jantomia-studies · 4 years
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18. 6. 2020. @ 9:24h // Got myself these two new notebooks, not necessarily because I needed them, but I like their design. The blue one is sparkly and the yellow one is just motivational - so why not? 😁
Enjoy your day everyone. ♥
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
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Sunday studies
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
Helping Your Mentally Ill Friends Through Exam Periods: A Masterpost
 Hi! As a mentally ill studyblr, I’m always happy to see loads of masterposts dedicated to getting through exams. But there are so many people who wouldn’t know how to help a mentally ill friend through exams. And seeing as we’re currently in the midst of exam season (at least in the UK!) I thought it might help some of you if I made a masterpost on how to help your ill friends.
Also, I didn’t mean for this to be so long. Yikes. Anyway, I hope this helps!
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
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Things that don’t define you as a person/student
• your grades
•materialistic things
• your handwriting
• your mistakes
• what you own and how much money do you have
• the school/university you attend
• the career path you’ve chosen
• your tendencies
Remember that you matter!!! And you are worth it!!! ✨✨
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
yo august slow the fuck down man
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
Studying Tips
So a lot of us are doing online school right now and I understand that it's hard for everyone and harder for some people than others considering that we don't all have access to technology and the internet at all times. I'm a straight A's Honor Student so I just put together some tips and advice to help all of you out because I thought it would be nice. But here we go:
1) Lol you already probs know this but don't work in your bed. Trust me. Your just gonna get sleepy and it's not productive. Instead, find a desk to work at or just sit upright when your working. And make sure you work in a calm space, as it'll help you focus.
2) Get a planner or make one online. They're a big help. It'll help you prioritize what you need to get done and it'll make everything seem like a lot less work if it's in one place instead of just floating around in your head.
3) Find a study technique that works for you! This is different for everyone, but I recommend the Pomodoro Technique. You work for 25 minutes and take 5 minute breaks in between each interval. During the five minutes, get up and walk around awake from all the screens and get a snack or coffee and stretch. Then go back to work. Your break will also get longer after around 4 25 minute sessions. This may not work for everyone, but there are many other techniques out there.
4) Eating while studying is different for everyone. I don't really do it and just have my snack before bc I don't want my work to get messy. It also pulls blood to your stomach rather than your brain. If you do have to eat though, don't eat anything too high in sugar. I recommend almonds, dark chocolate, trail mix, or fruits. Also gum is great because it's helps with memory and focus.
5) COFFEE and TEA. In regards to coffee, a lot of us love it and it's our go to drink. Have some, because it is great to help you focus. BUT DO NOT HAVE TOO MUCH AND OVERDOSE. Literally just 3-4 cups is all you need. If you overdose, it will screw up your sleep schedule and that leads to more problems. For tea, also don't overdose for the same reasons. Tea is probably better than coffee though, as it helps you focus even better and it helps you keep an organized brain. Tea is also more calming than coffee, but it still has the caffeine you need.
6) Wake up early. Do not wake up late. I know it's hard but it WILL HELP. Sleep is crucial, and make sure you get enough of it. If you wake up later in the day, you usually aren't as productive. Also make your bed, because it'll help you feel like your more in control of your life and it'll make your room look neat.
7) Exercise. Yes we're in quarantine and it sucks. But EXERCISE. Even a little bit. Just walk around your house. Sitting the the same spot will flat out your butt and all that screen time is not good for your eyes and leads to tension headaches. Exercise also boosts your mental health, so that's just a bonus.
8) TAKE PRETTY NOTES. You don't even need fancy pants supplies, just get a black pen and a few colored pencils and highlighters. You don't even have to do a lot, just make a cute banner for your title. It'll help motivate you and it'll make you feel more accomplished and fulfilled.
9) Music. We all love to listen and jam to the lyrics, but don't do it while studying. When you listen to music with words, it will not help you focus easily. Instead, find something without words that's calming that you like listening to but isn't distracting. There are tons of lofi live streams on YouTube just for studying.
10) Your mindset. Be positive, no matter how hard it is, because if you don't believe you can do something you probably won't achieve it. If you force yourself to believe that you CAN do it and put in the effort, chances are you'll achieve whatever you want. It literally is that simple. And if you fail, whatever, there's always a way to fix it. Literally just BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. I know you can do this. Shit this was cheesy.
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
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As most people are working and studying from home right now, I wanted to share some concrete, implementable ways you can help yourself feel better. Though I believe productivity and quantity of work done (or lack thereof) doesn’t/shouldn’t translate into your self-worth and how you view yourself, when you get work done, you actually do feel better in your own body. 
By the way, it’s the first time I’m formatting a tips/guide post like this, so I apologize that I couldn’t be more concise.
I’ve spoken to a licensed professional counsellor as well as to some professionals who have been working from home for a long time, and some of the advice above is from them. I’m also sharing from my own experience as someone who used to be very productive and an (ex-)overachiever, and still attach a lot of my self-worth to grades and other tangible accomplishments. I hope these slides can help you. In case it’s hard to read, I’ve included it (reworded) in text form if you’d like to read more. 
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
Things to do before the next school year
Check all of your study supplies: Do you have enough pens, highlighter, pencils, erasers, sticky tape, etc.? Do you need any new folders or binders? Check your printer for ink and paper!
Try resetting your sleep schedule: If you’re like me, you have started waking up at 10 a.m. instead of 6:30 a.m. and are in bed several hours later. If you don’t want to wake up on your first day of school feeling like you’ve been run over by a truck, start waking up a bit earlier. Set an alarm for 9:30 a.m., then 9 a.m., etc. until you’re at least close to your usual routine.
Get used to studying again: If you haven’t really done work over the summer, the first week or two of being back at school can feel incredibly challenging. I’m not saying that you should use a lot of your time doing school work, but maybe looking through your old notes on a topic you studied last year or reading a chapter in your textbook can get you back on track again.
Start forming a routine: Depending on what you did this summer (which, all things considered this year, is likely not much), you aren’t really used to having your routine dictated by anything or anyone. Especially if you want to start waking up earlier, it can be useful to plan a few things to do each day. 
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
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16. 8. 2020. @ 21:12h // finally resumed my studies thanks to my boyfriend pushing me 😅
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
My apologies for lack of posts, I'm studying intensely for the employment and social security law exam. Thanks for understanding ♥
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
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9. 8. 2020. @ 14:58h // Ugh, studying law on an august sunday afternoon is discouraging, but I’m trying to make it as cozy for me as possible (also, ice coffee is a literal gift from God at this time)
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
- you are a studyblr
- you are super friendly
- you love when people message you
- you want to support everyone in the community 
one thing i love about this community is that it is one big family and everyone is ready to support eachother. reblog this and follow the people that also reblog and start some super cute supportive friendships because you all deserve the best 
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
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8. 8. 2020. @ 2:05h // Revising and catching up on a lot of employment law tonight before I continue onto new topics. 😊
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
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7. 8. 2020. @ 17:05h // Most of today I am spending revising half of what I’ve learned so far. Early tomorrow morning I will revise the other half. Currently studied for 3 hours. Hopefully I’ll be done by tonight (with the first half) so I can tackle some new topics. 
I apologise for lack of posts, I’m struggling to find the motivation to study, but I need to do this. Good luck to everyone with their studies! :)
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jantomia-studies · 4 years
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5. 8. 2020. @ 17:50h // Slow start today due to studying late into the night yesterday, but I’d still say today was productive because I didn’t procrastinate (for once!) and got a few new topics of Employment law in. 
I apologise for the poor lighting/quality of the photo.
Now I’m finishing up a shorter topic on “Transfer of an employment contract to another employer” , then I plan on studying a new and longer topic “Participation of employees in decision-making” . 
After that I’m taking a 1 hour break during which I’ll workout while watching YouTube videos that I want to catch up on. 
In the evening I have a lot of notes to make for quite a few (larger and smaller) topics, but I like making notes and I revise simultaneously as well. =)
Fingers crossed I go to bed earlier than 2 o’clock. :’)
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