jasperphoenixx · 2 years
You’re the most recognised and internationally praised superhero, but you don’t fight any crime. Instead, you use your powers over stone and metal to repair the damage caused by the catastrophic fights other heroes get into.
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
Nice day to remember that:
Celtic peoples were not just “ancient wiccans”
Norse peoples were not just “ancient wiccans”
Jesus was not wiccan
Wicca was invented/smushed together in the 1950s.
That is all. Tell all of your dumbest friends cuz they are out here needing HELP.
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
After awhile of being around people into metaphysical, occult type stuff, you develop a sense for who's just... kinda full of bullshit.
There's always people proclaiming imminent apocalypses or world upheavals. They can't fathom that they could possibly be wrong; or if they suspect, you'd definitely never know it from the way they talk. They're always wrong.
There's always people who claim they're from a special magical bloodline and have a special connection to a major deity. They're always threatening curses and divine punishment from their deity any time someone pisses them off.
There's also the ones who claim their family line has been practicing magic since pre-Christian times. They refer to their practice by the vague and culturally nonspecific term "the Craft," and their narrative is very clearly inspired by Margaret Murray's debunked witch cult hypothesis. They tend to believe in and push a lot of conspiracy theories.
There's always people who claim they were scratched up by a demon. Some of them even have photos. When they post photos, the scratches are at most shallow abrasions or obviously inflicted by a cat or other small animal.
And then there's the ones who claim they can transform into mermaids. No, they can't send you photos. If they did, the mermaid hunters would come after them. Never mind the danger they're putting themselves into by merely telling you about this at all.
There's the ones who claim they're warriors in a cosmic battle between good and evil. They claim to know Michael and Lucifer personally, and they'll tell you how the Bible and the Church are full of lies, and/or rage about other people spreading "lies."
If you look closely, a certain element of tragedy usually makes itself apparent. Something is terribly wrong in their lives. It could be incredible boredom, social alienation, stress, unresolved traumas, untreated mental illness, poor coping skills, poor social skills, or general personal unfulfillment.
Make no mistake, many of them are potentially extremely dangerous. If they find someone they can harass or convince into their beliefs, they can do some serious damage. And when they do, they seriously need to be held accountable.
But the fact that there are so many people like this speaks to so many systemic failures. These people wouldn't be like this if something hadn't gone incredibly wrong in their lives somewhere, and if they had been able - physically, monetarily, and psychologically - to get the help they needed, they could have been able to heal and find better ways to meet their emotional and psychological needs, and done a lot less damage to other people.
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
Christians (specifically Protestants): we have little versions of our sacred text that we carry around in our pockets to pull out if we encounter something and want guidance. The version used during sermons and in church are the same ones that we carry with us
Jews: you can read the torah and Tanakh in a normal book if you want. But if you want a torah you can use as a congregation? *cracks knuckles* you must prepare paper made from the skin of a kosher animal and special ink and a quill made from a turkey feather and you must use no metal in the preparation process because metal is used in the creation of weapons for war and before you even think about actually started to write you must take The Holy Bath to purify yourself and ritually blot out the name of Amalek, the sworn enemy of the Jewish people and every time you write the name of god on the scroll you must say it out loud and recite a special prayer and if you mess up one letter you have to start over and when the scroll is finished you must wrap it in tapestries and pretty cloth and shit and then put little crowns on the end and then put it in a Super Special Box in the synagogue so every time it’s time to read it you can open the Super Special Box and everyone can gawk at the Ultra Big Boy Important Text and the words of god within the scroll. this entire process takes about a year to complete and is done by special sofer’s that devote their lives to making Torah’s specifically and when you read from the torah you must use a little tiny pointer in the shape of a hand so your hands don’t mess up the paper. Oh, you think I kid? You think I jest?
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Think again.
(rb encouraged for everyone. Share the sacred baby hands with the goyim. Everyone deserves to know about the sacred baby hands)
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
“In 1984, when Ruth Coker Burks was 25 and a young mother living in Arkansas, she would often visit a hospital to care for a friend with cancer.
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During one visit, Ruth noticed the nurses would draw straws, afraid to go into one room, its door sealed by a big red bag. She asked why and the nurses told her the patient had AIDS.
On a repeat visit, and seeing the big red bag on the door, Ruth decided to disregard the warnings and sneaked into the room.
In the bed was a skeletal young man, who told Ruth he wanted to see his mother before he died. She left the room and told the nurses, who said, “Honey, his mother’s not coming. He’s been here six weeks. Nobody’s coming!”
Ruth called his mother anyway, who refused to come visit her son, who she described as a “sinner” and already dead to her, and that she wouldn’t even claim his body when he died.
“I went back in his room and when I walked in, he said, “Oh, momma. I knew you’d come”, and then he lifted his hand. And what was I going to do? So I took his hand. I said, “I’m here, honey. I’m here”, Ruth later recounted.
Ruth pulled a chair to his bedside, talked to him
and held his hand until he died 13 hours later.
After finally finding a funeral home that would his body, and paying for the cremation out of her own savings, Ruth buried his ashes on her family’s large plot.
After this first encounter, Ruth cared for other patients. She would take them to appointments, obtain medications, apply for assistance, and even kept supplies of AIDS medications on hand, as some pharmacies would not carry them.
Ruth’s work soon became well known in the city and she received financial assistance from gay bars, “They would twirl up a drag show on Saturday night and here’d come the money. That’s how we’d buy medicine, that’s how we’d pay rent. If it hadn’t been for the drag queens, I don’t know what we would have done”, Ruth said.
Over the next 30 years, Ruth cared for over 1,000 people and buried more than 40 on her family’s plot most of whom were gay men whose families would not claim their ashes.
For this, Ruth has been nicknamed the ‘Cemetery Angel’.”— by Ra-Ey Saley
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
Hail Delius Apollon, patron of healers, musicians, and poets!
May your divinity inspire and reach the masses with your ever-watchful eye.
Khaire, Apollon.
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
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Hermes Chthonios, guider of souls, sacred messenger and shepard of men, i honour you this holy Khytroi night. i honour those who begin their return to the underworld, guided by your grace.
Hermes Psychopompos, lord of boundaries, assist me to bid farewell to the restless souls around me. help me to celebrate their lives, to grant them peace, to continue their legacy.
Athanatos Diaktoros, messenger of the Blessed, send my regards to those i have lost and those who came before me. relay my greatest respects to *[insert names of ancestors/deceased friends or family here]*. grant them a peaceful and cherished departure from the kind of the living, and send them home with joy and blessings.
Dôtor Eaôn, immortal friend of mankind, may this night be yours.
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i hope you all had a very blessed Anthesteria <3
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
“Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, ‘What do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.’ Yes, evil often seems to surpass good. But then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope.”
— Vincent Van Gogh
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
reblog w the song lyrics in your head NOW. either stuck in yr head or what yr listening to
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
hail, Apollon: The Radiant God. He who shines so brightly and emits radiant light. He who warms us with His sun rays. on this Sunday, i honor You.
i look out at the sun; and how it shines onto the leaves, and the ground, and how bright it makes the sky. how beautifully warm it is. and i think of You.
today, i will read a book in the sun for You. i will soak up the light, and the vitamins, and heat. i will look at Your rays; i will feel Your heat — and tears will well in my eyes. tears of pure joy. the pure joy that You cause me to feel. loving You, praising You, and honoring You is such an intense gift that it overwhelms me physically and emotionally. being able to honor You bring me so much happiness.
thank you for Your warmth, my dearest Son of Leto. thank you for the warmth that You have gifted us. Your warmth is through the sun, the way that sweet music flows and fills my body. realizing that hours have gone by, and you’ve listened to a hundred songs. Your warmth is singing along to a song, then hearing yourself and thinking “wow. i’m not too bad!”.Your warmth is reading a line of poetry that makes you stop and ask yourself how someone could even think of that. Your warmth is something i promise not to take for granted. once again, my Lord,
thank you. i love You.
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
Lady Hestia
May your light and warmth guide me through the darkest of pain-filled nights. May your work-worn hands pull me back into the flames of life. May your smile and muttered words fill the back of my mind. May you be with me, and I with you, always.
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
Some witch: * fills a glass jar with crystals, herbs, salt, and glitter, then chucks it in a bush in their local park *
The jar: * breaks *
The salt and glitter: * spills into the soil *
The soil: * becomes infertile *
Plant: * dies *
Some animal: * gets hurt on the broken glass *
Another animal: *chokes on the lid ring *
The nature spirits: "what the actual fuck"
The witch: "why isnt my spell working :(((("
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
Reblog for me to show up in your asks with a punch-to-the-face line of poetry that I wrote under the influence of Feelings™️
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
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bog monster - pam wishbow - 2020
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
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just so everyone is aware - one of the best ways for bird flu to spread is by encouraging birds to congregate. while the bird flu epidemic from 2022 continues strong into 2023, you should almost always stop feeding birds. this illness can spread between types of birds - you encouraging birds to feed in your backyard could cause the death of the person down the road’s backyard chickens. the disease RARELY spreads to other animals and humans, but it is zoonotic and CAN infect both pets and people, so be cautious and discourage spread of the disease. if you find a deceased bird do not handle it without protective wear and do not let pets interact with dead wildlife. im not going to launch into an outdoor cat spiel but if you have a cat that catches birds regularly, consider stopping them from doing so while this is going on for their & your safety.
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jasperphoenixx · 2 years
really really not enough people in the united states understand that the reason there is a free breakfast and lunch program in US schools is because of the Black Panther Party's Breakfast for Children program. it's so important to know this. you can't be educated about US history or about the relationship between the US government, US poverty, US formal education, and Black resistance movements without knowing this.
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