jarethknox · 9 years
might be moving this muse to my new account. message me if you want to still rp.
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jarethknox · 12 years
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jarethknox · 12 years
I was insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched.
Edgar Allan Poe (via estern80)
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jarethknox · 12 years
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jarethknox · 12 years
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jarethknox · 12 years
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jarethknox · 12 years
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jarethknox · 12 years
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   "I had not even realized they were making a remake of Red Dawn so no, not really, heh." Jareth had seemed to be out the loop of media and society longer than he thought.       As he watched Willow's expression shift he rubbed at the back of his neck feeling awkward. He had not meant to summon forth any bad feelings in her and especially not for his sake. Clearing his throat and letting his arm drop he met her small smile with one of his own. Her question made his smile falter momentarily but he brought it back trying to think of the best way to approach it. At the mention of her just moving there he was able to buy himself some time though, "I think you did when we first started talking but no worries, Willow." Jareth shrugged lightly returning his attention to her previous question, "And of course you're allowed to ask I just don't know if-" He paused for a moment looking away from her, "If I have an answer right now I can give you. It's sort of personal is all and hard to explain and could even freak you out."
Jareth had a valid point, and it was definitely one that Willow could appreciate. The movies might have been a bit cheesy, but they were what Willow loved. She knew that it was in part due to fact that her dad had produced them, but they were also what she had grown up on. As girl as she was, she still had an appreciation for all things nerdy. That was all on her dad, and her mother hated him for it, but it wasn’t anything that her mom could change now. “So I’m guessing you have no interest in seeing the new Red Dawn movie, huh?” Willow couldn’t help but smile at that. She hadn’t watched the original but heard that it was essentially a remake of an already bad movie.
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Jareth’s response caused Willow’s smile to turn into a sympathetic one. His statement could have meant one of two things, either he’d lost touch with anyone who lived where he originally hailed from, or he had lost them like she had lost her father. “I know what that’s like..” Her words trailed off for a moment, and she tried to smile a bit more in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Am I allowed to ask why you’re always in and out of towns? I’ve only just moved here. Did I mention that already?” Willow placed her hand in her hair, and scratched at her head for a moment. “It’s likely I did. I repeat myself a lot.”
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jarethknox · 12 years
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     Jareth's smile grew as she confirmed that they both would be attending the same school. He laughed lightly as he called back over to her, "Seems that way. Catch you around then, Kat!" And with that he turned and headed to the house's front door to tend the boxes which were waiting for him in his room. Just in time to catch his father standing in the door frame looking at him with an impatient look on his face.  
“The sooner, the better. It sucks, but it has to be done, comrade” – Kat shot a large smile, fumbling her pockets for her earphones. As soon as she found them, the girl waved and started walking at a slow pace, a bit distracted by unbelievable messy wires.
She listened to his call and turned her head, looking over the right shoulder. “As a matter of fact, I do” – The girl answered, raising her tone just a bit for the neighbor to hear, turning around to face him. “Guess we will stumble into each other more frequently than you ever imagined, hm?!”. Not that I’d complain…
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jarethknox · 12 years
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    At her food comment he nodded, "Uh, sure. You pick the place I am not all that picky to be honest." Jareth smiled lightly as he continued to listen to her talk. Once she had stopped he chimed in with his thoughts, "Well if you're going to be a star you can't be nervous about singing in front of people, right?" It occurred to him he did not know where Willow worked so he was sort of missing a piece to this puzzle, "Where do you work exactly, Willow?"  
I can't find a pair of gloves anywhere.
Hopefully Jareth didn’t mind the forced affection too much. It was bound to happen sooner or later, and maybe it was best that they were getting it out of the way now. Willow couldn’t help but be affectionate. She was aware of the reason why that just may be, but she didn’t feel like admitting them to herself just yet. It was hard for her to contain her excitement though, and since Jareth was there he was the victim of her hug. “That you are, and look, I’m not freaking out over the sight of them either. Today is a good day.” Now that Willow had time to focus on just about anything other than her irrational fear she realized that she was hungry. “I could go for some food. Would you like to join me?” She smiled widely, and ran a hand through her hair at his question. “Well, I moved to the west coast for starters. There wasn’t much happening in Georgia for me. My job has times during the week where they have people come in and sing, and I try and get at least one of those spots. I haven’t started recording my music yet. I guess I’m still nervous.”
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jarethknox · 12 years
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      Jareth had not expected the hug and his hands were still in his pockets as Willow clung to him. He laughed a bit pulling his hands out from the depths as she stated she was back to normal and he patted her back lightly. He had never really been good with hugs before or human affection for that matter. As she pulled away and gave the okay that he could have his hands out he simply brought them up in front of him and raised his brows before grinning, "Looks like I am a bit a head of the game then?" Letting his hands go back down to his sides he listened as she answered his previous question in regards to her singing voice, "Oh? What steps have you taken in making it more than a hobby? I don't know much about how in this day and era people go from singing in their showers to on the stage. I always thought it was just a game of luck really."  
I can't find a pair of gloves anywhere.
As she finished singing, Willow could feel her fear lift away from her. It excite her so much that she jumped on Jareth, and hugged him tightly. “I’m back to normal!” After a few moments she let go of him, and smiled one of the biggest smiles possible. “You can take your hands out of your pockets if you’d like.” Her shoulders shrugged for a moment, and then she remembered that Jareth had asked her a question. “Oh, neither kind of. I’m hoping to make it more than a hobby, but..it’s not really happening.”
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jarethknox · 12 years
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   "Oh well, more boredom for me then I guess." Jareth said partly joking but the reality of it was he was in for a long and lame day kept away in his new room. He nodded to her and smiled lightly, "Same to you, Kat. And most definitely once I am free from the shackles of the house I will stop by."        He started to turn to head up the pathway to the house when a question came to mind and he quickly turned back hoping she had not gotten too far before calling over to her, "Oh, Kat, one second! Do you go to Westfield High? I'll be starting there this week so I was wondering if I will be seeing you there as well."
The girl burst into laughter, covering her mouth when it got way too loud. Getting hold of herself once more, she said after cleaning her throat: “Investigator, you say? It almost gave a bit of decency to my hobby. I’ll remember that next time”.
Her eyes followed Jareth, landing on that large, austere building. It was amazing, almost weird how despite of all the things, people always came to live in there. Always. And never leave. It was a vicious circle. Kat’s sight went back to the boy as he talked about “consulting” her in case anything happens. She snickered, her shoulders trembling with the laughter. “I won’t mind at all, Jareth. It will be my pleasure, actually”.
Startled by that low voice, she gave a quick look to the door, finding a tall, tough man. Definitely Jareth’s father.  Those eyes were enough of a confirmation. The guy seemed a bit irritated maybe?
“Oh no, no. You can keep the boring part all to yourself” – she said, exaggerating on the facial expression and gesturing, as she normally does. “I already made you spent a lot of your time with chitchat and unpacking takes forever. We’ll have plenty of time to talk later, hm?”.  She grinned. “You know where I live, so don’t be shy, just knock, ‘kay? It was awfully nice to meet you, Jareth”. She turned her  body fully to the boy, already taking small steps backwards to go her own way. “See you around?”
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jarethknox · 12 years
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    "Then don't feel rude. I completely understand and you seemed to have had a rather rough day. You deserve some rest so take it. I will catch up with you some other time, alright? Night Faith, sleep well."   
I just want to sleep
“Alright, JJ it is.” she smiled at him. “I suppose I should, but I don’t want to feel rude for falling asleep.”
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jarethknox · 12 years
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He nodded, "Yeah, that's right. Or you can just call me JJ if you want." Jareth arched a brow looking at the girl, her eyes had become dark around her lids no doubt from lack of sleep. Or so he assumed by the circumstances of how they started to speak to one another. "Hope you don't mind me saying but perhaps now would be a good time for you to get some shut eye, eh?" 
I just want to sleep
She took his hand, “Yes. Jareth, correct?” she continued on the verge of laughing. She figured she was just becoming slaphappy from lack of sleep.
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jarethknox · 12 years
    "If you insist." He mumbled in between the short pause after she dismissed the previous events. "It's nice to meet you too, the pleasure is all mine." Jareth met her smile with one of his own putting his hand out towards her, "It was Faith, right?"
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I just want to sleep
Faith could feel her paranoia getting smaller, and she was sure it was over. ”It started on… Friday. It’s seems to be going away now…” she let her voice trail off. “No, I didn’t actually see one, ” she smiled, “don’t worry about it.” She paused for a moment, “Maybe we could start over. Hi, nice to meet you.”
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jarethknox · 12 years
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jarethknox · 12 years
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