jalenh1 ¡ 5 months
𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐞𝐭 ⇢ 𝒔𝒂𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒋𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏.
Who: Sabrina Carpenter & Jalen Hurts ( @jalenh1 )
When: November 19, 2023
Where: Kansas City, Missouri 
Plot: Sabrina flies in to Kansas City to surprise Jalen and tells him how she truly feels about him.
Triggers: nsfw
SABRINA: After several months of going and back forth on what she wanted, Sabrina finally felt like she had the answer. And she wanted to tell Jalen in person, no less. She had to. There was simply no other way because she refused to do it over the phone. It wouldn’t have felt the same. Originally, she had made plans to be in Kansas City for his game on Monday and she told him so, but instead, she more or less lied and said she couldn’t anymore because of some work obligations that suddenly came up. However, it was all a ploy to surprise him much like he did to her a couple weeks ago. It only felt right. So, here she was — luggage in hand as she made her way through the team’s hotel and eventually found his room number. With a deep breath, Sabrina lifted her hand to knock on the door softly as she rocked back and forth on her heels; anticipating the moment when Jalen would finally open the door.
JALEN: Jalen was someone who typically always had his focus on one thing - the game, and nothing else would distract him from the most important thing: winning. But, when it came to the new girl in his life, he found himself thinking about her rather than tomorrow night’s matchup. He thought about how she was originally going to be there for what would arguably be the toughest game for him so far this season, but had to reluctantly back out due to other obligations. But, it wasn’t the lack of a good luck charm on his mind, it was Sabrina entirely. Spending time with her was something he had cherished lately, and to watch an opportunity slip away had him more disappointed than he may have been willing to admit to her. After all, it wasn’t her fault, so it didn’t feel right to show just how bummed out he had been when the plan was cut short. Lounging in his hotel room now, he settled down just before the knock on his door. Assuming it was someone from his team, he was quick to get up, reaching forward to open it before looking through the peephole. The petite frame of the musician came into view, and he couldn’t help but smile. “No way,” he said, shaking his head, grin spreading wide across his face. “You’re damn convincing.”
SABRINA: As soon as Jalen opened the door, the grin on Sabrina's face was impossible to hide when she saw his reaction to her being on the other side of the door. It was absolutely priceless. Telling him a little white lie was definitely the best thing she could've done. Without a word, she tossed her bag into the hotel room behind him and didn't hesitate to throw her arms around him while jumping into his own arms at the same time. It was easy to do so with their height difference, especially given how small she was. "I was planning to come the whole time. Just thought I'd surprise you like you did to me," Sabrina said with a soft laugh, finally pulling away to fully look him in the eyes. "Also, I more so wanted to come because I really need to tell you something that I don't know how much longer I can keep to myself. I don't know how you're gonna feel about it, but if I just keep holding it in, then it's not going to do me any good. I just hope you won't be surprised or mad, or anything." Sabrina was rambling, that much was obvious. But it was only because she was so damn nervous to finally let her feelings out.
JALEN: Jalen’s arms were out to meet her as she jumped up, comfortably fitting in his embrace. He held onto her as he listened to her speak, how she had planned the surprise from the beginning all thanks to the fib Jalen was quick to fall for. He couldn’t help but smile, as if he could grin any more. It meant a lot to him for her to return the favor, even if she had no need to, or that he was expecting her to. Yet, he couldn’t deny the way it made him feel. The more she spoke, however, the more that feeling turned to worry, like she was holding something back from him. He had no idea what it could be, and knew it wouldn’t be beneficial to run each and every theory through his mind, worrying him more. “Are you alright, though?” He had asked, the first thing to leave his lips. Ultimately, his concern was her, and that whatever she was harboring might have had her upset, in some shape or form. He couldn’t see it in her eyes, as she looked back up at him, but he didn’t want to assume anything. He made a few steps backwards before he turned to the direction of the bed, setting her down as he sat beside her. “I won’t be mad,” he assured her, quick to do so for someone who had no clue as to what she might reveal. “You’re safe with me. Promise you that.”
SABRINA: Sabrina was almost in disbelief at how perfect Jalen was. Constantly reassuring her, constantly making her smile and laugh, and the best part of all — making her genuinely happy. That happiness only shone through more when he eventually carried her to the bed in the middle of the hotel room and reassure her that she was safe with him. It was stupid, but she almost wanted to cry. "I—" Sabrina hesitated, not because she didn't want to admit her feelings anymore, but because she didn't know where to start or how to actually tell him. "I've been through a lot this year," she finally started, clearing her throat quietly. "And obviously a lot in the past several years, too. Just crazy shit constantly happening to me. One of them being how I was seeing a few people this year and I couldn't seem to figure out who I felt the strongest for. I've also just been fucking terrified to open myself up to someone new because of past trauma, but I'm more afraid if I don't, that I'll lose out on something that could potentially be really fucking great." The blonde briefly glanced down at her fingers as she absentmindedly played with them. "What I'm trying to say is... It's you. I think it's always been you, even if we haven't known each other very long. You're literally on my mind all the time and I'm missing you all the fucking time when we're not together. Like, my heart literally aches when I don't get to see you. I don't want anyone else but you at this point, Jay."
JALEN: Jalen made a point to listen, to not interrupt, to watch her as she spoke, to pick up on her body language. As she hesitated, he grew all the more nervous, but tried not to let it show. As someone who never got nervous, that was now out the window as he sat next to her, practically on the edge of his seat as she carried on. He nodded as he took in her words, preparing for her to let him down easy. For someone who was always trying to look for the best case scenario, to never let anything get him down, it was different for him to sit there expecting the worst. Her focus on her hands, and his focus on her, her next admission was enough to prove him completely wrong. Reaching forward, he took her hands in his, enveloping them as that bright smile returned to his face. “I really thought inviting you to that game after Burrow gave me your number was just for… fun, for us to both enjoy ourselves,” it was his turn to speak, and he spoke softly, his eyes on her. “And then I started missing you, too, when you weren't there. I don’t even remember the last time I felt that way about someone, just… wanting to see them all the time.” He never wanted to be selfish, especially when she wasn’t his to have, but he felt now was the time to speak the truth right back. “I just didn’t want to drag you away from anyone else, or whatever else, was making you happy, ‘cause… shit, just seeing you smile has made my days so much better. I could get off that field with a win and I just wanted to see you.” He moved one of his hands beneath her chin, propping it up to him. “I’ve wanted you, too, you know that, right? Had eyes for you this whole damn time.”
SABRINA: After Sabrina told Jalen how she was feeling, she couldn’t help but to feel relieved. Even if he didn’t end up feeling the same way, she was still glad she managed to get it off her chest and tell him. If she didn’t, she probably would’ve regretted it for the rest of her life. However, the thought of him possibly not feeling the same way immediately went out the window when he started explaining that he, too, felt just the same as she did. The blonde listened intently, now unable to keep the smile off her face as Jalen went into detail about he felt, never once breaking eye contact with him when he directed her to look up at him. And then, finally, finally when Sabrina got the confirmation that he wanted her, too, she was already getting up from her spot on the bed and climbing into his lap with ease. Sliding her arms around Jalen’s neck, she leaned in to kiss him like it was the last time she’d ever be able to. “I’m all yours… If you’ll have me,” she said after pulling away, but still allowing her lips to linger behind.
JALEN: Jalen knew he wouldn’t have regretted the words that left his lips. Now that Sabrina was speaking her mind, he knew it was only right to follow. She had been the only reason he had been holding back in the first place, keeping feelings locked away to himself thinking it had been in her best interest. It felt freeing to let go. After she had positioned herself on his lap, he chased her lips for a kiss, replaying her words in his head like a melody. “It’d be my honor,” he said, in fully honesty, his arms coming around her and pulling her in. As he spoke, his lips brushed against hers. “You think I was worth the trip?” He asked, knowing well enough her schedule was packed and she’d be going soon, but he didn’t want to think about that part. Not yet. “'Cause I think I’m leaving KC a winner now no matter what happens.”
SABRINA: As soon as Sabrina got the real confirmation from Jalen this time, she could do nothing but kiss him again. This time, with more fervor and need. And when she eventually pulled away to catch her breath, she found the quarterback staring right back at her as soon as she opened her eyes. A slight crimson blush fanned over her cheeks, suddenly feeling shy and bashful under his stare for the first time ever after the feelings they just shared with each other. Not to mention the sweet words from him that soon followed. “You’re worth every damn trip I make to wherever in the world you’re at, babe,” Sabrina spoke with full honesty, the big smile on her face never ceasing to dissipate at this point. “No matter the outcome of the game, you absolutely did win me over and that’s all that matters.”
JALEN: Jalen’s grin matched Sabrina’s, only ever fading as his lips met hers, and even then he smiled through the kiss. “All I could ever ask for.” He said, leaning back so he was comfortable against the mattress, using no strength to bring her down with him so her chest was touching his. Incredibly close, and just how he wanted it, knowing the next time they would have to part would be harder than the last. For now, he took in the moment, his hand absentmindedly tangling in her blonde hair as he pressed a kiss to her head. “You gotta leave after the game?” He finally brought himself to ask, knowing her schedule was just as busy as his own. “Best make every minute count.”
SABRINA: Sabrina smiled and let out a little squeal in surprise when Jalen laid back and had to use little effort in pulling her down with him. Everything was way too easy for him. The smile on her face soon turned into a grin as she adjusted herself on top of him so that she was now hovering above him. Though, the question he asked almost caught her off guard because it meant they had to face reality again soon. Sabrina wished they could just stay right here forever and not move an inch. That sounded like the better option than having to be apart from each other already after just making things official. The musician’s golden blonde hair fanned over her face as she looked down at Jalen, her soft pink lips forming into a pout. “Tuesday morning, I have to,” she said with a sigh. “But you’re right, we gotta make every minute with each other count.”
JALEN: Jalen sighed in return, almost knowing exactly what her answer was going to be, but hoping that he was wrong. Still, it was more than what he could ask for, and he was going to do just as he promised. “Every,” he repeated, his hands at the small of her back before he took a hold on her, flipping them over so she was now back against the mattress. Pressing his lips to her neck, he peppered soft kisses along her skin, “single,” he took her hands in his, intertwining their fingers before he positioned them above her head. His brown eyes were locked on her as he lifted himself back up for a brief moment, only to steal another kiss. “Minute." He mumbled the last word against her mouth, his fingertips now trailing down her sides, moving slowly until his hand rested at her thigh. “But if you’re too jet lagged… I get it.” Jalen teased, waiting on her reaction.
SABRINA: Sabrina’s eyebrows shot up towards her hairline when Jalen appeared to have started a sentence and didn’t finish it, then catching her off guard again by flipping them over so her back was no against the mattress. A quiet squeal in surprise escaped from her lips again, but it quickly turned into a soft moan when she felt his lips against her neck; seemingly beginning to finish his sentence. When Jalen pinned Sabrina’s above her head, a gasp soon followed when their lips met and she almost instantly leaned into it; craving more of him, his hands, and his mouth on her. “Please…” Sabrina was quick to beg, her voice coming out quieter than usual. “You’re all I want right now, I don’t give a fuck about anything else,” she said with fully transparency as she locked her arms around the quarterback’s neck, pulling him down to her lips again for another kiss. This time, it was much more desperate, and full of hunger and desire for her now boyfriend.
JALEN: Jalen knew even now he would never get tired of Sabrina, and every noise she made, from the adorable little squeals to the pretty moans that left her lips. As she pleaded, he smirked against her skin, soon lifting his head only to be pulled back in by the musician. The kiss was somehow even more passionate than before, both well aware that they would soon be apart again, and at the same time, aware that they’d return to each other. It was the first time it was solidified, that Jalen didn’t have to wonder if he was worth the attention she had been giving him. Still, despite adoring having her in those stadiums cheering him on, it was the one on one he truly began to cherish. Each moment away from Sabrina was more agonizing than the last, the blonde on his mind more than he could have ever predicted she would be. More than she could probably imagine. With her laying right in front of him, he was sure to keep his promises. “I’m all you want?” He asked, his voice matching her volume, as soft as the hands that rested on her body. “Tell me what you want from me, and it’s all yours, babygirl.”
SABRINA: “I’m pretty sure you already know exactly what I want,” Sabrina said, almost too quick for her own liking because it showed how desperate she was. With a slow lick of her lips, the music framed Jalen’s face with her soft hands and she pulled him down again for another little kiss that she let linger behind for a a moment longer. Then, Sabrina’s lips curved upward into a smirk as her hands traveled to the space between them where she grabbed his belt and selfishly pulled it through the loops, then onto the floor as fast as she could. “But in case you may need a little reminder… Want you to fuck me so hard that I don’t even know my name, don’t even know who the fuck I am. Only thing I want to know when you’re done with me is your name and how much of a slut I am for you.” And with that, Sabrina sealed it with a teasing grab of his bulge, but it only proved to backfire and tease her instead because of how hard he was already. And how badly she just wanted him inside of her already. “Please… I’ll do whatever you want.”
JALEN: Jalen could only hope she was right, that he knew exactly what she had wanted. He had a feeling their desires were on the same page as her hands moved from his face to his jeans, unbuckling his belt with no further hesitation. With every syllable that left her lips, he could feel himself grow harder, no effort on her part but her echoing just what she yearned for. And God, he wanted that, too. “You’ll do whatever I want?” He repeated, lifting his shirt over his head, creating a pile of clothes to be long forgotten about on the hotel room floor. “You don’t need to do a thing, princess. All you need to do is let me make you cum.” His words were like a promise, his hands on either side of her legs as he pushed them apart. Reaching up her skirt, the tips of his fingers ghosted over the fabric of her underwear before he stopped in his tracks. “Only thing you should do for me is take those off.”
SABRINA: It was like Sabrina lost all train of thought when Jalen pulled his shirt off; her blue eyes immediately admiring every muscle, dip, and curve that his toned, delicious body had to offer. Her mouth was literally salivating at the sight and she wouldn’t even be surprised if it was noticeable, either. Not that she really cared at this point; all that mattered was her boyfriend. Just the two of them with nothing but time until Tuesday. Finally, the blonde pulled herself out of her little trance when she heard Jalen’s voice speaking to her, the same smirk still on her face when he reminded her that she didn’t have to do anything. As much as she loved giving him attention, too, she was not about to turn down his current offer. The faintest gasp fell from Sabrina’s lips as she immediately reacted to the touch from Jalen’s hand just barely brushing against the delicate fabric of her panties. “What, your hands don’t work anymore?” She teased, but still obliged, nevertheless, and quickly slipped her panties off in one go. But instead of kicking them to the floor, she reached for them around her ankles and decided to bunch them up into a little ball to stuff inside Jalen’s back pocket. A little souvenir to remember the day by forever.
JALEN: Jalen could feel Sabrina’s blue eyes piercing into him, and it just urged him to continue, slowly, as if he were positioned in front of her just to tease. His own eyes met her smirk, eyeing her lips before moving up as a soft laugh escaped him in response to her comment. He easily could have done it himself, but once she leaned forward and slipped them in his back pocket, he knew he made the right decision. “Good girl,” he whispered, a gentle hand on her to push her back once more, just as he had planned and promised. Without any other word, not even a glance, he stood back up at the side of the bed until his knees met the floor, his hands reaching forward to grab Sabrina by her thighs. He handled her with ease, propping her legs up until his breath hit her just where she needed his tongue. “What was that you said earlier, babe?” Kissing on her inner thighs, his words muffled by her skin. “That you’re a slut for me? Gonna need you to prove it.”
SABRINA: As if being called ‘good girl’ wasn’t enough to have Sabrina coming done right then and there, then Jalen taking her by surprise by getting on his knees and pulling her down to him by her thighs certainly would. She knew exactly what was coming next and she couldn’t contain her excitement; nor the juices dripping down her thighs, at that. It was almost embarrassing how wet she was for him at this point and she was sure he knew it when he started kissing the skin along her inner thighs. Sabrina squirmed in place, her hands automatically coming to rest on his head to hopefully draw him in closer. The feeling of his facial hair scratching her soft skin was enough to have her falling over the edge, too. Jalen hadn’t even done anything yet and she was ready to combust. Though, she was incredibly frustrated with the way he kept teasing her instead of just giving her what she truly wanted. Sabrina whined, desperate to get his mouth closer to her center as she wiggled around in his hold. “Please,” the musician whined again as she propped herself up on her elbows to get a better view of Jalen between her thighs. “I need it, I need you so fucking much. Please… Look how fucking wet you make me.”
JALEN: Sabrina placing her hands at the back of Jalen’s head had him smirking against her skin, lips turning up as he kissed down her thighs, and back up again, this time even slower as she tried to push herself closer against him. He enjoyed watching it, each whine from her lips going straight to his cock. Despite downright needing her, he was far too determined to make this last, confident he could spend hours in between her legs until she couldn’t take it any longer. Now, he’d cut the time down, but was still intent on pushing her towards the edge. “I know you need it,” he said, lifting his head just a moment to catch her looking down at him — and it was hotter than hell, meeting her gaze as she tried to watch him, to urge him near. A soft chuckle left him after that, dipping his head back down. “You’ll be wetter than that when I’m done with you, babe... and that's when I'm done, not when you are,” he spoke like a promise, and one beat later he was finally giving her what she wanted, his tongue flat and relaxed as it worked against her. He reached up to rest a hand at her hips, pushing, holding them down against the mattress as his lips closed around her clit.
SABRINA: Once more, Jalen’s words were just enough to have her almost falling over the edge again. Somehow, he always knew the right things to say to get her to that point, to have her so damn aroused that she didn’t even know herself anymore. Her being an absolute mind-fucked mess was the one thing she had going for her. Though, finally, finally Sabrina had gotten what she wanted this entire time when she inevitably felt his tongue against her. Her head immediately fell back in wordless pleasure and she could no longer find the strength to hold herself up on her elbows; quickly flopping back down against the bed. Jalen managed to get her so damn worked up that she wasn’t going to last much longer already. Didn’t matter if he only just started, she needed the release that bad. She didn’t want to cum so quick, but it wasn’t like she could control it, either. “Fuck, I can’t… I need to cum already,” she moaned breathlessly as she writhed against the bed in his strong hold, desperately awaiting for him to give her permission… If he even decided to.
JALEN: Sabrina’s words, her desperate plea, only made him harder. Instead of reaching down to relieve himself, he kept both hands on the musician, fingertips digging into the dip of her hips, his tongue working her through her desperation. Her pretty noises were enough for him.. and when she told him just what she needed, he wasn’t one to deny her of her release - at least, not today. It would be one of many, he thought, determined to push her until she couldn’t take it anymore, numb and completely fucked out, in utter bliss. “Cum for me,” was all he said before his mouth was back on her, two of his fingers slipping in alongside without warning. He was sure to push her to the edge, and furthermore, until the only thing on her mind was him and the floating feeling he brought to her. He never backed off, needing to taste her until his jaw ached, her hands on the back of his head enough to urge him to stay put for hours if it wasn’t for his increasing desire to be inside of her.
SABRINA: As soon as the words left Jalen's mouth, Sabrina was quickly coming undone for him. Her hands left the back of his head briefly, only to reach for the sheets underneath her to have something to squeeze between her manicured fingers. She could barely get a word out as he helped her ride out her incredibly blissful high; feeling like her voice was stuck in her throat as her body convulsed in pleasure above him. She didn't know how long it lasted, but she eventually came down back to reality, hardly knowing her surroundings again. Sabrina was out of breath as she slowly blinked her eyes back open, her vision slightly blurry as she attempted to locate the man beneath her. When she finally felt like she regained consciousness, she was somehow able to lift herself back up on her elbows, only to find Jalen staring right back at her with the biggest, idiotic smirk on his face. The blonde's cheeks immediately flushed to a crimson red and she couldn't contain the own sated smile on her face as she flopped back down on the bed once more. "Holy fuck," was the only thing Sabrina could manage to get out.
JALEN: Jalen remained between her thighs like everything depended on it, tasting her until she rode out the very last wave of her orgasm. He looked up in an attempt to visually take her in, how beautiful she looked as he controlled her pleasure. He only stopped once she was bringing herself back up on her elbows, smirking up at her and watching on as her already flushed cheeks deepened in color. The quarterback couldn’t help but chuckle as she collapsed back again, like she had officially given up all efforts to muster enough energy to stay up. “Good?” He asked, smirk never leaving his features. He trailed his fingertips lightly back up her body with one hand, the fingers that were inside of her going straight in his mouth as he licked them clean. It wasn’t long until he was back up by her, laying by her side, once again taking in the sight of her — to the way her blonde hair framed her face and fell over her shoulders in a mess, her blue eyes blinking open at him. “You’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen, you know that?” Jalen said, grabbing a hold of her by her waist to pull her closer.
SABRINA: Sabrina barely heard what Jalen said, barely even realized he got up from the floor and laid down next to her. Only when he pulled her into his side did she even realize what was happening. For a second, the blonde allowed herself to curl up into him as she let out a bashful laugh; suddenly feeling embarrassed over how quickly she came. “So good,” Sabrina finally answered Jalen after catching her breath, the pattern eventually returning to normal. “Shut up,” she said with a playful roll of her eyes and the blush on her cheeks only deepening in color. “You are the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen.” And with that, the musician slowly pulled herself up from her lying position so that she could climb up on top of Jalen and straddle him with ease. “If you thought I wasn’t gonna pay it back, then you would be gravely mistaken.” A smirk on her face, Sabrina leaned down to give Jalen a kiss before she lifted herself back up again, allowing her hands to take their time as they wandered over his toned physique. She wanted to moan from the feeling of him underneath her fingertips, but she bit her tongue as she moved further down until she was promptly sat in-between his legs. Then, she made quick work of getting his pants undone and down to his ankles, along with his boxers. She couldn’t be bothered to get them all the way off, she had more important matters to attend to right now. And as always, seeing the sheer length and size of Jalen’s dick never failed to take her by surprise every time she had the pleasure of being fucked by him. Finally, she let out the moan that she’d been holding back and wrapped her small hand around the base before quickly lowering her mouth onto him, taking as much of him into her throat as she could.
JALEN: Jalen’s grip tightened a bit on her hips, as if she was about to slip away from him if he didn’t have a firm hold. Like he would blink and she would disappear, as if he were in some sort of dream. He took her compliments in with a smile, bright and contagious, his brown eyes tracking her as she straddled his lap. For once that night, he managed to keep his hands to himself, allowing them to settle by his side as hers travelled over his body. “Don’t need no pay back, baby, getting you off is enough for me.” He said, quite honestly, his tongue moving across his lips as if he were reliving the moment between her legs. Once she had settled and tossed his clothing aside, he knew she was going to do just as she said, and he most certainly couldn’t complain, his full attention on the woman in front of him. He was already hard from Sabrina’s moans, how she writhed from the motions of his tongue, that finally being free from the confines of his boxers was a relief in itself. He spread his legs a little wider, though her small frame fit in between them effortlessly. “Fuck, baby,” was all he could say as her hand finally touched him right where he craved her most, his hips almost immediately bucking up at the feeling of her taking him in like everything depended on it, inches down her throat without easing herself into it. "Just like that."
SABRINA: Sabrina’s eyes shot up just in time to catch Jalen’s reaction to her taking him all the way down her throat and to say she was pleased was an understatement. He could say he didn’t need anything in return as much as he wanted, but seeing the sheer look of pleasure on his face was enough to prove otherwise that he wanted it and was enjoying it. She held herself there for a few beats longer, trying her best to breathe through her nose, but her gag reflex was beginning to betray her and she had to pull off quickly to catch her breath. And with her eyes still on Jalen’s, Sabrina didn’t even care that an obscene amount of spit was dribbling from the corners of her mouth as her hand worked along his cock in generous strokes. “You deserve to feel good too, daddy,” Sabrina said, referring to his earlier argument of her not needing to pay it back. “You always know how to take care of me, always making sure I’m the one that has the most orgasms by the time you’re done with me… Just wanna show you how much I appreciate you.” And with that, the musician finally lowered her head again and her mouth was back on Jalen’s cock in no time at all. Only this time, she began with a steady rhythm of bobbing her head back and forth, her fingers teasing him with what her mouth couldn’t reach.
JALEN: Every glance down to Sabrina only made him want to pull her down further, her blue eyes burning into him, soft sounds of pleasure escaping his throat as she continued on. As she spoke, he was even further gone, his head back against the pillows as he laced his fingers through her long, blonde hair and began to tug at her locks as she took him in. “Such a good girl,” he praised, lifting off the mattress, meeting the bobs of her head with a thrust of his hips. “My good fucking girl.” The mess she was making, the sparkle of her eyes as she took him down inch by inch, it was all enough to bring him closer to the edge. His gaze locked on her once more, attention on the way her fingers wrapped around him in great effort to make sure he was feeling every bit of pleasure from her tongue to her hands. He smirked to himself as he used her spit to his advantage, slipping beyond her lips once more, seeing just how far he could go as he grabbed her wrists and held her hands against the bed. “Take it,” he urged, his voice soft as his moans picked up in volume, “keep them there,” he instructed, his own hands making their way back to her head, “and take it.”
SABRINA: Sabrina knew she was done for the second Jalen started praising her. She had to squeeze her thighs together from the way her wetness continued to freely gush down her thighs, all while attempting to focus on pleasing Jalen. But that was admittedly becoming more difficult when he decided to pin her hands to the bed, ultimately preventing her from being able to control how much she took of him into her mouth. Then, Sabrina was instructed to keep her hands there when she suddenly felt his strong hands against the back of her head, forcing her to stay in one place. Though, she wasn’t sure how long she could obey him and stay there, her gag reflex once again beginning to betray her while tears filled her eyes and eventually spilled onto her reddened cheeks, her mascara now running down her face. At this point, she didn’t care if Jalen was telling her what to do and ordering her around; she needed to be able to breathe and she needed it now. Somehow, Sabrina managed to break free from his hold against her head and when she did, she was quick to lift her mouth off of him for the chance to finally breathe in some air. She was sure she looked like a fucked out mess; hair disheveled from his hands being in it, her eyes still filled with tears and her makeup ruined from said tears, her lips swollen and jaw covered in her own saliva. But honestly, she barely cared. Sabrina stared at Jalen behind heavy eyes, finally lifting her hand to wipe the spit off of her mouth as she eventually crawled over him to settle herself on his lap again. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll fuck me right now until I can’t walk anymore,” she finally said after stealing a quick kiss from him.
JALEN: Once Sabrina lifted herself from his grip and settled back on his lap, Jalen was quick to bring his hands up to her cheeks, his thumbs running along beneath her eyes to clear the makeup that pooled along there. “If I know what’s good for me, huh?” He repeated, his tone sounding a little confident, like he knew he could put her in her place and tease her, give her nothing of the sort. But, truth be told, he craved her just as much, the quick kiss she pecked on his lips not enough as he took her hands and pulled her forward enough to steal another. “What do you say?” He asked, words slightly muffled as his lips moved against hers, the taste of her still on his tongue. With ease, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up, setting her down on the bedside as he got up and fetched his wallet from the adjacent dresser. He pulled a condom from the back, holding the foil between his fingertips as he turned to look at her. “If you know what’s good for you, you’d tell me how much you want it.” Tearing the package open with his teeth, he rolled it on without laying back down beside her - instead, hovering above, like he was waiting on something. “Better yet, how much you need it.”
SABRINA: Sabrina pouted when Jalen moved her off of him and eventually got up, not really sure what exactly he was doing. Then, it hit her when her eyes caught him reaching for a condom in his wallet. She all but forgot what he even asked of her before he even got up, unable to keep herself from staring intensely at his every move. Especially when he ripped the package open with his teeth like it was the easier thing to do. She could only feel herself becoming more wet at the sight as she pressed her legs together again to avoid it from dripping down onto her thighs. Sabrina somehow broke out of her little trance when she heard Jalen speaking to her again, the agitation within her only growing when he continued to tease her. “Jalen, I’ve been fucking telling you how much I want it and need it for the past half hour. Stop playing with me and fuck me until I can’t walk anymore,” she said, the frustration and agitation now more evident than ever in her tone. Maybe all it took was getting mad at him for him to finally listen to her and give her what she truly wanted.
JALEN: Jalen couldn’t quell the smirk that tugged at his lips as she watched him, her legs pressed together in desperation. He raised a brow as she spoke, solidifying the decision that he wasn’t about to go easy on her. Before her frustration could grow even further, he was back on the bed, flipping her around so her knees were on the mattress. He kept a firm grip on her hips, her plea playing on a loop in his mind like it were the only goal he could focus on. “Careful what you wish for,” he leaned over her back, whispering in her ear before he guided himself to her entrance and bucked his hips forward, giving her no time at all to adjust to each inch inside of her. He pulled completely out, only to push back in, moaning at just how tight she was around him. His fingers tangled in her blonde hair, pulling her head up until her back was flush against his chest, his lips back to her ear. “Just might come true.”
SABRINA: Before Sabrina could even blink, she was being flipped over onto her front side, then being propped up on all fours. As if it were an automatic instinct, she slowly slid herself down onto her forearms so that her back was now arched at the perfect angle; ready and waiting for Jalen to finally penetrate her. She was desperate and practically already squirming around in anticipation, and definitely growing tired of the constant teasing. Jalen’s words sent a shiver up and down her spine, then she let out an audible moan when he finally pushed inside with no warning, giving her no time to adjust to his thick size. “Holy shit, Jalen,” she gasped, loudly. He already had Sabrina a fucked out mess, but he somehow managed to push it even further when she felt his big hand in her hair, eventually tugging on it and pulling her upward so their bodies were now touching with little space between them. Sabrina’s eyes, a darkened shade of blue, were already rolling back into her head from the sheer amount of pleasure jolting through her body from the new position they were in. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck me…” She was a babbling mess, not able to string together a proper sentence for the life of her. “Just… Like that… God, please… Don’t fucking stop, Jay.”
JALEN: Jalen couldn’t help but be further encouraged by Sabrina’s moans, the way she repeatedly cursed as his fingers knotted through her hair, his nickname slipping from her lips like it was the only word she knew amongst the begging. He was ready to give her just what she asked for, confident to have her cumming again, this time tightly around his cock just like he was made for her. “Like this, babygirl?” He questioned as he stilled his hips, only to push back in, timing his thrusts with her gasps and purposefully moving slow, only to quicken the pace when she least expected it. He stayed in that position for a while, deciding to switch gears and lay her on her back. He did so swiftly, picking her petite frame up and back down against the mattress, lips to her neck to mark her skin, showing just who she belonged to before kissing over it soothingly. “Don’t stop, you said?” He repeated, hovering above her once more before guiding himself back in, teasing her with the first few inches. She felt so good around him, it was difficult to hold back, soft moans of his own echoing her as he filled her up. “Don’t worry about that, baby," he breathed out, "I’ll be here all night.”
SABRINA: "Oh my God," Sabrina moaned breathlessly as Jalen continued his relentless torture on her. She wasn't sure she was going to last much longer, her orgasm already rapidly approaching faster than she ever thought possible. And right when he decided to flip them over onto her back against the mattress once again, Sabrina completely lost it. She was seeing stars once she felt his lips against her neck and teasing her with only the first few inches of his cock. She couldn't take it anymore, as much as she tried to keep her resolve together for a minute or two longer, she simply couldn't. The blonde felt absolutely delirious with pleasure as her climax consumed her entire small body; she was writhing in pleasure as she wound her arms around Jalen's back, her manicured fingernails leaving light scratches all along his tattooed skin. It was like she lost all sense of self-control whenever he managed to make her completely lose herself like this. But it felt so damn good and she never wanted it to stop, never wanted it to end.
JALEN: Getting Sabrina off the first time was enough to push Jalen, and now that he was inside of her, hearing her pretty moans echo through his ears as her nails dug into his back — he was close to the edge. “Fuck, beautiful, you take it so well,” he praised, moving his hips through her release as he chased his own. He lifted his head to look at her, her blissed out face, gaze focused on the way her blue eyes rolled back and closed as her cheeks flushed pink. With one hand gently around her throat, the other gripping the sheets beneath her, his thrusts became more erratic, Jalen’s own moans creating a harmony with Sabrina’s. His eyes fluttered shut as he spilled into the condom, hitting her spot as they both came down from their highs together. Eventually, he pulled out... and reluctantly, at that, soon moving to be at her side. “God,” he breathed out, turning to her to capture her lips in a kiss, this time soft and slow. “I can’t believe you’re mine.”
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jalenh1 ¡ 5 months
𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐲𝐞𝐭? / / 𝘫𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘯 & 𝘴𝘢𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘢.
Who: SC & JH ( @brinacarpcnter )
When: December 31st, 2023
Where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Plot: Sabrina's frustration grows with Jalen, and then the truth comes out.
Triggers: N/A
SABRINA: Sabrina knew he would be upset; and rightfully so. Losing to a 3-12 team was rough, to say the least. But she was starting to become overwhelmed with what to do in these situations. Even when they won, Jalen was still hard on himself. But right now, it was multiplied by ten with them losing. And she really wanted today to be a good day, regardless of the outcome of the game because it was New Year’s Even and she was performing in front of millions for the Rockin’ Eve special in Times Square. And knowing he’d get to be there to see her perform had her incredibly excited all day. But right now? She didn’t even want to be seen in public because of how defeated and frustrated she was. Sabrina was in the middle of packing a small overnight suitcase when she heard the faint sound of footsteps approaching. She knew it was Jalen, but she decided to ignore him; continuing the process of throwing stuff into her suitcase. Though while she was doing so, a single tear had managed to escape from her eyes, but she quickly wiped it away with a quiet sniffle. “I don’t know how to help you anymore, Jalen,” she said quietly, finally acknowledging his presence.
JALEN: Jalen had full intention to let him enjoy himself after the game, going to New York City to see Sabrina shine. And while nothing in the world would stop him from going, his mood had quickly soured, putting the same manifestation of learning, growing from the loss, into the air at the after game press conference — yet, truth be told, he wasn’t so sure he believed it himself anymore as a leader. He felt the weight on his shoulders as he strolled into the room Sabrina was in, quiet until she spoke up, and then he exhaled a deep sigh as he ran his hands over his head. “It’s not your job to help me,” he said, not wanting a burden on her before her big night. “But you can’t really expect me to walk around and be happy about that, right? It’s not happening. I failed everyone out there.” He inched forward to initially take a seat, but stood there, eventually beginning to pace. “There’s only so many times I can say the same damn shit before people don’t buy it, before this team gives up on me because I can’t execute. I wanna be locked the fuck in.” He could feel himself getting angry now, heated as he felt every emotion of blowing it. “It was supposed to be our year, and to end it like that? At that rate, ain’t nobody gonna fucking help me.”
SABRINA: Sabrina had never stopped what she was doing and turned around so fast before to face Jalen. “What do you mean it’s not my job? I’m literally your girlfriend, Jay. It is my job to help you through whatever feelings and emotions you’re dealing with. But you’re making it fucking impossible to do it at this point because you don’t want to hear what I have to say,” she argued back. “I’ll never expect you to feel any sort of way about anything. I just feel fucking helpless when you’re like this.” The blonde’s voice softened a bit as she eventually made her way over to Jalen, but still kept a good distance from him. “Saying you failed everyone out there and that they’re all going to give up on you is fucking bullshit and you know it. Those guys would go to hell and back for you, just like you’d do the same for them. Don’t even deny it, because you know I’m right,” Sabrina said with a sigh. The absolute last thing she wanted to be doing was fighting with her boyfriend right now when they literally had to be on a plane in a half hour, but she wasn’t going to leave until things were resolved. “Do you remember when I told you that you don’t always have to be Superman? That applies right now. You are still 11-5 and there’s so much to be proud of. No one is going to hate you for having a rough day. And you definitely don’t have to carry the whole franchise on your back, either. That’s why you’re a fucking team, you’re supposed to lean on each other in times like these. But what do I know, right? Since you don’t like to listen to me,” she spat bitterly and turned back around to pick up where she left off on packing her things into her suitcase.
JALEN: Jalen exhaled a deep sigh as Sabrina turned to face him, making points that made complete sense, but nothing he wanted to admit to. He dropped his arms that were crossed at his chest as her voice softened, his line of sight down on her. He listened as she spoke, not wanting to interrupt, despite the numerous messages that contradicted her speech somewhere deep in his mind. Once she turned on her heels after her last sentence, he couldn’t help but feel like the inferior one, that Sabrina was only trying to lift his spirits and he had always been quick to dodge it and remain stuck in his ways. He had never been great at articulating his feelings, and to have someone like Sabrina willingly listen to them? It was something he wasn’t used to, either. “It’s just.. reading all this shit that I’m no good, a fraud, it gets in your damn head.” His words were soft now, finally making it to the bed and sitting at the edge of it as he looked down at the floor, to his hands, rotating the watch on his wrist absentmindedly. “Like, when the people that once believed in me start to feel that way, kinda makes you think.” He said, a shrug of his shoulders, “I know we still have everything in front of us, we’re the same team that started out strong, just hard to bounce back after losses like that. Even harder when I just want to make you proud, too,” he paused, picking his head up to see Sabrina still working on packing up her bag. “You’ve been coming out to all these games, and fuck, I love the game, but when I started loving you even more, times like this have me thinkin' I don’t want you feeling like you wasted your time on me.”
SABRINA: Honestly, at this point, Sabrina had already started tuning out anything else that Jalen was saying. Why bother listening to him when he never listened to her? That was her current logic. Tears unknowingly welled in her eyes again when she was finally finished with packing, but this time, she didn’t bother to wipe them away because she didn’t care that much anymore. Finally, she pulled her suitcase off of the bed and had started to walk out of the bedroom, Jalen still fully talking to her. But Sabrina swore she had never stopped so fast in her tracks when he so casually mentioned that he started loving her. Of all the things she managed to tune out, that wasn’t one of them. He… Loved her? Did she even hear that right? Time felt like it was frozen when she finally turned around to face him slowly, to make sure that she had heard him right. “Wh… What?” She barely squeaked out, her voice small and nearly inaudible. “You… You love me?” Sabrina asked again, once again needing to make sure she heard Jalen right.
JALEN: At this point, Jalen was speaking without much of a filter, something that was unlike him, but it just went to show how he felt around Sabrina. His heart did the talking for him, leaving his girlfriend puzzled as she made her way to the doorway, ready to leave. He looked up just as she had turned around, looking at her in silence before he got back up on his feet and stepped a bit closer to her, still giving her some space if she needed it. “I love you,” was how he answered, hoping to God it was reciprocated, but nevertheless he wasn’t about to back track. Sabrina wanted Jalen to be truthful with her, to listen to her, and he wasn’t going to take the lead by downplaying how he felt towards her. It was the complete truth, whether he meant to out it or not: he was falling in love. He was in love. Despite things starting slow, Jalen found himself falling fast, and now? He couldn’t let Sabrina leave without knowing it. “I didn’t know I was looking for it, but, it found me and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
SABRINA: When Jalen repeated himself to confirm it, it felt like all of the air had been knocked out of Sabrina's lungs. She didn't care how soon it was, she was one-hundred percent in love with him, too. She was just afraid to admit it out loud to herself, much less, to him, because she wasn't sure if he would reciprocate the feelings. But low and behold, he was the first one to say it, washing away all of her fears. Sabrina let him finish, then all but dropped all of her belongings and practically sprinted for him, throwing herself at him without even thinking twice about it. With her arms secured tightly around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist, she didn't want to let go. She was afraid that this was just a dream and that she'd be woken up anytime soon. But the tighter she held Jalen, the more she realized it wasn't a dream. That this was reality. "I love you, too, Jay," Sabrina finally returned the sentiment, squeezing him a bit tighter. "I wasn't looking for it, either, but I can't help how I feel about you... You're everything I've ever wanted in a person and that made it way too easy for me to fall in love with you."
JALEN: When Sabrina came up to him and into his arms like she belonged there, he knew instantaneously he had nothing to worry over. He tightened his grip on her, as if she were to let go, even if he knew well enough that it was as if she were molded to him. He swayed a bit back and forth with her in his arms, listening to the soothing sound of her voice, how she spoke about having the same feelings that he spoke from his heart. He didn’t want an argument to bring it out of him, but it came naturally, releasing his feelings to her like it was now or never, no turning back, not even a thought that could have prevented him from speaking the truth. To hear he was everything she ever wanted, and everything she didn’t know she was looking for, he knew he was worrying for nothing. No matter how many wins, and no matter how many losses, he would come home to her. And he loved her. He pulled back just enough to kiss her, an apologetic look in his dark eyes. “I’m sorry if you felt as if I didn’t bother listening to you before,” he said, “I’ll be the first to admit I’m stubborn. But for you, I’d do anything.”
SABRINA: When Jalen pulled back to kiss Sabrina, she instantly melted into him and the words he spoke soon after. It felt like a relief that they were on the same page with something for once, and that he was apologizing not really listening to her. The blonde took his face in her small hands, and one of her thumbs absentmindedly caressed over the noticeable stubble along his jawline. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore, I just want to be with you right now,” Sabrina said, sealing it with another kiss. And with Jalen in agreement, the couple decided it was to be a conversation for another day. Instead ending the conversation so that they could make love with one another until they eventually had to head out for Sabrina’s New Year’s Eve performance in New York City. She hadn’t expected her day would turn into what it did, but she wouldn’t have had it any other way. They loved each other unconditionally and that was all that mattered to either of them now.
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jalenh1 ¡ 6 months
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