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She may seem like an ordinary antique doll, but The Mandy Doll is much more than that. Mandy came to live at the Quesnel BC, Canada museum in 1991. Her clothing was dirty, her body was ripped, and her head had cracks in it. What can be said for a doll that has seen a good ninety years? Some say that Mandy has been given unusual powers. Strange things happen when Mandy is about. The donor of Mandy told the museum that she would wake up in the night and hear a baby crying from the basement where the doll was stored and upon investigation, she would find a curtain blowing in the breeze from an open window that was closed and locked moments ago. She reported later that after the doll was given to the museum, she no longer heard a baby crying and her windows stopped opening on their own. Now the museum staff and volunteers were saddled with weird and unexplained events; lunches would disappear from the refrigerator, and be later found tucked away in a drawer; footsteps were heard when no one is around; pens, books, pictures, and who knows what else would go missing, some never to be found and others which would turn up later. Of course it was passed off as the staff being more absent minded than usual. One visitor was videotaping Mandy, only to have the camera light go on and off every 5 seconds. As soon as the camera was focused on another exhibit, the light on the camera stayed on. Some say that they have seen Mandy's eyes follow them around the room while others say they have seen Mandy's eyes blink. Every year, people still come to the museum just to see Mandy. Every year something strange happens surrounding Mandy. Do we believe that Mandy has a supernatural link? Come and visit the Quesnel BC, Canada Museum and judge for yourself.
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The real Annabelle doll was given as a birthday present by a mother to her daughter, Donna, a nursing student who was turning 28. Donna's mother purchased the antique Raggedy Ann Doll from a hobby store in 1970. According to research, in real life as opposed to the horror movie, the spirit in the doll pretended to be that of an innocent young girl named Annabelle Higgins. The real Annabelle Higgins supposedly died when she was still a child. According to the real Annabelle doll story, the owners never tried to throw away the doll. According to the Warrens' story, Donna, the nursing student who shared a tiny apartment with her roommate Angie, a fellow nurse, would come home to find that the doll had shifted positions. At first, its movements were subtle and confined to the bed where Donna had left the doll. However, in time the movements became more noticeable. Donna and Angie began to discover the doll in different rooms than they had left it. It would even appear back in Donna's room with the door shut. Sometimes they found the doll with its legs crossed and its arms folded, while on other occasions it was found standing on its feet, leaning against a dining room chair. They even discovered it kneeling on a chair, which was strange because if they tried to make the doll kneel on its own, it would fall over. It couldn't kneel. Strange activity involving the real Annabelle doll had been going on for about a year before paranormal researchers Ed and Lorraine Warren became involved in the case and eventually took the doll into their possession. Demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren claim that the doll's original owner, Donna, a nursing student, came home from work to find what looked like blood on the back of the doll's hand and three drops of blood on its chest. There was no explanation for how the red substance had gotten there. Source: http://www.historyvshollywood.com/reelfaces/annabelle/
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The Amityville Horror haunting is still a very popular subject both inside and outside the circle of paranormal researchers and enthusiasts. One of the most popular has to be the Amity ‘Ghost Boy’ photo, which has sparked debate in the Amityville and paranormal worlds for some time now. It is also one creepy photo. The picture, which appears to be of a small boy with glasses or a man kneeling on the floor with glowing eyes, has been called everything from one of the dead DeFeo children to a demon, first turned up in the collection of photos George Lutz had from an investigation into the haunting in 1976, led by infamous Demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren. The first time that picture was shown was on the Merv Griffin show back in 1979. It was discovered 3 years after it was taken. Gene Campbell, who was a professional photographer, was brought into the house in 1976 when the Warrens went in with their team. He set up an automatic camera on the 2nd floor landing that shot off infrared, with black and white film throughout the night. There are literally rolls of film with nothing on them. There's only one picture of the little boy. George Lutz writes, "In 1979, I was putting together a book that has yet to be published that included this photograph. The secretary I had at the time was about eight months pregnant. We had dozens of these pictures to choose from that didn't have the boy, and she asked me: "Which one should we put in the book?" I told her to just pick one. She came running back into my office about 5 minutes later saying that every time she picked up the photograph with the boy, the baby kicked her. We then asked my kids if they knew who this was. Missy said it was the little boy she used to play with in the house. I then called the Warrens and the photographer and let them know about the picture." Source: http://www.ghoststudy.com/monthly/oct04/amityville.htm
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Orb artifacts are captured during low-light instances where the camera's flash is used, such as at night or underwater—or where a bright light source is near the camera.The artifacts are especially common with compact or ultra-compact cameras, where the short distance between the lens and the built-in flash decreases the angle of light reflection to the lens, directly illuminating the aspect of the particles facing the lens and increasing the camera's ability to capture the light reflected off normally sub-visible particles. See above for a photo with an orb. You can see the first photo has no orb, but the one taken immediately afterwards did. As such, we can disregard the possibility of it being a dust particle since dust would have appeared in both photos.
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Crop circles: Made from UFO or humans? The debate continues for many years on whether aliens or humans are the makers of these magnificent land art displays. Most people believe that crop circles are formed by aliens giving us cryptic messages using fields as their platform. Others believe it is a long standing hoax meant to frighten humans into thinking aliens are trying to warn us of imminent danger. Whatever you choose to believe, just know the truth is out there, waiting for you to understand. Sometime during the night of August 27/28, 1998, British Columbia got its first verified crop formation in the small small farming community of Vanderhoof, just west of Prince George in central B.C. The formation, consisting of 11 circles ranging in size from 18' 6" to 99' in diameter, and were located in a field of oats next to runway #250 at the small Vanderhoof airport. One of the first people to see them was pilot Eric Stier. He was returning from aerial fire patrol on Friday, Aug. 28th and was just approaching the runway at 4:15 PM when he spotted the distinct pattern. He had flown over the same field the day before and says there was nothing in it then. Soon after landing, he and friends Neil Weibe, John McQueen, and Bryan Wallace went back into the air for a second look. They took numerous photos and scrutinized the field very carefully but said they could see no tracks or points of entry. They had no idea what to make of these strange circles. The next morning, Saturday, they walked into the field. Still suspecting a possible prank, they looked very carefully for paths and other signs of human involvement but found nothing.
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This is a photo of a man who is at his mothers funeral. He was very close to his mother and it looks like she is standing there beside him in the photo. The outline of the woman's faded head looks a lot like her head in the other photo. You decide.
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Storm Spirits
This is a true story that happened to a friend, who we will call "W." W's house is set up as so: His living room has two bedrooms leading from it, and the only way down to the basement is very clearly observable by sitting on the couch. There is literally zero way for anyone to come up from the basement without visibly passing by the couch. During a lightening and thunderstorm, W was sitting in his living room watching TV. From the corner of his eye, he saw a dark shadow dart from one bedroom to his own bedroom. W was a little freaked out by that, and definitely wasn't going to go in there on his own to check it out! He went down to his basement to grab his dog, who had been laying on a basement chair the entire time. He would have seen his dog run by the couch if the dog had been the dark shadow he saw. However, he hadn't, and his dog had completely white fur anyway. The shadow was not his dog. He brought the dog to his room and turned on his light. Almost immediately the dog began growling and whining at one corner of his bedroom. W was worried that maybe there was a giant spider there or something for the dog to react that way, so he stepped over to see. The corner was ice cold and empty. The rest of his room was regular temperature, but that single corner was as cold as ice. W also found that he couldn't move. His arms and legs were paralyzed, and he was stuck standing in the icy corner. He wasn't sure how he managed to do it, but the next thing he knew he was laying on his bed with a wet face. With a start, he realized that there were tears were streaming down his face but he didn't know why. Eventually the paralyzed feeling and the sudden onslaught of tears stopped, his dog stopped freaking out, and the cold spot went away. That was the first time that had happened to W, and it hasn't happened since. Electromagnetic energy in the air during thunderstorms can attract other forms of energy, including spirits. Considering this only happened during a bad storm, we have come to the conclusion that a spirit was passing by the area and was attracted by the electromagnetic energy. The spirit then moved on with the storm. If you have any stories about strange happenings during thunderstorms, please share!
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The Haunted Baby Doll This is a true story of a haunted walking toy doll. It was found in an abandoned barn house in the attic in a hole in the wall. (See photo of the actual farmhouse and doll above) The farm house was left unoccupied for about fifteen years when the previous owner died of a heart attack while working in the fields. The wife of the farmer moved closer to town and the house sat in a field in Luseland, Saskatchewan un-lived in. Previous to their ownership of the house, in the attic in the 1950's a woman died by suicide. While the house holds tragedy, it also held a keen interest in the two girls who drove across Canada to visit it one last time before the farmer's wife, who was their grandmother, finally sold it. The two girls wanted to do a ghost hunt late at night and had a video camera, two flashlights, and their excitement. When they went inside the old house, almost immediately the video camera's battery died. Since there was no way to charge the battery, they went back outside and left the camera in the back seat of their car. They re-entered the house and the two girls made their way up the stairs that led to two bedrooms in the attic. The rooms had been separated by a curtain and were now empty. As they walked in the second room, whose window can be seen in the photo, they saw a small hole in the wall. One girl bent down and shone her flashlight into the hole in the wall and said, “Oh hey neat! There's an old toy in here!” As soon as the words left her mouth, the toy started walking towards her. Startled, she grabbed the toy and the girls stood there stunned. Then suddenly a white flash flew into the window at their heads, and while screaming they ran from the house and into their car. The girl had dropped the toy in her fear that the white flying thing was an owl and was going to peck at her head! The girls left the house feeling a bit shaken up and disappointed that they couldn't video tape any of that. On the way back from the farm house into the small town, the girls remembered the video camera on the back seat and needed to put the camera back in its case in the trunk. They pulled over and opened the trunk, and there staring up at them was the doll. The girls decided that the doll must have wanted a new home and were too scared to drop it again. They left the doll in the trunk, and didn't open the trunk again until they got back home to B.C. Fast forward twenty years, and here I am cleaning out the closet of one of the girls, who happens to be my mother. As she dug into a box of old photos, she goes “ Huh, this is odd.” There was the creepy doll, once again staring back at her. She said she left the doll at her mothers house, who has no idea who it would've belonged to. She said the year on the doll ( 1977 ) make no sense as they lived in that old house up until 1982 and by 1977, all the residence were teenaged or older. No one had a baby, or a child, or even any reason to hide that doll in the hole in the attic wall. To this day, the doll remains a mystery as to why it always finds itself in my mother's possession.
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Amityville The Amityville haunting is perhaps the most famous ghost story in America. Ronald Defeo Jr. was convicted for the 1974 killing of his mother, father and four of their children at their home in Amityville, New York. Reports indicate that the gun Ronald used didn't have a silencer, and there was no sign of a struggle inside the house — facts that left investigators puzzled. In 1975, a new family, the Lutzes, moved into the Amityville home, having bought it at a discounted price. They lived there for less than a month. During that time, voices were heard around the house, their daughter developed an imaginary friendship with a red-eyed pig called Jodie, the house attracted swarms of flies, there was banging on the walls and the furniture was said to move on its own, according to reports from the family. Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren were called in to investigate, and they also reported encountering paranormal phenomena. Ed Warren said he was pushed to the floor of the basement by an unknown force. The house still stands today, although recent owners say it is not haunted. The 1977 book "The Amityville Horror" and a number of films are based on the story. Source: http://www.livescience.com/48515-10-haunted-house-ghost-stories.html
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Brown Lady of Raynham Hall In 1936, a photographer taking pictures of the 300-year-old Raynham Hall in Norfolk, U.K., captured an image of an apparition floating down the stairs. It's one of the most famous ghost photos ever taken, although some experts believe it was caused by double exposure. The manor, covering an area of 7,000 acres (2,833 hectares), has a long history of being haunted, and the BBC notes that the ghost may be of Lady Dorothy Townshend, the wife of the second viscount of the estate. She died in 1726, supposedly of smallpox, after having an affair, which her husband Lord Townshend had learned about before her death. She is said to still wander the manor dressed in brown. Source: http://www.livescience.com/48515-10-haunted-house-ghost-stories.html
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Exorcism of Roland Doe In 1949, a boy from Cottage City, Maryland, who was referred to as "Roland Doe" (not his real name), underwent an exorcism performed by a group of Roman Catholic priests, accounts suggest. There are conflicting reports as to Roland's alleged powers: Some stories claim that Roland had supernatural strength, could speak in ancient languages that the boy had no knowledge of and could apparently move or levitate the mattress he was lying on. Since 1949, investigators have called into question many of these claims, providing evidence to suggest that Roland was a psychologically troubled boy who hated to attend school and that his abilities were far from supernatural. In any event, the exorcism took place. The events inspired a 1971 novel called "The Exorcist" by William Peter Blatty, which, in turn, inspired the famous 1973 movie. Source: http://www.livescience.com/48515-10-haunted-house-ghost-stories.html
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Check out the trailer to the third in the Insidious series. Great movie about demons and the spirit world!
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This is the full length movie about ghosts and Chinese folklore. It focuses on the events surrounding a family during ghost month after a relative dies. It's pretty spooky, I highly recommend it!
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The Tower of London Britain's numerous castles are hotspots for ghost stories. The 900-year-old Tower of London is said to contain numerous ghosts, and the Queen's House is considered by tower officials to be one of the most haunted locations. Among the ghosts in the Queen's House is that of Arabella Stuart, cousin of King James I. Arabella made the mistake of marrying against the king's wishes and was sent to the tower as punishment. According to the ghost story, she is still serving her time. In another spooky tale, a phantom bear is said to haunt one section of the Tower of London, called the Martin Tower. A guard who saw the phantom bear is said to have dropped dead from the shock. The Tower of London served as a menagerie for part of its history and held a variety of animals, including bears. Source: http://www.livescience.com/48515-10-haunted-house-ghost-stories.html
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Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary is a folklore legend consisting of a ghost, phantom or spirit conjured to reveal the future. She is said to appear in a mirror when her name is called three times. The Bloody Mary apparition may be benign or malevolent, depending on historic variations of the legend. The Bloody Mary appearances are mostly "witnessed" in group participation games. Ritual: Historically, the ritual encouraged young women to walk up a flight of stairs backwards while holding a candle and a hand mirror, in a darkened house. As they gazed into the mirror, they were supposed to be able to catch a view of their future husband's face. There was, however, a chance that they would see a skull (or the face of the Grim Reaper) instead, indicating that they were destined to die before they married. In the ritual of today, Bloody Mary allegedly appears to individuals or groups who ritualistically invoke her name, usually by repeatedly chanting her name in a mirror placed in a room that is usually lit by a candle. The Bloody Mary apparition allegedly appears as a corpse, a witch or ghost; can be friendly or evil; and is sometimes "seen" covered in blood. The lore surrounding the ritual (if she is summoned properly) states that participants may endure the apparition screaming at them, cursing them, strangling them, stealing their soul, drinking their blood, or scratching their eyes out. A modern addition of taunting Bloody Mary regarding her baby indicates the legendary figure's tenuous connection to Queen Mary I, also known as "Bloody Mary", whose life was marked by a number of miscarriages or false pregnancies. Phenomenon explained: Staring into a mirror in a dimly-lit room may eventually cause one to hallucinate. Facial features may appear to "melt" or disappear, and other hallucinations (such as faces) may appear. This phenomenon, known as the Caputo Effect, is believed to be a consequence of sensory deprivation—causing the brain's facial-recognition system to misfire. Other possible explanations for the phenomena include Troxler's fading, and self-hypnosis. In popular culture: The legend of Bloody Mary has served as inspiration for a number of movies and television shows dealing with the supernatural
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Zozo the Ouiji Demon
The videos mentioned can be viewed at this site: http://www.ghosttheory.com/2011/08/25/what-is-zozo WHAT IS ZOZO? While scanning the interwebs today I happened across a video of a Ouija session that allegedly called up a demonic entity referred to as ZOZO. ZOZO is thought to be a demon who has been documented since the early 1800s. However, once people began using Ouija boards ZOZO began to show itself more and more frequently. Apparently there are other Z named entities with ZOZO being the most prevalent. This alleged demon is said to attach itself to certain unlucky individuals who venture into it’s domain. Some claim ZOZO will go to any length to trick its naive callers. Below you will find some accounts from those who have had run ins with such entities. Typically I would pass something like this off to Javier as It’s not my thing per say. I am the first to admit that I do not find Ouija boards as good wholesome entertainment. However, I am taking a neutral position here as I have no idea as to the validity of the following stories. Zozo shows up in spooky old Virginia display case? The following was sent to me via the TrueGhostTales website: I read with great interest your story and here’s why. I live in rural Virginia, where just about every other house has a family cemetery plot on it property it seems. I had just moved here from So Cal. I wanted to create a coffee table with glass top and display some local artifacts underneath that represented the Virginia area and its rich history. I went to a yard sale and bought the table I wanted to refurbish and construct to display some of the items. When I took the top off the table I found a home made ouija board in the hollow space under the top. There was no planchette. At first I thought nothing of it, but when I told this story to a few elder locals they both bristled and told me that when a board is separated from its planchette, its an effort to sever the “access key” of certain spirits that came thru that particular board using that particular planchette. I have a healthy curiosity and interest in the “super natural” but Im not driven by it, nor do I “crave” the adrenalin rush that comes with dabbling in the art. I constructed the table and one of the object I place in the table was the ouija. The first day I had it on display, along with several other items. I found that all the items were pushed to the very furthest sides of the table and only the board was the focal point of the display. Thinking perhaps someone in the house moved the table and tilted it thus shifting its contents, I simply removed the glass and re-arranged the display items, this time securing them with glue. I let that dry before replace the glass. Two nights later I heard my dogs growing in the bedroom where I sleep and they were staring at the door. I got up to see what they were upset at, and when It turned on the lights in the adjoining family room, I saw the table. The glass was scratched/etched with something sharp from underneath…and there was no mistaking the letter Z in that etching. I then knew something was up with that board or with one of the objects in the display. I have since dismantled the table and put ALL of the display items, including the board, in a box. There are a few religious items that are in that box now as well. I have had no other experiences, but until I read your story about the entity ZOZO, I had no way of connecting the Z etched in the glass with the ouija. Another Tulsa Zozo encounter Recent Zozo encounter used with permission. Hello Darren, my name is Maryah ( last name withheld ). I Live In Tulsa Oklahoma. I Went to target in about feberuary to buy a glow in the dark Ouija board. Well last weekend Me and my friends decide to play with it. We met this nice spirit named Lily, and she needed help. We were trying to help her but nothing worked. Later that night around (12:00am) she left. We then again asked if anyone was there. It said ZOZO and we didnt think anything about it. We asked questions and she seemed friendly. So We all got up and went to the living room with the board still out. we sat around talking and drinking mountain dew. After about 10 minutes we put our glasses in the sink and went back to her room only to discover that the board was gone! We looked everywhere for it. So after a while we gave up and went back into to the living room to find it there. So we went back into the room and played with it some more. At about 3:33 am my pony tail holder broke and my hair went over my face and i guess i blacked out. My friends said i was possesed and that when Lily came back she said ZOZO her sister is in the room, they asked where and the pointer flew to me. They said i tried to hurt them, that i was speaking a different language like Latin. The most freaky thing was that we had a candle lit and when ZOZO left i was waking back up and the candle was out and when we turned on the lights the center of the candle was gone no wick nothing. It was like a cup without the bottom. This happened many times though out the night and we used brand new candles every time. I believe i was possesed by the demon. In further correspondence with Maryah she says the spirit Lily described Zozo as her evil twin sister. Lily told the girls that Lucifer was their Father, and Lily was punished for not wanting to become evil like her sister Zozo. Lily explained Zozo as an immortal spirit that chooses certain people to become attached to their “self” where it remains. Maryah says Zozo will only come thru on Ouija sessions when she is on the board. In recent weeks I have been sent accounts of encounters with a “Mama Zaza.” Also a spirit entity that identifies itself as only “Mama.” Stories of the Mama Ouija spirit are found on the internet. Some deities were thought to have the ability to be either gender, and the Zozo Phenomena includes encounters in which it represents it’self as female. Some believe it is a real demon, and it’s minions operate using it’s identity as Zozo. Others have indicated they do not believe it is demonic, but a spirit anomaly none the less. Whatever it is, it is out there. And the amount of people who report it is very disturbing. When when we be able to put the pieces together and identify what is really going on? Zozo Experiences ShainaB says: March 30, 2009 at 5:27 pm I too have had experiences with Zozo, but I am just now finding out that others have come in contact with the same “spirit” through the quija board. My experiences were all about 5 years ago and I now refuse to touch a quija board. I would always play with my grandmother and husband on my grandmother’s board. The board would only work if I was touching it with them, never without me. Everytime I touched the board zozo would come through..just like Darren’s story nice at first, perhaps a little mischievious..then “zozo started telling me specific things like…”I was with you in your red truck when you went to Ashley’s house” and so on and so forth, saying that Zozo was following me and always with me. This was all about 5 years ago and had left my mind until I got a call from my husband at work today saying that he had talked to a coworker about quija boards and that he had shared my zozo story with his coworker. His coworker told him that he had heard of a demon named zozo and to do his research. So that’s what I’m doing now and came across this page…does anyone know where I can find some good information? Other than personal stories?? July 2, 2009 at 1:26 pm I haven’t used the ouija board in about 8 months, I used to do it all the time. I stopped because I was sick of getting Zozo, I got him every single time. I live in New York and I’m close friends with someone who lives in New Mexico, and we would get off the phone and do the ouija board at the same time. She used to get Zozo all the time too, and stopped around the same time I did. And since then she’s been hearing and seeing things constantly, and she’s NOT schizophrenic. I think that has something to do with Zozo, maybe but I’m not sure. Actually I remember one night after using the ouija board, I was going to sleep and i heard something on the floor. It sounded like someone was crawling, but quickly, around the bed. I didn’t have my cats in the room, and it wasn’t a rat or mouse because we didn’t have those in our house. I have quite a few experiences regarding Zozo, really. October 1, 2009 at 12:22 pm hello, i purchaseda ouiji board at a garage sale from an elderly couple. I have always had an interested in the spirit world and had a great interest in trying to make contact. I did not dare to play the ouiji by myself so I just left it packed away until I had a friend convinced me to use it last night. FOr a hour we spoke to this woman spirit and as we went on with the session the word zozo kept being spelled out. as a newbie at this I had no clue what it meant until i looked it up and found it on your website. The energy on the oracle was wild and i am certain if we had removed our hands it would have flew off the board. several times it tried to spell out the alphabet. It was scary as heck and was terrified to see that it was evil… do i still need to cleanse the house even if we went to “goodbye”? I have children and am scared for them. Source of print accounts: zozotheoijaspirit Many of you laugh at such things, others are terrified, still others are fascinated. I am none of those as I prefer to not get involved at all. After you read the article you will find lots more info at the source and other sites as well as related videos on youtube. This is an entity I’d never heard of until today. I certainly hope it doesn’t scare you too much unless you like to be frightened, that is.
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