jamsdreemurr · 3 years
An essay about my headcanon on Wizarding schools + a fanon Wizarding School
KSo... this is my first Harry Potter essay, idk who will like it, idk if it will get buried inside the utter sea of content of Harry Potter, but please, if you read the essay, comment on it, I’m sick of just receiving likes for the sake of it on places like fucking Amino:
So, as the Harry Potter wiki puts it, the Wizarding World doesn’t have many wizarding schools, the eleven oldest, the major ones, are Hogwarts, located on Scotland, Beauxbeatons, French, Durmstrang, Bulgarian, Castelobruxo, Brazillian, Ivelmory, located on the USA, Koldovstoretz, Russian, Mahoutokoro, Japanese, and Uagadoau, Ugandan. 
While Hogwarts, Beauxbeatons, Durmstrang and Koldovstorez accept people from the neighbour European countries that do not have a Wizarding School, ALL THE OTHER SCHOOLS HAVE TO ACCEPT PEOPLE FROM ALL THE FUCKING CONTINENT THEY’RE LOCATED. Castelobruxo has to accept people from all South America and the South of Mexico, Ivelmory has to accept people from the USA, Canada, and the North of Mexico, the entire continent of Africa goes to Uagadoau and the entire continent of Asia goes to Mahoutokoro. On the JAPANESE SCHOOL there must be mostly Chinese and Indian students FOR PURE RAW NUMBERS OF POPULATION. Also, Brazil is the ONLY COUNTRY ON SOUTH AMERICA THAT TALKS PORTUGUESE, FORCING ALL THE SPANISH SPEAKERS FROM THE REST OF SOUTH AMERICA TO HAVE TO LEARN PORTUGESE IF THEY WANT TO FUCKING STUDY MAGIC.
A minor example that really grinds my gears due to a personal beef: I’m from Spain. Spain, in the Wizarding World, has to send their wizards to Beauxbeatons. Thus, any muggle-born Spaniard that really can’t learn magic by other means has to either learn French or just not learn magic, with the dangers that the prospect implies. And the same prospect applies to non-Ugandan African muggleborn wizards or any non-Japanese Asian student. They either learn their language or get fucked.
Rowling established that other minor schools exist, but they are poorly-regulated, not register on their respective Ministry of Magic and other stuff, but death of the author is all the rage these days, and as the fandom knows, Harry Potter was a colaborate work from Hatsune Miku and Daniel Radcliffe, and thus, I will SAY my own headcanon: 
Minor schools exist, they are good schools and they are registered on the Ministry. The thing is that the major schools are usually more recognized due to the sheer number of years they have existed and the traditions.
One of these... FANON minor schools is HyS, the Spaniard most famous minor Wizarding School. HyS also has a system of houses, trying to imitate Hogwarts’s success. The houses are Fire, Air, Water and Earth, something basic. HyS was founded on 1939, when Francisco Franco, the muggle dictator that had come to power in that era, closed the country, and forced the Spanish Ministry of Magic to close the Wizarding Spain as well. Of course, children born during that period, that lasted until the 60s, couldn’t really go to France to attend school, and much less when the muggle World War II and the Wizarding Grindelward conflict blew up, so a few powerful wizards, focused on the inherited need to educate their people, founded, with the beneplacit of the Ministry of Magic, HyS, Honor y Sinceridad (Honour and Sincerity). Since Franco tried too hard to control the Wizarding World, HyS became the center of revolutionary ideas and the opposition to the regime.
And that’s my essay. What do you think of it? Please, reblog it and give some feedback!
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jamsdreemurr · 3 years
I need a fandom
Current obsession: El Libro de los Portales by Laura Gallego García. 
This is funny because she’s probably one of the best fantasy novel writers in the world and she’s only known in Spain.
You seriously have no idea what you’re missing guys xDD
**I barely started the book, and it surprised me a lot because it reminds me so much of Patrick Rothfuss’s The Name of the Wind, though in a completely different way.
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jamsdreemurr · 3 years
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“No está loco, es un genio”.
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jamsdreemurr · 4 years
OK, so an AU where Dumbledore gets to find and destroy all of Voldemort's horrocruxes before Harry enters to Hogwarts, so he gets to live a normal life. Sirius Black stills escapes and Scabbers is still Peter Pettigrew, and then Remus and Sirius get to be a couple, and Dumbledore is actually a good father figure, and my heart melts!
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jamsdreemurr · 4 years
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OK, so I’ve done a little drawing about SUF’s AUs. Here I took parallelisms with each of the Diamonds’ personalities.
White!Steven (Whose design is @ask-whitepearl-and-steven‘s, I don’t know if I can make posts with your design, if not just make me know so I can remove this image and remake it) is slighlty inconvinienced by the reminder of his mother’s actions, just as White Diamond’s nature and worst behaviour is repressive at its worst and neutral at its best. Also, he’s exuding the White Diamond’s aura.
Yellow!Steven (Whose design is mine, but I was based on many artists) is really mad at the reminder of his mother’s actions, and won’t tolerate any commentary on that, just as Yellow Diamond didn’t tolerate some things as they were “bad”. Also, he would poof any gem who got near him because of his aura.
Blue!Steven (Whose design is mine, but again, it’s based on other artists) is really sad and hurt because of the commentaries about his mom’s wrongdoings, so he cries and exudes Blue Diamond’s aura.
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