jasonxamato · 3 days
Jason found himself happy to be included in the upcoming text thread that Josiah offered. As the man pulled out his phone to get his number, Jason gave it to him. And the right one. Unlike how he had done with Amerie - he wasn't going to make the mistake twice. Though his intentions with Josiah were vastly different than the intentions he had sought out with Amerie. "He is a great guy," the two went way back and Jason was lucky to know him and be able to be in his life still. "It's nice to be in the same area as him, you know? Been far too long since we'd seen each other this regularly." And even so, Jason's job did keep him rather busy. "It's growing on me," though it had not been a hard sell by any means. "Besides spending time outdoors, what's your favorite thing to do around Kismet?" @josiahhuddington
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"Sadly it does, man." Josiah nodded, knowing more than he cared to admit sometimes that adulthood took him away from the things that he enjoyed the most. He tried to always make time in his schedule to do things he enjoyed. When the other admitted that sounded right up his alley, Josiah, nodded. "Perfect. I'll shoot you a text and you can be added to the group chat for the next meet up. You'll have friends here before you even know it." he laughed, looking back at him a moment later, only once he'd dug his phone from his pocket. "What's your number?" he asked, pulling up his messages to send a new one. "Oh Noah, yeah, he's a great guy." Josiah nodded. "I've met him a few times through our jobs. He's a great guy." Josiah nodded, knowing that he didn't know a lot about the man they were discussing but he knew enough of him to say that honestly. "Kismet's great. I may be a little biased since I spend so much time saving the town, but, it's great. I think you'll settle in just nicely here." @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 5 days
Jason was shaking his head as she was telling him that he couldn't do that. It was too late, as far as he was concerned. The offer was on the table, but if it was what she really wanted, Jason could try to take a seat on the sidelines. "Look, Amerie, I'd be a fool to let you go just because the situation isn't like either of us expected it would be." Certainly no one told him that his next interest in someone would wind up with her being pregnant with someone else's baby. He would have deemed them crazy. "I like kids and I know they aren't mine and I don't expect anything like that and I know you'll be busy once they are born, but all I'm asking for is a chance with you." @ameriecelestino
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Amerie bit her lips together again when Jason said she didn't have to apologise, in order to stop herself from doing so. When he said it was a lot, she just nodded in silence, before letting her eyes drop slightly to the ground, pushing some strands of hair behind her ear, before looking up to meet his gaze. Her heart was hammering out of her chest, because frankly she wouldn't have blamed him if he'd stood up and left, but instead as he continued to speak, a small smile shaped on her lips before she swallowed thickly. "Jason--" She began to speak, "I can't ask you to do that.. That is not fair on you. This, my situation, is not fair on you." @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 6 days
"Ah," Jason laughed, nodding his head as he then begun to understand the joke that the other was getting at. "I will make sure to look out for those, I don't need to have any trees running into me." He joked back in return with a laugh pushing his lips into a smile. "I don't have the time for those kinds of injuries," plus the older he got, the more prone he would be to a longer recovery time. @diegoocastro
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He smiled, glad that someone would want to visit his home state. It was on his list to take Dev to see it. He was hoping over a holiday break. "Same here it makes it better I think" when it took a drive to get too good place to snowboard. He laughed "Yes, I so didn't just run into one, it jumped in front of me !" he joked as he did run into a tree many years ago. @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 6 days
starter for @sofiassullivan
location: hay ride
Jason had been visiting his friend downtown when someone mentioned that one of the vineyards in Hawthorne Hideaways was the stop of the hay ride. One didn't have to twist Jason's arm and he found himself stepping onto the trailer, plopping down on one of the hay bales, "Sorry," he apologized to the brunette he sat down next to as a few pieces of hay poked at her, "this stuff is a bit of a pain, huh?"
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jasonxamato · 6 days
starter for @noahsinclaxr
location: downtown kismet harbor
"Noah Sinclair, as I live and breathe," he grinned, placing a hand over his heart as if he had not seen the man in decades. In reality, it had only been a few weeks as their schedules did not seem to align all that well, even to grab drinks. "How's my sweet Eloise doing?" He always asked about Noah's daughter off the bat, whether she was with him or not. It's just what best friends did.
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jasonxamato · 9 days
Jason wished that there was something that he could do for Amerie in the moment, but what could he? They'd only known each other a few short months, anyhow. Yet, when Jason had met her on that hiking retreat he found the fire inside himself ignited by her, the same fire he thought long had died out. As she admitted to being scared, his heart tightened in his chest and he shook his head in an attempt to curb her apologies where they started. "Amerie, please, you don't have to apologize. This is a lot," he paused, his shoulders falling as he pushed air from his nose. "I -" Jason didn't know if she would think he's crazy or not, but he let the words out anyway. "I know we've only known each other a few short months but I want to help, if you'll have me and whatever we have," he stopped himself once more, keeping her gaze, "we can pause it, end it, whatever you need to focus on yourself and the baby." @ameriecelestino
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Amerie had looked down after her word had spilled from her lips, maybe in slight panic, because she didn't want Jason to get the wrong impression of her or think otherwise then what she hoped he already did. She had alway thought they got on well, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't and hadn't been attracted to him when they had first met. She smiled slightly when he said he was sorry, "Don't be. It isn't as if it was your fault." She shrugged back at him. A small sigh left her lips, causing her to shrug again. "Honestly.. I think I am a little scared. Especially since my mom is no longer around to help, and I know I have my best friend, but she has her own stuff going on so I don't want to bother her." She admitted, feeling her eyes starting to swell, as it was the first time she had admitted to that. "Sorry--" She apologies, "I didn't mean to lay all on this on you. Gosh, you must think I'm crazy.." @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 17 days
Jason smiled at the other, "I will definitely keep that in mind." He would be in need of a trip, eventually. However, right now, he was busy exploring Kismet Harbor and all that it had to offer. "I don't mind a drive," he shrugged his shoulders, knowing that was of no block to him when it came to finding a good place to go. "Jumping trees?" He chuckled, having never heard that expression. "I think you may have to explain that one." @diegoocastro
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He smiled "You should it has so much to offer" he did miss his home state for sure. "I love it for sure I grew up doing it" he smiled he was excited for snow season. "There are a few good places nearby, but they are a dive away" Some were really far, some not so much, so it was nice. "Yeah you have to watch out for jumping trees" he joked. @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 17 days
At the panic in her tone, Jason stilled. "I-" the man stammered, having not meant to upset the woman sitting across the table from him. He only thought that he had it all wrong. As Amerie went on to explain what had happened, he felt his heart sink into the pit of his stomach. Cheated on? Who would cheat on Amerie? He hadn't known her all that long, not nearly long enough to butt into any of her affairs but he couldn't imagine that she ever deserved something like that. It only brought him back to his own failed engagement where the woman he thought he was going to marry was sleeping with someone he considered a friend. "Amerie, I am so sorry," he was shaking his head, knowing that he could not fix the situation that she was in. "How are you feeling about everything?" Jason knew that this was no longer about him. @ameriecelestino
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Amerie had nodded a little when he repeated her words, however soon the panic resurfaced in her eyes when he continued to speak, shaking her head a little, “No, no Jason, it’s not complicated like that!” She was quick to add before she sighed. “Right before Christmas, or actually on Christmas eve, I found out that the guy I was seeing had cheated on me.” She told him, “I had gotten the retreat for us as a Christmas present, so instead of letting it go to waist, I decided to go myself.” She added. “And well, there I met you and—“ She paused and shrugged. “I don’t know if you remember me telling you about how much I enjoyed hiking? Well, I didn’t realise at the time as I didn’t have too many other symptoms out of the ordinary, but it turned out it was because I was pregnant..” she elaborated before biting down her lip slightly. @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 22 days
"Yeah, if I ever make it out there, I will let you know," and Jason would. He hadn't had any plans to travel any time soon, but if he did, he figured New Mexico wouldn't be a bad place to visit. "I've done snowboarding a couple times. Is it a good season out here?" Jason questioned, figured it would be good to pick up a winter hobby. "Ah, nothing like a tree that gets in the way," he chuckled with a shake of his head. Jason had been lucky to avoid them all this time. @diegoocastro
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He smiled "Let me know if you ever do I can give you things to see and do" he did miss New Mexico a bit. He had been meaning to go back for a visit and take Dev to see where he was from. "It is a great part," he smiled. "I love to snowboard in the winter." It was always a fun thing for his family. "Mine too, besides when a tree gets in the way," he made fun of himself, pointing at the scar he got as a teenager. "I know, right? Once you get used to it, it's still fun" it wasn't as nice as fresh snow but he didn't mind the rain. @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 22 days
Jason kept a softened smile against his lips as the man spoke. "Adulthood really does tend to keep us from the things we enjoy and always at work," he joked, "not that it doesn't seem like you don't enjoy that, but the sentiment remains," it seemed that being an adult really didn't leave a lot of time for hobbies anymore. "Yeah," Jason nodded his head, "that actually sounds great. I need a reason to meet new people and that sounds right up my alley." He told the man. An outdoor group? Sign him up, which was exactly what Josiah was doing. "Noah Sinclair," he told him, "It seems like a great place to find yourself," and he was looking forward to doing so himself. "It's been a long time since I've lived some place new and it's been quite the adjustment, honestly. But most everyone I've met has been nice and friendly." @josiahhuddington
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"Yeah, I do." Josiah nodded, this time to the other's words. He didn't love self promoting, especially things like groups where it began to feel almost forceful when you talked about them with other people, yet, he enjoyed sharing the news with people like this guy who seemed to enjoy the outdoors as well. "I'm not able to attend as much as I'd like considering I 'founded' it." he added, using air quotes. "But, I do go when I can and work doesn't keep me too busy." he sighed, placing his hands in the pockets of his pants to avoid any sort of fidgeting he felt he needed to do. "Whenever you want, check it out. They meet the first and last Thursday of the month. Usually city hall if there's been no definite place decided. You want to be added to the group chat?" he questioned, feeling himself ramble. Taking a breath he began to listen to the other, offering him a small smile. "Oh that's fun. Who's your friend?" he hoped he wasn't overstepping by asking, he as just curious if he maybe knew the other person. At the other's question, though, he shook his head. "No, I didn't but I've been here so long I feel like I did." he laughed. "I moved here nearly eleven years ago now. Better part of my adult hood has been me finding myself here." @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 22 days
Jason nodded head to the man's words. He could only imagine that a doctor's schedule could make getting to places rather unpredictable. "It's summer time, I should have assumed it's always busy," he laughed softly, "even if it is the tail end of summer," it went just as quickly as it came. Jason had thoroughly enjoyed his first summer in Kismet Harbor, grateful that it would not be his last. "Yeah, Jason," he continued to smile at the other. "How's being a doctor and all? A day off I hope?" @alecxkincade
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It had been a long morning and afternoon, Alec had decided to grab some ice cream for his brother and son. It had been awhile since he had some good ice cream and plus he did promise and owe his brother one. Alec was surprised how busy it was. Due to his schedule he often came when the crowds were not much. "Am surprised, often when I normally come here it's when they are not busy. Being a doctor with interesting schedule can make it hard to predict when a place will be a busy or not," he spoke with a smile. "It's Jason right? I remember we met," he added remembering the other's face. "How have you been?" @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 29 days
Jason didn't know what was happening as Amerie's words were seemingly short and she struggled to get out what she was wanting to say. "Complicated," he gave a nod of his head as the word rolled off his tongue. Jason wasn't mad at Amerie. If anything, he was disappointed in himself for thinking that something was there - that she might have feelings for him, too. "I -" he paused a moment, his shoulders falling as a sigh pushed off his lips. "Tell me what you're comfortable with," he suggested to her, "I-Shit," he chuckled, leaning back as he ran a hand through his hair, "I was really startin' to like you." @ameriecelestino
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So much time had passed since she had last encountered him at the festival, she could no longer hide her stomach even if she tried. Not that she wanted to, it wasn't as if she was embarrassed, but it was complicated and she wasn't even sure where to begin trying to explain any of it. Amerie bit down her bottom lip, "Jason, I--" She paused, shaking her own head when he said he must have misunderstood. "No, you didn't." She was quick to shoot in, "I'm not-- I mean, I wasn't.. Or I was, but then not, and it's just.. Complicated." She began to attempt to explain with a slight panic in her voice. @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 30 days
"I will keep that in mind," Jason still had lots of places to visit. He was well traveled and wanted to be able to keep that up. There was no telling when life would stop him from being able to do so and he wanted to take advantage while he could. However, having just started his new job, he was a little gun shy to take some time off right away. "I'd probably spend all my time in the mountains anyway," he admitted with a softened chuckle, "mountains are kind of my happy place." He'd always found peace even at the worst moments in his life. "I've tried not to let the rain get me down, makes the trails a little slick but at least they're not overpopulated when it's raining." @diegoocastro
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Diego smiled a moment "You should visit it's a great place" he knew it wasn't a state most people did think about or would go to for a vacation. He smiled. "Well, welcome to town." he knew it wasn't easy to be new to some place, even after a few months. "But this must be very different than New York," a place he had never been. "Ummm," he laughed. "Talos is a desert town with mountains around it, so it's really nice," he smiled. "But if you don't go up the mountain, it's sweltering..." he chuckled. "So the rain is a little much here for me but I do like it here" he smiled. @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 30 days
Jason laughed softly, "Sorry, that was not my intention," he knew that she was giving him a bit of a hard time, hence the amused grin on her face. Jason was getting ready to make another joke when Amerie unzipped her jacket and his eyes landed on her stomach. The man was not one to stare, at least not at a woman's stomach but what he saw surprised the hell out of him. "Oh-" he paused, leaning back, "Amerie, I'm -" he shook his head, "I think I misunderstood our connection," Jason was embarrassed, thinking back to their almost kiss on the hiking trip. "I had no idea you were with someone else." @ameriecelestino
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Amerie's head had tilted to the side, trying to keep her cheeks form flushing into an even deeper shade of pink, "Now you are putting words in my mouth." She laughed softly, lips curved upwards into an amused grin. She sure had missed spending time with him. Biting her lips together, she could feel her heart stating to hammer in her chest. "Well--" She unzipped her jacket, placing it over the chair behind her, flashing her bump. "Tiring, for the most part.. Somewhat stressful, but I have been told that can be common." She said, eyes watching him for his reaction. @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 1 month
Jason nodded his had along to Josiah's words, "Yeah, I guess I can see how that could be true," a light chuckle pushed his lips into a smile. "You do?" Jason had heard talks of an outdoor group but had yet to make it to a meet up. Whether it was because they hadn't had any or he had to work when they did, it was on his list of things to do in Kismet Harbor. "I've been meaning to check it out but I didn't know you ran it," though from the brief knowing of Josiah, he could see that it made the most sense. "Actually one of my best friends moved here and after the company I worked for shut down in New York, I really didn't have any place I was set on going. I figured it was a good time to be close to my best friend and his kids." Jason explained to the other. "Did you grow up here?" @josiahhuddington
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With a small nod, Josiah acknowledged the other before he took a few steps ahead, almost as if to lead the way. Josiah loved being in nature - always had - and while being on patrol did give him a little more of an insight to the town, Josiah sometimes wished he'd gone with his initial job of becoming a park ranger; at least that job was a little less serious than the job that he currently had. "A couple times is more than a good portion of the town if I had to guess." he smiled. "And it's just enough to know that you enjoyed it since you keep coming back. I don't know if you've heard, but I run the outdoor group here in town. We don't get to meet up a lot since I work a lot but people meet up all the time." he shrugged, and then paused. "Though, I didn't even consider that could be what brought you out here to begin with, so maybe just ignore me." he laughed, shaking his head. When the other stated he'd only been here since April, Josiah nodded. "Oh, so you're really new. What brought you to town? You here for work?" @jasonxamato
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jasonxamato · 1 month
"That makes sense," Jason nodded his head, "I was born in Los Angeles, so I guess people get all starry eyed about that place but to me it wasn't anything all that special." In particular, it didn't help that his parents had essentially kept them from ever having a great life because they were always a starving actor and actress. "Is it true it's fairly rainy there?" Jason questioned the other before shrugging his shoulders, "Either, really," he chuckled, "I'm still looking for where I fit in around here besides being glued to the hiking trails all the time." At least until winter came, it was perfectly fine. "I don't think it's worth the hype, but it was just something I got used to. I had a car but before moving here, I rarely drove it. It never made sense to." @everdaugherty
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"It's really not all that exciting when you were born there, promise. It just seems like any other place I'd say." Shrugging his shoulders he tried to remember what it was really like to live there after being away for so long now. "I used to like to explore the museums or just sit outside when the weather was nice enough." He stopped for a moment before asking the other a question. "Or did you mean about here?" Honestly, he hadn't changed all that much when growing up, as he still liked to do the same things even now. "Hmm, I've never been to New York City. Is it really worth all the hype that it seems to get?"
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jasonxamato · 1 month
Jason nodded his head. He hadn't been to New Mexico, surprisingly, in all of his travels for hiking trails. "I haven't actually been," he commented in return. "Sort of," he began to explain, "I moved here a few months ago but am still getting adjusted. Kismet is a lot different than New York, but I really am enjoying it." Jason was just finding a different pace in life. "Did it take you a while to adjust to living here or are Kismet and Taos fairly similar, you know, besides ocean versus desert." @diegoocastro
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Diego looked over at the other who had spoken to him and nodded with a smile. " I have I moved here like a year and half ago?" he thought about when it was for a moment. "But I am from Taos, New Mexico... and lived a few places around there," where his teacher would bring him. He was able to stay in Taos for most of his life, but he has always been in New Mexico. "Did you just move here?" he had to ask since Diego didn't think he had seen the other before. @jasonxamato
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