jayrusselsblog-blog · 5 years
I am Jay Russel Barrion Gonzales,18 years old born on May 25,2001 a criminology student and is currently one of the incoming officers here in Batangas State University Malvar Campus. I work myself to develop my skills and to seek improvement to reach my goals and dreams. Also it's because i want to prove everyone else that having a hard schedule doesn't mean you can't balance it with your studies. Whenever i have my free time spend it to my family and friends. For my family we have bonding together and for my friends we have the trip somewhere or it's either we play basketball and play online games together or we just sit around chilling and catching up. We dont need to pressure ourself we need to relax sometimes and just enjoy . Not all family are by blood, some are chosen some are given . As part of the ROTC family i can say that i am strong and more disciplined because of them. I learned how to provide that needed and always having double time in the task that need to do because we know that time is important to every single thing. I learned a lot in which i apply it with other ways that i could be a good role model and being a one inspiration to others. I know for being part of the ROTC have big impact to myself and gaining all this behavior are the one key for being a successful person.
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