jaylesharkproductions · 11 years
The Year That Was Live 89.5 – www.thephuketnews.com/radio/ Saturdays 4pm till 6pm The Year That Was is a look at the popular culture of a specific year. Each week we take one year and look at the most popular songs from around the charts as well as the most interesting news, sports and music news as well as adding in some of the biggest movie trailers from that year. The music and clips will make you remember where you were and take you back on a memory-fueled journey to the past.
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jaylesharkproductions · 11 years
Radio Advertising works
If you’re a business owner no matter how large or small you will know, like I do, what a constant struggle it can be. You are busy keeping the day to day things running and don’t have much time, or even no time to work on the two things that can make a huge difference. Advertising and Marketing. When you are busy advertising and marketing are normally overlooked, who needs to spend money on advertising and marketing when you are doing plenty of business. Of course then the opposite would be that when things are slow, surly now its worth advertising, but many business say “lets not spend any money” or just say lets put one ad in the news paper and watch the customers come flooding back, without considering if it is the right choice. For many local business and companies Radio advertising is far more affordable and effective. Nothing can beat a well produced and written radio advert, along with frequent exposure. Radio advertising can generate more customers, more sales and therefore increase profit. Of course this is the real reason why we are all in business. If you would like to know more about how we can help with writing, producing radio adverts or sponsorship for radio shows and advice on all the local radio stations then contact us at [email protected] or call 086 943 7840
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jaylesharkproductions · 11 years
Increase spend in your restaurant.
Does the type of music that your restaurant plays cause customers to drink more? Or does classical get them to spend more than top 40? Which music turns over tables fastest? Clare Caldwell and Sally Hibert, from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow did a study in an Italian restaurant in an affluent neighborhood. They decided to test out how fast music (music that was 94 beat/minute or faster) and slow music (72 beats/minutes or less) affected how long people stayed at the restaurant. They found that slow music caused diners to stay longer at the restaurant by 13.56 minutes. Which is why you’ll see that many fast food places play pop music to try to get you to get out as soon as possible. While other locations like Starbucks will generally play slower music to keep you at the store to make it your “third” home. Does the type of music being played affect how much is being spent? Stephanie Wilson from the University of New South Wales in Australia set out to answer this question. She did a study at a popular restaurant in Sydney called Out of Africa. There were some interesting findings. She found that people didn’t stay at the restaurant after 11pm when classical music was being played. But here was a break down of how much people spent at the restaurant depending on the music. No music, average spend was $17.12 
Easy Listening = $19.67
 Classical = $20.20
 Pop = $21.01 
Jazz = $21.82 Another interesting observation that came out was that higher income earners had no significant correlation with higher spending. This study did factor in age. The clear majority of subjects in this study ranged from the ages of 20-39.
 The approximate age that many restaurants aim for as their age demographic. If you would like to know more of how our music consultant and music design team can help your business then contact us at [email protected] or call +66 (0) 869 437 840
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jaylesharkproductions · 11 years
Podcast: Why are you not doing it?
I listen to a lot of podcasts. Whether I’m in the car, riding my mountain bike, or even just chilling at home, I enjoy hearing people share off-the-cuff opinions on interesting topics. Conversations are fun. There are a lot of reasons why podcasting works as part of a business marketing strategy, as different people consume content in different ways, and it’s important to get your message and brand out across multiple channels. Here are just some of the many reasons you might want to consider creating a podcast and it can become the key marketing strategy for your business. It gives the consumer what they want and desire. It gives them the convenience and control over when and where they listen. It keeps your customers and clients engaged on a regular and ongoing basis. It gives you credibility as an expert in your field. You can offer valuable and salient content before you pitch and sell your products or services. Podcasting is new and interesting. It's inexpensive to produce. More than likely your competitors aren't podcasting putting you at the forefront in your industry. Customers are likely to form a bond with you and your business, creating a connection that can lead to more sales. In other words, you become familiar to them like a trusted friend. The consumer is more prone to receive and listen since they are choosing to absorb your information. It brings your voice, story and personality to the listener. It lets you speak directly to your potential customers. If you would like to know more of how our music consultant and music design team can help your business create podcasts then contact us at [email protected] or call +66 (0) 869 437 840
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jaylesharkproductions · 11 years
Music Matters
The simple act of switching on to the right type of music can increase footfall, motivate your staff and encourage customers to spend more. • A third of customers are willing to pay 5% more in businesses that play music • 74% of employees enjoy going to work more when music is being played, and a third are less likely to take time off sick • More than half of customers spend more time in a shop that plays music • 91% of those surveyed prefer a bar that plays background music – two-thirds said they would not return to their favorite bar if the music was turned off • 81% prefer hair salons that play music • 82% of gym users like to hear music as they work out • Playing music in waiting rooms makes over three-quarters of people more relaxed All the stats are great, but you also need to make sure you have the right music and this is why you need to hire a music consultant such as Jay Leshark. If you would like to know more of how our music consultant and music design team can help your business then contact us at [email protected] or call +66 (0) 869 437 840
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jaylesharkproductions · 11 years
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You cannot argue with Bob
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jaylesharkproductions · 11 years
If music be the food of love……
Six years ago I was introduced to, and at the time, very cool new Bossa nova lounge cover versions. I will admit that I used some in my DJ sets along with some live lounge songs from the BBC’s radio 1 when playing at wedding dinners, or on my radio show, however this was 6 years ago. It is now impossible to go to any of the beach clubs, restaurants and bars in Phuket without hearing some awful Bossa nova cover song, even in the department store and cafes and everywhere else in Phuket. Yes there were a couple of good ones, but Phuket has become the epicenter of bad Bossa nova covers, I even heard YMCA Bossa nova and it was at that point that my life flashed in front of me and I saw the light, I need to educate businesses on music. It is now my mission to give business owners some advice on some great music from all around the world which you can then use at your pleasure and if you are one of the beach club, bar or restaurant owners, maybe its time to change your music and learn how the right music can also add to the overall customer satisfaction and can increase revenue. There is so much great music out there and in our high speed Internet life the world has become a small place so the search for new music that suits your companies needs is really not a difficult thing but as with everything do look to hire a professional. Before we delve into the amazing world music on offer, think about this! Thought goes into the design of everything, from the very first time you break ground right up to which colour beach towels you will use. Music should be part of this list. Should you spend 100,000 THB on a sound system for your bar and restaurant and then let the staff plug in their phone and start playing what they think is good? No of course you shouldn’t but business are doing this daily. Music needs to be controlled to make sure the correct atmosphere is being created to enhance the guest’s experience. You remember good music and your mind takes you back to that place when you heard that song, that is great marketing. Music can affect your business and can either help you increase sales or it can help your business fail. The style or genre of your music adds to the customers overall experience. The right music can also influence the perception of your business, contemporary jazz, for example, creates a market impression and suggests sophistication. If you would like to know more of how our music consultant and music design team can help your business then contact us at [email protected] or call +66 (0) 869 437 840
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