#( para ; is it new years yet? )
jalenh1 · 8 months
𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐲𝐞𝐭? / / 𝘫𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘯 & 𝘴𝘢𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘢.
Who: SC & JH ( @brinacarpcnter )
When: December 31st, 2023
Where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Plot: Sabrina's frustration grows with Jalen, and then the truth comes out.
Triggers: N/A
SABRINA: Sabrina knew he would be upset; and rightfully so. Losing to a 3-12 team was rough, to say the least. But she was starting to become overwhelmed with what to do in these situations. Even when they won, Jalen was still hard on himself. But right now, it was multiplied by ten with them losing. And she really wanted today to be a good day, regardless of the outcome of the game because it was New Year’s Even and she was performing in front of millions for the Rockin’ Eve special in Times Square. And knowing he’d get to be there to see her perform had her incredibly excited all day. But right now? She didn’t even want to be seen in public because of how defeated and frustrated she was. Sabrina was in the middle of packing a small overnight suitcase when she heard the faint sound of footsteps approaching. She knew it was Jalen, but she decided to ignore him; continuing the process of throwing stuff into her suitcase. Though while she was doing so, a single tear had managed to escape from her eyes, but she quickly wiped it away with a quiet sniffle. “I don’t know how to help you anymore, Jalen,” she said quietly, finally acknowledging his presence.
JALEN: Jalen had full intention to let him enjoy himself after the game, going to New York City to see Sabrina shine. And while nothing in the world would stop him from going, his mood had quickly soured, putting the same manifestation of learning, growing from the loss, into the air at the after game press conference — yet, truth be told, he wasn’t so sure he believed it himself anymore as a leader. He felt the weight on his shoulders as he strolled into the room Sabrina was in, quiet until she spoke up, and then he exhaled a deep sigh as he ran his hands over his head. “It’s not your job to help me,” he said, not wanting a burden on her before her big night. “But you can’t really expect me to walk around and be happy about that, right? It’s not happening. I failed everyone out there.” He inched forward to initially take a seat, but stood there, eventually beginning to pace. “There’s only so many times I can say the same damn shit before people don’t buy it, before this team gives up on me because I can’t execute. I wanna be locked the fuck in.” He could feel himself getting angry now, heated as he felt every emotion of blowing it. “It was supposed to be our year, and to end it like that? At that rate, ain’t nobody gonna fucking help me.”
SABRINA: Sabrina had never stopped what she was doing and turned around so fast before to face Jalen. “What do you mean it’s not my job? I’m literally your girlfriend, Jay. It is my job to help you through whatever feelings and emotions you’re dealing with. But you’re making it fucking impossible to do it at this point because you don’t want to hear what I have to say,” she argued back. “I’ll never expect you to feel any sort of way about anything. I just feel fucking helpless when you’re like this.” The blonde’s voice softened a bit as she eventually made her way over to Jalen, but still kept a good distance from him. “Saying you failed everyone out there and that they’re all going to give up on you is fucking bullshit and you know it. Those guys would go to hell and back for you, just like you’d do the same for them. Don’t even deny it, because you know I’m right,” Sabrina said with a sigh. The absolute last thing she wanted to be doing was fighting with her boyfriend right now when they literally had to be on a plane in a half hour, but she wasn’t going to leave until things were resolved. “Do you remember when I told you that you don’t always have to be Superman? That applies right now. You are still 11-5 and there’s so much to be proud of. No one is going to hate you for having a rough day. And you definitely don’t have to carry the whole franchise on your back, either. That’s why you’re a fucking team, you’re supposed to lean on each other in times like these. But what do I know, right? Since you don’t like to listen to me,” she spat bitterly and turned back around to pick up where she left off on packing her things into her suitcase.
JALEN: Jalen exhaled a deep sigh as Sabrina turned to face him, making points that made complete sense, but nothing he wanted to admit to. He dropped his arms that were crossed at his chest as her voice softened, his line of sight down on her. He listened as she spoke, not wanting to interrupt, despite the numerous messages that contradicted her speech somewhere deep in his mind. Once she turned on her heels after her last sentence, he couldn’t help but feel like the inferior one, that Sabrina was only trying to lift his spirits and he had always been quick to dodge it and remain stuck in his ways. He had never been great at articulating his feelings, and to have someone like Sabrina willingly listen to them? It was something he wasn’t used to, either. “It’s just.. reading all this shit that I’m no good, a fraud, it gets in your damn head.” His words were soft now, finally making it to the bed and sitting at the edge of it as he looked down at the floor, to his hands, rotating the watch on his wrist absentmindedly. “Like, when the people that once believed in me start to feel that way, kinda makes you think.” He said, a shrug of his shoulders, “I know we still have everything in front of us, we’re the same team that started out strong, just hard to bounce back after losses like that. Even harder when I just want to make you proud, too,” he paused, picking his head up to see Sabrina still working on packing up her bag. “You’ve been coming out to all these games, and fuck, I love the game, but when I started loving you even more, times like this have me thinkin' I don’t want you feeling like you wasted your time on me.”
SABRINA: Honestly, at this point, Sabrina had already started tuning out anything else that Jalen was saying. Why bother listening to him when he never listened to her? That was her current logic. Tears unknowingly welled in her eyes again when she was finally finished with packing, but this time, she didn’t bother to wipe them away because she didn’t care that much anymore. Finally, she pulled her suitcase off of the bed and had started to walk out of the bedroom, Jalen still fully talking to her. But Sabrina swore she had never stopped so fast in her tracks when he so casually mentioned that he started loving her. Of all the things she managed to tune out, that wasn’t one of them. He… Loved her? Did she even hear that right? Time felt like it was frozen when she finally turned around to face him slowly, to make sure that she had heard him right. “Wh… What?” She barely squeaked out, her voice small and nearly inaudible. “You… You love me?” Sabrina asked again, once again needing to make sure she heard Jalen right.
JALEN: At this point, Jalen was speaking without much of a filter, something that was unlike him, but it just went to show how he felt around Sabrina. His heart did the talking for him, leaving his girlfriend puzzled as she made her way to the doorway, ready to leave. He looked up just as she had turned around, looking at her in silence before he got back up on his feet and stepped a bit closer to her, still giving her some space if she needed it. “I love you,” was how he answered, hoping to God it was reciprocated, but nevertheless he wasn’t about to back track. Sabrina wanted Jalen to be truthful with her, to listen to her, and he wasn’t going to take the lead by downplaying how he felt towards her. It was the complete truth, whether he meant to out it or not: he was falling in love. He was in love. Despite things starting slow, Jalen found himself falling fast, and now? He couldn’t let Sabrina leave without knowing it. “I didn’t know I was looking for it, but, it found me and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
SABRINA: When Jalen repeated himself to confirm it, it felt like all of the air had been knocked out of Sabrina's lungs. She didn't care how soon it was, she was one-hundred percent in love with him, too. She was just afraid to admit it out loud to herself, much less, to him, because she wasn't sure if he would reciprocate the feelings. But low and behold, he was the first one to say it, washing away all of her fears. Sabrina let him finish, then all but dropped all of her belongings and practically sprinted for him, throwing herself at him without even thinking twice about it. With her arms secured tightly around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist, she didn't want to let go. She was afraid that this was just a dream and that she'd be woken up anytime soon. But the tighter she held Jalen, the more she realized it wasn't a dream. That this was reality. "I love you, too, Jay," Sabrina finally returned the sentiment, squeezing him a bit tighter. "I wasn't looking for it, either, but I can't help how I feel about you... You're everything I've ever wanted in a person and that made it way too easy for me to fall in love with you."
JALEN: When Sabrina came up to him and into his arms like she belonged there, he knew instantaneously he had nothing to worry over. He tightened his grip on her, as if she were to let go, even if he knew well enough that it was as if she were molded to him. He swayed a bit back and forth with her in his arms, listening to the soothing sound of her voice, how she spoke about having the same feelings that he spoke from his heart. He didn’t want an argument to bring it out of him, but it came naturally, releasing his feelings to her like it was now or never, no turning back, not even a thought that could have prevented him from speaking the truth. To hear he was everything she ever wanted, and everything she didn’t know she was looking for, he knew he was worrying for nothing. No matter how many wins, and no matter how many losses, he would come home to her. And he loved her. He pulled back just enough to kiss her, an apologetic look in his dark eyes. “I’m sorry if you felt as if I didn’t bother listening to you before,” he said, “I’ll be the first to admit I’m stubborn. But for you, I’d do anything.”
SABRINA: When Jalen pulled back to kiss Sabrina, she instantly melted into him and the words he spoke soon after. It felt like a relief that they were on the same page with something for once, and that he was apologizing not really listening to her. The blonde took his face in her small hands, and one of her thumbs absentmindedly caressed over the noticeable stubble along his jawline. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore, I just want to be with you right now,” Sabrina said, sealing it with another kiss. And with Jalen in agreement, the couple decided it was to be a conversation for another day. Instead ending the conversation so that they could make love with one another until they eventually had to head out for Sabrina’s New Year’s Eve performance in New York City. She hadn’t expected her day would turn into what it did, but she wouldn’t have had it any other way. They loved each other unconditionally and that was all that mattered to either of them now.
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thinkwosolife23 · 11 months
Reputation Part 2, Alexia Putellas
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You didn't ever anticipate playing against your sister. But here you were, currently flying from Barcalona to London for the first leg of the Champion's League Quarter Final. There were 7 teams that you could've faced but it had to be Arsenal. But facing Arsenal meant multiple things; not only were you facing your childhood club, you also had to face your past - you had to face Katie again.
These past few months had been better than you could've ever imagined. You grew up at Arsenal: you held such a love for the club and nothing would ever change that. But Barcalona gave you a different sense of belonging, like you were a piece of their jigsaw. Like they cherished you for you and not for being Leah Williamson's little sister.
Barcalona were currently sat at the top of the league as well as being in the quarter finals of the Champions League, you wanted to retain both of those titles with the club.
In terms of your personal career: you were improving everyday and your hard work was paying off. At 24, you had just placed 2nd in the rankings for the Ballon D'or. Your club teammate, Aitana Bonmatí had took the top spot.
And then there was Alexia.
She was a dream. She continued to impress you day by day, the world had tossed you the most beautiful, kind and caring soul you could've ever imagined. You didn't know what you did to deserve her.
Since that conversation at the club, you and Alexia had gone on so many different dates. Ranging from movie night on the sofa to picnics on the beach to resturant dinners. You spent weeks trying to prove that you only wanted her, you only needed her.
So, you asked her to be your girlfriend on New years eve.
Flashback……. 31st December 2023
You and Alexia had been apart over the christmas week. Her staying in spain with her mum and sister and you going back to England to be with your family.
Your flight had landed quite late in the afternoon, and Alexia was none the wiser that you were back in Barcalona.
The plan you had to ask Alexia to be your girlfriend was all ready to go.
Mapi had got Alexia to the beach just as you had asked. And now you had just go to said beach. You could see her on the beach just looking at the sunset and the sea. You had gotten Alexia a promise ring whilst back in England and it was currently sat in the back pocket of your jeans.
You headed towards where Alexia was stood and wrapped your arms around her waist, causing her to jump at your touch, clearly not expecting it.
As soon as she turned around, she jumped into your hold; wrapping her legs around your waist and her arms around your neck.
"Tu espalda, te extrañé." (Your back, I missed you.)
"Yo también te extrañé, amor." You said whilst placing her back down on the ground. (I missed you too, love.)
"¿Por qué estamos en la playa?" She asked, confused. (Why are we on the beach?)
"Bueno, quería sorprenderte en algún lugar que ambos amáramos." (Well, I wanted to suprise you somewhere we both loved.)
And it's true, you and Alexia loved the beach. It was one of your favourite places to be together other than the football pitch. Obviously.
"Y quería preguntarte algo." You continued. (And I wanted to ask you something.)
"¿Pregúntame qué?" (Ask me what.)
You took a step back from Alexia and got down on one knee whilst grabbing the promise ring from your back pocket.
"¿No crees que es un poco pronto para esto?" Alexia laughed slightly. (Don't you think it's a bit early for this?)
"No te lo voy a proponer, todavía no." It was only then you realised what it look liked you were going to do. (I'm not proposing, not yet.)
"Es un anillo de promesa. No puedo prometer que no tendremos discusiones ni consecuencias. No puedo prometer que seré perfecto porque ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que hice todo esto. Pero puedo prometerte que siempre estaré a tu lado, siempre te respaldaré y trataré de protegerte. Quiero que seamos tú y yo contra el mundo. Quiero estar contigo y solo contigo. Entonces Alexia, ¿serás mi novia?" (It's a promise ring. I can't promise that we won't have arguements, or fallouts. I can't promise that i'll be perfect because it's a long time since i've done all this. But I can promise that i'll always be by your side, i'll always back you up and try to protect you. I want it to be me and you against the world. I want to be with you and only you. So Alexia, will you be my girlfriend?)
By this point, you were both shedding tears. But Alexia quickly nodded and put her hand out so you could put her promise ring on. She pulled you up and soon attached her lip to yours whilst wrapping her arms around your neck, yours going to her hips pulling her closer to you.
"Te amo." She told you, resting her forehead on yours. (I love you.)
"Yo tambien te amo hermosa" (I love you too, beautiful.)
Flashback Over.
And here you were now, heading towards the tunnel of the Emirates stadium to play your former team.
Your former teammates were already stood in the tunnel, as were some of your current teammates, waiting to head out onto the pitch. Before joining your own sqaud, you quickly went to the front of the Arsenal squad where your sister was stood.
Leah soon wrapped her arms around you, wishing you good luck and telling you that she would speak to you after the game, also letting you know that your mum and brother were in the crowd watching the pair of you.
Alexia was stood on the opposite side to Leah, as they were both captains. You gave her hand a squeeze before heading to the back of the Barcalona squad.
As you were heading back to your spot, you realised that Katie was the person opposite you on the Arsenal side.
It just had to be her didn't it.
"Long time, no see, Y/N" Katie said, with that stupid little smirk on her face.
"Fuck off, McCabe!" You snapped back at her before you were pulled away by Mapi who was stood in front of you.
As soon as you were in sight. The stadium was filled with boo's, the Arsenal fans clearly stating that they felt the betrayal of you leaving. You had expected it though: being there since you were little and then leaving, you knew not everyone would agree with that. Especially the fans.
You had to shut it all out, your focus needed to be on the game.
Arsenal's Starting 11:
GK - M. Zinsberger LB - S. Catley CB - L. Williamson (C) CB - L. Wubben-Moy RB - K. McCabe CDM - L. Walti CM - K. Little CM - F. Maanum LW - C. Foord ST - A. Russo RW - B. Mead
Barcalona Starting 11:
GK - S. Panos LB - O. Batlle CB - I. Paredes CB - M. Leon RB - L. Bronze CDM - K. Walsh CM - P. Guijarro CM - A. Bonmati LW - A. Putellas ST - Y/N Williamson RW - C. G. Hansen
In all honesty, Barcalona were all over Arsenal during the first half, managing to get two goals past the. You and Patri being the two goal scorers, Alexia assisting them both.
However, in the second half, the Arsenal players started to become a lot more reckless. Late challenges, shirt grabs, harsh elbows and pushes was becoming incredibly frequent. You and Alexia seemed to be on the recieving end of most of them.
You managed to contain your fustration, that was until Katie tackled Alexia in the box. It was a high tackle from behind, Katie's studs going straight into the back of Alexia's calf, sending her straight to the ground.
Most of your teammates quickly ran over to where Alexia was laying on the ground. But you went rushing over to where Katie was stood and gave her a harsh push.
"What was that?" You shouted, causing you and Katie to go face to face.
"Proteceting your flavour of the month, how sweet." Katie laughed, her irish voice appearing sarcastic.
"I don't blame you, though. She seems like the desperate type." She continued.
By this point, you had Katie by her collar. Your hands clamped on Katie's shirt. Members of both teams trying to pull the pair of you.
Leah managed to get inbetween you both, her body blocking you from getting to Katie.
"You need to drop it, Y/N." Her sister voice coming out, trying to calm you down.
It wasn't until you heard someone else's voice that you were pulled away.
"Oye mirarme. No estoy herido, ella sólo está intentando llegar a ti." Alexia told you calmly, her hand grabbing yours to walk off. (Hey, look at me. I'm not hurt, she's just trying to get to you.)
Alexia scored the penalty that was awarded for Katie's challenged. The rest of the game went all Barcalona's way.
It finished 4-0 with you managing to get yourself a brace. After speaking to some of you former teammates, you went to find Alexia. Your eyes softened when you saw where she was, her and Leah were talking and laughing about something. Two of your favourite peopel, that sight would never get old.
Over the few months you known Alexia, you had managed to teach her some English. She asked you teach her so she could talk to your family.
You headed over to where they were stood talking. You went up behind Alexia and wrapped your arms around her waist, before kissing her cheek. You felt her lean back into your hold, her hands resting over yours.
"Where's mum?" You asked, directing your question to Leah.
She pointed to just next to the Arsenal benches, you looked towards where she was pointing to see your Mum and brother.
You took yourself away from holding Alexia before grabbing her hand pulling her in the direction of your Mum and brother.
"¿A dónde vamos?" She questioned you hesitantly. (Where are we going?)
"Es hora de usar tu inglés, amor." (Time to use your english, love)
"¡Qué! Eliges después de un partido completo para que yo los conozca adecuadamente." (What! You pick after a full match for me to properly meet them.)
"Sí, ahora vamos." (Yeah, now come on.)
When you eventually got to your Mum and Jacob, you gave them both a hug before introducting Alexia.
"Mum, Jacob. This is Alexia, she's my girlfriend."
The three of them were extemely fast to jump into conversation. Alexia's english was better than you thought it was. Was there anything this girl couldn't do?
You left them to talk, as you and Leah went around the stadium together.
"You love her, don't you." She asked you, the look on her face telling she already knew what the answer was going to be.
"I really do, Le." Your gaze followed straight to where Alexia was still talking to your Mum and brother.
"I'm sure there's worse sister in laws in the world." She chuckled to herself.
"I'm gonna marry her." You told her confidently.
"You down that bad, huh."
"She's my person, Leah."
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fatehbaz · 8 months
Endangered Indian sandalwood. British war to control the forests. Tallying every single tree in the kingdom. European companies claim the ecosystem. Spices and fragrances. Failure of the plantation. Until the twentieth century, the Empire couldn't figure out how to cultivate sandalwood because they didn't understand that the plant is actually a partial root parasite. French perfumes and the creation of "the Sandalwood City".
Selling at about $147,000 per metric ton, the aromatic heartwood of Indian sandalwood (S. album) is arguably [among] the most expensive wood in the world. Globally, 90 per cent of the world’s S. album comes from India [...]. And within India, around 70 per cent of S. album comes from the state of Karnataka [...] [and] the erstwhile Kingdom of Mysore. [...] [T]he species came to the brink of extinction. [...] [O]verexploitation led to the sandal tree's critical endangerment in 1974. [...]
Francis Buchanan’s 1807 A Journey from Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Canara and Malabar is one of the few European sources to offer insight into pre-colonial forest utilisation in the region. [...] Buchanan records [...] [the] tradition of only harvesting sandalwood once every dozen years may have been an effective local pre-colonial conservation measure. [...] Starting in 1786, Tipu Sultan [ruler of Mysore] stopped trading pepper, sandalwood and cardamom with the British. As a result, trade prospects for the company [East India Company] were looking so bleak that by November 1788, Lord Cornwallis suggested abandoning Tellicherry on the Malabar Coast and reducing Bombay’s status from a presidency to a factory. [...] One way to understand these wars is [...] [that] [t]hey were about economic conquest as much as any other kind of expansion, and sandalwood was one of Mysore’s most prized commodities. In 1799, at the Battle of Srirangapatna, Tipu Sultan was defeated. The kingdom of Mysore became a princely state within British India [...]. [T]he East India Company also immediately started paying the [new rulers] for the right to trade sandalwood.
British control over South Asia’s natural resources was reaching its peak and a sophisticated new imperial forest administration was being developed that sought to solidify state control of the sandalwood trade. In 1864, the extraction and disposal of sandalwood came under the jurisdiction of the Forest Department. [...] Colonial anxiety to maximise profits from sandalwood meant that a government agency was established specifically to oversee the sandalwood trade [...] and so began the government sandalwood depot or koti system. [...]
From the 1860s the [British] government briefly experimented with a survey tallying every sandal tree standing in Mysore [...].
Instead, an intricate system of classification was developed in an effort to maximise profits. By 1898, an 18-tiered sandalwood classification system was instituted, up from a 10-tier system a decade earlier; it seems this led to much confusion and was eventually reduced back to 12 tiers [...].
Meanwhile, private European companies also made significant inroads into Mysore territory at this time. By convincing the government to classify forests as ‘wastelands’, and arguing that Europeans would improves these tracts from their ‘semi-savage state’, starting in the 1860s vast areas were taken from local inhabitants and converted into private plantations for the ‘production of cardamom, pepper, coffee and sandalwood’.
Yet attempts to cultivate sandalwood on both forest department and privately owned plantations proved to be a dismal failure. There were [...] major problems facing sandalwood supply in the period before the twentieth century besides overexploitation and European monopoly. [...] Before the first quarter of the twentieth century European foresters simply could not figure out how to grow sandalwood trees effectively.
The main reason for this is that sandal is what is now known as a semi-parasite or root parasite; besides a main taproot that absorbs nutrients from the earth, the sandal tree grows parasitical roots (or haustoria) that derive sustenance from neighbouring brush and trees. [...] Dietrich Brandis, the man often regaled as the father of Indian forestry, reported being unaware of the [sole significant English-language scientific paper on sandalwood root parasitism] when he worked at Kew Gardens in London on South Asian ‘forest flora’ in 1872–73. Thus it was not until 1902 that the issue started to receive attention in the scientific community, when C.A. Barber, a government botanist in Madras [...] himself pointed out, 'no one seems to be at all sure whether the sandalwood is or is not a true parasite'.
Well into the early decades of twentieth century, silviculture of sandal proved a complete failure. The problem was the typical monoculture approach of tree farming in which all other species were removed and so the tree could not survive. [...]
The long wait time until maturity of the tree must also be considered. Only sandal heartwood and roots develop fragrance, and trees only begin developing fragrance in significant quantities after about thirty years. Not only did traders, who were typically just sailing through, not have the botanical know-how to replant the tree, but they almost certainly would not be there to see a return on their investments if they did. [...]
The main problem facing the sustainable harvest and continued survival of sandalwood in India [...] came from the advent of the sandalwood oil industry at the beginning of the twentieth century. During World War I, vast amounts of sandal were stockpiled in Mysore because perfumeries in France had stopped production and it had become illegal to export to German perfumeries. In 1915, a Government Sandalwood Oil Factory was built in Mysore. In 1917, it began distilling. [...] [S]andalwood production now ramped up immensely. It was at this time that Mysore came to be known as ‘the Sandalwood City’.
Text above by: Ezra Rashkow. "Perfumed the axe that laid it low: The endangerment of sandalwood in southern India." Indian Economic and Social History Review 51, no. 1, pages 41-70. March 2014. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Italicized first paragraph/heading in this post added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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kamotecue · 11 months
the transfer ✯ a. bonmati
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pairing: aitana bonmati x reader
summary: the spanish defender tried to get you out of her mind, but she couldn’t. little did she know, she would see you sooner than she thought.
part two of here
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you didn’t know how to feel about the transfer, it was a shocking move that no one expected. yet here you were on a plane to spain, more specifically barcelona to sign a two year contract with the team.
but thankfully, the team had hired someone to drop you off at the training grounds where you’ll sign the contract. after that, you’ll have the whole day to yourself.
as you arrived at the training grounds, you took a deep breath.
“nervous, ms. l/n?” the driver had asked as you chuckled at his words.
“just a little bit.” you timidly said, giving him a soft smile. he hummed at your words, completely understanding it.
“i’m sure you’ll do well, you had a fantastic season at arsenal.” he commented as you gave him a small nod. you had exited the car, and immediately someone had guided you to a room.
you talked about the contract, the essentials like the kits, the clubs sponsors and etc. you had finally signed the contract, posing for a few pictures as they would release it on their official social media page later.
“would you like to meet the team? i heard they are currently training.” a staff had asked, as you politely declined as you had to set up your apartment.
you bid goodbye before swiftly leaving but only to be stopped by a staff.
“what number would you like on your jersey?” she asked, as you gave her a small smile.
“number 17 is still available, is it not? i’d love to have that number.” you said, as she hummed in acknowledgment.
you had already set up the guest bedroom, and the kitchen. the living room was a mess as it had the cardboard boxes from the furniture you had ordered. your room was close to being complete, you just needed the finishing touch.
but the next day, you grabbed a light breakfast before heading to the training grounds. you had two pairs of football boots in your kit bag, followed by shin pads and a fresh pair of clothes. you were clad in the barcelona training kit, and it was quite stunning.
you watched from the corner of your eye as the team did their stretching. you were having a small talk with the physiotherapist about your recent knee injury that you sustained during the world cup, it was the final game against norway.
“muy bien chicas, tenemos un nuevo fichaje. [alright ladies, we have a new signing.]” jonatan, the head coach said as the players had stopped their stretching—a late signing? whispers had broke out, a late signing was always interesting.
“¿vamos? [shall we?]” he commented as you took a deep breath before making your way to the field, aitana’s eyes had widened on realization. while the rest looked a bit curious.
you weren’t from world class national teams like they were. but you were signed to a well known club in london, arsenal was always a talk of the town.
“este es y/n l/n, nuestro nuevo fichaje. y/n, puedes presentarte. [this is y/n l/n, our newest signing. y/n, you can introduce yourself.]” he gave you a small smile, as you softly nodded.
“hola, soy y/n. anteriormente jugé para el arsenal, y juego para el equipo nacional femenino de filipinas. [hello, i’m y/n. i previously played for arsenal, and i play for the philippine national women’s team.]” you fluently said in spanish, as a few players furrowed their eyebrows.
you had locked eyes with aitana as she gave you a soft smile, little did you know—that was the start of a developing relationship.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 6 months
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Cowboy Carter 🤠
A thread on artists featured\credited on Cowboy Carter talking about Beyoncé and the album 🤠
#beyoncé #cowboycarter #actii #mileycyrus #iimostwanted #tanneradell #dollyparton #tierakennedy #shaboozey
Via in ‘COWBOY CARTER’ 🤠 . 🇧🇷 | A festa de rodeio começou mais cedo esse ano! Lançando seu 8° album de estúdio, a Honey B lançou seu novo álbum: Cowboy Carter. 27 músicas de um puro e maravilhoso album do ano. É incrível o trabalho que essa mulher fez aqui (e como é bom estar vivo para ouvir um feat entre Beyoncé e Miley Cyrus) . 🇺🇲 |
The rodeo party started early this year! Releasing their 8th studio album, Honey B released their new album: Cowboy Carter. 27 songs from a pure and wonderful album of the year. The work this woman did here is incredible (and how great it is to be alive to hear a feat between Beyoncé and Miley Cyrus)
We are right there with the legend Anita Baker. Cowboy Carter is GIVING. And the artistic freedom? Inspiring. 🐎
Have you listened yet?
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gilbirda · 5 months
New idea for Jazz x Jason, with historical soulmates, reincarnation, some magic lore around the world and full of romance. Don't know if I'm going to write it. This is long so, be patient.
Meet You In Our Next Live AU
(got inspired by the title and summary of a webtoon, but didn't read it)
So, Jason and Jazz are soulmates that have been reincarnating around the history for centuries. The first time they met they fell in love, performed a soul binding promise of marriage and every time one die they won't reincarnate til the other dies and they reincarnate together (same year or next year). But doesn't always happen on the same place, and they won't remember each other until they have 21 yo, because they performed the marriage at that age.
So over the history they have been reincarnating with different names and gender and they always remember their past lives at 21 and find each other because their souls are connected. The problem is, they don't always end together, because external circunstances, a few times because sadly one died before the other, and had to live without the other (and because what's true romantic love without some angst?). But most of the time they end up together because Love Wins! They just connect and complement each other.
A little big fact: their souls always reincarnate in places over the ley lines, which are full of soul energy, called by moder para-scientis as "ectoplasm". This is important.
And we are in the 21st century, where Jason Todd was born in the grim and over a ley line city of Gotham and Jazz Fenton was born in the not yet most haunted but over a ley line town of Amity Park.
Both grew up with their not common lives: Jason a street kid adopted by billonaire and crime fighter Bruce Wayne and Jazz with the mad scientists Dr Fenton and Dr Fenton. Both of them ignore they are soulmates.
And then Jason dies.
Now, as I explained, if one dies the other will eventually learn about their death and go on until they next life. But the thing is, when Jason is brought to Gotham, the soul energy/ectoplasm of the city attach on his body, returning him to life and forcefully putting his binded soul back. Which good. But wrong.
Because this anomaly, making Jason a death-touched man, violenty killed when he was a kid, full of angry against the world and mad because he can't understand what is wrong with his body and life (add the League of Assassins messing up his life) he feels wrong and has this attacks of rage. When he died, he remembered, and when he was reanimated, the soulbinding magic was hurt.
And so, when he's 21, he doesn't remember.
Meanwhile, Jazz is the sister of the young Ghost King. They have a fallout with their parents, so after she ended her regency over her brother's rule (because I'm a simp of Queen Regent Jazz) she went to study to a college very away from Illinois (not Gotham) and when she's 21 she remembers.
And oh, Ancients. The soulbinding is not a mental GPS but a sort of a compass. And she knows where she has to go.
Ofc, she first talks with her brother why she suddenly wants to take a sabbatical year in the middle of her studies when she was his regent in the first place was that "school is important and I don't care if you have an infinity ghostly realm, you will finish high school or so help me..." so she informs what's going on.
Danny is sceptical but he may be the Ghost King but as her little brother he can't do anything but give a mean shovel talk to her intended.
CW (who follows Jazz x Jason story like the most longest romantic telenovela ever, popcorn included) stays silent about the matter and just wish her luck. Jazz is Suspicious but doesn't say anything, and goes back to the Living World to search for her soulmate, wherever her soulbinding-gut sends her.
And that's how Jazz ends in Gotham.
Sorry for hogging this ask!
I'm setting this idea free for the taking ❤✨
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breeistired · 6 months
JJ with Latina reader
Warnings: This is very short, suggestive content, reader is angry, and author is using google translate despite being Mexican
Tropes: Moodyxhappy, poguexpogue, angryxsunshine, golden retrieverxchihuahua.
Summary: JJ spills readers cup and she snaps.
Bree speaks: Hi! Thank you for reading, just answering some questions before I continue writing. I do take reqs, but I do have a busy life, so please bare with me. I don't know how to make a taglist, so if you do, please tell me omg. Also, my askbox is always open, and i love answering questions, so before you go, ask me something! <3 Thank you, any tips are helpful! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I AM ADDING THIS TO ALL POSTS, AND IF I FORGET IT @brokenwingsgalore WILL PUT IT IN THE COMMENTS. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, DONT READ IT!!! Thank you again, I love you and make good choices.
Today was supposed to be relaxing.
JJ had already taken you out to the beach, letting you play with the water and find those seashells you loved.
When you and JJ came back to the chateau, you had decided- no demanded you make some birria tacos for dinner.
You were already on edge from finding out JJ was eating moldy bread. But you didn't let that ruin your day... yet.
So JJ sat on the couch with John B and Pope, ranting to them how you had the most perfect ass.
"Have you seen how round it is?" JJ groans and moans quite loudly. John B, who already had a girlfriend was tuning him out, making JJ sound like a white noise in his ear.
Pope simply walks away now.
JJ stands up and starts to walk to you. You were listening to music, swaying your hips to it as you chopped up some tomato for the salsa.
He snakes his arms around your waist giving you a sloppy kiss on your neck.
When you two first started dating, you would push him off and giggle. But its been a year since you both were in the honeymoon phase.
You sigh and let him pepper kisses on your neck, continuing to cook.
Everything seemed perfectly fine, nobody was yelling, John B was finally being quiet, not yapping about Ward.
Pope was doing something outside, nobody ever knew.
Until, JJ goes to kiss you and spills your birria sauce you spent an hour on onto the floor.
You and him look at each other at the same time. You clutch the kitchen towel that was on your shoulder. Narrowing your eyes at him, you take a deep breath and sigh.
He thinks he's off the hook, grabbing your chin and pecking your lips. You smile and slowly push him him away.
Then that's when everything snaps.
"¿Sabes qué, pequeño niño blanco? Estoy tan deprimido con tu pálido trasero." You yell and throw the towel at him.
"Crees que puedes conseguir cualquier cosa, ¿eh? ¡Pues no puedes! ¡Espero que te mueras por tu estúpido culo de comer pan mohoso! Morirías sin mí Maybank." You poke a finger into his chest and roll your eyes.
JJ currently has his hands up in defense. He has a tiny smirk on his face. And you fight the urge to smack him.
JJ knows you want to use physical force, you can't hide your facial expressions very well. And to him, they were quite cute, even if you wanted to murder him.
"Será mejor que borres esa maldita sonrisa de tu cara. Estamos en la cocina, hay cuchillos y no me quieres cerca de los cuchillos, JJ." You frantically run a hand through your hair. By now, Sarah and Kiara have entered the chateau finding you two like this. John B, Kiara, Pope and Sarah have all gathered around watching you basically ripping him a new asshole.
"Ni siquiera dios puede salvarte de mí. Oren para que después de tanto grito no se queme mi birria. Porque si así fuera, puedes despedirte de mi trasero." You deadpan. You wipe your hands on your jean shorts and smile. You wave at the girls, acting as if nothing had happened.
After a few seconds of silence, JJ speaks up.
"Is it a good time to say that turned me on?" JJ mumbles and grins at how you look at him.
"No." Everybody says in unison.
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umuulandito · 1 year
burnout (teaser) | jeon wonwoo
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SYPNOSIS. 11 years. you’ve been loving wonwoo for 11 years. you’ve loved and supported him since you were 16. and you’re starting to wonder if you can keep living like this. PAIRING. idol!jeon wonwoo x writer!reader GENRE. angst, it’s mostly just angst. NOTES. english isn’t my first language !! para sa mga filipino, inspired by "i'm drunk, i love you" and sugarfree's "burnout". reader has done like 3 different jobs + went to college. multilingual!reader, writer!reader. WORD COUNT. (estimated) 13k DAY OF RELEASE. (estimated) august / september
“In two days, your new drama comes out. This is the… what is it?”
“12th drama you’ve written that’s somehow about Wonwoo.”
“So, when will you finally confess to him?”
It’s not the first time someone’s asked you that– or specifically, not the first time Jihoon has asked you that. He’s been asking you that for years now. You can only look into your glass, staring into the abyss of soju and beer because you don’t have an answer. 
You’ve never had an answer to it.
“I don’t know. Never? I’ll get over it eventually, probably,” you say. His eyebrows raise and he can only scoff and snaps his fingers in front of you, drawing attention to his face. “Eleven years,” Jihoon remarks. “You’ve never gotten tired of whatever–” his hands point vaguely at you, “this is.”
He gives you a once over and, you don’t have it in you to be offended when he says, “And you look like you don’t plan to stop. You have had every–”
“Not every.”
“Yes, every, chance to confess but it just seems like you keep delaying it.”
Jihoon gives you that look, the look that says ‘Well?’ and you can’t say anything (again). When he lifts his cup up to drink, he looks at you expectantly, eyebrows raised and ready for your response. But it’s just silent.
“Am I wrong?” He asks.
“You’re crazy,” you say rolling your eyes and taking a sip of your own glass. 
“See! That’s not a no,” Jihoon laughs. “Well… it just seems kind of a waste,” you laugh tracing the rim of the glass. “We’re good friends… Ha! We’re good friends.”
“But…” You sigh, “But he doesn’t love me back.”
When you look at Jihoon, he’s smug. His face says smug but his eyes say pity, they always have. Every time you have this conversation, he always reminds you of this, and well, who doesn’t like to be right? But you can always tell he pities you. 
“Timecheck!” Jihoon shouts, you flinch at the sound, what the fuck was that?
“It’s been 11 years, somehow your hopes are still up and nonexistent at the same time,” he says and you roll your eyes, snarky… as always. 
You tap your wrist with a scoff, “I know it’s been 11 years. I can read the time, Jihoon.”
He sighs again, “But that’s why it’s so… I don’t think you realize really how long you’ve been hoping.”
That kind of stops you because fuck, he has a point. 11 years… That’s a decade, probably 1/7th of your life– you spent your youth loving Wonwoo, your college years still loving him, and your adulthood continuing to love him. When you think about it, so much of a person can change in 11 years, no one is the same person they were 11 years ago. He’s changed so much over 11 years, you’ve changed so much.
And yet here you were, still loving him. Loving every version, every iteration.
It’s kind of crazy.
Confronted with the reality in your hands. What the hell am I supposed to do with this?
You’re confronted with this insane reality and all you can say is…
“Give me time.”
When you meet eyes with Jihoon, he’s looking at you like you just said you plan on quitting writing forever. His eyebrows are raised, eyes wide as saucers, staring at you in absolute shock at your audacity.
There we go. You close your eyes letting yourself sit and just absorb the lecture he’s about to give you.
“What type of nonsense is ‘give me time’?!” Jihoon asks. “You believe in the cosmic powers or whatever of the universe–”
You mumble, “It’s called fate–”
“Fine! Fate. God, I feel like I say this every time. You believe in the cosmic supernatural possibilities of whatever fate and the universe have given you E L E V E N years! The universe gave you all the time you could need and yet, here you are!”
You let out a small huff, fiddling with the handle of your glass. Yet here you are. 
“I don't know why,” you take a small sip again of your drink, “like, I even made like… 12 dramas about him!” Then you take a larger gulp, “Why are they all about him?!”
Jihoon can only shrug, “Maybe you’re a masochist.”
He was expecting you to deny that actually, you can get so defensive about this sometimes but you’re actually thinking about it. Your eyebrows are scrunched up in concentration as you revisit every drama you’ve made in the past 5 years. 
When you look back at him, your brows are still furrowed and you say “You know, I might be. Like, what sane normal person writes Twenty-Five Twenty-One?”
“Or Hotel del Luna. Even worse, that was your debut. So from the start, it’s really all been him.”
It’s always been him. “Everything’s always about him, like, my youth revolved around him and whatever he revolved around.”
“Because he was Seventeen, your youth was Seventeen.”
“My youth was Seventeen… Do you think he knows that like for four years straight he was singing songs about himself?”
That one brings a laugh out of Jihoon, your former partner in crime in writing. One of the only people to witness every step of your writing, which involved staring a lot at Wonwoo. “I don’t think he knows, you’re surprisingly not obvious.”
“Everything’s about him… God, maybe I AM a masochist.”
“Okay, let’s just put it this way, let’s do this differently. Let’s enumerate what your and him’s relationship was for those 11 years, each of those 11 years.”
You can only sigh, as if you haven’t done that several times this night, again when he raises his glass triumphantly. “When did you and Wonwoo first meet?”
“You ask this question but I’m sure you know the answer.”
“Should that stop me from asking? It’s about consistency.”
“Fine. Let’s start from the beginning.”
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Next stop... Manchester
a/n: I had to rewrite it but it's okay. Feedback is really appreciated by the way
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*Not my PIC*
Pairing: Chloe Kelly x Léon!Reader; Mapi Léon x sister!reader; Ella Toone + Georgia Stanway x Female!Reader (besties)
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing
words count: 3334
London - Manchester. Manchester - London. Whatever the direction, it became a usual trip for you during those recent years. Well, dating a Citizen player while you played for Chelsea, and let's not talk about the fact that you played for Spain and her England, meant you had to make compromises sometimes. 
You came to the WSL in the 2017-18 season; you played for Everton after some good seasons at Athletico Madrid. There you met Chloe; everything was new for you, so she helped you install yourself in the country. She showed you a lot of places, and you met a lot of people who'd become part of the England squad. At the end of the 19/20 season, you moved from Liverpool to London, where you signed a contract with the Blues.
At Chelsea, everything was good except when you had to play in the Champions League finals against your sister and her team. Unfortunately for the London club, you got injured in the semifinal. Without  one of their best defenders in their squad, the Blues lost against FC Barcelona. Except that the other worst moments was when you played against your girlfriend; you know how good she is, and it's really difficult for anyone to defend against her (except McCabe, but she's not really defending).
After three years in the capital's club, you received some interesting offers from different clubs: Bayern, Wolfsburg, Real Madrid, and even Lyon, but you decided to join another club in blue, well, sky blue. But your girlfriend is totally unaware of that, like almost everyone else, because you wanted to surprise her.
Today was a particular day; the Lionesses should take a flight to Australia the next day, and your girlfriend decided to spend her free time with you. It was still early in the morning when your phone started buzzing next to you. It was disturbing, but you didn't want to wake up yet until the woman next to you groaned.
"Y/n, I swear if you don't tell whoever texted you to shut up, I'll throw your phone through the window." Chloe said with her head pressed harder against the pillow.
"Calmate hermosa; I'll check that." You said before grabbing your phone to see a lot of messages from more people than you expected. 
¿Vienes a casa para vacaciones?(Are you coming home for vacation?)
Leila[8:30 a.m]:
The girls know
Ella[8:40 a.m]:
Please tell me you don't join the wrong side
Lauren[8:42 a.m]:
are you really coming?
I need to tell Chloe
Niamh[8:43 a.m]:
Sam and Guro are still pouting
Mama P[8:44 a.m]:
Jessie is still crying you need to do something
Mama M[8:44 a.m]:
Don't forget your sunscreen
Mama P[now]:
Magda reminds you to not forget your sunscreen
"Who are they?" The blonde was a little more awake than earlier.
"Just Magda and Pernille...and Niamh and Mapi." You replied before quickly texting, 'don't tell anything to Chloe; it's not official' to Ella and Lauren.
"Okay, now come back to sleep with me." The winger said, but you reluctantly declined the proposition.
"I really want that, but the girls are coming for lunch and I need to cook something," the Mancunian groaned and grabbed her phone.
"It's only 9 a.m."
"Yeah, I know, but I also have to call my sister and make our breakfast." You informed her and kissed her forehead before leaving the bedroom.
Chloe wanted to go back to sleep, but she couldn't without you, so she just checked her notifications and saw a text from Lauren.
Lauren[8:43 a.m]:
I have a big surprise for you
Chloe [8:57 a.m]:
I heard someone say that we will pair together for the world cup
Like always🙄
Your girlfriend knew there was something that her friend didn't tell her, but she didn't want to push her. When the winger finally came to the kitchen, she saw you cook with one of her Manchester City training kits. She approached you carefully, wrapped her arms around your waist, and landed her head on your shoulder.
"How can I help you?" She asked you.
"Just sit and look pretty." You commanded.
A few minutes later, Chole was sitting on the kitchen counter scrolling through TikTok while you were cooking. Everything was good until she found a tik-tok talking about the departure of Ona. It was not surprising at first, but the video caught her attention when the person behind it started to speculate about your possible departure to join Barcelona too. Of course, some fans had theories about you coming back to Spain after a lot of years in England.
You were too focused to not burn your breakfast and texted your sister that you hadn't noticed your girlfriend looking at you suspiciously; honestly, some theories started to gain her attention. She knew that last season you denied the offer of a Spanish team that wanted you, justifying it by the fact that you wanted to finish your contract with the Blues, but now what is keeping you in England?
"Babe? What do you think about going to Barcelona?" The winger asked you.
You took a moment to think about it. "Uh, I don't know; we need to schedule for the next season and wait until you come back from Australia, hopefully with a trophy, and I also need to ask Maps if it's good for her to let us stay in her apartment." You explained, totally unaware of the true meaning behind this simple question.
"Oh, okay." There was a little silence; she continued to scroll on her phone until you finished your episode. You turned your eyes off your phone and made your way to the blonde, leaving some kisses on her face, making the English girl giggle. "What are you doing?"
"I'm hungry." You replied.
"But you're cooking."
"Yes, and I finished it, so let's do something together." You finished your sentence with a trail of kisses from her lips to her neck.
"Babe, the girls are coming in 2 hours." She stopped you.
"I know."
"And you just cook the breakfast."
"I think I can do something in a little more than an hour, so let's have a little time for us." You said lifting her from the chair made her yelp and almost let her phone slip.
"Twenty minutes." She whispered firmly, just a few centimeters away from your lips.
"Twenty minutes." You agreed before leading her to the bedroom.
Twenty minutes later, you were both in the bathroom taking a bath, and she was sitting in front of you with her back against your chest. You were playing with her hands and the water, trying to steal some kisses between her giggles.
"Did you finish packing your things?" You asked, and she hummed to reply. "Are you sure? Did you pack some tissues? Alana said it was really cold there during this period of the year."
"Yes, don't worry. I checked everything twice." She replied, you wanted to say something, but she cut you off. "No, I'll not unpack everything to let you check." She prevented you.
You sighed and landed your head on her shoulder. "I'm just worried, mi corazon. The last time you flew somewhere without me, you almost forgot your passport." You reminded her, and she chuckled.
"Yes, but don't worry, Lauren will not let it happen again." She joked, and you nodded.
"Okay, I love being here with you, but we will have a lot of hungry girls in one hour, and I need to start to cook." You said getting out of the bathtub.
"How can I help you now?" Chloe asked again.
You thought a moment before replying, "Nothing; just stay there and look good for me." You said and gave her a little on her forehead.
"There is someone who's really looking good right now." She replied with a flirtatious tone.
"Pervert!" You shot just before taking your towel and leaving the room.
An hour later, you were finishing a paella request by almost every girl while you were making conversation with the citizen until someone rang at the door. When Chloe opened the door, she was met with none less than ten girls chatting loudly. You smiled when you heard the noises coming from the living room. You didn't have time to go to the kitchen before hearing two voices enter the room.
"Y/n!!" Georgia called you very excited.
"Why do you always look surprised to see me, knowing I almost live here?" You asked and accepted her hug.
"I missed you." The midfielder said.
"Me too, pequeña soldadera (little warrior)." 
"You still use this Spanish nickname?" 
"Always." You said with a cocky smile before walking to the other girl in the room. "Hola, I didn't think you would come." You said to Leila, your national teammates, well, not anymore because you were one of 'The 15'.
"Where do you want me to be? I mean, I'll never say no to free food and cooking by the best Spanish cooker in Manchester, no, in England." The older defender said.
"You say it because Ona came back to Barça?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Maybe." She replied, almost questioning herself; you gasped and playfuly slapped her arm.
"Don't worry, Y/n, you're still my favourite Spanish cooker." Georgia said while the three of you were joining the others in the kitchen.
"You say that because you don't have any Spanish teammates in Munich." You replied, and the girls laughed.
In the living room, there were more guests than you planned. There were Ella Toone, Alessia Russo, Maya Le Tissier, Katie Zelem, and Mary Earps, your Manchester's players friends—well, it was no longer valid for Alessia—and there were Chloe's City's teammates: Alana Kennedy, Lauren Hemp, Alex Greenwood, Laila Ouahabi, Laia Alexandri, and Esme Morgan. And some pluses: Keira Walsh and Lucy Bronze were here because they were ex-city players; McKenzie Arnold, who was brought by Alana (you always liked her, so why not); and of course your best friend Georgia Stanway, who brought Leah Williamson to complete their famous trio.
"Now that I see it from here, it's a lot of people." Laila said.
"You even invited some people who don't play for Manchester." Georgia commented, referring to McKenzie and Leah. You and the defender just looked at her before exchanging a confused look.
"A veces me pregunto cómo se hicieron mejores amigos. (Sometimes I'm really wondering how you two became best friends.)" The older woman said to you.
"¿Por qué? técnicamente no es falso. (Why? Technically, it's not false.)" You replied before a body crashed against you. "Wow, calmate Ella." You said laughing a little.
"Please tell me you'll choose the right Manchester." The offensive midfielder whispered to you with a big pout.
"Uh, yes? I mean, yeah, but why do you ask?"
"The girls find an article saying that since Ona made her comeback in Barcelona, you could leave too." Alessia informed you. In the corner of the couch, almost no one noticed, but Chloe tensed when she heard what Alessia said—almost no one because Laia wrapped an arm around the winger to ease her mind.
"Okay, I don't know what you're talking about, but let's eat because it'll get cold." You avoided the question, and that didn't go unnoticed by three players.
After eating in a very good atmosphere, you spent all your time cuddling Chloe and making jokes with Leah and Laila about the fact that you weren't selected for the World Cup. Some girls decided to watch a movie, and you happily agreed. You were in the kitchen making some snacks when you heard someone clearing their throats. Before hearing some footsteps, you turned around to see Ella, Georgia, and Laila exchanging looks.
"Are you alright, girls?" You asked a little confused.
"Y/n, can we talk?" The Red Devil asked a little shyly.
"Yeah, I just need to give this to the girls." You said referring to the plate of snacks in front of you.
"Yes, of course, we will wait." Georgia said you noticed something strange in her tone, but you didn't question it. Only two minutes later, you were back in the room with the three women.
You sat beside Ella in front of Georgia and Laila. "Is there something wrong?" You asked when none of them spoke.
"Y/n, we've known each other for a long time now, don't we?" Ella asked, and you nodded.
You clearly remember the day you met her for the first time and the time you became friends. It was during the season 17/18, you just left Athletico Madrid to try your luck in England at Everton. There you met Chloe for the first time, and it instantly clicked; it was love at first sight. For Tooney, you met her the first time you played against her, when she was playing for the other team in Manchester.
For Georgia, you met her in the street of the city before you saw her again on the pitch, but she was very kind with you, and for someone who had been in a new country for only a few months, you were very grateful. She helped you progress in English, and she even gave you some advice with your girlfriend when she was just your crush.
And for Laila, you met her for the first time while you visited your sister in Spain while she was playing for Barça. When you made your first step on the senior national team, she helped you (with your sister, Jeni, and Alexia, of course) with everything and every question, and you both play as defenders, so you trained together. When she came to Manchester, Mapi made a promise to take care of you, even if it was you who helped her the most when she was still installing.
"Yeah?" You replied, a little unsure of where it would end.
"So can you be honest with us? So about earlier, you know we will not be angry if you leave." Laila reassured you.
"Yeah, I know it's just that everything is complicated, and I don't want to leave Chloe." You said. Talking about her, your girlfriend was about to make her way in the kitchen, but she stopped when she heard her name. She knew it was very bad, but she couldn't help herself.
"Is it Barcelona?" Georgia asked, and you nodded, making the midfielder grumble, "Why do they want you when they already signed Ona?" 
"Because we didn't play at the same position." You said. "But they're not the only ones who made offers. There are also Wolfsburg and Paris Saint Germain." 
"Why don't you come with me to Bayern?" 
"No, if you need to leave, you should come to Manchester City."
"Or you can join me here."
"Okay girls, let's forget about it; they gave me until the end of the month to accept it or not. Now, let's just watch a movie and chill until you have to leave." You stopped their debate. Before you could see her, Chloe quickly came back on the couch beside Lauren, and you sat on her other side.
The rest of the day, your girlfriend seemed preoccupied by something, but she refused to tell you what.
The lunch was very cool; everybody was happy, and the girls didn't split anything. The next day, the girls had to leave, and you had a flight to Spain that you couldn't miss.
Your holidays were pretty good; you were just enjoying life with your sister, but somewhere you were missing your girlfriend. Because the World Cup was in New Zealand and Australia, you weren't awake at the same time.
On the other side of the world, Chloe was missing you, really missing you. She could handle every time you spent your holiday in Spain with your family, but now it wasn't a holiday for her, and you should be here with your national team. Unfortunately for her, every time she thought she couldn't miss you more, Lauren James, and Niamh were talking about you.
For you, after a week and a half in Spain, you had to fly back to England before going to Australia. You arrived in Australia between two matches of the Lionesses and, more importantly, just two days before the public training.
Knowing you would come to their training session, Lauren Hemp and Ella couldn't stop teasing Chloe about how much she missed you.
At the training, everyone was more focused knowing that it was public. You successfully found a place not so far from the ground as to not be immediately recognized. Chloe nailed it pretty well; she had only one thing on her mind: finish this and quickly come back to the hotel to call you.
When training finished, the citizen stayed behind to talk with fans and take pictures. She was not alone because Georgia and Ella were following her and, most importantly, looking for you. Stopping in front of a group of girls, the three started to do as usual until something caught Georgia's attention.
"Hey, look at that," she said to Ella, holding a Manchester City shirt someone gave her.
"It's the new one." Ella commented, and the Red Devil turned the shirt to find a big surprise. The two midfielders exchanged a confused look before looking at the crowd and finally seeing you.
"No way," Georgia whispered.
"It's a betrayal." You saw Ella mouthing Being too focused on you, they didn't see their teammates coming until the shirt slipped out of the Bayern player's hand.
"Where did you find that?" Chloe asked, but she didn't wait for answers before starting to sign it. It was just after she finished that she decided to look at the back. She paused for a moment. She thought it was a mistake or just a joke until she heard someone speak.
"I hope you like my surprise." You said this after you noticed she was too stunned to speak. Hearing your voice brought the winger back to reality; she looked at you, more surprised and happy than she ever was.
She didn't wait too long before she trapped you in a bone-crushing hug. You stayed like this for a few seconds until she pulled away, immediately closing the gap between you with a lovely kiss.
"I missed you too, mi corazon." You said after you pulled away when oxygen was needed.
"But what are you doing here, and most importantly, what is this?" She asked and showed you the shirt she just signed.
"Let's just say that I have a new team, and I wanted to announce it to you before you see it on the internet." You replied.
"So it's not a joke? We'll really play together next season?" She asked like it was the most unthinkable thing in the world.
"Yes, we will." You confirmed.
"But, Barcelona, and your sister?"
"Well, yeah, I'm really impatient to play with my sister again, but I think it can wait a little longer. And technically, I'm more related to Athletico Madrid than Barça."
"I don't know what to say. It's incredible; I would never believe that this day would come." She cupped your face and pressed her lips against yours just before being interrupted by her teammate.
"Traitor!" Ella yelled, making you laugh.
"Don't worry, I have another one for you." You said before throwing a shirt at her. She made a fake disgusting face, making you laugh again.
"I only keep it because you're my best friend." The United's players informed you.
"Yeah, yeah, but don't forget you also played for them."
"Sorry, I can't hear you." She said with her hands pressing against her ears.
"Okay, now I think you need to go, but don't worry, I'll come stay there to hopefully see you lift the trophy." You said to your girlfriend before giving her a last peck on the lips.
"I already miss you." The blonde striker said.
"I know; now go and win this for us." 
"I promise."
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teamskulladventures · 1 month
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Guzma x Bug Catcher Reader
Pokemon: Illumise, Rabsca, Beedrill
Hunting: Paras (Shiny)
(She/Her, Pronouns)
Stepping off the old yet reliable faerie from MeleMele to Akala, the fresh ocean breeze was no different here as it was to all the other islands. When you first touched down on that plane from Paldea, you'd never known an ocean breeze like this one. Looking up into the sky you couldn't believe it could get any bluer. Looking beyond the horizon the ocean and sky seemed to blur into one. Only the occasional breaching Mantine would break the illusion. You've traveled to many regions before but to say Alola wasn't the prettiest would be an understatement.
Sure you brought along your tourist flare. You tend to travel light only bringing what you deemed necessary for success. What was that success? Bug competitions of course! Oh sure some may deem it dull and boring to center an entire competition on one type but you wouldn't have it any other way! Bugs rule and they've been your trusty companions for all these years. They are the reason you have opportunities to leave your Paldean home in the first place. Being the top Bug collector in your class all those year back, made winning bug competitions a breeze. Not only that but the amount of overseas programs and study opportunities made it easier for your parents to understand why you decdicated your life to these strange critters.
Well nearly a decade later and halfway into your twenties and your love for this sport has never dulled or faded. Now rocking a strong team a three of the best bugs you could ever hope for, wherever competition goes, you follow. However, this year seems different. This year feels mysterious, yet exciting! Alola, the region full of new opportunities. A new League, new battle tree, new everything! Having been a reigning champion of the bug competitions you've been personally invited by the Bug Enthusiasts Corp. International to help establish a bug type contest here! You couldn't have been happier, yet you still needed to prove not only to them but to yourself that you still have what it takes to hold the title of best bug trainer around. Competition had been growing stronger year after year since younger crowds like to try and take the title for themselves. If you and your Pokemon still want to sit comfortably on your throne you're going to have to shake it up a bit.
With a spring in your step and heart full of determination, you make your way towards the best spot for bugs to flourish. Pushing past the heavy streets of HaeHae city, and into the vibrant green of the Alolan wilds you eventually make your way into the dense and Pokemon filled Lush Jungle.
Okay so maybe rushing into unknown territory wasn't the smartest idea. You've decided to send out your beedrill for some much needed assistance. Not because they're any better at navigating this forest then you are but noticing all these strange new Pokemon was causing knots to form in your stomach. You knew better to judge a book by it's cover. These tiny glowing mushrooms and floating living leis may look cute and innocent but you weren't willing to take any chances. You needed to have your beedrill all bright eyed and bushy tailed if you had any chance at capturing your golden ticket for securing this years first place! You were hunting for Paras.
Pushing past the leaves and vines your feet pounded on the jungle floor with heavy steps. The heat was starting to get to you. Not to mention you had little luck with avoiding wild Pokemon the more you trekked through this jungle. Luckily you were wrong about the mushrooms and Leis you discovered were called Morelulls and Comfeys by passing trainers. These guys kept to themselves and didn't bother picking a fight with your beedrill. However the much smaller and way more fiestier mantis Pokemon were starting to cause problems. Your Beedrill didn't have any struggles battling them but its seems like one after the other would just pop out the bushes to pick a fight with her! It's starting to piss you off!
There's that fiery temper. It's what made you a perfect companion for Beedrill. It's probably what made you win half your contests. With a few threatening jabs from Beedrill and you mean mugging these tiny pink mantis's they eventually took the hint and scattered back into their dens. You breathed a sigh of relief only to be chewed out by a very gruff and very angry voice past all the foliage.
"Hey YOU! Tourist girl! Shut your damn mouth already! Its way to damn early in the morning for your hootin' and hollerin'!"
With a whip of your head you turn around to face off a tall man with a peculiar sense of style. Although he called you a tourist, home boy over here didn't fit the bill for a local either. You could tell that this man was massive even with his slouched shoulders. Honestly they gave him an even more intimidating posture. His hair was as white as snow yet underneath was a pitch black undercut. His eyes were a deep grey with hints of purple eyeshadow around it giving him his dead eye stare an even deeper look to them. His outfit matched his demeanor, black, black and more black. You've never seen such a brooding style since your punk phase back in school. Only peaks of white helped to break up the overall look, not to mention the giant Red Cross on his backside. Was this some sort of underground band you've never heard of? Shaking off any more thoughts you could only assume he was indeed a local. How else could someone where that much black and not die of heatstroke! In the humid jungle no less. Still though his comments pissed you off and you felt as if there was no choice but to chew him out for it!
"Oh yeah big shot! What makes you so sure I'm some tourist or something?!" You say storming up to him with your beedrill following suit.
The man couldn't help but roll his eyes. He swore that if he could, they'd roll as far back into his head as possible just to avoid giving you the time of day. He was holding a basket full of flowers and plants. A lot of berries and root vegetables were among the pile, and it seemed as if he had no intentions of stopping what he was doing just to talk to you. But something deep down inside of him couldn't stop him from jabbing back at you either.
"Again with the yelling, Arceus fuck lady. . . for starters *he picks some more roots* no local is stupid enough to enter this jungle, this far out, unless they know what they're getting themselves into. And two *He picks some more* those "pests" as you call them. . haha yeah right, the local babies even know that those are no bugs sweetheart. There grass types." He says facing you head on this time. His face mere inches away from yours.
Feeling flustered and embarrassed as all hell, you didn't want this slip up to cause you to turn with your tail between your legs. You were on a hunt. A mission! Tsk so what you were just another dumb tourist to this guy! Big whoop! You've survived traveling for this long you just need to keep on keeping on! And all will be well, but some extra expertise can go a long way.
"Soooo does that mean you wanna help a girl out?"
The man could only stop dead in his tracks before maniacally laughing to himself.
"Hahahahaha and what the fresh fuck makes you think I wanna do that?"
And there he goes again. The big tough guy himself getting all up in your personal space. His larger than life form practically shrouding the sun above you. His grin was frightening but in a somewhat attractive way. Almost to say "don't push your luck". Not wanting to back down, with your own pride, you lean into him. Your face almost touching his as your eyes do all the talking. You stare deep into him and you can feel a sense of uncomfort from his end too. You guess that this isn't the normal response people give to a guy like him. But eventually you cave. You don't exactly slump back but, you give up this psudo staring contest so that you can go back to what you were doing. Which was, getting yourself more lost in this forest.
Turning to walk away his voice actually calls out to you. "And where the fuck do you think your going?"
Shocked you didn't expect him to give a shit. "Ummm going to go back to my own thing? What about you?"
He tried to seem as if he didn't care, but his demeanor said otherwise. He had dropped the basket he was holding, as his body shuffled ever so subtly towards your own. "Tsk and get even more lost?"
"Afraid so? Unless you wanna help me" you cheekily grin.
He grumbles annoyed "yeah right . . . your funeral"
"Mhmm . . yep! Guess so . . andddd that'll be on you? I guess? Kinda!"
He laughs a bit more but not in the pleasant way "And why's that?"
"Oh you know. . . have me be the last person you talk to. I die and when the police ask for wtf happened they can just pin a part of this on you for not wanting to help me." Okay so to be fair not your most sound argument. . m actually it held no merit but damn were you desperate. He was the only other fool to be out here in this jungle and was probably going to be your only shot at help for miles. If he was here then other locals might be even a harder catch at trying to convince them to help you on your bug journey. Andddd a bit of you was intrigued by this guys overall swagger and cocky attitude. It's been a while since you've found even a small ounce of interest in another person.
A deep sigh escaped his lips as he contemplated your words. You weren't entirely sure if they had any effect on him. That is until he covers his basket and hoists it over hus shoulders as he puts both of his hands back into his pockets. Walking up to you he finally speaks out.
"Listen here! I am only doing this because honestly I am not entirely keen on picking weeds all afternoon for that *he grumbles quietly* kahuna and kahuna squirt. However, if I help you do whatever the fuck, does that mean you will leave me alone and you get out of this jungle?"
You don't sit on his words long. To focused on being happy that he's actually offering you help. "Yes! 10000% yes! Whatever! You help me, and then you go back to your forging!"
Walking up to your side he stands idle until you tell him what exactly he needs to do in order to help you.
"Well if you must know what I'm doing in this jungle I am trying to find me a Paras! So where to my knight and shining sweatpants!"
With another deep eyeroll, it was only then in that moment that it hit him. Did you say Paras?
Walking deeper into the thicket, the two of you eventually found a secluded spot that was supposed to home a lot of wild Paras.
"Say . . .uh I don't think I caught your name back there"
"Whats it to ya?" The man bit back defensively
"Fine! Whatevs don't tell me and stay being elusive. My name is (Y/N) and your out here helping me find a Paras because . ."
"Because??" He cuts you off.
"Because! . . . because of the bug contest of course!?'
Now this cause his attention. He wasn't too shocked when he saw your beedrill. He hated to admit it but, bugs are a lot easier to come across then most other types. It's no shock that any trainer would have at least one bug type to their name. But you? You were actually dead serious on being a bug type trainer?
"You're kiddin' right?"
No response on your end, except for the same confused stare.
"No shit?"
Typical, or so you thought. This was normaly the response people gave when you mentioned your bug companions and your love for them. "Bugs are so weak" they say. "Bugs are so gross" they thought. And so your feisty nature struck again but for your bug babies it was worth it.
"Oh yeah? You got a damn problem with that? What are you some bug hater? Look I appreciate the help thus far but if this is going to be a problem for you then you can just leave me al . . ."
"Now wait a minute I didn't mean it like that. . . just wasn't expecting that alright"
"And why's that?"
Now you've done it. You had a tendency to push people to their limits. Your shocked no ones fought you over it, but today might be the day your lucks run dry. With a grimace in his eyes, and the same devilishly attractive smirk you can feel him closing in on you. Backing you up against a tree you see no sign of escaping him.
"Because the names Guzma. The hated boss you beats you down, and beats you down and never gives up."
Throwing two Pokeballs behind him, his Pokemon were just as intimidating as he was. One bright red scizor, and a huge hulking Golisopod.
"Just for the record if you're real serious about this whole 'contest thing' or whatever can't really be all that much of a contest if they let scrubs like you enter."
"Now wait a damn minute, shouldn't a bug guy like yourself at least think that this is cool?!?"
"What's so damn fun about some bug beauty pageant?"
Damn you wanted to clobber this guy! What was his deal? This sure was a first alright.
"Well Guzma. . uh. . hm . you know! Hey! It's . .it's not JUST beauty. You'd think a bug trainer would at least know that much."
"Again, don't give a fuck about shit like that. And I don't need to be into contests to love bugs. Aren't all those contests over seas anyways?
"And AGAIN like I said I am here for Paras, to join this years bug contest. In THIS region. Beauty isn't everything wise guy. I'll have you know that my Beedrill won best Stingers and the toughness categories three years in a row back in Paldea. Not to mention they were runner up four years after that in both Kanto and Johto!" Your Beedrill beams with delight behind you. "And yeah so what I entered my Illumise for the beauty but it was their beautiful glowing personality that helped me secure top spot five years in a row, across both Paldea and the Hoenn region. And if you think thats not all well wait until you see my Rabsca who secured runner up spot for seven consecutive years and two years first place for largest ball roll! . . . See Impressive ain't it?"
" . . . Arceus you're more pathetic then I thought"
His blunt response was expected but damn dude not even a little bit impressed? And from a bug type trainer no less. Well you couldn't deny that words hurt, and you could guess he felt a little guilty for it too. His face became a few shades pinker as he averted your gaze. You were currently a bumbling mess unsure of how to respond to his comment.
"i . . uh . .wuh . well . .hu m Well if you're so quick to judge m . hy why don't you join then!"
"What! Fat chance."
"B . but why not?"
"I don't care what categories there are . .I mm . it's stupid . .why waste my time"
This confused you. Guzma was so ready to criticize the competition as if he implied he'd easily win, yet when presented the opportunity to go for it, he'd throw it away?
"Well yeah? I'm sure you'd win! I'm mean you got two great bugs right here! Why don't you ask them if they want to join!"
You could tell Guzma was hiding something. Well besides his already elusive personality, this time it seemed different. Like as if competitions scared him.
"Tsk yeah sure! . . lets get my golisopod all dolled up!" Turning his head back you guess he wasn't expecting his Golisopod to actually seem happy to want to do that. "What!?"
You only giggled.
"Whats so funny?"
"Well it seems that bug boss here doesn't understand his bugs as well as he thought. And no . . you don't need to "doll him up". Your golisopod would make an excellent contender in all sorts of categories. Strength, speed, claw size, height, weight, heavy lifting, and even battling! And your scizor too of course! But he might actually fair in beauty as well. That shiny red is actually very pleasant to look at! I haven't seen a brighter red in ages! Thats a sign that it's had a healthy diet and wonderful trainer that takes good care of him."
Guzma's blush only deepened in red the more you kept complimenting his crew. His hand krept up to his face to try and hide his embarrassment.
"Sh Shut up already . . . god . . that doesn't change anything. . I still don't get the point in all of it."
You didn't get it. You just didn't get why this guy was being so stubborn. Again you did your best to explain why bug contests were fun and amazing but your words feel on death ears. The more you talked the less you became positive in your own words too.
"*Sighing* Look, I . . I don't want to dim your sparkle or anything (Y/N) but . . hmm . . whatever. Keep doing these bug showcases or whatever, but there is no need to drag me into it."
Looking around Guzma noticed the changing colors thay danced across the sky. Night was approaching, and that meant it was time to leave.
"Sorry, guess you'll just need to catch this Paras another day. Lets get back to town."
Day in and day out.
Day in and day out.
Day in and day out.
What used to be a monotonous monlouge that made Guzma question why he was trying so hard, became an interesting event everytime he saw you. His glory days were done, now turned into an errand boy for all the people he wronged the happy go lucky attitudes were something he was taking forever to get used to. It didn't help that his "street cred" was effectively flushed down the toilet all in thanks to that island Kahuna, and his probation officer Nanu. However seeing you trek back into that forest, day in and day out gave him something to look forward to when he woke up, and when he fell back asleep.
"You know staring at her isn't going to make you look any better. If you want people to like you Guzma you can start by being less of this mysterious weirdo."
A rough girly voice broke Guzma out of his trance. Forest green hair, and a ladle in her hand coming out of the kitchen to talk up the Ex-Gang leader was none other than Mallow. One of the many people on Guzma's "annoying pipsqueaks" list, and who just ao happened to be one of the many people he was supposed to "pay back" for his crimes.
With his usual agitated tone Guzma barked out a "shut your mouth kid." While he proceeded to go back to helping carry crates of berries off of her Fathers truck.
"Hmpf! Well if your gonna keep that attitude of yours, tou can at least say please" Mallow said back to him hands on her sides to try and size him up. Truth be told a lot of the island kahunas and their trial captains had mixed opinions on letting Guzma rewrite his wrongs. Even Guzma wasn't too keen on changing his ways, if that attitude was any indication of the situation. Most of his "help" was forced by Hala who insisted on everyone deserving a second chance. Which ment being an errand boy. Which ment being on each island helping out on whatever people asked Guzma to help with. Which ment uploading berries off a truck and being scolded by a child of all things. In a way Guzma was starting to miss the interaction that he had with you. At least you couldn't treat him like a child on time out. At least you didn't have to begrudgingly accept his presence. This was something Mallow noticed too.
"Like I said Guz!"
"Don't call me that!"
"Ugh! GUZMA! Like I said Guzma. Just go talk to her. I'm not sure who this mystery woman is to you but she must be super duper important if she's caught your eye like that."
Although Mallow was half teasing, she was right. But even still, Guzma could just not understand. He just couldn't get it. Why you tried so hard. Why you bothered going back into that forest only to leave empty handed each time. He could see it in your eyes, your worry, your desperation. It was starting to weigh on you. If it were him, he would jave cut his losses a while back. Stuck with what worked for him. Stuck with something that out him on top easily and would make sure to stay on top. In a way your endless efforts were starting to both worry him, and piss him off.
Waking up the next morning and heading outside, Guzma saw you trail up that hill. You were heading to the forest, as always, day in and day out. Or so you thought. When the booming voice of Guzma rang across the open you didnt expect him to want to talk to you again.
"Hey! Uhh? . . (Y/N) was it? Can't you just give this whole thing a rest? Or better yet throw in the towel and just go home? You clearly haven't been so lucky in your pursuit so why not just call it quits and save yourself the hassle of waking up at the crack of stupid to keep on getting disappointed."
"Tsk?!! So what?!! Haha you suddenly care? Listen man I don't need your concern! I can handle myself BY myself!? So buzz off already!"
Looking into your eyes was like staring back at an oh so familiar face in the mirror. That glare, that clencher jaw. You were breaking.
"Ack well. . . shit look I'm just saying"
"Just saying?!! Just SAYING?! FUCK that's all everyone does huh? Just blabber on without thinking well news fucking flash words hurt and I am sick! OH I AM SICK, of people telling me what I can and can't do! What I should and shouldn't be doing! Arceus! Just stay out of this! You clearly didn't like helping me the first time so why bother offering unwanted help this time?!!
Guzma's own tempre was starting to peak through too. You were so annoying, yet so desperately what Guzma wish he could have been. Someone who didn't give up. . . someone who didn't have to succumb to his current fate.
"Augh Fine! Keep fucking off into that forest! But could you at least give some better answer than just pure interest? Like there's gotta be a better reason . ?
"And why the fuck do you care?!? Why . why does everyone seem to give so much of a fuck about what I DO? . . It's always the same isn't it?
Guzma had done it again. Destroy. . destroy everything he comes into contact with. Your face had given up. Your eyes started to water.
"Anywhere I go it's always the same punk asses like you trying to control me? Find a reason? As if I needed to humor you. And still words cut deep okay. . . you wanna know the reason so bad? You want your damn answer!! Well this lady needs her Paras because this year will be my last. My last moment to shine! My last moment to prove all you people wrong!!! Sure I haven't been the shining star that I was when I was younger but I know I still have it in me! I know THEY still have what it takes to win! And if I get my Paras then all of this will be secured in the bag for me! And I can finally retire on a high note. When I become head of the conservation unit for this regions International Bug Corp. Conservation and Research Facility I want people to see that I know what I a doing. I want people to trust in MY and MY teams abilities."
With tears in your eyes you turn away from Guzma, who seems to be just as upset and frustrated with himself as you are. Guilt was danced all across his face as you turned your way back down the hill. You didn't feel up for hunting today, and Guzma wasn't feeling is usually tough guy appearance either. Another sleepless night approached Guzma as your words to him echoed in his mind. . . Guzma what was wrong with you? Guzma . . . he had to make it up to you. . . he couldn't keep going on like this.
As the rain showered down across the region, the summer time brought high winds and thunderstorms from across the ocean. Any normal tourist would be too frightened to even step outside in a drizzle. Any local was too smart enough to realize the rain wasn't letting up anytime soon. But not you. You with your stubborn attitude. You and your neglient persistence. You with your fiery determination. You treked up that hill with mud caked boots. Your own Pokemon were too afraid to show themselves. But you couldn't stop. With the contest approaching you NEEDED to have that Paras with you. The Paras of Lush Jungle with their Pale yet beautiful hues. Unlike the Paras in Kanto these Bug were smaller but prettier or so you thought. Unlike their bright orange counterparts, their diet of Alolan berries made Paras here a lot softer in color. Almost like baby pastel. Those Paras were your tickets to success. Those Paras were the reason why you needed to be stupid enough to risk your life for them. But . . . would they be enough. Arceus you begged with all your might that they would be enough. Just one, just one was all you needed.
The storm raged on as the small motel TV flashed warning signs of the storm turning harsher as the afternoon approached. Golisopod was even a bit startled as lighting and thunder boomed from the distant shore.
"Tsk hehe . .you really scared? Huh? Seriously bud this ain't nothing from what we were used to back in Po Town. At least the rain makes for a nice change of scenery. Don't have to worry 'bout looking out the window and seein' a herd of lil pipsqueaks and their island badges hanging around."
Golisopod although tough on the inside was still a big ol softy on the outside. Cuddling up to his trainer, Guzma couldn't help but smile and pat his side reassuringly.
"Tell you what, you'd have to be some idiot to try and do anything outside today."
Well, some idot you were. With a crash and a bang the world outside took a turn for the worst. As Guzma sprawled across his motel bed flickering through TV stations all blaring the same doomsday warnings Golisopod would be the one to spot one very peculiar bug flying about. With enough puring and tapping on the glass, Guzma tool the hint.
"Whatcha doin'? I already said thunder is something your used to. Hey what the fu..?"
It was an Illumise, your Illumise. Her tiny body was trying to fight the wind as she zipped around Mallow's family restaurant that was across the street from the motel. Her body was in rough shape, but still she persisted. She kept hovering around one particular spot thag normally was taken space by one big Golisopod and his large trainer too.
Opening his motel door was already enough to bring in a flood of rain, but in that moment Guzma was more concerned about you than anything else.
"Hey *he whistles to Illumise* Hey You! Yeah you lil lady? Whatcha doin'? Where's (Y/N)?"
When your Illumise spotted Guzma she dove for his room causing him to tumble back onto the bed. Now inside Illumise did her best to shake of the rain. There was no time for sitting, she buzzed all across the room and it was Golisopod who was able to grab her still so she could calm down.
"Shh shh hey uhh it's okay? You doin' alright?"
Illumise nodded but sprang back into action as she pulled lightly on Guzma's jacket to lead him outside.
"Woah woah woah? You nuts? Its pouring outside! I ain't going out unless you think I got nuts for brains . . . . *sigh* . . and let me fucking guess. . (Y/N)'s the nuts for brains."
With a sigh and nod Guzma knew that if Illumise was out here asking him of all people for help that ment you were in heaps of shit. He just hoped that he wasn't too late.
Deep in the heart of the jungle, not a Pokemon nor trainer was out this deep in such weather which ment tracking you down was easier than anticipated. Though the rain was still an annoyance, and Guzma was beyond soaked but when he found your body latching onto a tree you didn't look any better. When Illumise spotted you she flew back to your side and it was only then when you realized she had brought back help.
"He . hey? Where'd you run . . oh ."
With Guzma hovering over you, his grey eyes staring into yours but this time they held a bit of softness to them. Whether he intended to or not Guzma was acting as a better shield to the elements then the leaves were. It was only then did you manage to speak up.
"Look . . . I . .I'm sorry!! You were right Guzma . .this whole thing *thunder clapped* ack!! It's .  I was being stupid! I AM STUPID! I got you dragged into this again . . and for what? . .I .
Tears were starting to form again only this time they didn't touch ground. A rough yet warm hand whipped them away as Guzma brought you closer to his side.
"Hey m . *blushes* .  you're shakin' like a leaf. Hehe . . lets just . go find shelter. Wouldn't want you catching a cold."
Making it inside a nearby cave, Guzma was trying his best to rub of the rain and mud that had found home on your face and hair.
" mmphh . . .Guz . .Guzma . .mmhp yer jacket. .  . ibs . .ibs all wet mmph and . . dirty .now. . . sorry"
"Tsk yeah yeah whatever. . I'll just get that old Kahuna to do somethin' 'bout it. Haha that's what a washer and dryers for. Now um . .yeah 'bout that whole apology. . it . . it's not you who should be saying it."
Blushing and rubbing the back of his wet moppy hair Guzma was struggling to say the right things.
"It's okay! . . I . I get what you're trying to say Guzma."
"Shit. .haha m yeah . .  sorry  .. i really really mean it. For real! It's just!
"Not something you're used to doin'?"
"Hahah fuck yeah! Yeah uh . .yeah."
Sitting closer to him you still can't help but let it all out. Apologies, some tears, anything. You've yearned for this. For someone to finally talk to. For someone to finally care.
"Still Guzma. . . I am sorry too. I know I haven't been the easiest person to deal with. And I guess you more then deserve an explanation for dragging yourself out here. Listen I was never in this for the money. Not even the fame. When I say I love my bugs, I really mean it! Back in Paldea, back with my parents, My Grandma had moved from Kanto to there and met my Grandpa. There they obviously had my parents, who in turn had me. When I was five years old, barely even old enough to remember, my grandma had gotten me a gift. A small baby weedle. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world and took in weedle, soon turned Kakuna to me everywhere. To school and all my classes, and I became pretty popular when she evolved into Beedrill. It was right around when I was 17, when my school was hosting its annual scavanger hunt, did I really let my bug enthusiasm show. For my project I wanted to do something obviously centered around bugs and that year they were hosting an exchange program, where other schools from across different regions had the opportunity to help us with our project. Well I ended up teaming up with this one kid named George who taught me all about bug contests from Johto, and I knew thats exactly what I wanted to do."
"And .. And this George kid helped you out like that? Is that why your traveling now and ended up here?"
"Huh yeah right. . sure. . thats the simple answer, the long answer is that I had to endure years of arguments from my parents about my 'choices' in life. My grandma was the only one who supported me in all this. My parents were too occupied judging me and telling me that being a bug contest winner won't pay the bills. Even after my first few contests and even winning some money, not talking big bucks, but you know? They still brushed it off and tried getting me involved in more of my studies and graduating. It was only during my last year when I turned eighteen where my grandma, and my biology professor came together to help me. They set me up with an exchange program where I could go overseas to Johto this time, and if proved myself there then the school would let me graduate with a minor in entomology ontop of my genreal studies degree. Well I wish that solved my parents problem. Even after I had secured top spot with Beedrill and along with my new buddy at the time, Rabsca. My parents still fought with me over it. Just kept on insisting I was wasting my time and that this proved nothing to them. And so I left, with what little money I had, and some financial support from my Grandma, I left and hadn't looked back. For a few years it was perfect. With Illumise too, my team of three got me to so many places I could have never dreamed of visiting on my own, but . . . when grandma passed away that's when things started going down hill. With my main supprter gone from my life, the pressure of it all started to get to me. Topped with new younger competition, these past few contests haven't been as great as I'd like them to be. With that, my parents took it upon themselves to start eating into my livelihood again demanding I call it quits and return back home so they can help find me a real job."
"Yeah . .but don't they know you're gettin' hired by this super important research facility after you retire?"
"Again! Wish it were that simple. You gotta understand that it isn't about what job I have, its about having the RIGHT job. Can't have this Pokemon. Shouldn't eat that food. Can't wear those clothes. Gotta get that degree over this one. Can't study this class should take this one instead. Nothing ever is good enough, and I don't think they care if my happiness suffers from their decisions. But at this point Guzma. . . I don't care what they think. . I've been used to this for a while. . .at this point it doesn't matter if I win or lose. It's not like I'm losing the job if I don't succeed, but ... "
"It's about proving it to yourself isn't it?"
Looking up at him Guzma, with his wet hair and lopsided shades resting on his head. The way his arm managed to snake around your waist as he pulled you in closer. His body was warm and his smile was gentle. The sound of the rain began to stop ever so slightly as the sun peaked through the tree tops and into the cave.
"Hey . . . let me make this up to you. . *Guzma stpod up from his seat as he reached out his hand to yours* let me help you get that Paras, for real this time."
Stepping out into the clearing Guzma led you back to the spot where he said Paras roam. And to his credit he was right this time. Hoards of Paras scattered across the jungle floor each one just as cute as the other. Hiding behind some bushes you watched over each and every one of them in hopes of finding one that was just perfect for you. With a hasty tug at your side Guzma had alerted you to one he'd think you'd like.
"Hey hey! Look! Fuck! I I can't believe it!"
"Haha Hey what are you doing??"
Looking to where Guzma was pointing you nearly lept from your spot when you spotted a orange cream colored Paras with yellow spotted mushrooms. . .a shiny.
Without thinking you tossed a net ball at it. Luckily it hit, but unlikely for you, your antics caused the surrounding Paras to flee back into the wilds which meant if you didn't catch this bug your other options have already left the premises.
One shake
Finally being able to breathe Guzma lept up as well in celebration. Too focused on your accomplishment it didn't even occur to you or him that the two of you were hugging each other until you needed to pull away to collect your new pal. Both of you blushing madly as you both set out back to town.
"Okay . . So this it! The day of all the contests! You feeling nervous?"
"Pshh Yeah fucking right Big Boy Guzma ain't scared of shit!"
He was so nervous. . fuck it you manged to convince him to sign up for a few contests and yeah he was nervous as all shit. Well the truth had to come out eventually and Guzma was more shocked that you took to the whole being an ex-gang leader better than he expected. Something about a similar thing happened in Paldea back when you were in school where these kids were being bullied and decided to form their own gang of some sort, so to you it was just the same thing different setting! You did lightly scold him on his whole stealing Pokemon thing but Guzma was already on the path to redemption so no need for too much of it. Still the situation with his own parents made your blood boil and you were so here to help support him as your Grandmother did to you all those years back.
With the annoucer speaking towards the crowd they called up the first few rounds of contests which included wing span length and fastest fliers both of which you had Guzma sign his Masquerian for.
"Okay Guzma this it! *You grab his hand and drag him to the event grounds* this is your time to show em who's boss."
"Hahaha now wait a damn minute. I already was big bad Guzma before. The boss needs to prove himself to nobody!"
"Nuff talking more walking! The people need to at least see that you haven't gone soft on them so kick their asses!!!"
"*Blushing* whatever you say sweetcheeks."
Before the two of you knew it, the contests were over, but the two of you were so caught up in your own joy that it hadn't really fully settled until the next morning. Guzma had won a few which you were more than happy to cheer him on for each and every event he was a part of. As you guessed Golisopod won with flying colors in strength and speed, and his scizor got second in shiniest coat only losing to a younger alola kid and his heracross. His Masquerian got best flying award but didn't do so hot against the other Masquerians in the wingspan category. Damn Hoenn surskit breediers always get the best pickings! Still Guzma enjoyed every moment, and it was all made better with you. Didn't matter to him if he won or lost he was just so happy to spend time around other bug enjoyers and seeing you win too. Speaking of you winning that Paras was your golden ticket. Entering best dressed contest were both trainer and Pokemon had to show up in their best outfit, with a tiny pair of shades and a brand new outfit just for this event you swept the competition and got gold. All your bugs did and with a heavy heart you could finally retire happily.
*Click . . . Creakkkk*
"Welp this is it!"
Opening up your office door, you were allowed some time beforehand to get all your supplies and belongings situated. With Guzma following behind he was left to wonder what was going to happen to you now that you've gotten the job and the winnings you've wanted.
"Haha it ain't much I'm hoping to make this a place of my own soon. I already had lots of briefings with my coworkers and they plan on doing a lot for the bugs of this region. We have the haracross population out on Poni Island who need some help. Compared to other regions they aren't the biggest and they say its all linked to diet. We plan on planting some berry patches to help with that. Oh Yeah! Also also we got the cutifly schooling program! They want to test out how well school kids take to cutfliy's and see if they can be used as beginner Pokemon for small children. And then we got. . . "
"Sounds like you'll be busy" Guzma said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Well? Yeah! Of course we'll be busy! But that's part of the fun right!"
"Yeah . . guess so ..." But Guzma didn't seem all that thrilled. Just when he had you in his palm you were ready to slip between his fingers. Gone and alone . . again. But not wanting to ruin the moment he could only smile at you before turning to leave.
"Yep! So much fun! . . . so much more fun than being a little errand boy for that old Kahuna."
"Tsk ain't gotta rub it in now." Guzma said stopping in his tracks.
"Well . . . being all sad doesn't seem all that fun either. . . so . if you are interested *you hand him some documents, with the letters APPLICATION on top.*"
"Hey hey? What?? But . "
"ONLY! If you are interested, sides already talked it over with Uhh Hala? And Nanu I think it was and uh they have agreed to let you try this out. Idk about you but beats doing whatever you were doing before."
"I . . I uhh . hm look . its not . well. . I don't know. ."
"Guzma *You hold out your hand to grab his, rubbing his hand softly* . . . I wouldn't be asking if I didn't trust you. I know I've been pushing my life onto yours over these past few days and that I've done more than just step into your life but, I want . . no I need you in my life. . I don't know anyone who I've shared more of a connection with. This is my dream yes but I would love to share it with you again if you want to. Besides hehe . .think of all the bugs we'll get to meet!! That sounds perfect enough for me."
Feeling your words touch his heart how could he possibly say no to you.
"Hmm. . and you really sure you want the hated boss you beats you down right by your side? I ain't even smart enough for all this . . researchers shit."
"Oh please I'm no scientist either! That's why we do all the heavy lifting!"
"Oh great so it is just errand boy but with more steps"
"*laughing you playfully punch him* hehe yeah but more bugs too."
Your laugh, that oh so sweet laugh that made his heart flutter. With a smile and gleam in his eyes he wrapped his arms around yours to pull you in closer. What he saw in your eyes was more than just his future. He saw happiness, and it all came back to you.
"Yeah . . and it'll be the two of us huh?
Feeling his warmth once more your arms found home wrapped around him as well.
"Yeah! The two of us! And the best crew of bugs we could have ever asked for."
"Thank you (Y/N)."
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isabelguerra · 8 months
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We've been peripherally mutualblogging about Disco Elysium for just over a month now, and it’s been really fun to both go through your tag and watch my notifications as you go through mine. Your ss info said you like Max and Dad Puckett, so for my gift I imitated them in the DE portrait style for you! I hope you like it. Happy holidays!!!!!!! 🎁🎁🎁 @paranaturalsecretsanta
FRITTTE CASHIER — A young boy, no older than 12, drags his eyes up at you from behind the counter. It is immediately obvious that there is nowhere in this world that he wants to be less. He holds an aluminium baseball bat at his side.
LOGIC [Challenging: Failure] — For robbers, definitely. Best not to mess with him.
SUGGESTION — .....Oh man. It looks *really* cool, though. Shiny too. Would probably feel great to swing. Totally *disco*. I’m just saying: you should ask him for it. Better yet — recruit him! He can be your *weilding sidekick*. Maybe he has some experience already? Ask him now!
1. "Good afternoon! Yet can any afternoon be *good* when caught in the cogs of capitalism........?"
2. [Suggestion - Godly 16] Convince the child to give you his bat and/or join you in the fray.
⚀ ⚀
SUGGESTION [Godly: Failure] — You march up to the Frittte counter and, with a comically exaggerated wink, promptly tell the child he seems like he’d make a really good *weird psychic*. That’s not what I said to ask him. It isn’t.
KIM KITSURAGI — The lieutenant stifles a snort behind his fist. He’s enjoying this- your ridiculous little slip-up.
FRITTTE CASHIER — The boy looks at you both, wordless. His eye twitches. “Very funny,” he drawls. “Who are you, the new Consortium agents? Did Isabel send you ahead of schedule to poke fun at the magnet powers guy? Yeah, well at least magnets are cooler than freaking flippi-”
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] — Woah, woah, woah. This kid’s talking some *seriously supra-natural* stuff! “Consortium”? “Magnet powers”??? Whatever he’s talking about doesn’t just sound supra-natural, it almost sounds… *Para-natur—*
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oddballwriter · 1 year
Unexpected Addition: And then There were Four
Part One
Summary: After getting used to Steven and seeing Jake again it turns out your surprise team mission becomes a true mission that is assigned to both of you by your Gods. A hooray for you, Steven, and Jake! A boohoo for Marc. 
Warnings: Marc is still not too fond of reader. Steven's still a simp. Mentions of theft and grave robbing. There's a reference to violence with reader joking that they and Jake can "make someone talk". Reference to Layla and things that happened in show cannon.
Author’s Snip: Wow! A part 2? My first ever part 2? Look at him! He's a ✨writer✨ now! Honestly I can't wait to see where exactly this will go.
Notes: I have no idea what I'm doing I've never made a series before lol. I am both the writer and the audience.��
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven was already so lovely to meet and be around, but nothing beat Jake, your actual boyfriend. Since you and Steven had just met, you weren't on a physical contact level yet. But Jake and you were for sure beyond that as a three years strong couple.
As soon as you opened the door of your place it was clear from the paper boy hat on his head, smirk-like smile, and affectionate gaze that it was Jake at your door. Your face twisted into a smile immediately and embraced him in a hug in the same immediacy, getting a good smell of his muskier cologne as you breathed. Jake didn't waste a second to embrace you in a hug as well.
"Hola, beba." Jake greets as he puts his face in your hair and gives you little kisses on your head. He pulls away when you do and you notice the bouquet of your favorite flowers that he's been holding the whole time. "Para ti." Jake says as he hands them to you. "To make up for surprising you with Marc and Steven instead." he jokes as you take them into your hold.
You walk back into your apartment to find a place to put your new gift, letting Jake in. You move about for a bit, getting a vase and filling it with water, placing it down on the coffee table, arranging the flowers so that they look nice in their new home. It's while you're rearranging them that Jake comes up behind you and snakes his arms around your torso and holds you again.
"I missed you." Jake mutters into your shoulder. "I missed you too, Jake." you respond as you turn your head to kiss whatever part of his head you manage to reach.
Jake raises his head from its spot, showing his usually stoic face displaying more softer emotions and feelings. "I'm sorry about Marc. I know you told Steven that it was okay and that you were expecting it. But I know he scared you a bit." Jake explained. "Maybe he did, a little." you admit. "But he's allowed to feel that way. He's still got things he needs to figure out and get used to. I'm just another thing that got thrown in." you consider to Jake.
"You're not that shocking. He's just got his panties on a twist because you and I became a thing while he and Layla were still technically married. Even though he's the one who sent the divorce papers-" Jake rants before you gently put a hand up to stop him.
"Well, he did that on his own will. Marc's been the one who calls the shots for most of his independent life. He kept tabs on Steven and fought while Steven was put out. Marc's been the one in charge of everything." you mention. "Maybe he's upset because you're someone who he can't really keep under control and does their own thing." you theorize.
"So he's a control freak?" Jake laughs. "I didn't say that" you comment, "I'm trying to say that I'm foreign to him because he didn't get to have a choice and he's used to being the one making the choice." you correct.
"Well, he's going to have to get over that because you're-" Jake says as he suddenly holds onto you tighter and picks you up, "-sticking with around as long as I'm around." he settles himself and you on the couch, continuing to hold you.
"He's outvoted anyways. Steven likes you." Jake remarks.
And Steven liked you, indeed.
Although Steven would deny it because he didn't know how to go about it considering you belonged to Jake. And the last time he went about courting a member of the system's woman, he got punched in the face.
But Steven understood why Jake was in love with you. You were a good fighter and weren't afraid to get your hands dirty with both grime and blood either. You did good at your tasks as an avatar, like Jake, and technically the rest of the system. You were also fun, and charming, and kind, and pretty, and smart, and you smelled nice. So yeah, Steven had feelings or at least an attraction towards you as well.
Marc felt slightly pissed about this since he seemed to be the only one not running head on and blindly into you. He knew you weren't a threat, you were a fellow avatar and there didn't seem to be any issues with both of your bosses. If anything Khonshu and Sekhmet didn't really seem to care as long as you did the jobs they set you out on. And maybe Marc was a little mad at Khonshu for not saying anything about you and Jake when he literally threatened to make Layla his new avatar as a means to get him in line.
But it felt like maybe the damn bird was still messing with him with what he's just demanded.
"I do not understand how you could be confused, Marc. This is another pursuit of punishing those who are meddling with power beyond themselves." Khonshu remarked.
"No. I get that. But why does she's have to come along?" Marc asked, referring to you.
"You and Sekhmet's avatar came across the first piece of this together. I see no reason in not including the other half of this." the god explains.
"I understand you are not exactly fond of her avatar. But I have seen her work on some occasions and she is skillful in both calculating plans and combat. It will aid you in your mission." Khonshu explains, "It will also help you get out of your head. The three of you in that body can't always rely on each other." is also added.
Marc sighed in defeat.
Marc knew that Khonshu couldn't care less for what Marc wanted as long as he and the system did the job and didn't make an even bigger mess, and Marc was also sure that it was the same for Sekhmet and you. So he didn't have much of a choice other than bite his tongue and go along with it like he always does. And of course the other two are all on board with spending time with you.
So he let Jake and Steven handle all the tracking and research with you. But it turns out that not even that can be spared from being an unofficial date.
"Okay." you say as you throw the manila folder onto the table, and gently setting down a cup of coffee, for you, and tea, for Steven. "I pulled an all nighter last night in order to understand what's going on and what our plan is." you say, "So forgive me if I'm not made up." you joke as you sit down and open up the folder. "Oh, don't say that. You always look nice." Steven gently laughs earning a little smile from you.
"Anyways," you say as you pull out some papers. The first couple are what look like clippings from news articles talking about some desecrated places and stolen objects. "So these places have had some run ins with people stealing their stuff. Right?" you explain before looking up at Steven. He just nods and follows your hands as they move around. "These seem like random places maybe having some disrespectful tourists until," you build up in your voice before pointing at specific parts of the clippings, the dates, "These all happened within a few months! And they all have the same MO!" you exclaim. Steven, again just nods. " "So what?" You might be thinking," you say as you glance at Steven before looking back to the papers.
"That's what I want to know." Marc sarcastically says to himself.
You take out a map with different points highlighted and some crawled words next to them.
You send time explaining the cases for each of the highlighted countries. A piece of the Stonehenges was broken off in the night and no one can find it. Some of the skulls in the French Catacombs are missing. Ivan the Terrible's grave was dug up and his coffin and body were stolen and so is Vlad the Impaler's. Mapping out that a group of weirdos have been going in a clockwise direction in a stealing spree of weird occult and dark history. "For what reason, I don't know." is the words you said when Steven asked why with a sheepish hand raise, like he was a student in a class.
Either way, it was something about them having a path but now they've stopped after you and the boys stopped them mid heist. And that they're most likely trying to figure out a course of action.
"So now what?" Steven asks as he digests everything you've told him. "We wait." you say plainly, "We wait until they either hit their next target or there's a place that gets stolen from and see if it has the same MO." you explain. "Shouldn't be hard. Not many people want spooky paranormal objects." you add.
"And what about the stuff they already stole?" Steven questions. "Well, we can follow them around, snag one of them, and have them spill the beans. We can make them talk." you answer, most likely talking about you and Jake being the one's to handle that.
"But that's for when they start moving again." you clarify. "For now it's just the four of us." You smile as you lean in and boop Steven on the nose.
Steven blushes and looks stunned at the action, making you worry that you've crossed a line and violated his personal space.
"I am so sorry. That was from habit. I do that to Jake sometimes." you apologize before Steven smiles back and laughs showing that he didn't mind one bit.
Great... you're spending more time with them than just having to run a quick errand for your god bosses.
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One of my best friends was living in Israel during October 7th last year and lost two really close relatives. This saturday I had to write some words for a ceremony at out tnua. I couldn't, with the death of 6 hostages being so close I couldn't find the words I needed to say. She did, and with this i'm reminded of how strong our people are, how strong she is and how fucking sad i am that she had to become so strong and write this
Hoy hace 11 meses empezó uno de los dias mas largos de la historia de nuestro pueblo, un dia que todavia no termino.
La tradicion judia plantea etapas del duelo, etapas en las que uno tiene permitido tomarse su tiempo para duelar, pero tambien etapas que no nos permiten quedarnos estancados en el duelo.
Esta semana, segun la tradicion judia, termino el periodo de duelo, esta escrito que este dura 11 meses.
Pero como puede terminar el periodo de un duelo que no termina?
Como puede terminar cuando todos los dias hay nuevos ataques y nuevas noticias?
Como puede terminar cuando todavia hay 101 personas secuestradas?
Como puede terminar cuando el gobierno sigue decidiendo exponer estas vidas?
Hoy hace 11 meses empezo una pesadilla que aunque la tradicion quiera, todavia no termina.
Exigimos un acuerdo que permita la liberación de todos los secuestrados, que vuelvan a casa ya!
English translation:
11 months ago today, one of the longest days in the history of our people began, a day that has not yet ended.
Jewish tradition proposes stages of mourning, stages in which one is allowed to take one's time to grieve, but also stages that do not allow us to remain stuck in mourning.
This week, according to Jewish tradition, the period of mourning ended, it is written that it lasts 11 months.
But how can you end the period of a mourning that does not end?
How can it end when every day there are new attacks and new news?
How can it end when there are still 101 people kidnapped?
How can it end when the government continues to decide to expose these lives?
11 months ago today a nightmare began that, even if tradition wants it, it still does not end.
We demand an agreement that allows the release of all those kidnapped, that they return home now!
This is in honor of the 6 hostages murderer last week, of the 101 hostages who are still held in Gaza, including two children aged 20 months and 5 years; of every civilian death; of the Nova victims, of my friend's aunt and uncle (a theatre director and an art teacher, two peace activist). In honor of everyone who died and lost someone during this 11 months in hell. During this long lasting mourn
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ballerinarina · 20 days
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NUMBER 8 “Izabela”
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[clique aqui para ler a versão em português]
𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲: Hargreeves; 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞: 01/10/1989;
𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬: Body transmorphism (advanced habilities: metamorphosis — little explored, only adult phase)
𝐀𝐠𝐞: 36 yo (looks 19); 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 1,58m; 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 48 kg;
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧: actress/singer; 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫: long, dark brown, wavy;
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: Slovak-Brazilian (Slovak mother, born and raised for 4 years in Brazil) — grew up in USA;
𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬: Portuguese, Slovak, English — native; Spanish, Korean, Russian — refers to brothers; Swedish, Italian, French, Greek — taught by father;
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: Married (to Cinco Hargreeves);
𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒: sweetness, intelligence, charm, dedication, loyalty, good looking, altruism;
𝐃𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐒: envy, image complex, emotional instability, lack of interess, impulsiveness, resentment;
She is the Number Eight because she did not join the Umbrella Academy with the others. Her mother hid her unusual birth for four years, and only after her death she was found and adopted by Reginald Hargreeves. Her powers, however, did not seem to be the most useful in battle (because they were limited to basic physical alterations at the time) and she also had no interest in improving her performance.
Because of that, she was good friends with Klaus and Ben because they found themselves in similar crisis situations and ended up not getting along at all with Luther, who valued the Umbrella Academy so much. With Klaus and Ben, she had a simple, calm relationship, a point of peace where she supported them in their traumas that were worse than hers, when they weren't fighting over nonsense. Without having a megalomaniacally heroic side, she also sometimes aroused Diego's anger, but nothing long-lasting, since the boy had a soft spot for her being kind, helping and understanding him - despite not really prioritizing him.
In the beginning, she even had a very competitive phase against Allison, which, without Izabela's much interest in the action, extended to the academic part and the female presence in the house. As they grew up, however, with both of them interested in the performing arts, they ended up getting closer and helping each other, becoming known together. While Allison guided her career with manipulation, Izabela guided hers with her appearance, developing a strong image complex and obsession with youth. She was the only sibling she kept in frequent contact with after leaving home.
Her closest brother, however, had always been Five: they were confidants and transparent with each other, as if they found refuge whenever they were together. It was only with each other that they confessed their insecurities, cried and told their fears. Knowing how different Five was with the others, Izabela used to feel very jealous of Viktor - whom she liked a lot compared to some other siblings, trying to defend him and creating a good and interesting alliance when they talked alone, but unable to help but develop a problematic complex in her own head when she notices them together. She was in love with Five and despite her unspoken relationship with him, she knew that Viktor also had one that was going down a similar path, although less intimate and completely different.
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𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: I spent SO much time on Pinterest searching for a good shape for Izabela. There were a lot of cute girls there but none were giving me the right vibe.
Then, a Isabelle Drummond pic appeared for me and, even if she wasn't the perfect one yet, with her straight hair, i noticed what I was missing: the Brazilian 00s actress vibe.
And then, i found.
Bro, I swear. Sandy Leah is my FAVORITE Brazilian star since I was a toddler and yet I simply didn't think about her earlier?
For the ones who don't know her, she's a HUGE superstar in Brazil, it feels almost like choosing Zendaya for a fancast. But I can't help, she's the perfect Izabela.
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thelastofhyde · 1 year
⏤ para sentir el calor del sol, series masterlist.
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pairing. joel miller x fem!reader
series synopsis. the story of a man riddled with coldness, struggling to let in the warmth he's hidden away from for years, and the ray of sunshine he calls his sol.
series warnings. no use of y/n ( reader has the nickname of sol ), enemies-ish to lovers, slow-burn, sunshine!reader, queer!tess, miscommunication/no communication, toxic approaches to love/feelings, obsessive behaviours, pining, undefined age gap ( reader can be interpreted as late 20s/early 30s in the canon timeline ) discussions of s.a., depictions of grief, child-loss and canon-typical violence, limited fluff, angst, smut ( lots of it ).
series wordcount. 30.9k ( thus far. )
series playlist. dia de enero - shakira, fallingforyou - the 1975, he gets me so high - beabadoobee, hate to see your heart break - paramore, out of the woods - taylor swift
disclaimers. 1) this series will roughly comply with the canon of both the hbo series and the video game but i have taken the liberty of changing certain scenes, events and dialogue to better suit the fic’s plot. 2) this series will have no official update schedule because i suck at sticking to them. no link = not posted yet.
add yourself to the taglist.
read on ao3. ( capitalisation available )
a word from hyde. i never intended for the likeability paradox to turn into this, it was simply meant to be a brainrot drabble of joel being on his knees. now here i am, willing to put my life on the line for joel and his sol, no hesitation because they mean that much to me.
i. the likeability paradox.
synopsis. joel miller is not a man who strives to be liked, with a chip on his shoulder and a scowl on his face, until his world is flipped on its axis when the pretty young thing living under bill and frank's roof, with an irritatingly unwavering smile and the literal sun shinning out her ass, says those five damned words: i don't like you, joel. warnings. pining, unrequited love, canon-typical violence, smut ( oral- f receiving, fingering, degradation, panty stealing, hair pulling, dirty talk, dubcon. ) word count. 12.9k
ii. the revving of engines.
synopsis. joel miller’s not made it this far in the age of the apocalypse just to die at the hands of some adrenaline-crazed, no-brain-having fool who barely knows where to place her hands on the steering wheel. hind-sight fully intact and ever-so eye opening, he should have said no before frank could even finish his question: can you teach the girl to drive? warnings. panic attacks, perv!joel, slightly dark!joel, soft!joel ( for like a second ), a smidge of fluff, gun violence, murder, smut ( unprotected piv sex- don’t be silly, wrap that willy-, public sex, car sex but also not, exhibitionism, possessiveness, murder kink [ kinda but not really, joel just gets... more enthusiatic at the thought of protecting the reader], mentions/implications of panty stealing, male masturbation, sex as a form of payment, glory-holes, dubcon. word count. 16.8k
iii. the butterfly theory.
synopsis. two seasons pass before joel's very eyes and, without the presence of his sol, neither the spring nor the summer seem to heat his aching soul. what's meant to be a simple drop off at bill and frank's becomes a whirlwind of events that sends you barrelling right back into joel's arms, and all it takes is a horrified shriek: otis is missing! warnings. mentions/implications of sa, only-one-bed trope ( with a twist ), smut. + more warnings to be added ! word count. ( unknown ).
iv. the weight of silver.
synopsis. joel should have known better than to trust that woman to keep her mouth shut. it’s not that tess servopoulos is bad at keeping secrets but, rather, that she views them as a way to connect, to share a precious gem among those she cares about. the added affect of embarrassing joel is merely the cherry on top. she may have put her foot a little too far into her mouth with this one though: joel’s got a new woman. warnings. jealousy, possessiveness, hints of sexual ownership, smut. + more warnings to be added ! word count. ( unknown ).
(+ more parts to be added. )
timeline outtakes ! aka drabbles
11:11 ( infected, 2008 ). 14:57 ( unshaken, 2011 ). 22:22 ( lookalike, 2016 ). 18:22 ( leashes, 2022 ). 20:34 ( tuxedos, 2023 ). 05:48 ( sunrise, 2023 ). 03:33 ( terror, 2023 ). 02:13 ( delirium, 2023 ). 08:03 ( routine, 2023 ). 19:17 ( overheard, 2023 ).
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
I'm the anon who asked for headcanons with a good cook s/o, I hope you're doing well ^^
Can I ask Retsu and Oliva and anyone else with a s/o who is the parent of a pretty sassy and very ironic but nice girl at heart. Who is about twelve years old and really having a hard time coming to terms with men as a new step father , how would they be accepted by her? Please
Ps: I still love your writings so much <3
Situation: Being stepparents / Siendo padrastros.
Characters: Oliva Biscuit and Retsu Kaioh.
Oliva Biscuit.
Oliva actively tries to show that he is a good man and that his stepdaughter can trust that he is not trying to alienate her from her father/mother in any way.
Expensive and lavish gifts may be seen by his stepdaughter as a way for Oliva to “buy” her favor, but this man is not really trying to bribe her with gifts. He just has a lot of money and the need to buy nice things for the important people in his life.
At the same time, Oliva gives his stepdaughter her space, he doesn't want her to feel like he's invading her space, so he doesn't ask his S/O to move in with him or let him spend the night in their house. He dies for that to happen.
Over time, Oliva will be able to prove that he is a good and trustworthy man, he's just too big and visibly intimidating.
Retsu Kaioh.
Retsu is a really patient and calm man, he is able to get along with people effectively, even if it takes him some time. He understands that this whole transition is difficult, especially for someone so young, and he doesn't want to aggravate a relationship that hasn't started yet.
He is easy going with his interactions, first with occasional greetings and small talk that doesn't force his stepdaughter to engage with him if she doesn't want to. He goes little by little.
He is bonding with her little by little, making breakfast for everyone, taking them to a park to get some fresh air, taking her to school and picking her up too.
Retsu is putting his trust in time, he knows that if he avoids putting pressure on his stepdaughter and doesn't force her to get used to him, she will manage to accept him, at her pace and because she will want it that way.
Versión en español.
Oliva Biscuit.
Oliva trata activamente de demostrar que es un buen hombre y que su hijastra puede tener confianza en que él no pretende alejarla de su progenitor de ninguna forma.
Quizá los regalos costosos y lujosos sean vistos por su hijastra como una forma de Oliva para “comprar” su favor, pero realmente este hombre no está tratando de sobornarla con regalos. Solo tiene mucho dinero y la necesidad de comprarle cosas bonitas a las personas importantes en su vida.
Al mismo tiempo, Oliva le da su espacio a su hijastra, no quiere que ella sienta que él está invadiendo su espacio, por lo que, no le pide a su S/O que se mude con él ni que le deje pasar la noche en su casa. Se muere porque eso pase.
Con el tiempo, Oliva podrá demostrar que es un hombre bueno y confiable, solo es demasiado grande y visiblemente intimidante.
Retsu Kaioh.
Retsu es un hombre realmente paciente y tranquilo, es capaz de acoplarse a las personas con efectividad aunque le tome algo de tiempo. Entiende es difícil toda esta transición, principalmente para alguien tan joven, y no quiere agravar una relación que todavía no empieza.
Es tranquilo con sus interacciones, primero con saludos ocasionales y pequeñas pláticas que no fuerzan a su hijastra a relacionarse con él si no quiere. Va poco a poco.
Está relacionándose con ella de poco a poco, preparando el desayuno para todos, llevarles a un parque para que tomen aire fresco, llevándole a la escuela y recogiéndola también.
Retsu está poniendo su confianza en el tiempo, sabe que si evita presionar a su hijastra y no la obliga a acostumbrarse a él, ella logrará aceptarlo, a su ritmo y porque ella así lo querrá.
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