda parte. Ela desceu mais ainda até chegar na minha cintura para baixo, a garota ficou entre minhas pernas e deu um tapão forte na minha coxa sem avisar -Você é uma putinha tão perverso, já está todo molhado com tão pouca coisa- um sorriso cresce em seus lábios -Não é, sua putinha?- outra tapa na minha coxa ela transfere, eu segurava meus gemidos e fechava os olhos com força, meu corpo tremia com seus tapas -Agora a putinha de merda não fala, mas para ficar falando com sua amiguinha você tinha boca- ela enfia as unhas na minha outra coxa, com sua outra mão ela enfia dentro da cueca -Puta que pariu, você é um completo de um submisso mesmo, você está tão lubrificado- tirando sua mão de dentro da cueca, ela observa o quanto seus dedos ficou melado só na entrada, ela passa no meu abdômen e volta com seus dedos novamente lá, ela se curva chegando perto até mim -Até agora não ouvi sequer um gemido vindo de sua boca, está difícil?- sem avisar ela enfia os dedos forte e fundo me fazendo gemer arrastado -Quero que você implore, implore pelos meus dedos- seu olhar contra os meus, eu sentia uma dominação vindo da garota que eu faria qualquer coisa -Mais rápido- falo baixinho, mas Mikasa não quer isso -Implore, seu submisso de merda, o que você quer?- ela aumenta a voz e aperta meu clitóris -Quero que você me foda!- -Diga mais- -Quero que você enfie seus dedos com força em mim- -Implore mais, cachorro- -Quero que você fode sua putinha com seus dedos, faça sua putinha gemer seu nome!- Mikasa abre mais o sorriso e acelera os movimentos dos dedos, três dedos indo e voltando bem fundo e rápido, eu não conseguia segurar meus gemidos -P-porra, Mikasa- a garota gostava de como eu estava diante a ela, ela adora como conseguia me dominar, como eu gemia seu nome e seus dedos na minha buceta que se apertava cada vez mais -Goze- ela sussura no meu ouvido já sabendo que eu estava lá.
— Acordo sentindo um calor, quando abro os olhos vejo que estou deitado em cima da Mikasa, a mesma fazia carinho nos fios do meu cabelo -Bom dia meu bem, você está bem?- ela pergunta dando um beijo na minha testa, eu sentia todos aqueles tapas e arranhões arderem até agora, eu não respondo e ela logo fica mal -Desculpe por ter feito isso tudo ontem, eu não consegui controlar- a abraço beijando seu pescoço -Não se preocupe, eu gostei e muito- a ackerman me puxa para um beijo apaixonado e reconfortante -Você consegue andar ou precisa de ajuda?-  ela pergunta me colocando ao seu lado e se levantando -Preciso de ajuda- a mulher me pega estilo noiva, fico impressionado com sua força e como seus braços eram fortes -Agora vamos comer um pouco antes que eu acabe te comendo de novo-
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jakedamikasa · 1 year
Cafetería Mikasa x lectormasc (Version Espanhol)
¡¡Hola!! Cómo están ustedes? este texto fue traducido en el traductor de google, no hablo con fluidez en ese idioma, pero sé algunas cosas, aunque sé un poco, no tengo confianza para traducirme
tendrá cosas +18
-Mi día de hoy estuvo muy ocupado, además de la universidad tenía infinidad de tareas por hacer, solo quería tener un tiempo para respirar un poco, ya ni siquiera salía con mis amigos y ligues. Tuve una hora libre para poner un poco en orden las cosas, por suerte había una cafetería cerca de la universidad para poder quedarme un rato y no preocuparme por llegar tarde en ese infierno, digo, la universidad.
—Cuando entro suena una campanita sobre mi cabeza, la cafetería estaba vacía y el silencio era grande, imprimo una sonrisa de alivio y me dirijo a la silla para sentarme, dejo mi mochila sobre la mesa, abriéndola y tomando saqué mi cuaderno, mientras lo encendía a una persona a mi lado, la persona vestía un uniforme y deduje que es una camarera tomando mi pedido, cuando mis ojos se encuentran con los tuyos siento una ligera conexión, parece que la mujer siente lo mismo porque sus pupilas se dilatan - ¡Buenos días, señor! ¿Te gustaría algo de comer o beber?- pregunta con voz dulce la mujer -Tomaré un pastel de chocolate- pregunto, la mujer lo anotó rápidamente -¿Quiere algo más?- pregunta esperando mi respuesta -Es todo por ahora, gracias- la mujer asiente con una sonrisa y vuelve al mostrador. A los pocos minutos vuelve con mi trozo de tarta en un plato acompañado de una cuchara -¡Buen provecho, cualquier cosa llama!- mientras como la tarta y tecleo unas cosas en la libreta siento que alguien me mira, en ese momento ya lo sabía quién era ya que solo estábamos ella y yo en el lugar, desvío la mirada de la pantalla a la chica que ya me estaba mirando, nos miramos fijamente por unos segundos pero estos fueron los segundos más largos que tuve, la chica Tenía el cabello negro y corto, su mirada era muy penetrante y le daba escalofríos a cualquiera, una cosa que me llamó la atención fue su cicatriz en la mejilla derecha, que la hacía más atractiva. Faltaban 10 minutos para que comenzaran mis clases, ni me di cuenta del tiempo que pasaba porque estaba concentrada en mirar el cuaderno y a la mujer, rápidamente guardo mis cosas y pongo mi mochila en mi espalda, voy a el mostrador -Quería quedarme más tiempo y comer otras cosas, pero necesito irme urgentemente - digo sacando mi billetera del bolsillo -Está bien, le di reales - Le entrego mi dinero a la chica y me doy la vuelta para correr, pero vuelvo y tomo un bolígrafo -este de aquí es mi número, mándame un mensaje que en cinco minutos contesto- escribo mi número en un papel y antes de salir corriendo le doy un guiño a la chica y sale corriendo.
— Han pasado algunas semanas desde que le di mi número a la chica de cabello negro, quien llamó a Mikasa, en tan poco tiempo nos intimamos, nuestras conversaciones siempre fueron intensas y largas, casi no nos quedamos sin temas, en uno de esos temas nos enteramos que teníamos un amigo en común que era Armin, Mikasa ha sido su amigo desde la infancia mientras lo conocí en la universidad. En cuanto la universidad nos dio un buen rato, Armin aprovecho de la mejor manera posible y cada fin de semana me invitaba a salir con el, su novio Eren y Mikasa, claro siempre acepto, y en medio de estas salidas Mikasa y yo nos quedamos varias veces, como mucho eran besos y un apretón en la cintura o en el culo, al principio tomé la iniciativa pero al poco tiempo fue Mikasa quien tomó el control de la situación, no pensé que fuera malo, eso me emocionó bastante pero no quería admitirlo.
— En la pantalla de mi celular eran las 02:34 de un domingo, estábamos en una fiesta que tenían los amigos de Mikasa y Armin, solo que solo había gente que yo conocía, excepto yo que nadie conocía y yo no conocía a casi nadie, a excepción de Hange y Erwin -Escuché que te estás quedando con la hermana del enano, ¿es eso cierto?- preguntó Hange, estábamos yo, ella y Erwin en una esquina pero no tan lejos de la gente -¿Quiénes?- Erwin la señala novio, Levi, que estaba recogiendo bebida -¿Por qué preguntas?- Siento mis mejillas sonrojarse -Los chismes por aquí viajan rápido, cuando menos te das cuenta ya todos lo saben- dice pasando su brazo alrededor de mi cuello tomando su bebida energética - Me gusta ella- digo de la nada, Hange y Erwin luego abren una sonrisa -Menos mal que sabemos eso, incluso serían una gran pareja, si yo aún no lo soy- comentó Erwin. solo nos manteníamos en contacto por el celular, en un momento de la conversación apareció Mikasa de la nada interrumpiéndonos para que fuéramos a la sala porque todos se habían reunido ahí, Annie se adelantó dejándonos a mí y a Mikasa, la chica me pone contra la pared y me mira fijamente a los ojos, siento su mano meterse en mi camiseta y enganchar mi abdomen donde me araña con fuerza -Te estoy mirando- me susurra al oído y luego se aleja, tomando su mano, mi cuerpo se estremece por todas partes, levanto mi blusa mirando el tamaño del rasguño -Si quieres más, sigue adelante- me advierte, mi cabeza pronto se ilumina y una sonrisa aparece en mi rostro, Esta broma va a ser interesante.
— Como ya amanecía, hoy invito a Mikasa a dormir a mi casa y ella acepta, le pido que me acompañe a mi habitación para mostrarle el baño y darle algo de ropa, cuando entramos a la habitación lo primero que hizo fue sentarme en la silla y sentarme en mi regazo con fuerza -Hoy estuviste hablando mucho con Annie- dice pasando sus dedos por mi barbilla mientras me mira -Mi plan sería quedarme contigo, pero no lo hiciste Pareces ocupado- continuó con su dedo subiendo a mi cuello -¿Y tú que esperas? Estoy aquí para ti- digo llevando mis manos a su cintura pero ella pronto las detiene -No te di permiso para tocarme- dice de inmediato levantándose de mi regazo -Estaba solo en ropa interior y acuéstate en la cama, eso es una orden- me ordena, sin pensarlo dos veces la obedezco, apenas me acuesto en la cama aparece con un trapo -Que grosero, ella no me haría eso- bromeo Ackerman , tenia una mirada de enojo y lujuria, agarra mis manos por las muñecas y las amarra fuertemente dejándolas por encima de mi cabeza -Tienes suerte de que no estemos en mi casa- se sube a la cama y se agacha acercándose a mi oído -Prepárate, te voy a hacer mi putita- dice con sus uñas arañando fuerte mi muslo y subiendo hasta mi abdomen, comienza a repartir varios besos en mi cuello hasta que comienza a chuparlo con fuerza provocando debilidad. gime, baja sus besos a mi pecho y me da un mordisco débil en mi pezón mientras el otro lo apretaba fuerte entre sus dedos, movía mi cuerpo sintiendo dolor pero a la vez placer, jugaba con mi pecho y vientre dando varias arañazos por todas partes. Bajó aún más hasta llegar a mi cintura para abajo, la chica se metió entre mis piernas y me golpeó fuerte en el muslo sin previo aviso -Eres una perversa perversa, ya estás toda mojada con tan poca cosa- una sonrisa crece en sus labios labios -¿No es así, pequeña perra?- otra palmada en mi muslo me transfiere, contuve mis gemidos y cerré los ojos con fuerza, mi cuerpo se estremeció con sus palmadas -Ahora la perra de mierda no habla, pero para seguir hablando con su amiguita tuviste boquita- clava sus uñas en mi otro muslo, con su otra mano la mete dentro de mi ropa interior -Joder, eres una completa sumisa en verdad, estás tan lubricada- tomando tu mano fuera de tu ropa interior, observa como sus dedos se pusieron pegajosos justo en la entrada, pasa sobre mi abdomen y regresa con sus dedos ahí nuevamente, se agacha acercándose a mí -Hasta ahora no he escuchado ni un gemido proveniente de su boca, ¿es difícil?- sin previo aviso mete sus dedos fuerte y profundo haciéndome gemir arrastrado -quiero que ruegues, ruega por mis dedos- su mirada contra la mía, sentí una dominación proveniente de la chica que yo haría cualquier cosa -Más rápido- Hablo en voz baja, pero Mikasa no quiere esto -Suplica, sumisa de mierda, ¿qué quieres?- levanta la voz y aprieta mi clítoris -¡Quiero que me folles!- -Di más- - Quiero que me metas tus dedos con fuerza- -Ruega más, perro- -¡Quiero que te folles a tu putita con los dedos, que tu putita gima tu nombre!- Mikasa sonríe más y acelera los movimientos de sus dedos, tres dedos yendo y viniendo profundo y rápido, no podía contener mis gemidos -F-joder, Mikasa- a la chica le gustaba como estaba frente a ella, le encanta como lograba dominarme, como gemía su nombre y su dedos en mi coño que se apretaba cada vez más -Vamos- susurra en mi oído ya sabiendo que estaba ahí.
— Me despierto sintiéndome calentita, cuando abro los ojos veo que estoy recostada encima de Mikasa, ella estaba acariciando los mechones de mi cabello -Buenos días cariño, ¿estás bien?- me pregunta dándome un beso en la la frente, sentí que todas esas bofetadas y rasguños me queman hasta ahora, no contesto y ella pronto se pone mal -Perdón por hacer todo eso ayer, no pude controlar- la abrazó besando su cuello -No te preocupes, Me gusto mucho- ackerman jala de mi para darme un beso apasionado y reconfortante -¿puedes caminar o necesitas ayuda?- me pregunta poniéndome a su lado y levantándose -necesito ayuda- la mujer me toma estilo novia, yo Estoy impresionado con su fuerza y lo fuertes que eran sus brazos. Ahora comamos un poco antes de que termine comiéndote de nuevo.
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jakedamikasa · 1 year
Coffee shop Mikasa x readermasc (Version Inglês)
Hello!! are you ok? this is my first time posting something, especially on this site. English is not my first language and it is not even influential, this text translated in google translator
!!!!I will post the translated text in Spanish and Portuguese (their original language)!!!!!
will have things +18!!!!!
-My day today was very busy, besides the university I had countless tasks to do, I just wanted to have some time to breathe a little, I didn't even go out with my friends and hookups anymore. I had a spare hour to put things in order a little bit, luckily there was a cafeteria near the university so I could stay a while and not worry about being late in that hell, I mean, university. —When I enter a little bell rings above my head, the cafeteria was empty and the silence was great, I print a smile of relief and I go to the chair to sit down, I leave my backpack on the table, opening it and taking out my notebook , while turning it on a person beside me, the person wore a uniform and I deduced that it is a waitress taking my order, when my eyes meet yours I feel a slight connection, it seems that the woman feels the same because her pupils dilate - Good morning, sir! Would you like something to eat or drink?- in a sweet voice the woman asks -I'll have a chocolate cake- I ask, the woman wrote it down quickly -Would you like anything else?- she asks waiting for my answer -That's all for now, thank you - the woman nods with a smile and returns to the counter. In a few minutes she returns with my piece of cake on a plate accompanied by a spoon -Bon appetit, anything just call! while eating the cake and typing some things on the notebook I feel someone looking at me, at the time I already knew who it was since there was only me and her in the place, I look away from the screen to the girl who was already looking at me, we stare at each other for a few seconds but these were the longest seconds I had, the girl had short black hair, her gaze was very penetrating and gave anyone a chill, one thing that caught my attention was her scar on her right cheek, that made her more attractive. There were 10 minutes left for my classes to start, I didn't even notice the time pass because I was focused on looking at the notebook and the woman, I quickly put my things away and put my backpack on my back, I go to the counter -I wanted to stay longer and eat other things, but I urgently need to go - I say taking my wallet out of my pocket -It's okay, I gave reais - I hand my money to the girl and turn to run, but I come back and take a pen -this here is my number, send me a message that in five minutes I answer- I write my number on a piece of paper and before running out I give the girl a wink and run out.
— It's been a few weeks since I gave my number to the girl with black hair, who called Mikasa, in such a short time we became intimate with each other, our conversations were always intense and long, we almost didn't run out of topics, in one of those subject we found out that we had a mutual friend who was Armin, Mikasa has been his friend since childhood while I knew him at university. As soon as the university gave us a good time, Armin took advantage of the best possible way and every weekend he asked me to go out with him, his boyfriend Eren and Mikasa, of course I always accepted, and in the middle of these outings me and Mikasa we stayed several times, it was at the most kisses and a squeeze on the waist or the ass, at first I took the initiative but soon after it was Mikasa who took control of the situation, I didn't think it was bad, that made me quite excited but I didn't want to admit it .
— On my cell phone screen it was 02:34 on a Sunday, we were at a party that Mikasa and Armin's friends had, only there were only people I knew, except for me that nobody knew and I didn't know almost anyone, except for Hange and Erwin -I heard you're staying with the shorty's sister, is that true?- Hange asked, there was me, her and Erwin in a corner but not so far from the people -Who?- Erwin points to her boyfriend, Levi, who was picking up drink -Why do you ask?- I feel my cheeks blushing -Gossips around here travel fast, when you least realize it everyone already knows- she says putting her arm around my neck sipping her energy drink -I like her- I say out of nowhere, Hange and Erwin then they open a smile -Good thing we know that, you would even be a great couple, if I'm not yet- Erwin commented. A few minutes passed and some more people arrived, and one of them was a person I knew in time, Annie, when I see the girl I widen my eyes and she is also surprised, we started talking and catching up, it was I haven't seen her for a few months and we just kept in touch on the cell phone, in a moment of the conversation Mikasa appeared out of nowhere interrupting us so that we could go to the living room because everyone had gathered there, Annie went ahead leaving me and Mikasa, the girl puts me against the wall and looks me deep in the eyes, I feel her hand going inside my shirt and hooking my abdomen where it scratches hard -I'm watching you- she whispers in my ear and then pulls away, taking her hand, my body shivers all over, I lift my blouse looking at the size of the scratch -If you want more, just keep going- she warns, my head immediately lights up and a smile appears on my face, this joke will be interesting
— All gathered in the room, we were chatting away until Eren had the brilliant idea of ​​a game equal to truth and dare, but the difference is that in the 'truth' it would be 'question' and everyone agreed with this idea, in the beginning it was quite funny and a lot of revelation, only in these minutes we find out that Connie has already been with a man thinking he was a woman, but in the end he liked it, that Sasha has already been with a lot of people, Hange has been with a married woman, Levi and Erwin lost their bv together, Eren and Armin have already gotten stuck at the mall. When I least expected it, the bottle stopped pointing at me and Connie -Have you already made out with Annie?- everyone is silent, Hange makes a sign for Sasha to slap Connie, Mikasa who was sitting next to me raised an eyebrow waiting for my response, Annie who was beside me give a corner smile -What? Why the question?- I ask in surprise -Since Annie showed up you haven't stopped talking to her- the almost bald guy says -We're just friends, the most that happened between us was a kiss, but I already belong to someone else- everything The world screams as I blurt out the last sentence, and for the first time I can see Mikasa blush a lot. The rest of the game went very smoothly, Annie and I participated more and did a lot of shit, it was already 03:27 and we were still playing, everyone's focus shifted to the trio of goofs, Mikasa stiff-faced left her hand in my thigh and gave it several squeezes and scratches, with time it increased and sometimes she got close and bit me very quickly, I decide that it's time to leave, I say goodbye to everyone and ask Mikasa to take me home, before as we left we heard screaming directed at both of us
— As it was already dawn, I invite Mikasa to sleep at my house today and she accepts, I ask her to accompany me to my room to show her the bathroom and give her some clothes, when we enter the room the first thing she did was sit me down on the chair and sit on my lap tightly -Today you were talking a lot with Annie- she says running her fingers over my chin while looking at me -My plan would be to stay with you, but you didn't seem busy- she continued with her finger up to my neck -And what are you waiting for? I'm all here for you- I say taking my hands to her waist but she soon stopped them -I didn't give you permission to touch me- she says right away getting up from my lap -I was only in my underwear and lay down on the bed, that's a order- she commands, without thinking twice I obey her, as soon as I lie down on the bed she appears with a cloth -How rude, she wouldn't do that to me- I tease Ackerman, she had a look of anger and lust, she grabs my hands wrists and ties them tightly leaving them above my head -You're lucky we're not in my house- she climbs on the bed and bends over getting close to my ear -You get ready, I'm going to make you my little bitch- she says with her nails scratching my thigh hard and going up to my abdomen, she starts to distribute several kisses on my neck until she starts sucking it hard, eliciting weak moans, she descends her kisses to my chest and gives a weak bite on my nipple while the other one she squeezed hard between her fingers, I moved my body feeling pain but at the same time pleasure, she played with my chest and belly giving several scratches everywhere. She went down even more until she reached my waist down, the girl got between my legs and slapped my thigh hard without warning -You're such a perverse little bitch, you're already all wet with so little stuff- a smile grows on her lips. lips -Isn't it, you little whore?- another slap on the my thigh she transfers, I held back my moans and closed my eyes tightly, my body shook with her slaps -Now the shitty bitch doesn't speak, but to keep talking to your little friend you had a mouth- she digs her nails into my other thigh , with her other hand she sticks it inside her underwear -Fucking hell, you're a complete submissive, you're so lubricated- taking her hand out of her underwear, she observes how sticky her fingers were just in the entrance, she passes on my abdomen and returns with her fingers there again, she bends down getting close to me -So far I haven't heard even a moan coming from her mouth, is it difficult?- without warning she sticks her fingers strong and deep making me moan dragged - I want you to beg, beg through my fingers- your gaze against mine, I felt a dominance coming from the girl that I would do anything -Faster- I speak softly but Mikasa doesn't want that -Beg you submissive shit what do you want to?- she raises her voice and squeezes my clit -I want you to fuck me!- -Say more- -I want you to stick your fingers hard in me- -Beg more, dog- -I want you to fuck your little bitch with your fingers, make your little bitch moan your name!- Mikasa opens up her smile and speeds up her finger movements, three fingers going back and forth really deep and fast, I couldn't hold back my moans -F-fuck, Mikasa- the girl liked to as I was in front of her, she loves how she managed to dominate me, how I moaned her name and her fingers in my pussy that tightened more and more -Enjoy- she whispers in my ear already knowing I was there
— I wake up feeling warm, when I open my eyes I see that I'm lying on top of Mikasa, she was caressing the strands of my hair -Good morning, honey, are you okay?- she asks giving me a kiss on the forehead, I felt it all those slaps and scratches burn until now, I don't answer and she soon gets bad -Sorry for doing all that yesterday, I couldn't control- hug her kissing her neck -Don't worry, I liked it a lot- ackerman pulls me for a passionate and comforting kiss -Are you able to walk or do you need help?- she asks placing me beside her and getting up -I need help- the woman takes me bridal style, I am impressed with her strength and how strong her arms were - Now let's eat some before I end up eating you again-
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