jasonp01 · 2 hours
Culinary Creativity: Yang Fan Academy’s Summer Camp Cooking Class In Pleasanton
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Yang Fan Academy’s Summer Camp in Pleasanton is cooking up something special this season with its Cooking Class program, tailored for young chefs and food enthusiasts. This unique offering is not just about learning to cook but about exploring the wide world of culinary arts, understanding the importance of nutrition, and sparking creativity in the kitchen. Let’s take a closer look at what makes this cooking class a must-try experience for kids this summer.
A Taste Of Cooking Fundamentals
Yang Fan Academy’s Summer Camp Cooking Class in Pleasanton offers a rich introduction to the world of culinary arts, focusing on the foundational skills necessary for any aspiring chef. This segment of the program is meticulously designed to ensure that campers not only enjoy their cooking experience but also learn the crucial basics that form the cornerstone of all culinary endeavors.
Mastering Recipes And Measurements
The journey into cooking begins with the basics of understanding recipes. Campers are taught how to read recipes, a skill that goes beyond simply following instructions. They learn the importance of terminology, the significance of the order in which ingredients are added, and how to interpret cooking methods. This initial step is vital, as it lays the groundwork for culinary success and fosters independence in the kitchen.
Equally important is the art of measuring ingredients. Precision is key in cooking and baking, and participants are introduced to various measuring tools such as cups, spoons, and scales. They engage in practical exercises that teach them how to measure dry and liquid ingredients accurately, understanding that even a small deviation can affect the outcome of a dish. This attention to detail is crucial in cultivating a meticulous and thoughtful approach to cooking.
Kitchen Safety And Hygiene
Safety in the kitchen is paramount, and the Cooking Class program places a strong emphasis on teaching young chefs how to navigate the kitchen environment safely. This includes understanding the proper use and handling of kitchen tools and appliances. From the correct way to hold a knife and chop ingredients to the safe operation of ovens and stovetops, campers are equipped with the knowledge to prevent accidents and ensure a safe cooking experience.
Hygiene practices are another critical aspect covered in the fundamentals. Campers learn about the importance of washing hands before and after handling food, the proper way to clean utensils and surfaces, and the significance of preventing cross-contamination between raw and cooked foods. These lessons in cleanliness and hygiene are not only essential for cooking but also invaluable life skills that extend beyond the kitchen.
Building A Solid Foundation
Through interactive lessons and hands-on practice, campers at Yang Fan Academy’s Cooking Class are guided through these fundamental skills with patience and expertise. Instructors ensure that each participant gains confidence in these basic yet essential culinary practices, setting a solid foundation upon which they can build more complex skills. As campers progress through the program, they will find these fundamentals integral to their success in creating more elaborate dishes and exploring the vast world of culinary arts.
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Creativity And Innovation In The Kitchen
At the core of Yang Fan Academy’s summer cooking classes in Pleasanton lies a vibrant spirit of creativity and innovation. These classes are designed to be a playground for the young culinary enthusiast, a space where the conventional rules of cooking can be bent and reimagined. It’s here that campers are invited to dive into the endless possibilities that cooking offers, pushing the boundaries of traditional recipes and discovering their own unique styles.
Experimenting With Flavors And Ingredients
The journey into culinary creativity starts with the encouragement to experiment. Campers are introduced to a wide array of flavors and ingredients, some familiar and some exotic, learning about their origins, uses, and impacts on a dish’s taste and texture. This exploration serves as a springboard for innovation, as participants mix and match different elements to see how they can transform a simple dish into something spectacular. Whether it’s incorporating a sweet ingredient into a savory dish or experimenting with unconventional spice blends, campers are taught to approach cooking with an open mind and a sense of adventure.
Adapting Recipes And Personalizing Dishes
A significant emphasis is placed on the ability to adapt and personalize recipes. Instructors guide campers through the process of taking a standard recipe and making it their own, whether by substituting ingredients based on personal taste or dietary needs, changing cooking methods, or adding a personal twist that reflects their individuality. This process not only nurtures creativity but also instills a deep sense of ownership and pride in the dishes they create.
Through group projects and individual challenges, campers are put in the chef’s hat, making decisions that affect the outcome of their dishes. These activities are carefully designed to mimic real-world cooking scenarios, where thinking on one’s feet and being resourceful with available ingredients are crucial skills. It’s in these moments that campers truly begin to think like chefs, learning the art of culinary improvisation and the joy of creating something uniquely their own.
Building Confidence And Independence In The Kitchen
One of the most significant outcomes of fostering creativity and innovation in the kitchen is the boost in confidence campers experience. As they see their culinary creations come to life, they gain confidence in their abilities to make decisions and take risks in the kitchen. This newfound confidence extends beyond the academy’s walls, empowering young chefs to explore new culinary ventures at home and perhaps even inspiring a lifelong passion for cooking.
A Culinary Community
In the heart of Yang Fan Academy’s Cooking Class in Pleasanton, there blooms a vibrant culinary community, where camaraderie and collaboration are as celebrated as individual culinary achievements. This unique aspect of the program underscores the belief that cooking, at its core, is a communal activity, one that brings people together and fosters connections.
Fostering Teamwork And Friendships
From the outset, campers are encouraged to work together in teams, mirroring the real-world kitchen environment where chefs and cooks work in unison to create culinary masterpieces. This team-based approach allows campers to learn from each other, share skills, and combine their creative visions. As they navigate the challenges and triumphs of cooking together, they forge lasting friendships grounded in shared experiences and mutual respect.
The importance of teamwork in the kitchen cannot be overstated. It teaches young chefs the value of communication, cooperation, and coordination, all of which are essential for a smooth and efficient culinary operation. By dividing tasks, managing time, and supporting each other, campers experience firsthand how teamwork can elevate a dining experience from good to exceptional.
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The Lasting Impact Of A Culinary Community
The sense of community that is built through Yang Fan Academy’s Cooking Class extends beyond the summer camp experience. Campers leave not only with new cooking skills and a deeper appreciation for the culinary arts but also with memories of friendship and collaboration that last a lifetime. The lessons learned about teamwork, mutual respect, and the joy of cooking together are invaluable, shaping young chefs into not just better cooks, but better teammates and friends.
Join The Culinary Adventure
Yang Fan Academy’s Cooking Class in Pleasanton is more than just a summer activity; it’s a journey into the world of culinary arts, offering young chefs a platform to discover their passion for cooking, to explore their creativity, and to learn valuable life skills. If your child has an interest in cooking or simply loves to try new foods, this summer camp program is the perfect recipe for a memorable and enriching summer experience.
Spaces fill up quickly, so be sure to register your young chef for this unique culinary adventure. It’s an opportunity for them to learn, create, and taste their way through summer, all while making new friends and delicious memories.
Enroll your child in Yang Fan Academy’s Summer Camp Cooking Class today, and watch them transform into confident, creative, and health-conscious young chefs ready to explore the culinary world.
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jasonp01 · 1 day
6 quick tips to help children learn writing
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The first mark your child makes on paper is a great surprise. Interesting and visually appealing things excite children who then want to follow, capture or copy those things. Also, every child takes his/her own time to develop a skill. So, there’s  no need to rush or panic about their speed or progress.
Let’s understand the various stages that children pass through to become” good writers”.
6 steps to train kids to write
1. Round objects:
Children love crawling after balls, small pet animals or other toys. This is the first instance of an eye-body coordination where the sight of an object excites children enough to follow it. Squishing soft toys builds strength in the hands of children. These prepare them for their first crayon ‘stance’.
2. Chalks to crayons: 
The bigger muscles get adapted to movements faster than the smaller muscles throughout the human body. So give children fat chalks that they can hold by making a fist-like grip with their fingers. Ask them to make any sort of marks they want to, on flat surfaces such as  clean slates. 
Children who are just over a year old will make random scribbles and in this way, accustom their arm muscles to the pressure they apply on the surface with chalk. Once they get a hang of it, give them a box of colorful crayons to start with.
3. Coloring books: 
Give children an art book with blank shapes and ask them to fill these shapes up with crayon colors of their choice. This process gives them an idea of outline. The more precisely they color and the cleaner they keep the outline, the better  they advance towards writing their first alphabet.
4. Pencil grip: 
The broader base of crayons is easier to get a grip over when compared to  a pencil. So, one has to train his/her fingertips to be able to hold a pencil firmly. Since children have soft fingertips that need to get habituated to hard surfaces of a pencil, you can wrap a cotton cloth or clay around a pencil and help children get  a grip over the pencils with their fingers easily.
Don’t bother about the way children hold the pencils. Children explore various options with their thumb, index and middle fingers for utmost comfort. Let your children choose their grip on pencils. Use triangular, hexagonal and round pencils to test the grip.
5. Tracing: 
After children are comfortable with the pencil grip, introduce them to tracing alphabets. Start with bigger tracing so as to allow free movement of children’s wrists and fingers. Gradually, reduce the size of the alphabets for advanced hand movement.
Progress in tracing alphabets should be fast enough for your children to get on with more of alphabets in the same semester. Check the spacing between multiple letters that they trace. Once they can keep a uniform space between letters, introduce the concepts of words. 
6. Words and sentences: 
Instead of making children write, read the words aloud. Help them identify the words by hearing them and writing them down without you helping with the spelling. Their effort to write the correct word as per their understanding of the sound, helps them develop a sense of spelling.
Be patient as it takes 5-6 years for children to begin to write words and graduate to scribbling a few sentences. Enjoy the process of teaching writing. Your child needs to love writing. Only then, would they write their masterpieces someday!
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jasonp01 · 2 days
Connections during the First Weeks of School
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During the first weeks of school, the main goal for all the parents who work at MCPC is to make connection with all the kids. This connection is very important because it helps the kids know who are so when we explain things to them to correct behaviors or set boundaries, they listen to us. 
This is my second year at MCPC, but I didn't get to connect with some of the older kids who were the 2nd year Owls and the 3rd year Bobcats. I did interact with them throughout the year, and they knew who I was, but of course since there wasn't that initial connection, at times I felt like they didn't want to listen to me and things were a little difficult. 
This year, I got to work on our family's first work day. I was the Playroom Parents, and at first, only the Owls and Bobcats came in to enjoy all the activities that were set-up. But later, there were a lot of Turtles who came in to check out the activities and played. I was able to teach many of them how to roll out the play-dough and stamp-out some prints, helped some of the kids play make-believe and dress up as fire fighter and doctors, and even read a book or two to some of them. The funniest part was helping the turtles understand how to use the paper towel dispenser and how the next sheet that automatically came out after they ripped theirs was for the next person, not for them. And you know what? They listened! 
At Circle Time, the rule is that your own child has priority to sit on your lap, and other kids can sit on your lap too, if you let them. My daughter is bobcat, so she went to the Cottage for 2nd Circle, so no one had "Dibs" to sit on my lap in  the Playroom. So, when the Turtles came in and saw me sitting down already, many of them knew who I was and sat down right next to me. But there was one child who saw me and ran to me and was so comfortable that she sat right down on may lap. This really made me happy and made me feel like the connections were made with many of the Turtles. 
Now, you might be wondering,,,, why do I need to make connections with the Turtles? Well, the connections between the working parents and children at the school create foundations of trust between all the parents. All of these kids will attend the same birthday parties and play dates, and because of these foundations, parents trust other MCPC parents to watch their kids during these functions. It's this trust and connection between the families at school at school that really makes everyone at MCPC feel like family.
When they say it takes a village to raise a family, I believe that MCPC is where you find your village.
If you're interested in learning more or joining our co-op, please contact a current MCPC parent at [email protected].
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jasonp01 · 5 days
2024 Wacky Wednesdays
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If themes like Wizarding Wednesday, Disney Day, Superhero Day, and Decades Day intrigue your child, they’ve come to the right place! Welcome to 2024 Wacky Wednesdays at SLC … the day we all get to act a little … well … wacky! Here’s the best part: EVERYONE gets wacky! Dress up, grab your props, and prepare for a day filled with themed activities, games, and enough silliness to power a rocket ship to Mars!
Here are Our Wacky Wednesday Themes for 2024:
Session One: 
July3 - Wizarding Wednesday: Are you a Gryffindor or a Slytherin? Do you prefer lord of the Rings or Harry Potter? Dress up as your favorite characters or just don a hat and cape and come along on a day where you can make your own wand, complete in Wizarding challenges, and create your own magic! 
July 10 – Purim in July: We all love to dress up, so pick a costume — either on your own or in a group — and get ready for our costume parade to see who wears it best. There are prizes to be won for best costume, hamantashen to be eaten and a whole Purim story to be learned!
July 17 - Decades Day: Ever wish you were a child of the 80's? Think it was more cool to be born in the 70's or wish you were around in the 90's? Now is the time to live out that dream and dress from your favorite decade. It's time to find out about the Mickey Mouse Club and see what music your parents used to listen to. Do you think you can name their favorite songs? Have fun with SLC as we travel through time! 
July 24 - Backwards Day: Ever wake up feeling a little mixed up? You're still tired while getting dressed and you put your shirt on backwards. You panic and switch it around. Well today you don't have to! Leave those clothes the wrong way while we eat breakfast for dinner and throw our programming upside down. Expect the unexpected! 
Session Two:
July 31 - Superhero Day: DC. Marvel. Avengers. and Guardians of the Galaxy. We want to see them all come out for our Superhero Day. We will take a trip to Superhero school to see if you have what it takes to make it into the super special society of Surprise Lake Camp Superhero!
August 7 - Game Show Day: Do  you spread your evenings watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune? Have you always wondered what it would be like to be on those shows? Well. Today is the day1 Each specialist will be running their very own game show and you will have the opportunity to participate1 There may even be prizes! 
August 14 - Disney Day: It's a Small World after all' but not at Surprise Lake Camp. It's a big world full of joy and laughter! Surprise Lake Camp is one of our favorite places, but Disney may magical day bringing Disney to camp! 
It's going to be a wild ride and we can't wait for you to join us! 
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jasonp01 · 6 days
7 Reasons Trees Rule at Surprise Lake Camp
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Trees! They are certainly all around us at Surprise Lake Camp and we never take them for granted: Tomorrow we celebrate our trees on the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat, the birthday of trees - which is similar to Arbor Day. Tu B’Shevat, celebrated on the 15th of the Hebrew month of Shevat, honors the time of year when almond trees typically bloom in Israel. Here are 7 reasons trees rule at SLC:
1. Trees are like people: Trees breathe, eat, grow, age, live, and die. And like children. young trees need nourishment and care to grow into strong , healthy trees. At SLC, we think of our campers as saplings and have created a nurturing environment in which they learn essential life skills by being  immersed in nature, developing relationship, and  exploring Jewish values.
2. Trees are fragile: Like people, trees can get sick. Each winter, we give our trees an annual checkup. We remove trees that have reached the end of their lifespan and have become unsafe. We also take down weak branches. This critical maintenance keeps our campers, staff, and structures safe. Pruning also maintains the health of the trees. 
3. Trees provide shelter: Whether it's wood to build structures or leafy branches to provide shade, we could not get by without trees. Trees provide "natural air conditioning" for our bunks that are nestled among them. Trees provide homes for the squirrels, chipmunks, and birds that live with us at camp. 
4. Trees feed us : Trees provide food for humans and wild animals. Think about a world without apple cider, peach pie, nuts, figs, and pomegranates. Chances are that a day doesn't go by that you don't eat something that comes from a tree. Did you know SLC has its own orchard with a variety of fruits trees? You are supposed to eat spices and fruits to celebrate this holiday, so enjoy! 
5.Trees are critical to the environment: Trees absorb carbon dioxide (Co2). They store the single day, one large tree can pull up to 100 gallons of water (about half the volume of a large refrigerator) out of the ground and discharge it into the air. 
6. Trees are part of the SLC ecosystem: SLC campers explore the natural world each summer through our Teva/Nature and Hiking programs and through helping at SLC’s organic farm. As part of our Environment Goals. we teach campers how to recycle or "upcycle" what they might otherwise throw away. They learn about SLC's environmentally friendly practices, and its forest setting, including the animals that make SLC their home.
7. Trees have branches: One strong trunk leads to an endless number of branches which beget more branches and even smaller as one strong commitment in 1902 has branches out into thousands of  multigenerational relationships growing out of SLC bonds. 
Here are some suggestions for celebrating Tu B-Shevat with your kids. Wishing you a happy and fruitful holiday! Chag Sameach!
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jasonp01 · 7 days
The Sleepaway Camp Packing List: What to Take to Summer Camp
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Packing for camp? How exciting! We hope after reading our summer camp packing list that you'll feel prepared for fun-filled summer at Camp Friendship. 
Camp gear to bring 
Suitcase or duffel?
It doesn't matter which! Campers are free to bring a large duffel bag, a suitcase with or without wheels, a large plastic tub, or even a set of plastic drawers. There's no need to buy anything specific, whatever you have at home will work just fine, but we don't recommend large trunks because of their size. Please note that all our cabins and bunks are different, so there's no guarantee that luggage will fit under the bed. However, our awesome counselors will help campers store luggage so that it's out of the way of cabin fun. 
Pack comfortable clothes that are okay to get messy and are adventure-ready. Kids go through more clothes at camp than you'd expect. While they're actively enjoying the outdoors, they're actively getting dirty tool Please ensure your camper has enough clothes to change a couple of times each day to stay comfortable, healthy, and dry. 
Our Camp Store does have some great  CF swag. However, you'll want to ensure your camper has enough of their own clothes to last at least a week and a half. For our campers staying multiple weeks, we'll do your laundry for you towards the end of each week. 
Although it is summer camp, it can be cool at night. so include a few sets of warm clothes on your camp packing list. Afternoon rain showers are fairly common in Virginia, so a light waterproof jacket is must. 
Camp Tip: Two-piece swimsuits can be easier for younger campers to put on and take off. 
We have a closed-toe shoes rule at camp to ensure everyone's tootsies stay safe from rocks, twigs, and splinters. Tennis shoes are perfect for everyday wear. If campers want to wear flip flops, those are best saved for shower time. We recommend a pair of closed-toe water shoes like Crocs or Keens that easily slip on and off for the lake or pool. 
Personal items 
Although camp can be messy, it's important to stay clean and healthy. Pack a washcloth, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush (or two!) and any other personal items campers might need. Please consider packing their favorite toiletry items rather than selecting new travel sized ones. Many campers realize the toothpaste packed isn't to their taste or they don't like the smell of their new soap. Knowing they will use their familiar items with confidence is a must for good hygiene at camp. 
If your camp forgets or runs out of any of these items, we always have extra and are happy to help some campers like to bring all these items in a plastic basket or shower caddy for easy carrying. When packing liquids, use plastic bags to avoid spills and leaks. 
Required items 
There are a few essential items to put on your camp packing list. Firstly, a water bottle is a MUST. Campers spend more time outside than they are typically used to and can easily become dehydrated during the busy camp day. Although counselors encourage campers to drink water during meals and activities, campers should carry a water bottle with them at all times. They can fill up at the various hydration stations around camp. Staying hydrated is cool at camp, we even have special CF water bottles and water bottle stickers to prove it. 
What's the thing we hear our counselors say more often than anything else? "Don't forget your sunscreen and bug spray!" Campers enjoy many activities around our forests and fields, and bug spray is especially important in the mornings and evenings. 
It's always a good idea for campers to bring a small backpack to carry their belongings between activities. Backpacks are handy to keep a towel, bathing suit, water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, an extra pair of socks, and that perfectly shaped pet rock you just found! 
While our camps have electricity, they are not air conditioned. Campers should bring battery powered fans to help them stay cool in the cabin. We recommend packing extra batteries and practicing how to change out the batteries with your camper. 
Lines and Laundry 
Camp beds are all single bunk beds. We encourage parents to pack twin size sheets regardless of whether campers bring a sleeping bag or blanket. You can't go wrong by packing an extra sheet or two as campers are asked to make their beds as part of their daily cabin chores. There's nothing like jumping into a freshly made bed with clean sheets at the end of a day full of fun! 
Campers should come with at least one bath towel and one beach towel, but extras are always recommend for campers who will be swimming multiple times during the day. 
Campers who fly into camp from other states and countries can receive camp linens on arrival. Camp linen sets include a pillow, blanket, sheets, and are refreshed at the end of each week. 
Camp tip: Pack your camper with a mesh laundry bag, even d they're only staying one week. It helps campers stay organized and differentiate from their clean and dirty clothes. Additionally, it makes packing up at the end of the week a breeze. 
Horseback riding gear 
If your camper is enrolled in the Equestrian Program, they will need to pack some program-specific gear. It is important to be comfortable when riding, long pants are required, and bringing extra socks is always a good idea. Caps are welcome if you have them. Make sure to bring your riding boots or hard-soled shoes will a heel. If you have your own helmet, you're welcome to bring it to camp as long as it's ASTM-approved. If you are missing gear, you are more than welcome to borrow some from camp. There's no need to bring your own tack and grooming supplies though - we have plenty here! 
What NOT to bring 
If something is valuable, treasured, fragile or potentially dangerous, leave it off your summer camp packing list! Campers should also leave all electronics at home. Camp Friendship is a unique experience where children can truly connect without the use of digital devices. Please give your child the chance to make these connections by leaving phones and all other electronics at home. For our friends who travel to camp from other states and countries, we will gladly keep electronic items safe and return them upon departure.
Packing pro tips
Label your stuff
Please don’t let your camper’s stuff join the Lost and Found mountain. We encourage parents to label every item, article of clothing, and piece of equipment with your camper’s first and last name.
Companies such as Mabel’s Labels and Oliver’s Labels have easy-to-use waterproof labels that help to avoid mix ups and lost items. You can even purchase these labels directly through your CampInTouch account by selecting “Camper Clothing Labels”.
Pack medication in original packaging
All medication, prescription or non-prescription (including vitamins and over-the-counter medication), must be brought to camp in the original packaging or in a blister pack pre-packaged by a pharmacy. Medication will be handed to the Nurse on check-in day and kept in our Health Center for safekeeping.
Make letter writing easy
Help you to help…you! If you want to hear from your camper while they’re at camp, it’s wise to send them with letter-writing materials such as e-Letter paper, dark ink pens (not pencils), pre-addressed envelopes, stamps, postcards or smoke signals (just kidding!) Campers have cabin time each day where they can choose to write home. 
Camp Tip: Most campers write their letters from their bunk bed. A book light with a clip can be really helpful for younger campers still perfecting the art of holding a flashlight while writing. 
Please remember that even the best of intentions can be forgotten. Campers have exciting new games to play with friends, the chance to finish that friendship bracelet they’ve been working on, time to take a nap, or chat to their counselor with an interesting accent. Please don’t be disappointed if you don’t receive a letter from your camper within the first day or two. We’ll do our best to encourage them to write home. Sending them with the materials to make it quick and easy certainly helps.
Bring a few home comforts
If this is your camper’s first time at sleep-away camp, certain reminders of home can be a nice touch. A favorite book, comfortable blanket or family photo can help make their cabin feel a little more homey. Games for cabin time are always a great move too. If your child has a favorite stuffed animal or something very dear to them, we suggest leaving that at home and finding a ‘camp favorite’ to bring to camp. We would hate for your child’s favorite item to go missing!
Help your camper re-pack
Include an UN-checked copy of your packing checklist in your camper’s things so they can use it to re-pack and come home. This helps them to ensure they have everything and reduces Lost and Found at Camp—yay!
Don’t let packing for camp stress you and your camper out! Use our printable packing checklist to make packing a breeze.
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jasonp01 · 8 days
Independence and Well-Being
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 I've been meaning to share an article I found back in March. It's an overview written by Emily Oster on a Commentary published in the Journal of Pediatrics entitled, "Decline in Independent Activity as a Cause of Decline in Children's Mental Well-being: Summary of the Evidence" (Published first online, February 23,2023). The overview article is entitled, "What's Behind the Decline in Teen Mental Health?"
You may have read that different organizations are observing a troubling trend among young people, specifically a marked decline in their sense of well-being. Especially recently, professionals that work with children and adolescents are puzzled why reports of feeling unhappy, dispirited, and anxious are rising. The data shows that this trend began around 2012 (long before the COVID pandemic, by the way). This article attempts to explain why we are seeing this trend among our young people. 
Essentially, it claims another trend is (at least partially responsible for) driving this decline in well-being, namely a "decline over decades in opportunities for children and teens to play, room, and engage in other activities independent of direct oversight and control by adults,"
The authors worry that kids nowadays have very little free time to act independently. Instead they are supervised in school for most of the day and then equally structured during after school activities like sports and clubs. They point out also the current parenting tend to emphasize safety so that children aren't able to do things on their own. Helicoptering and snowplowing, these parents might be protecting their children, but they are also impairing their confidence and ability to act independently. They note similarly, contemporary kids are rarely given the opportunity to play with other kids without adults, to play freely on their own terms. Rare, they lament, are the kids who get to play outside all day until dark. 
Smartphone use may be another face contributing to kids having fewer opportunities to act independently. The claim here is that time scrolling on your phone is inherently isolating. It's a solitary, passive experience rather than a physical activity that connects you with others in the real world. If anything, kids nowadays are more dependent on their phones for their socializing, entertainment and knowledge of the world. Their sense of self is largely filtered through his technology, rather than built through the rich nuances of their five senses. Especially for kids, time on a smartphones is tragic substitute for living. And as it steals your life, reducing your capacity for independent action, your mental health may suffer. 
You can probably guess where I'm heading with this, and why this article caught my eye. Life at camp is the exact opposite of these modern trends, and so can be understood as a counteracting force. After all, kids at camp are extremely independent. Being away from home, they act independently throughout the day. Without their phones, they explore the world around them at their own pace. At Rock Brook they have hours of free time. Each day, they make a multitude of decisions, figuring things out along the way. Camp gives kids an incredible degree of self-directed agency, empowering them far beyond what most parents would grant. By the way, I think this is another reason why girls love Rock Brook; they really appreciate this kind of agency. With friends by their side, they feel good when they do things without the adults in their lives guiding every more. In so many ways, life at camp is custom made for independence. It helps build the confidence and even the desire to act independently in the world. 
If all this adds up, then we're really helping our kids by sending them to sleepaway camp. The opportunities they have at Rock Brook to act independently may be strengthening their overall well-being, serving as a buffer for some of the challenging influences of modern life. At very least, we know that girls love camp. They're both independent and happy while here. That seems like a great endorsement, 
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jasonp01 · 9 days
Role of Technology in Preschool Education
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Technology has revolutionized many areas of toddler's life, including the way we learn. In the past, preschool education was just limited to traditional methods like storybooks, chalkboards, and hands-on activities. Today, technology has completely changed the methods of learning and teaching of the preschool curriculum. From interactive whiteboards to learning apps, technology has made it easier for teachers to retain their students' attention making the classroom a more interesting place to learn. 
Preschool education is a very important part of child's growth. During this stage, children learn the basic ideas and skills that will help them do will in school in the future. In recent years, technology has grown to be a crucial part of preschool education. It given teachers and students a wide range of tools and resources to help them learn. In this blog, we'll talk about how technology can help young students in their preschool learning. 
Advantages of Using Technology in Preschool Education
Bringing technology into preschool education has helped students in many ways. The following are some of the advantages that we have recognized. 
1. Engaging and Interactive Learning 
Preschoolers have a limited attention span and may quickly lose interest in learning. The use of educational applications, games, and interactive whiteboards has been shown to improve student's ability to grasp complex ideas. Students have more fun from lessons that include technology. Thus, this technique can make education more exciting and interactive for students. 
2. Improved Fine Motor Skills 
Preschoolers are still developing fine motor abilities, which are required for tasks such as writing and drawing. By giving opportunities to use touchscreens and handheld devices, technology can support the growth of these skills. Using drawing apps on tablets or touchscreen devices, for instance, can help promote the development of fine motor skills in toddlers while they have fun. 
3. Better Memory Retention 
Preschoolers have an extraordinary ability of learning, yet their memories are often fragile. By offering interactive and interesting learning experiences, technology can help to boost memory recall. For instance, playing memory-based educational games can help preschoolers retain information and concepts more easily. 
4. Personalized Learning 
Due to the advancements in personalized learning technologies, educators can now customized lessons as per the specific needs of each student. This strategy ensures that every student, regardless of academic ability, receives the assistance and resource they requires to succeed. 
5. Better Communication 
The use of technology can improve communication between educators and parents. With messaging applications, educators may offer parents regular updates on their child's progress and share resources that can be used at home to reinforce learning. This strategy strengthens parent-teacher relationships and promotes parental involvement in their child's education. 
At The Growing Patch Preschool, we understand how important it is to give our young students the right exposure to technology for their academic success. Because of this, we've added technology to our teaching methods to helps our students learn better. The Growing Patch Preschool is proud to be the  Best Preschool in Fresno that incorporates technology in the teaching. We are confident that by using technology, we can lay a solid foundation for our student's future success. Thus, look no further than The Growing Patch Preschool If you're looking for the Best preschool in Fresno that offers a cutting-edge learning environment. 
Best preschool in Fresno, Preschool in Fresno
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jasonp01 · 11 days
Technology Integration At Yang Fan Academy’s Preschool In Pleasanton
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In today’s digital age, technology has become an integral part of our lives, including the field of education. At Yang Fan Academy’s Preschool in Pleasanton, successful technology integration is a cornerstone of the educational experience.
This forward-thinking approach to early childhood education aims to prepare young learners for the many challenges and opportunities of the digital world while maintaining a balanced and holistic learning environment.
The Role Of Technology In Early Childhood Education
In today’s rapidly evolving world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. It is no longer limited to computers cell phones and tablets; it encompasses a wide range of digital tools and resources that can enhance the learning process.
At Yang Fan Academy, we recognize that when used thoughtfully and in moderation, technology tools can have a profoundly positive impact on children’s development.
Our approach to integrating technology into early childhood education is grounded in several key principles:
Balanced Use:
We believe in striking a balance between technology and traditional teaching methods. While technology offers valuable learning opportunities, it should complement, not replace, hands-on and in-person experiences.
Digital Literacy:
In today’s digital age, digital literacy is a crucial skill. We introduce age-appropriate digital literacy concepts to help children navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.
Collaborative Tools:
We utilize digital tools that encourage collaboration and communication among children. These tools promote teamwork and social interaction, essential skills for the future.
Monitoring And Safety:
We maintain a safe and controlled digital environment for children. Our educators closely monitor technology use to ensure age-appropriate content and safety.
Personalized Learning
In the realm of early childhood education research, personalized learning is a game-changer, and tech integration plays a pivotal role in making it a reality.
At Yang Fan Academy, we recognize that each child is a unique learner with their own set of strengths social skills, interests, and learning pace.
Technology allows us to harness this individuality and provide a truly personalized learning experience for every child.
Here’s how personalized learning through technology benefits our young learners:
Tailored Instruction: With the help of educational software and apps, we can customize learning materials to match each child’s skill level and learning style. Whether a child is an advanced reader or needs additional support in math, technology ensures that they receive the right level of challenge and support.
Self-Paced Learning: Interactive apps and digital platforms empower children to learn at their own pace. They can revisit concepts they find challenging, spend extra time on topics that pique their interest, and move ahead when they’re ready. This flexibility nurtures a sense of independence and confidence in their abilities.
Adaptive Learning: Some educational apps and platforms use adaptive algorithms to adjust the difficulty of activities based on a child’s performance. This ensures that children are always challenged at an appropriate level, preventing boredom or frustration.
Varied Learning Modalities: Personalized learning extends beyond academic subjects. Technology allows us to cater to a child’s interests and strengths, whether that’s through interactive art apps, science simulations, or language-learning games. We tap into their passions to make learning engaging and relevant.
Engagement And Motivation
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In the realm of early childhood education, engagement and motivation are the driving forces behind effective learning experiences.
At Yang Fan Academy, we understand that technology can be a powerful ally in creating educational environments that captivate young minds and foster a genuine love for learning.
Here’s how technology enhances student engagement and motivation in our preschool setting:
Interactive Learning: Digital learning tools are inherently interactive. Whether it’s through touchscreens, interactive quizzes, or virtual simulations, technology encourages active participation.This hands-on engagement makes learning feel like play, holding children’s interest and motivating them to explore further.
Multisensory Experiences: Educational apps and digital platforms often incorporate visuals, sounds, and even haptic feedback. This multisensory approach appeals to various learning styles, accommodating visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. It creates a rich and immersive learning environment.
Storytelling and Narration: Educational videos and interactive stories often incorporate captivating narratives and narrators. These elements enhance comprehension and make learning more enjoyable.
Exploration and Discovery: Technology allows children to explore virtual worlds, conduct experiments, and discover new concepts independently. This sense of autonomy and discovery is inherently motivating.
Critical Thinking And Problem-Solving
In the ever-evolving landscape of early childhood education, the cultivation of critical thinking and problem-solving skills is paramount.
At Yang Fan Academy, we recognize that technology-based activities play a pivotal role in nurturing these essential skills, laying the foundation for a future marked by adaptability and innovation.
Here’s how technology fosters critical thinking and problem-solving in our preschool program:
Puzzle Games: Digital puzzle games, including jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku, and logic puzzles, stimulate problem-solving skills. Children learn to analyze visual and spatial information, devise strategies, and persist in the face of challenges. These activities enhance their ability to approach problems methodically.
Creative Exploration: Technology tools for creative expression, such as digital art and music apps, empower children to experiment, make choices, and solve creative challenges.These activities encourage innovative thinking and artistic problem-solving.
Story-Based Adventures: Interactive storytelling apps often present children with decision-making opportunities. They must think critically about the consequences of their choices, fostering an early understanding of decision-making and its outcomes.
Preparation For The Digital Age: Successful Technology Integration
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At Yang Fan Academy’s preschool, we recognize that preparing children for the digital age is a fundamental aspect of their education.
Here’s how our technology integration efforts contribute to their readiness for the digital world:
Digital Literacy: We introduce children to digital devices and tools in a controlled and age-appropriate manner. They learn how to navigate user interfaces, interact with touch screens, and use digital peripherals like mice and keyboards. These early experiences lay the foundation for digital literacy, ensuring that children are comfortable and competent with technology.
Digital Communication: Children learn how to use digital communication tools appropriately. They practice sending and receiving messages, which can be beneficial for future online communication, such as email and messaging apps. They also develop skills in digital etiquette and respectful online interactions.
Research Skills: As children explore digital resources, they develop research skills. They learn how to search for information online, evaluate the credibility of sources, and extract relevant information. These skills are valuable for academic research and lifelong learning.
Balanced Approach
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At Yang Fan Academy, we understand the significance of maintaining a balanced approach to early childhood education, especially when it comes to technology integration. Our commitment to providing a well-rounded and holistic education is at the core of our philosophy.
Here’s how we strike a balance between technology and other essential components of early education:
Play-Based Learning: We believe that play is a fundamental aspect of childhood development. Play encourages creativity, social interaction, and problem-solving skills. Our curriculum places a strong emphasis on play-based learning, allowing children to explore, experiment, and use their imaginations. Technology is used to complement play, offering interactive and engaging experiences that enhance learning.
Hands-On Activities: Hands-on activities provide sensory experiences that contribute to cognitive development. We incorporate hands-on activities into our curriculum, allowing children to explore materials, engage in art and crafts, and conduct simple experiments. These activities offer a tactile and multisensory dimension to their learning.
Outdoor Exploration: Outdoor play and nature-based activities are integral to our approach. Children have regular outdoor sessions where they can connect with the natural world, engage in physical activities, and experience the benefits of outdoor play. Technology is not a substitute for the sensory richness of outdoor experiences.
Literacy and Language Development: Reading, storytelling, and language development are essential components of early education. We maintain a strong focus on literacy and language development through books, storytelling, and interactive language activities. Technology is used to enhance language learning through interactive e-books and language apps.
Educators As Facilitators
At Yang Fan Academy, our educators are at the forefront of technology integration in early childhood education. They play a pivotal role as facilitators, ensuring that technology is a valuable and constructive part of the learning experience.
Here’s how our educators fulfill this crucial role:
Guiding Interactions: Educators guide children’s interactions with technology, providing context and purpose for each activity. They ensure that technology is used as a tool to achieve specific learning objectives. For example, when using educational apps, teachers explain how the app relates to the lesson and what skills or knowledge the child will gain from it.
Setting Appropriate Limits: Recognizing the importance of balance, educators set appropriate limits on screen time. They follow guidelines that ensure children have a healthy balance between technology-based activities and other forms of learning, such as play, group activities, and outdoor experiences.
Supporting Creativity: Technology is used to support and enhance creativity. Educators introduce children to creative digital tools, such as drawing apps or multimedia storytelling platforms, that allow them to express themselves artistically and explore their imaginations.
Balanced Instruction: Teachers strike a balance between technology-based instruction and other forms of learning. They ensure that technology is not a replacement for essential components of early education, such as outdoor play, social interaction, and hands-on activities.
Parent Involvement
At Yang Fan Academy, we recognize the importance of fostering a strong partnership between parents and educators when it comes to technology integration in early childhood education.
We actively involve parents in the process, promoting a collaborative approach that ensures alignment in our goals for technology use.
Here’s how we encourage parent involvement in their child and teacher’s digital learning journey:
Orientation And Information Sessions:
We host orientation and information sessions for parents to introduce them to the digital tools and resources we use in the classroom. These sessions provide an overview of the educational apps, software, and devices we employ to enhance learning.
Parents have the opportunity to visit, ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of our technology-based curriculum.
Transparency And Communication:
Open and transparent communication is key. We maintain regular communication channels with parents, keeping them informed about the technology activities their child will be engaged in.
We provide details on the educational objectives of these activities in schools and how they align with our curriculum.
Parent Feedback:
We value parent feedback and input. Parents are encouraged to share their observations, concerns, and suggestions regarding technology use in the classroom. This feedback loop allows us to continuously improve our approach and address any concerns promptly.
We ensure that technology resources are accessible to all families, regardless of their background or resources. We work to bridge the digital divide and provide support and training to families who may need assistance with technology access.
In conclusion, technology integration at Yang Fan Academy’s Preschool in Pleasanton is a thoughtful and purposeful approach to early childhood education.
It offers numerous benefits, including personalized learning, engagement, critical thinking, creativity, and preparation for the digital age.
Importantly, it is part of a balanced educational experience that values the holistic development of each child.
By embracing technology as a tool for learning, Yang Fan Academy empowers students and young learners to thrive in the digital age while preserving the essential elements of childhood education.
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jasonp01 · 12 days
The Best Ways to Cope With Homesickness at Summer Camp
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Don’t let homesickness prevent your children from having a summer camp experience they’ll never forget! 
At Camp Friendship, we take pride in creating a home away from home for our campers. Our staff is well-trained to handle all levels of homesickness and encourage campers to make the most of their time at camp. Our goal is for every camper to have a successful summer during which they gain independence, learn new things, and form connections with others. 
To make that goal a reality, follow these tips for helping your child deal with homesickness at summer camp.
Recognize that homesickness at sleepaway camp is normal
As a first-time camper, or maybe even returning camper, many children will face the difficulties of homesickness. Being homesick is not abnormal. For many families in today’s plugged in world, summer camp is the first real separation they have experienced, making homesickness the norm rather than the exception.
In fact, research shows that around 90% of campers experience some level of homesickness at least once during the summer. Let your child know that it’s completely okay to miss home and the things that are familiar to them. Since homesickness at summer camp is to be expected, it’s important to understand how to help your child move forward and enjoy the summer. Even if homesickness doesn’t go away entirely, it is important for children to know that they can be both homesick and happy at camp.
Prepare for the inevitable
Parents can help overcome homesickness at camp by preparing themselves and their camper for the summer. Start by acknowledging the realities of homesickness. Explain that feeling homesick is tough, but completely normal and not a sign that camp isn’t fun. Together, come up with coping strategies like journaling, hugging a favorite stuffed animal, or even reading a new book. Empowering campers to self-regulate and be okay with missing home is a skill they will be able to rely on for the rest of their lives.
Remind your camper that homesick feelings typically hit during downtimes like right before bed or in between activities. It can be helpful to walk your camper through asking for assistance from a counselor at these times. The more your camper understands about these new feelings and what to do when they arise, the more manageable they become.
Our Family Camp is also a gentle way to introduce your child to the newness of camp life. With parents and siblings along for the fun, your child will become familiar with all that camp has to offer. You can also take this time to coach them on typical camping skills, like how to use a flashlight at night.
Give your child time to adjust to camp life
While homesickness is common at sleepaway camps and across all ages, it often doesn’t last long. Since 1966, we’ve supported our campers through initial adjustment periods. This experience allows us to confidently say that homesickness usually goes away quickly. In fact, homesickness typically fades after the first night because they become so busy with activities and new friends. If this isn’t the case for your child, that’s absolutely okay. For some children, expecting the feelings of homesickness to go away entirely is fruitless, and a regular part of learning to live away from home. 
Throughout their time away from home, counselors are your camper’s first line of communication and comfort while at camp. They will help support your child, with the guidance and professional expertise of a Camp Director guiding the way. Our staff work to establish a strong relationship right off the bat, orient campers to camp life, and help them feel comfortable so each child has the confidence to find security and acceptance outside their home.
Stay in touch…but don’t overdo it
Communicating with your camper can be a great way to alleviate homesickness and remind your camper that they’re in your thoughts. You can send snail mail letters and e-Letters using our email system. 
It’s important to send just enough letters and e-Letters that your child feels supported, but you don’t have to write every single day or expect them to do the same. Constant updates on the events occurring at home may leave them feeling left out. Instead of sharing stories from home, focus on asking about their experiences at camp.
We recognize that homesickness goes both ways. No matter how many years your camper has been attending camp, missing them never gets any easier. 
What to say to a child experiencing homesickness at summer camp
If your child gets homesick, follow these rules of thumb when communicating with them.
Empathize with them
Be sure to validate their feelings. Let them know how proud you are for taking the big step to come to camp and how excited you are to hear about their accomplishments when they finish. 
Provide reassurance
Reassure them that it’s okay to miss home, everyone does at some point, and being in a new environment can be hard. Express confidence in their ability to be away at camp. It can be comforting for them to hear that “nothing exciting is happening at home.”
Relate to them
Share personal experiences of a time when you yourself felt homesick and what you did to overcome it. Alternatively, if your camper has an older sibling or family member that experienced homesickness, share what helped them, but try to keep it short.
Focus on the positive parts of summer camp
By the time you receive a homesick letter, your camper is likely to have already bounced back and started to enjoy themselves again. With that in mind, it’s important that your letter doesn’t hinder any progress they may already have made. Try to avoid addressing the more negative parts of their letter and instead concentrate your letter on any exciting news your camper has already shared. Redirecting the conversation to discuss the fun times will help them to realize all they could be participating in. “Camp is like life,” said one camper on an open forum, “The more you get involved, the more you’ll get out of it.”
Make them smile 
Write them encouraging, cheerful letters with a few jokes to bring a smile to their face.
Don’t suggest they quit 
As a parent, it can be difficult to act against your instinct to say “If you don’t like it you can just come home.” While many parents think this will reassure their child, it often does much more harm than good. It sets your child up for failure since most campers will have some sad feelings they will need to work through. Sending your child to camp with the knowledge that they can pull the plug at any time can set them up to have an unsuccessful summer. 
Our staff are trained to address homesickness by connecting with campers, helping them engage in camp life, and reminding them that the best way to combat homesickness is to fully jump into camp. Of course, in severe cases of homesickness, it may be best for your child to leave camp, but that is something we would work with you on after several conversations and updates from a Camp Director.
Handling homesickness is a reality many campers and their parents will have to face. For us, addressing homesickness is all about teaching kids that they have the strength to overcome it. By sharing coping strategies and encouraging engagement in fun activities, parents can help minimize the uncomfortable of missing home even from afar. The goal is that this open dialog will empower children to handle the challenge of homesickness so they can enjoy even more adventures throughout their lives!  
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jasonp01 · 13 days
Transitioning to a New School
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 Starting school for any child is challenging enough. It can be even harder when your child is starting at a new school after already being in school for a while.
There are many reasons why a family might want/need to have their child transfer to a new school. Regardless of the reason, if your child has developed a relationship with their peers and teachers, switching schools can be especially heartbreaking and confusing for them.
Many of the tips provided in this post can also be applied to children who are just starting school for the first time, however, extra care should be given to children who are switching schools.
The most important thing you can do is to tell your child in advance what is going to happen. Tell your child/children as soon as you find out that they are going to be switching schools. The longer you wait to tell them, the worse the transition is going to be for your child. Telling them in advance helps your child process the change and will hopefully make the transition to their new school much smoother. Below are some ideas you can implement with your child during this transition time.
Role play school with your child/children. Take turns with your child being the parent, the child, and the teacher. Have your child role play common daily routines, such as saying good-bye, taking off your coat/backpack, singing songs, reading stories, having Circle Time, playing outside, and taking naps. Answer any questions your child may have honestly and openly.
Read books to your child about preschool and starting school. Ask your child how they think the characters in the book feel. Ask your child if they are feeling similarly to the characters in the book. A list of book recommendations will be provided at the end of this post.
Normalize your child’s emotions. Your child may express to you that they are feeling sad, scared, and/or worried about their transition to a new school. Empathize with your child and listen to their emotions with curiosity. Validate your child’s emotions and let them know that all of their feelings are ok. Respond to any of their questions openly and honestly.
Provide an opportunity for your child to say “goodbye” to their old school. Encourage them to bring treats for their class on their last day. Take a picture of them with their teachers and peers. Even better, provide your child copies of these pictures to take with them on the first day of their new school.
If possible, try to keep the rest of their lives as consistent as possible. Children rely on consistency and predictability in their lives because it helps them feel safe and secure.
Ask their new school if they will let you and your child visit before they start school there. Some schools let families and their children spend an hour or so exploring the school. This will help your child become familiar with their new school so they won’t feel as anxious on their first day.
Go shopping for a new backpack with your child. Have your child pick out their new backpack. Hopefully their new backpack will make them feel safer at their new school.
Let your child pick out their first day of school outfit.
Encourage your child to take a favorite stuffed animal(not their ALL time favorite – so it doesn’t get lost)  to school for naptime. Having a familiar object with them will help your child feel safer.
We hope these tips help you and your family out during this difficult transition period. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time.
Further Reading:
Book List for Starting School:
The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson
The Night Before Preschool by Natasha Wing
Pete the Kitty’s First Day of Preschool by James Dean
Froggy Goes to School by Jonathan London
How to Get Your Teacher Ready by Jean Reagan
Isadora Moon Goes to School by Harriet Muncaster
Barnaby Never Forgets by Pierre Collet-Derby
Milk Goes to School by Terry Border
Llama Llama Misses Mama by Anna Dewdney
My School Stinks! by Becky Scharnhorst
Sorry, Grown-Ups, You Can’t Go to School! By Christina Geist
Hurry, Little Tortoise, Time for School! by Carrie Finison
Hello School by Priscilla Burris
Sophie’s Squash Goes to School by Pat Zietlow Miller
Amy Wu and the Warm Welcome by Kat Zhang
Isabel and her Colores Go to School (English and Spanish Edition) by Alexandra Alessandri 
The Many Colors of Harpreet Singh by Supriya Kelkar
A New Kind of Wild by Zara Gonzalez Hoang
How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? by Jane Yolen
Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes
Amelia Bedelia’s First Day of School by Herman Parish
Links to Book Lists Online:
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jasonp01 · 14 days
Everything There Is To Know About The Reggio Emilia Approach To Learning
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If you have been around our blog, school campuses, or social media pages, you likely will have noticed our love for the Reggio Emilia Approach to learning. We have based our program on this emergent curriculum, and the results are excellent. While we love this approach, we are also aware that not everyone is familiar with Reggio Emilia, so we wanted to share a brief overview of what it is all about! This post will cover the origin story, key figures, and how it is implemented in the classroom. You will likely find yourself in love with this way of preschool learning as we are when we are through! 
Who Is Reggio Emilia?
You may be surprised that Reggio Emilia is not a “who” but a “where.” This approach is not named after a person at all, but the city of origin in Northern Italy called Reggio Emilia. Several educators in the region began working on this approach after World War II, led by teacher and psychologist Loris Malaguzzi. 
Loris Malaguzzi was the brains behind the innovative Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. Born in Italy in 1920, he believed that kids are like sponges, soaking up knowledge and creativity. He was all about creating a learning environment where children are the real VIPs, actively exploring and learning through projects that spark their curiosity. 
Malaguzzi thought that the classroom should be a buzzing hive of collaboration, with teachers as guides and kids as the stars of their own learning show. His ideas have left a lasting impact, making preschool a place where little minds can shine bright.
“The Hundred Languages Of Children”
The term “The Hundred Languages of the Child” was popularized by Loris Malaguzzi and is a key concept in Reggio Emilia’s approach to early childhood education. This phrase refers to the idea that children have many different ways or “languages” through which they can express themselves and learn. It emphasizes the diverse and varied ways in which children can communicate, explore, and make sense of the world around them.
The idea is that children are not limited to expressing themselves solely through traditional verbal language. Instead, they have numerous ways of representing their thoughts, ideas, and understanding. These “languages” include art, music, movement, drama, writing, and more.
7 Characteristics Of The Reggio Emilia Approach
What sets Reggio Emilia apart from all of the other curriculums? The seven characteristics. These values are reflected in every classroom and school that are centered around this learning style and what plays an essential role in building up amazing students. 
Child-Centered: The approach strongly emphasizes the child as an active participant in their own learning. It recognizes children as competent, capable, and full of potential.
Emergent Curriculum: Rather than following a predetermined curriculum, the Reggio Emilia approach encourages an emergent curriculum. The curriculum is based on the interests and questions of the children, allowing for a more flexible and responsive learning experience.
Project-Based Learning: Learning is often organized around projects that emerge from the interests of the children. These projects are in-depth explorations that integrate various subjects and are guided by the children’s curiosity.
Role of the Teacher: Teachers in the Reggio Emilia approach are seen as collaborators and facilitators rather than just instructors. They observe, document, and engage in dialogue with the children to better understand and support their learning.
Documentation: The learning process is documented through various means, such as photographs, transcripts, and displays. This documentation serves multiple purposes, including making learning visible, involving parents, and helping educators reflect on their teaching practices.
Environments as the Third Teacher: The learning environment is considered a crucial element in the educational process. Classrooms are designed to be inviting, aesthetically pleasing, and filled with open-ended materials that encourage exploration and creativity.
Community Involvement: The Reggio Emilia approach values the involvement of parents and the broader community in the education of children. Parents are considered partners in their child’s learning journey.
When put into practice, educators following the Reggio Emilia approach create environments that provide kiddos with a wide range of materials and opportunities to engage in various forms of expression. These principles highlight the importance of recognizing and respecting the different ways in which children naturally communicate and learn, fostering a holistic approach to education that values creativity and individual expression. 
Reggio Emilia Vs. Montessori
While both the Reggio Emilia approach and Montessori education share some similarities, such as a focus on child-centered learning and the importance of the learning environment, there are also significant differences between the two approaches. One major difference lies in their philosophical foundations and the role of the teacher.
In the Reggio Emilia approach:
Teachers are seen as collaborators and facilitators. They observe, document, and engage in dialogue with the children to understand their interests and guide their learning. Teachers play a crucial role in co-constructing knowledge with the children.
In Montessori education:
The Montessori approach places a strong emphasis on the role of the teacher as an observer and guide. However, the teacher in a Montessori classroom is often more explicitly involved in directing individual and small-group activities. The Montessori teacher is trained to provide lessons and guide children through a carefully designed set of materials.
While both approaches respect the child’s individuality and emphasize experiential learning, the degree of teacher direction and involvement in the learning process is a notable difference. Reggio Emilia tends to have a more collaborative and fluid approach to teaching, while Montessori often involves more structured lessons and individualized work.
If this still feels confusing, here is an example! 
Reggio Emilia Approach:
Imagine a group of preschool children who have shown an interest in exploring plants and nature. In a Reggio Emilia classroom, the teacher might start by discussing the children’s observations and questions about plants. The teacher could then facilitate a collaborative project where children are involved in planting a small garden in the school’s outdoor area.
The teacher acts as a collaborator, helping children gather materials, discussing the needs of plants, and encouraging them to express their ideas through drawings or discussions. The focus is on the process of exploration and discovery, and the project might evolve based on the children’s interests and questions. The teacher documents the project through photos, notes, and children’s work, making the learning visible.
Montessori Approach:
In a Montessori classroom, if children show an interest in plants, the teacher might introduce a structured lesson on gardening. The teacher could present a lesson on the parts of a plant, demonstrate how to care for plants, and provide specific materials for individual exploration, such as puzzles or activities related to plant anatomy.
Children in a Montessori setting have more direct access to specific materials designed to teach specific concepts. The teacher’s role is to guide individual or small group activities, provide lessons, and ensure children use the materials appropriately. While there is still an element of child choice, the overall structure and focus on individualized learning are distinctive features.
You will notice, the Reggio Emilia approach often involves more collaborative and open-ended group projects, with the teacher as a facilitator. In contrast, the Montessori approach often includes more structured, individualized lessons with the teacher taking a more directive role in guiding children’s learning.
Long-Term Impacts 
While the lasting impacts of this innovative approach are still being researched, we are seeing some awesome first-hand results from our students. Granted, we are only speaking of the results seen from our schools, and the best results are shown in students where the families are also invested in this learning style!  You have to take into consideration the implementation of the approach when considering the lasting impact. 
We have seen strong social and emotional development in our kiddos at Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool. Our teachers love graduating their students with noticeably strong interpersonal skills, empathy, and a sense of community. 
Creativity and innovation, lifelong positive learning attitudes, excellent communication skills, and a drive for community engagement are other qualities we have seen amongst our students who have thrived in this environment. 
Final Thoughts
Hopefully this post has answered all of your questions regarding the Reggio Emilia approach. We have covered everything from the story of origin, the core principles, and the lasting impacts it has on children today. If you are looking to enroll your child in preschool any time soon, we highly encourage you to check out the Reggio Emilia approach. You may find that an approach that encourages a love for learning and curiosity is exactly what you are looking for. 
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jasonp01 · 15 days
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Summer vacation is around the corner, and parents are looking for fun and engaging activities to keep their young children entertained and occupied during the break. Summer camps can be an excellent option for parents who want to expose their children to new experiences, build social skills, and keep them active and engaged. But what about summer camps for very young children, aged 2-5? In this blog post, we will explore the various types of summer camps available for toddlers and preschoolers and provide a comprehensive guide to choosing the best summer camp for your little ones.
Benefits of Summer Camps for 2-5 Year Old 
Summer camps can be a valuable experience for young children, providing benefits beyond entertainment and socialization. Some of the key benefits of summer camps for 2-5 years old include:
Developing social skills: Young children learn to communicate and interest with their peers, make friends, and build social skills that will benefits them throughout their lives. 
Learning new skills: Summer camps offer many opportunities for children to learn and develop new skills, such as arts and crafts, music, sports, and other activities. 
Building independence: Children gain confidence and independence as they participate in activities and learn to take care of themselves with the guidance of camps counselors. 
Exploring nature and the world around them: Summer camps provide opportunities for children to explore nature and the world around them, fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder. 
Keeping active and healthy: Summer camps typically involve physical activities and outdoor play, helping children stay active and healthy in a fun and engaging way.
Types of Summer Camps for 2-5 Year Old 
There are many different types of summer camps available for young children, each offering a unique experience. Here are some of the most common types of summer camps for 2-5year old:
Day Camps 
Day camps are the most common type of summer camp for young children, offering a daily schedule of activities that typically run from morning to mid-afternoon. Day camps may be offered by a variety of organizations, such as community centers, churches, schools, and private companies. Some day camps may specialize in a particular type of activity, such as sports, arts and crafts, or nature exploration, while others offer a mix of activities. 
Preschool Camps 
Many Preschools offer summer programs of camps for young children, providing a familiar environment for children who may not be ready for a full summer camp experience. These camps usually offer a mix of indoor and outdoor activities. and may focus on a particular them or skills area, such as science, readiness, or socialization. 
Nature Camps 
Sports camps are an excellent option for energetic and active young children who enjoy physical activity and sports. These camps may focus on a specific sports, such as soccer or basketball, or offer a mix of sports activities. 
Arts and Crafts Camps 
Arts and crafts camps provide opportunities for young children to express their creativity and explore different artistic mediums. These camps may include activities such as painting, drawing, sculpture, and other crafts. 
Choosing the Right Summer Camp for Your Child 
Choosing the right summer camp for your child can be a dauting task, but by considering your child's interests, needs, and temperament, you can find a camp that will be a great fit. Here some factors to consider when choosing a summer camp for your 2-5year old: 
Age-appropriate activities: Look for camp that offer activities that are appropriate for your child's age and skill level. 
Location and schedule: Consider the location, schedule, and transportation options for the camps, and whether it fits with your family's needs and schedule. 
Qualifications and safety measures: Look for a camp that is staffed by qualified and experienced counselors who are trained in child safety and first aid. 
Camp culture and philosophy: Consider the camp's culture and philosophy, and whether it aligns with your family's values and priorities. 
Parental involvement: Look for a camp that encourages parental involvement, communication, and feedback.
Enroll in Summer Camp 2023 with Tulip Kids Foundation in Cupertino California.
Summer camps can be a fantastic experience for young children, providing opportunities for socialization, learning, and fun. By considering the types of camps available and your child’s needs and interests, you can find a summer camp that will be a great fit for your family. With a little research and planning, you can give your child a memorable and enriching summer camp experience.
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jasonp01 · 16 days
Empowering Girls: 4 Ways Summer Camp Boosts Confidence
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When it comes to nurturing confidence in young girls, few experiences compare to the transformative journey offered by summer camp. At Pali Adventures, we understand the unique importance of empowering girls and fostering their self-assurance. Here are four incredible ways our camp helps girls build unwavering confidence:
1. Embracing Challenges to Build Confidence
Pali Adventures encourages girls to conquer challenges in a supportive environment. From thrilling outdoor adventures to creative pursuits, every activity is an opportunity for girls to push boundaries and discover their capabilities. With each achievement, whether mastering a ropes course or performing in a talent show, their confidence grows stronger. 
2. Fostering Supportive Connections and Inner Strength 
In our tight-knit community, girls from friendships that become pillars of support. Through teamwork and collaboration, they learn to rely on each other while discovering their inner strength. Encouraged by this network, they feel empowered to take risks and explore new interests, enhancing their confidence in themselves and their abilities. 
3. Cultivating Independence in a Safe Space 
Independence is key to building confidence, and Pali Adventures provides a safe haven for girls to develop this trait. Campers are encouraged to make choices, take responsibility, and embrace leadership roles, fostering a sense of self-reliance that bolsters their confidence both at camp and beyond . 
4. Inspiring self-Discovery and Personal Growth
Beyond the structured activities, our camp encourages girls to explore their identities and passions. Through self-reflection and diverse experiences, they uncover hidden talents and strengths, gaining a deeper understanding of themselves. This self-discovery fuels their confidence, empowering them to embrace their unique qualities. 
5.Make Memories, Build Confidence 
At Pali Adventures, we believe in empowering girls to embrace their potential and thrive in a supportive environment. Our camps isn't just about fun; it's a gateway to unlocking a girl's inner confidence, resilience, and belief in herself. Reach out to us today to learn more about our programs and how your daughter can benefit by joining the Pali family!
Summer is the perfect time for kids to let out all the pent-up energy they've been keeping under wraps during the school year. It's also the ideal opportunity for young campers to create lifelong memories, make new friends, and learn exciting and fun new skills. At adventure camp, kids are able to push themselves beyond their limits, where they're met with a sense of achievements, self-confidence, and plenty of fun, too!
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jasonp01 · 19 days
How to Foster Early Literacy Skills in Your Preschooler?
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It's every parent's main priority to ensure that their kid is fully ready to succeed in academics and life. This includes developing critical skill such as literacy, which will serve as the building blocks for their future success. Early literacy skills are important for your child's future, and preschool is the right age to start building these skills. As an experienced preschool, we've rounded up some ways that can help you develop literacy skills in your preschooler. 
Read to Your Child Every Day 
You can help your child develop their literacy skills by reading to them every day. Reading to your child helps them learn new words, understand what they read, and get better at listening. It also helps them develop a love for reading, which is important for lifelong learning. At The Growing Patch Preschool, we urge parents to read to their kids at home. 
Play Word Games
Word games are often considered a fun way to help your child develop literacy skills. Having phonemic awareness means being able to hear and manipulate the sounds in words. Games like “I Spy” and “Rhyming Words” help kids develop this skill. We use games and tasks like these in our curriculum at The Growing Patch Preschool to help our kids learn these important skills.
Practice Writing
It is important to teach writing skills at an early age as part of literacy skills. At The Growing Patch Preschool, we motivate kids to practice writing their names and other simple words. Our writing tools, including pencils, crayons, and markers, help develop their fine motor skills. Children who regularly practice writing soon acquire the abilities necessary for reading and writing in the future.
Encourage Storytelling
Another way to help your child foster early literacy skills is to tell stories. Storytelling helps kids develop imagination, creativity, language, and vocabulary skills. Children are encouraged at The Growing Patch Preschool to share stories through play and other activities.
Sing Songs and Nursery Rhymes
You can also help your preschooler acquire literacy skills by singing songs and nursery rhymes. Songs and rhymes help children learn about sounds, rhythm, and language skills. Music and movement are part of the program at The Growing Patch Preschool helps kids learn these important skills.
Engage in Conversations
Talking with your kid is the best way to help develop language skills. Talk to your child about his day at preschool, ask him questions about what he feels like, and motivate him to ask you more and more questions. This will help your kid learn vocabulary and comprehension skills. At The Growing Patch Preschool, we encourage kids to talk with their teachers and other kids in order to help them learn these skills.
Early literacy skills are essential for your child’s future success, and at The Growing Patch Preschool, we recognize this. We are a clean and safe preschool in Fresno providing kids with a learning environment where they can play and do other activities to improve these skills. Your child will get a high-quality education and care at our Low cost preschool in Fresno. Feel free to get in touch with us at +1 (559) 435 4934 for more information about our programs and how The Growing Patch Preschool can support your child’s growth and development.
Clean and Safe Preschool in Fresno, Low-Cost preschool in Fresno
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jasonp01 · 20 days
5 Important Skills Kids Learn at Summer Camp (& Summer kids!)
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Here are just a few of the many skills that kids learn at Summer kids. We believe all of these are important to their success both now and later in life!
Teamwork & Cooperation
There’s not a lot of solitude at camp. Campers are together the whole day. But that’s a good thing! Activities are more fun when they are accomplished together. This might be something as simple as coming together as a team for a game. Capture the Flag only works if a team operates cooperatively—one person can’t win the whole game alone. Or it might be helping another camper with a craft who is struggling to figure out how to start the lanyard or make the friendship bracelet stitch.
Choice is baked into the DNA of our camp operation, and campers must learn to make decisions in order to navigate through the day. This means choosing what activities to do and what campers to meet, among other things. We find that campers make decisions using all kinds of rationale: they might choose to do “bows and arrows” (aka archery) because they’ve loved a certain character who is a skilled archer. They might choose to do a certain activity because their favorite Counselor is leading it. Or they might choose to try something they’ve never done before, just because their friends are trying it. All of those are valid, and valuable, reasons to make decisions. But from each of these, they will learn. If a camper is having problems making a decision, our staff will help with that. They might narrow the choices, or throw out suggestions—thus making it easier and simpler for a camper to make that first decision themselves. And they will continue to help that camper. The next time that camper has to make a choice, the process will be easier. By the third or fourth time, it will be second nature.
A new environment is the best possible place that a child can learn what they are capable of doing and becoming! We realize that it’s never easy to try something new. But stepping out of their comfort zone, and trying new things, is important to a helping a child grow. Summer kids encourages campers to try new things and rewards them for that effort.
I wish I could say that every moment at camp will be perfect, that no camper will have a challenge or thing to overcome. But that could happen. What’s more important is how we as a camp community help a child overcome that moment if it does happen. We believe in giving campers the tools they need to overcome any issue. That might mean patiently talking them through how to do the next step of a craft, one that felt overwhelming but really just needed a bit more instruction. It could be venturing out on the 4 Period Hike, and pushing past being tired to reach the waterfall at the end of the trail. Or a Counselor who helps a camper who has scraped her knee get up, put a band-aid on it and return to the game. All of these are examples of resilience that are learned in the camp environment.
In many ways, growing from a child to an adult is all about learning to chart your own course. And that’s one thing that Summer kids thrives on! Because they are picking their own activities—not being assigned to them based on gender, age or some other demographic—campers get to learn about themselves, about what interests them, what they are good at and what makes them happy. And as they move around our campsite (under Counselor supervision), they are learning how to navigate this place, this environment, in a way that will have a lasting impact on their own independence and maturation.
Do all of these things sound like what you want your camper’s summer to be all about? If so, press play on summer and sign up for one session or more!
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jasonp01 · 21 days
Preschool Pros and Cons: Sending Your Child to Preschool
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 Early childhood education like daycare and preschool is great for children to start exploring the world. But is sending your child to preschool right for them? Take a look at this list of pros and cons of sending your children to preschool.
Pros Children are able to practice their social skills
Preschool curriculum includes story time, art projects, simple science experiments, and singing to nursery rhymes. These activities let kids work with other kids. Teachers give instructions for these activities and the children learn how to cooperate with their classmates.
This develops their ability to communicate with others. Being in preschool helps kids practice their interpersonal skills.
Children are introduced to the basics One of the benefits of going to preschool is that the alphabet and numbers are included on a daily basis. Children learn the letters of the alphabet by singing songs. They learn numbers and how to count by counting blocks. Children’s language skills are developed through story time sessions and learn colors through painting and coloring books. The activities that kids do in school give them valuable lessons, and although it can be messy, these activities grow their curiosity.
Preschool gives children a glimpse into the sciences like biology, botany, geology, and zoology. Preschool also teaches about shapes by doing puzzles! There are a lot of things that children learn in preschool to prepare them for formal school
Having new experiences The more your kid explores and plays, the more they’ll learn new things. At preschool, there are plenty of opportunities to make new discoveries. Children will leave their safe zones to uncover things they are curious about.
Children will learn to trust adults If you are the only adult that your child feels comfortable with, preschool provides a valuable lesson for them. In preschool, children spend time with teachers and other adults. By enrolling your child in school, it helps them build trust with other adults.
Beside you, they will learn to trust other adults and that they’ll be okay without you around. Being in preschool helps your child learn independence.
Cons Preschool can be expensive
Early childhood education doesn’t come cheap. The cost of preschool education varies depending on where you live. For some, it is cheaper to enroll their child in a daycare. Preschool isn’t cheap, and can even be more expensive than hiring a babysitter.
A preschool education comes with a price, including monthly tuition, registration fees, miscellaneous fees, and other school supplies.
Children will be prone to sickness When it’s your kid’s first time attending preschool, it is also their first time being exposed to other kids and new surroundings. It’s not uncommon for kids to get sick when they spend time with other kids.
Make sure to take care of them by providing healthy foods and letting them get enough sleep.
Separation Anxiety
It is normal for kids to feel anxiety, especially when it’s their first time away from their parents. Just like any transition, morning drop-offs can be tough for both the parent and the child. Some children will freak out, so it’s important for parents to establish a good drop off routine.
Assure your child that you are coming back when school finishes. Hug and kiss them goodbye and don’t linger afterwards. Children will get used to this and soon will no longer cry.
At the end of the day, it’s up to the parents to decide what’s best for the child. Carefully consider the pros and cons. Preschool is a wonderful thing and can teach so many things to your children. If you are looking for a great quality preschool, visit Elite Preschool today.
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