jayxturner-blog · 10 years
Jay shook his head. "Haven't, which is weird. I lived in Utah until I was ten, then lived here. My dad has family on the east coast, so we almost always go out there on holidays." Lana's tone made Jay laugh out loud, attracting the attention of a disgruntled hipster to their left. The skinny boy in plaid got to his feet and moved several tables over. "Not nice but not false. I'm not a girl though, so I can't really confirm. I'll take your word on it though. The brownie offer still sounds."
not a latte ;; lana & jay
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
Jay could see her point as far as the weather was concerned. It was usually a cheap shot to segue into other topics, and he never felt too good for it. "That's true. But you're not from here, are you?" His brows raised patiently before the boyish grin broke through again. "Fuckin' Jeff Broncowski. What a bitter young man, always rambling on about something or another on the quad. Maybe he needs to get laid. Or to have one of Annie's Killer Brownies, that'd change his mind, too." Jay picked up his hot chocolate again, taking a long swig from the paper cup.
not a latte ;; lana & jay
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
"Sorry. That's my go-to conversation starter. No one knows just what I'll be talking about til the moment of." Jay fake-cringed in apology, moving to put his drink on the table. He leaned forward on his elbows, a grin forming on his lips as Lana explained the situation. He remembered the spot quite well, having visited to satisfy his sweet tooth on a fairly regular basis. "'Course it only has one signature. Annie's is a reall blessing. I did not know that, though, because I avoided the center of campus completely when I made my way up here. Maybe because I didn't want to laugh at the poor sap trying to outlaw fudge. What was their thought process on that, anyways?" What could possibly be wrong with Annie's?
not a latte ;; lana & jay
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
Jay rolled his eyes good-naturedly at her pun. "That was brilliant. And that means I'm buying the next round. Have a seat." He pushed the chair across from himself out with one foot, leaning back to give her actual space under the table. She was smiling, but there was a small crease between her eyebrows that Jay wondered if he was allowed to comment on. He decided not to. Instead he took the hot chocolate offered to him and waited for her to take her seat. "I'm not pleased with Washington weather today. It's too windy and that makes walking to class almost impossible." He nursed his drink for a few seconds before taking a cautious sip. It barely burned his tongue, which he considered the perfect temperature. Jay emitted a small hum of pleasure. If Herb a Vors didn't work out, he'd have to look into working at Wired.
not a latte ;; lana & jay
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
Jay shrugged at her teasing question. It rarely bothered him to be the baby of the situation, considering he had always been on the younger end of his grade. "I mean you're not old, so by definition you can be a young padoowan and still older than me." She was talking about the dog frantically pursuing the frisbee, Jay figured, and focused back to it. Nothing brought out Jay's desire to be around animals more than being forbidden from having one in the dorm. He couldn't wait until he could rent a place and get a dog of his own. "I've got no idea. Maybe a Labradoodle? Cute, though." 
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harbor safari ;; jay & iris
"I suppose that makes sense." Iris said, she cracked a smile as Jay quickly saved a seat for her. "Am I still a young padoowan, if I’m older than you?" Iris looked around, what looked interesting? She had no clue. Perhaps she could point out that the people by the art building looked… particularly… she didn’t even know. "What kind of dog is that?" Iris settled for looking at the dog. She quickly realized; however, that it was called people-watching and not dog watching and became slightly embarrassed. She let out a little breath, she’d never… people watched… before and here she was pointing out a dog. 
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
not a latte ;; lana & jay
Wednesday had to be the most boring day in his week-- there were the usual classes, plus two whole hours of Art Appreciation for him to silently suffer through. Powerpoint slide after Powerpoint slide seemed to push Jay closer and closer to falling asleep. By the time their professor, an elderly woman by the name of Adora West, flipped on the lights, Jay was barely holding his head upright. The usual muted shuffle of his fellow students filing out didn't do much to clear his head, but then he remembered. It was almost two-thirty, and he had to be across campus at Wired. That was the call to action he needed. Jay picked up the pace as he weaved through fellow students, deciding his best bet would be to circumvent the main quad completely. The wind had Jay hunching slightly against it but also made him all the more determined to have the hot chocolate he'd mentioned to Lana the day before. Arriving in the cafe, he chose a table near the bar and scrolled through his twitter feed. Two hours staring at cave paintings and early Egyptian art made Jay crave the buzz of mindless 140-character commentary. "Hey, you made it!" he called out as the familiar dark haired girl stepped into his line of sight. "How're you holding up on this humdrum Hump Day?"
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
"Yeah, good weather. No one wants to be outside when it's cold." Narrowly beating a pair of girls to the bench, Jay swung one leg onto the seat to save space for Iris. "Have a seat, my young padoowan, and we may begin." The freshman's attention was already diverted to the people around him, mildly skimming the frisbee game (complete with someone's dog trying to get in on the action), the hookah pipe being passed among a group of people near the art building, and the Catholic church group attempting to hand out bibles to the students who didn't give them a wide enough berth. "What looks interesting to you?"
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harbor safari ;; jay & iris
Iris looked up. There was certain weather for people watching? She hadn’t the slightest clue that there was an actual system for any of this. She recalled a movie she saw when she moved here… something about raining meatballs… In it there was a character who wondered if snow ball fights had a point system or it it was ‘to the death’. She wondered if people watching was competitive. “Good weather?” she asked, still looking around. “Okay bench.” Iris speed walked over to it and looked at him somewhat expectingly. She turned to look at the students filing about.
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
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A little awareness definitely couldn't hurt. I dunno, I'm just trying to help, but I know I'm not qualified to fix that light myself.
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I mean, it defintely couldn’t hut but I don’t know how effective it would be.
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
harbor safari ;; jay & iris
Any other person could have talked to him the way Iris had and Jay would've turned on his heel and left the conversation. It was ingrained into his personality to avoid things that made him feel bad; simply put, Jay refused to make time for negativity. But the English girl's curious gaze hadn't faltered with his responses offered, hadn't changed to teasing or concern. It made Jay determined to prove he had atleast some interesting qualities. "It's a good time for people watching, and great weather, too." The temperature hovered in the mid-fifties, and while the sky was overcast, the Washington native wasn't at all worried about rain. As if they held the same confidence as Jay, more and more students milled around as he headed towards the center of campus. "There's a bench right by the fountain, we'd better move quick if we wanna snag it."
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
All About It feat. Ed Sheeran - Hoodie Allen
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
"As a general rule I probably shouldn't diss other people's preferred activities. So I apologize." Pulling on his hoodie, Jay nodded towards the door. "Lets go."
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"People watching in the quad… I can do that." Iris nodded, "That’s seems simple enough."
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"And I think hobbies are an all-age type of thing not just an old people thing." Iris pondered on it, "Then again maybe it is an old-people thing. I’ve never seen a kid knit.”
Iris let out a low chuckle. She was a little thrown off at how she wanted to talk to people and help them sort out their problems for a living but was so bad at socializing- at least in her opinion. She wondered why she studied, worked, and looked through magazines all the time instead of meeting new people and having conversations… She was very much enjoying this little bit of interaction.
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
Yeah, I'm just staying cultured, trying to knock out all my gen-eds. But we can talk about that tomorrow.
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Y-You take art appreciation? More for us to talk about! I’ll see you there at three. 
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
'Course we can. I'm finished with my art appreciation class at two-thirty, can you be there at three?
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I’m sorry about that, I definitely promise not to make you go through that again. Can I meet you tomorrow at Wired?
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
Yeah, I don't fuck with that bean juice. I went through a stint a few months ago-- never again.
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Oh, thank god. I’m totally with you— I was going to pretend to drink coffee and probably get some tea or something.
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
Hobbies are for old people. You and I are gonna go people watching in the quad.
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I don’t do… ‘normal’ things. I don’t think you’re a freak. I haven’t hung out with anyone in a long time- I’m the freak who’s overly into hobbies in her free time.
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
I-- okay? I just do normal things, I'm not a freak.
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Alright, sure. Let’s see what one without hobbies does.
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jayxturner-blog · 10 years
Not... really? But if you wanted to hang out, I'm down.
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Do you want to go discover some hobbies? 
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