jcforging · 1 year
Main Factors Affecting Metal Forming in Open Die Forging Process
Open Die Forging Process
The open die forging process refers to the deformation and flow of metal in an incompletely restricted die cavity. The cavity is provided with a trimming groove for accommodating excess metal. At the beginning of die forging, the metal first flows to the die cavity. When the resistance of the die cavity increases, part of the metal begins to flow horizontally to the trimming groove to form trimming. With the thinning of trimming and the decrease of metal temperature, the resistance of metal flowing to the trimming groove increases, forcing more metal to flow into the die cavity. When the cavity is full, the surplus metal flows out from the trimming groove.
 Some Main Factors Affecting Metal Forming
1. Cavity Structure
 The reason why the die cavity is inclined is that the forged components can be easily taken out of the die cavity after die forging, but the inclination of the cavity is unfavourable for filling the die cavity with metal. Because the process of filling the cavity with metal is essentially an extrusion process with variable cross-section, the larger the slope of the die cavity is, the larger the extrusion force is.
 2. The Influence of Trimming Groove
 Common trimming groove includes bridge mouth and bin part. The main function of the bridge mouth is to prevent the metal from flowing out and force the metal to fill the cavity. In addition, it makes the thickness of trimming thinner, which is convenient for cutting in the subsequent process. The function of the bin part is to contain excess metal, so as to prevent the metal from flowing onto the parting surface and affecting the upper and lower dies.
 3. Working Speed of Equipment
 Judging from the flow process of deformed metal in the metal forging process, the specific flow situation of deformed metal mainly depends on the relationship between resistances in various flow directions. In addition, the nature of load (working speed of equipment) also has a certain influence.
 When the working speed of the equipment is fast, the metal deformation and flow speed are also fast, which will reduce the friction coefficient. At the same time, the inertia of metal flow and the thermal effect of deformation are helpful to fill the cavity. For example, when forging on a high-speed hammer, because the deformed metal has a high flow speed, the deformed metal is easy to fill the die cavity. It can forge thin forgings with a thickness of 1.0~1.5 mm. In comparison, it is generally 1.5 ~ 2 mm with the die forging hammer. It is 2 ~ 4 mm on the press.
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jcforging · 1 year
How to Determine the Temperature Range of Hot Forging?
The hot forging process is performed within a certain temperature range. The forging temperature range of steel refers to the temperature range between the start forging temperature (initial forging temperature) and the end forging temperature (final forging temperature).
 The basic principle for determining the forging temperature range is to ensure that the steel has a higher plasticity and a lower deformation resistance to obtain high-quality forgings. At the same time, the hot forging temperature range is as wide as possible to reduce the number of heating fires and increase the forging productivity.
 The basic method to determine the forging temperature range is: based on the balance diagram of the steel, then refer to the plastic diagram, resistance diagram and recrystallization diagram of the steel, and comprehensively analyze the plasticity, quality and deformation resistance to determine the initial forging temperature And final forging temperature.
 Generally, the forging temperature range of carbon steel can be directly determined according to the iron-carbon balance relationship. The forging temperature range of most alloy structural steels can be considered with reference to carbon steels with the same carbon content. However, for high-alloy steels with low plasticity and steels that do not undergo phase transformation (such as austenitic steels, pure ferrite steels), tests must be passed to obtain a reasonable forging temperature range.
 1. Initial forging temperature of the hot forging process
The hot forging process determines the initial forging temperature of steel, and first of all, it must ensure that the steel does not overburn. Therefore, for carbon steel, the initial forging temperature should be lower than the initial melting line of the iron-carbon balance of 150-250℃. In addition, factors such as the rough structure, forging method and deformation process should also be considered.
 2. Final forging temperature of the hot forging process
When the hot forging process determines the final forging temperature, it is necessary to ensure that the steel has sufficient plasticity before the final forging, but also to enable the forging to obtain good structure and properties. Therefore, the final forging temperature of steel should be higher than the recrystallization temperature to ensure complete recrystallization after forging, so that the forging can obtain fine grain structure.
 For carbon steel, the final forging temperature cannot be too low. Otherwise, plasticity will be significantly reduced, deformation resistance will increase, work hardening will be serious, and forging cracks will easily occur.
 It must also be pointed out that the final forging temperature of steel is also related to the structure, forging process and subsequent processes of the steel. For steels without phase change, since heat treatment cannot be used to refine the grains, forging can only be used to control the grain size. In order to obtain fine grains for forgings, the final forging temperature of this type of steel is generally low. When the heat treatment of forgings is performed immediately after forging, the final forging temperature should meet the requirements of heat treatment.
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jcforging · 1 year
How does Forging Affect the Structure and Properties of the Metal
In the metal custom forging process, in addition to the shape and size of the forged part, it is also necessary to meet the requirements of the part in use. The main performance requirements are: strength guidelines, plasticity guidelines, impact toughness, fatigue strength, fracture toughness and stress resistance. For high-temperature working parts, there are high-temperature instantaneous tensile properties, creep resistance and thermal fatigue properties. Metal forging process with raw materials are ingots, rolling, extrusion and forging billets. And rolling, extrusion and forging billets are respectively ingot by rolling, extrusion and forging process to form semi-finished products.
 The organization and forging material properties of raw forging materials can be improved in the production of the metal forging process by using appropriate processes and process parameters in the following ways:
 1. Breaking up the columnar crystals, perfecting macroscopic segregation, changing from a cast to a malleable state, and under appropriate temperature and stress conditions, welding the internal pores to increase the density of the material.
 2. The ingot is forged to form a fibrous tissue, which is further forged by rolling, extruding, and die-forging to give the forged components a reasonable directional distribution of fibers.
 3. Control the size and uniformity of the grains.
 4. Reasonable distribution (e.g. alloy carbides in steel).
 5. Make the structure with deformation reinforcement or deformation-phase change reinforcement, etc.
 As a result of the improvement of the above organization, the plasticity of the forgings, impact toughness, fatigue strength and so on have been strengthened, and then through the heat treatment of the parts will be able to obtain the parts required hardness, strength and plasticity of the good overall performance.
 However, if the quality of the raw material is poor or the metal forging process used is unreasonable, it may result in forging defects, including surface defects or performance failure.
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jcforging · 1 year
Which Markets Need Aluminum Forged Products?
1. Aluminium forged products are getting more and more attention.
Aluminium forged products are widely used in the usual market and get more and more attention because of a series of advantages of forging such as small specific gravity, high specific strength and high specific stiffness. Therefore, which markets are in great demand of aluminum forged products?
 2. Market demand of aluminum forged products.
 (1) Aviation (aircraft) Forgings
 Custom metal forgings on an aircraft account for about 70% of the aircraft weight, such as landing gear, frame, ribs, starter components, moving rings and fixed rings, etc.
 There are thousands of forgings used in an aircraft. Most of them have been aluminized except a few high temperature parts using high temperature alloy and titanium alloy.
 (2) Aerospace Forgings
 Forgings on spacecraft are mainly forging rings, rims, spars and bases, etc. Most of them are aluminum forged products. Only a few titanium forgings are needed. With the development of spaceships, rockets, missiles and satellites, the demand for aluminum forged products is increasing day by day.
 (3) Weapon Industry
 The number of aluminum forgings used as load-bearing parts in conventional weapons such as tanks, armored vehicles, personnel carriers, chariots, rockets, gun racks and warships has greatly increased. Aluminum forgings have completely replaced steel forgings. In particular, important forgings such as heavy wheels of aluminum tanks have become important materials for lightening and modernizing weapons and equipment.
 (4) Automobile Industry
 Automobile industry is the most promising metal forge industry for aluminum forgings. It is also the largest user of aluminum forged products. According to statistics, in the past few years, the annual growth rate of the use of aluminum wheels in the world has reached more than 20%. The current use amount has reached billions.
 (5) Energy and Power Industry
 Aluminum forged products will gradually replace some steel forgings to manufacture racks, guard rings, moving rings and fixed rings, coal transportation wheels, liquefied natural gas flanges, nuclear power plant fuel racks, etc., which are generally large and medium-sized forgings.
 (6) Ships and Naval Vessels
 Aluminum forged products are used as frame, moving ring, fixed ring, battery rack, etc.
 (7) Machinery Manufacturing Industry
 At present, it is mainly used to manufacture frames, sliders, connecting rods and spools in woodworking machinery, textile machinery, etc. Only spools for textile machines are forged by aluminum.
 (8) Mold Industry
 Aluminum forgings are used to manufacture rubber molds, shoe molds and other light industrial molds.
 (9) Transportation Machinery, Train and Locomotive Industry
 Aluminum forgings are widely used as skirts for cylinders and pistons.
 (10) Other Aspects
 For example, electronic communication, household appliances, cultural and sports equipment, etc. also began to use aluminum forged products instead of steel, copper and other forgings.
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jcforging · 1 year
What Is Forged Steel?
What is forged steel? The technical point of forged steel refers to change the shape of the material without melting in the manufacturing process. Hot rolling and cold rolling are the two most common forging methods. In addition, there is a variety of extended forging forms, such as wire drawing, deep drawing, extrusion, and cold heading. They have something in common: At room temperature or high temperature, the shape of the material can be changed by yielding it in different processing ways.
 Ⅰ. Basic knowledge about forging
 Forging is a processing method that uses forging machinery to exert pressure on metal billet to produce plastic deformation and obtain forgings with certain mechanical properties, shapes and sizes. Compared with the cutting process, the weight of the metal is basically the same in the forming process, and the metal particles in different directions all move along the direction with the least resistance. The properties and structure of metals also change during forging process. Forging is mainly divided into free forging, die forging and upsetting forging. Die forging is divided into open die forging with a flash and closed die forging without a flash.
 Ⅱ. Forging technology
 1. Hot rolled steel
 Hot rolling is to force hot billet steel to pass through the roll or die, and then the billet steel deforms into I-beams, steel angles, steel flats, square steel, round steel, pipes, plates, etc. The surface shape of hot-rolled steel is rough due to oxidation at high temperature. Unless using special heat treatment process, after the material is processed, the mechanical properties of hot rolled steel are relatively low due to annealing or normalization treatment. The material is commonly used in low-carbon structural steel components such as buildings and racks.
 Hot rolled steel materials are also widely used in the manufacture of machine parts (such as gears and cams, etc.). Generally, before proper heat treatment, the blank of the initial rolled parts has irregular shape, uneven material, and does not have the properties of cold working materials. Most alloys and carbon steels can be formed by hot rolling.
 2. Cold rolled steel
 The raw material of cold rolled steel is billet steel or hot rolled coil steel. The final shape and dimensions of cold-rolled steel are obtained at room temperature by rolling with hardened steel rolls or by die drawing. Rolls or dies can be used to refine surfaces, and cold working of materials can increase the strength of parts and reduce their ductility.
 Therefore, compared with hot rolled materials used in forging, cold rolled steel has lower surface roughness and higher dimensional accuracy. Its strength and hardness are increased at the cost of significant internal strain. The internal strain can be released during subsequent machining, welding, and heat treatment, but deformation will be caused. The commonly used cold rolled steel includes sheets, bar stocks, plates, round steel, square steel, pipes and so on. Structural steels in shapes such as I-beams are usually produced only by hot rolling.
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jcforging · 1 year
What is Die Forging?
Many people don't know what die forging is. Die forging refers to a forging method that uses a special die forging equipment to make a blank to form a forging piece with a die. The forgings produced by this method have precise dimensions, small processing surplus, and complex structures.
 According to the different types of equipment used: hammer die forging, crank press die forging, die forging on horizontal forging machine and die forging on friction press, etc.
 The most commonly used equipment for hammer die forging is steam-air die forging hammer, non-anvil hammer and high-speed hammer.
 Die forging can also be divided into two categories according to its functions: die forging die cavity and blanking impression or blank molding die cavity.
 1. Die forging die cavity
(1) Pre-forging die cavity. The function of the pre-forging die cavity is to deform the blank to let it be close to the shape and size of the forging, so that during the final forging, the metal can easily fill the die cavity to obtain the required size of the forging. For simple forgings or when the batch is not large, the pre-forging die cavity may not be set up. The Rounded corners and gradients of the pre-forging die cavity are much larger than those of the final forging die cavity, and there is no flash groove.
 (2) Final forging die cavity. The function of the final forging die cavity is to finally deform the blank to the required shape and size required by the forged components. So its shape should be the same as that of the forging; however, because the forging will shrink when cooling, the size of the final forging die cavity should be larger than that of the forging by a shrinkage amount. The shrinkage of steel forgings is  1.5%. In addition, there are flash grooves along the periphery of the mold cavity to increase the resistance of metal flowing out of the die cavity, thus to promote the metal to fill the mold cavity, and at the same time to accommodate the excess metal.
 2. Blanking impression
For forgings with complex shapes, in order to make the shape of the blank basically conform to the shape of the forgings, so that the metal can be reasonably distributed and fill the cavity well, it is necessary to make the blank in the die cavity in advance.
 (1) drawing impression. It is used to reduce the cross-sectional area of a certain part of the blank to increase the length of the part. The drawing bore is divided into two types: open type and closed type.
 (2) Rolling cavity. It is used to reduce the cross-sectional area of a part of the blank to increase the cross-sectional area of another part, so that the metal is distributed according to the shape of the forging. Rolling cavity The rolling cavity is divided into open die and closed die forging
 (3) Bending cavity. For bent rod forgings, a bending die cavity is used to bend the blank.
 (4) Cut-off die cavity. It forms a pair of knife edges at the corners of the upper cavity and the lower cavity to cut the metal.
 Advantages of die forging:
 It has higher production efficiency. During die forging process, the deformation of the metal is carried out in the die cavity, so the required shape can be obtained quickly;
 It can forge complex forgings, and the metal streamline distribution is more reasonable,which will improve the service life of the parts; The size of the die forgings is more accurate, with better surface quality and small processing surplus;
 It can saves metal materials and reduces the workload of cutting processing; under the condition of sufficient batches, it can reduce the cost of parts.
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jcforging · 1 year
What Are the Technical Characteristics of Forging Machine?
What is forging machine and what are its technical characteristics?
What is forging machine? A forging machine is a machine that uses methods such as hammering to make a metal material in a plastic state into a workpiece with a certain shape and size, and to change its physical properties. The forging hammer for forging in the forging machine is very similar in processing performance to the press machine (especially the forging press), but as the former forging hammer, the reaction force generated by its processing is not borne by the bed, but by the basis of the machine command. This point is fundamentally different from the latter press.
 The forging machine is an important equipment in the custom metal forgings, and its kinematic analysis is the basis for realizing the motion control of the manipulator. Reasonable use of forging manipulators can not only improve the quality of the products, but also increase the economic benefits of the products.
 The technical characteristics of the forging machine:
1. It adopts full hydraulic transmission, high integrated valve block and large flow diameter, so that the system pressure loss is small;
 2. High sealing performance, using imported sealing elements;
 3. The oil temperature is well controlled, and the ingenious and unique oil circuit design truly makes the hydraulic system in the best condition, and it can be easily competent even when working under long-term heavy load conditions;
 4. The motion system of forging machines such as the brass forging machine adopts the combination of cycloid gear motor and involute reducer, which perfectly realizes the infinitely variable walking of the cart and the rotation of the platform;
 5. The special clamping mechanism is equipped with accumulator pressure compensation to make the clamping powerful and stable.
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jcforging · 1 year
Principles for the Selection of Forging Blanks
Forging rough ingress processing is the process of forging production, the quality of forging blanks, productivity, will have an important impact on the quality of forgings, performance, life and economic benefits of enterprises. Forging a rough processing process, equipment accuracy and performance determine the quality of the blank. The quality of forging blanks directly affects the precision of turning to process, and the quality of turning to process affects the precision and efficiency of grinding. Therefore, the choice of forging blanks in the whole forging process plays a very important role, forging rough selection principle, should meet the requirements of use under the premise, as far as possible to reduce production costs, so that products in the market competitiveness.
 Next is the selection principle of forging blank operations, with the following:
 Principle of Forging Process
The use requirements of forgings determine the characteristics of the shape of the blanks, different use requirements and shape characteristics, forming the corresponding rough forming process requirements. The requirements for the use of forgings are reflected in the external quality of its shape, size, processing accuracy, surface roughness, and internal quality such as its chemical composition, metal tissue, mechanical properties, physical properties and chemical properties. For the use requirements of different forgings, consider the process characteristics of the forging material (e.g. forging performance, welding performance, etc.) to determine which rough forming method is used. While selecting the rough forming method, we should also take into account the metal forging process ability of subsequent machining.
 Adaptability Principles of Forging
Some of the roughs, which are complex in structure and difficult to form by a single forming method, should consider not only the possibility of combining various forming schemes but also whether these combinations will affect the processing ability of machining.
 In the selection of a rough forming scheme, the principle of adaptability should also be considered. The suitable blank scheme is selected according to the structural shape, form factor and operating condition requirements of the forging. For example, for step shaft-type parts, when the diameter of the steps is not much different, the rod material can be used, if the difference is large, it is advisable to use forged blanks.
 Working Principles of Forging
The working conditions of the custom forged parts are different and the type of blank selected is different. The forming scheme of forging blanks should be selected according to the production conditions on site. On-site production conditions mainly include the actual process level of on-site rough manufacturing, equipment condition and the possibility and economy of foreign association, but also to consider the use of more advanced rough manufacturing methods due to product development. To this end, the choice of blanks, should analyze the existing production conditions of the enterprise, such as equipment capacity and staff technical level, as far as possible to use the existing production conditions to complete the rough manufacturing tasks.
 Economics Principles of Forging
If the existing production conditions are difficult to meet the requirements, consideration should be given to changing the forging material and/or rough forming method, which can also be resolved through external co-processing or outsourcing. The principle of the economy is to make the forging material slower, can cost, wage spending and so on. The selection of forging blank type and specific manufacturing methods should meet the requirements of the use of parts, the premise of several pre-selection options for economic comparison, from which to choose the overall low production costs of the scheme. Generally, when selecting the type of blank and manufacturing method, the size and shape of the blank should be as close as possible to the finished part, so as to reduce the processing margin, improve the utilization rate of materials used in forging, reduce the mechanical processing workload. But the more accurate the blanks are, the more difficult it is to manufacture and the higher the cost. Therefore, when the production platform is large, the method of rough manufacturing with high precision and high productivity should be adopted, at which time the increased rough manufacturing costs can be compensated by reduced material consumption and machining costs, although a large investment is greater. The general law is that when producing a single piece of small batch, it can use the forming methods of free forging, manual arc welding, plate gold fitter, etc., and can use machine shape, forging, burying arc automatic welding or others.
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jcforging · 1 year
Hot Forging Products and Target Markets
Because the workpiece processed by hot forging has the characteristics of high strength and excellent durability, hot forging is usually suitable for situations where the quality of workpiece is required. Therefore, the automobile industry and aerospace industry are the main target markets for hot forgings.
 1. The Automobile Industry
 Hot custom forging process of forged steel parts is very common in traditional automobile industry. However, with the development trend of automobile lightweight, hot forging of aluminum alloy has gradually entered the market, but magnesium alloy is rare. Here are some typical hot forging products in the automobile industry:
 Engine components: piston, connecting rod, cam, camshaft, crankshaft, valve, distributor housing and balance shaft.
 Driving gears: all kinds of pinions, synchronous rings, continuously variable transmissions, etc.
 Powertrain: flange yoke, pin holder, hub, transmission shaft, universal joint and connecting plate.
 Chassis: wheel carrier, journal, pivot bearing, bearing bush, ball head, steering rod, front bridge, Y fork, etc.
 Brake system: brake disc, brake frame, brake cylinder and brake handle.
 2. Aerospace Industry
 Application of forgings in aerospace:
 (1) Fuselage components: engine room doors, wings, window frames and other accessories.
 (2) Turbine blades, thrust cones, control panels and control rods of the engine.
 (3) Tail guide rail and its accessories.
 (4) Landing gear: bracket and some fasteners.
 (5) Rotor system: system accessories, rotor hub, gearbox cover, etc.
 (6) Hot forgings in aerospace field are usually made of high-strength materials with high temperature resistance, such as nickel base and titanium alloy.
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jcforging · 2 years
Introduce the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cold Forging and Hot Forging
Introduce the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cold Forging and Hot Forging
Cold forging is a forging process that presses metal materials at room temperature. So what is hot forging? Hot forging is a forging process in which a metal material is heated to a temperature above the recrystallization temperature and below the solidus line. The recrystallization temperature is a forging process: rough calculations can take 0.4 times the melting point of the metal as the recrystallization temperature.
 For forging products, the cold forging process can achieve better flatness, the hot forging process has the worst flatness, and the warm forging (the temperature of the metal material is between cold forging and hot forging) has a medium flatness.
 1. The advantages and disadvantages of hot forging
 If the temperature of the forging material is still much higher than the recrystallization temperature after the processing is completed, the grains will have a longer time to grow, and coarser grains will be obtained, which can increase the fracture toughness (lower crack growth rate).
 (1) Because of high temperature operation, the danger to personnel safety and material safety is greatly raised.
 (2) The material is susceptible to oxidation at high temperatures, resulting in oxide scale, resulting in surface dirt, poor smoothness and flatness.
 (3) After the hot forging is completed, the forging material will shrink during the cooling process, which affects the accuracy of the forging size.
 (4) The equipment and maintenance costs required for high-temperature operations are relatively high.
 2. The advantages and disadvantages of cold forging
 (1) The materials used in forging is not easy to produce oxide scale, and the surface finish is good.
 (2) The precision of forging size is better.
 (3) Work hardening (strain hardening) occurs during processing, which can increase the strength and hardness.
 (4) The metal fiber flow direction of the forging can be made to obtain a specific directionality.
 (5) No heating treatment is required, which minimizes pollution problems.
 (6) No heating costs are required, reducing production costs.
 (1) The plasticity and toughness of forging materials are reduced, which is unfavorable for subsequent processing.
 (2) The required deformation force is greater than hot forging.
 (3) Residual stress will be generated inside the material.
 (4) Metal crystal grains will be deformed or broken.
 The directionality during processing may not be conducive to future product use.
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jcforging · 2 years
Summary of Materials Used in Forging
Summary of Materials Used in Forging
Materials used in forging are mainly carbon steel and alloy steel of various components, followed by aluminium, magnesium, copper, titanium and their alloys. The original states of materials are bar, ingot, metal powder and liquid metal. The ratio of the cross-sectional area of metal before deformation to that after deformation is called forging ratio.
 The correct choice of forging ratio, reasonable heating temperature and holding time, reasonable initial forging temperature and final forging temperature, reasonable deformation amount and deformation speed is very important to improve product quality and reduce cost.
 Generally, round or square materials used in forging are used as blanks. The grain structure and mechanical properties of the bar are uniform, good, the shape and size are accurate, the surface quality is good, and it is convenient for mass production. As long as the heating temperature and deformation conditions are properly controlled, the forgings with excellent properties can be forged without large forging deformation.
 Ingots are only used for large forgings. The ingot is the a-cast structure with large columnar crystal and loose centre. Therefore, it is necessary to break the columnar grains into fine grains through large plastic deformation and compact them loosely to obtain excellent metal structure and mechanical properties.
 The powder forging can be made from the powder metallurgy preform formed by pressing and burning, and by die forging without flash in hot metal forging state. Forging powder is close to the density of general die forgings, has good mechanical properties, and has high precision, which can reduce the subsequent machining. The internal structure of powder forging is uniform without segregation, which can be used to manufacture small gear and other workpieces. However, the price of powder is much higher than that of a bar, and its application in production is limited. By applying static pressure to the liquid metal poured in the die cavity, and making it solidified, crystallized, flowed, plastically deformed and shaped under the pressure, the die forgings with required shape and performance can be obtained. Liquid metal dies forging is a forming method between die casting and die forging, which is especially suitable for complex thin-walled parts difficult to be formed by general die forging.
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jcforging · 2 years
Purpose and Required Materials of Brass Forging Process
Purpose and Required Materials of Brass Forging Process
1. Introduction of Brass Forging Process
Brass forging process is a process of applying pressure to brass blank by forging machine to produce plastic deformation so as to obtain forging products with certain mechanical properties, shapes and sizes. Forging is one of the two components of  forging and stamping. Forging can eliminate the defects of as-cast porosity in brass smelting process. It can optimize the microstructure. At the same time, since the streamline brass is completely preserved, the mechanical properties of forged metal products are generally better than those of castings made of the same material.
 2. Materials for Brass Forging Process
The materials required for the brass forging process are bar stock, ingot, brass powder and liquid brass. The ratio of the cross-sectional area of brass before deformation to the ratio after deformation is called the forging ratio. The correct selection of forging ratio, reasonable heating temperature and holding time, reasonable initial and final forging temperatures, and reasonable deformation degree and deformation speed have much to do with the improvement of the quality of forged products (namely brass) and the reduction of cost.
 Generally, small and medium-sized forged brass is made of round or square bars. Batch production requires brass bars to have uniform & good grain structure and mechanical properties, accurate shape and size, as well as high-quality surface. Reasonable controlling of the heating temperature and deformation conditions helps produce forged brass with excellent performance.
 3. The Purpose of the Brass Forging Process
(1) Refining the coarse casting structure and strengthening the tightness of micro void in the brass blank to improve the mechanical property and service life;
 (2) Forging the brass blank into streamline metal products with various shapes.
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jcforging · 2 years
TG-E Multi-stage Hydraulic Cylinders
What is TG-E Multi-stage Hydraulic Cylinder?
TG hydraulic cylinder is a single-acting multi-section telescopic sleeve lift cylinder. It has the advantages of small size and long stroke, and is mainly used in the hydraulic system of engineering and mining dump trucks.
 Advantages of TG-E Multi-stage Hydraulic Cylinders:
Telescopic hydraulic cylinders are also known as multi-stage hydraulic cylinders. It is made up of two or more stages of piston cylinders, mainly composed of cylinder heads, cylinders, sleeves, pistons and other parts. There are inlet and outlet ports A and B at both ends of the cylinder. When the A port enters the oil and the B port returns to the oil, the first stage piston with a large effective area is firstly driven, and then the smaller secondary piston movement is pushed. Since the flow rate entering the A port is constant, the piston with a large effective working area has a low moving speed and a large thrust, and the moving speed is high and the thrust is small. If port B enters oil and port A returns oil, the secondary piston will first return to the end point, and then the first stage piston will return.
 The characteristics of the telescopic hydraulic cylinder are: the working stroke can be very long, and it can be shortened when not working. It is suitable for applications where the installation space is limited and the stroke requirements are long, such as dump trucks and crane telescopic arms. When the telescopic hydraulic cylinder is extended step by step, the effective working area is successively reduced. When the input flow rate is constant, the overhanging speed gradually increases; when the external load is constant, the working pressure of the hydraulic cylinder gradually increases. The extension of the single-acting telescopic hydraulic cylinder relies on the oil pressure, and it relies on its own weight or load when contracting. Therefore, it is used in the case where the cylinder is tilted or vertically rotated. Our company can customize telescopic hydraulic cylinders according to customer requirements.
 Product Description
 Model Coding of TG-E Multi-stage Hydraulic Cylinders :
  ① Level   4 stages
 ② Unit code
 ③ Pressure   E: 16MPa
 ④ Max. bore   (mm)
 ⑤ Single level stroke  (mm)
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jcforging · 2 years
Small Excavator Series Cylinders
Small Excavator Series Cylinders
What is Small Excavator Series Cylinders?
These cylinders are mainly for small excavators, including stick cylinders, boom cylinders, bucket cylinders and dozer cylinders. Using pressure 27.5MPa, set up one-end or end buffers according to usage requirements.
 Advantages of Small Excavator Series Cylinders:
These cylinders are mainly used for small excavators, including stick cylinders, boom cylinders, bucket cylinders and dozer cylinders. Use a pressure of 27.5MPa, and set one end buffer or both ends according to the requirements of use. The cylinder is made of high-quality alloy steel after being scraped and slid by inner hole. The piston rod is based on quenching and tempering and medium frequency quenching. The outer circle is coated with hard chrome to improve rust prevention, wear resistance and damage resistance; NOK and other internationally renowned brands. The product has the characteristics of compact structure and high reliability.
 Product Description
 Technical Specification of Small Excavator Series Cylinders
Specification of Small Excavator Series Cylinders
Bore Dmm
Rod dmm
Stroke mm
Piston length B
Piston rod head
Cylinder earrings
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jcforging · 2 years
Sanitation Vehicle Cylinders
Sanitation Vehicle Cylinders
What is Sanitation Vehicle Cylinder?
Sanitation vehicle cylinders are widely used in various types of compressed sanitation garbage truck hydraulic systems. The series of cylinders include push plate cylinders, sliding cylinders, scraper cylinders, lift cylinders, and the like. The push plate cylinder is a double-acting multi-stage telescopic sleeve hydraulic cylinder.
 Advantages of Sanitation Vehicle Cylinders:
Sanitation vehicle cylinders are widely used in various types of compressed sanitation garbage truck hydraulic systems. The series of cylinders include push plate cylinders, sliding cylinders, scraper cylinders, lift cylinders, and the like. The push plate cylinder is a double-acting multi-stage telescopic sleeve hydraulic cylinder, and the inlet and outlet ports are all arranged at the rod end. The series of cylinders are reasonable in structure, reliable in operation, convenient in assembly and disassembly, and easy to maintain. Special designs can be made according to the user's special needs and technical parameters.
 Product Description
 Description of Sanitation Vehicle Cylinders
 Technical Specification of Sanitation Vehicle Cylinders
Pressure MPa
Stroke mm
Bore/Rod mm
Flipping cylinder
Lifting cylinder
Lifting cylinder
Lock pin cylinder
Scraper cylinder
Multi-stage double-acting pusher cylinder
Multi-stage double-acting pusher cylinder
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jcforging · 2 years
Forging Tools
Forging Tools
Forging Tool
Forging mold is an important equipment for the realization of die forging process and is a branch of the mold category with a long history.
 Due to the complexity of the forging process, the corresponding forging molds have the following technical characteristics: (1) Multi-work step forming, complex structure. Metal forging forming is a volume form, difficult to achieve one-step forming, need to be deformed many times, complex forgings forming steps up to 12 steps。
 Therefore, a set of forging molds is also often composed of 10 pairs or more of the sub-molds. (2) high temperature, heavy load, poor working conditions. Metal forming temperature is from 450 degrees C (non-ferrous metal) to 1,300 degrees C (steel material), and the surface temperature of mold cavity can reach 300 degrees C to 750 degrees C.
 Forging Mold
Forging mold is the use of forging machinery to apply pressure on metal blanks, so that it produces plastic deformation to obtain a certain mechanical properties, a certain shape and size of forging soldering processing methods, is one of the two major components of forging. By forging, the metal can be eliminated from the cast state loose, welding hole, forging mechanical properties are generally better than the same material castings.
 Important parts with high load and severe working conditions in machinery are made of forgings in addition to sheets, profiles or welds that are simpler in shape and can be rolled.
 1, forging according to the forming method
 (1) Open forging (free forging)
 The use of impact or pressure to deform the metal between the upper and lower two iron (blocks) to obtain the required forgings, mainly hand forging and mechanical forging.
 (2) Closed mode forging
 Metal blanks in a certain shape of the forging mold in the mold edgy deformation and obtain forgings, can be divided into die forging, cold, rotary forging, extrusion and so on.
 2, according to the deformation temperature score
 Forging can be divided into hot forged parts (processing temperature is higher than the recrystallization temperature of the blank metal), temperature forging (lower than the recrystallization temperature) and cold forging (room temperature). Forging materials are mainly carbon steel and alloy steel of various components, followed by aluminum, magnesium, titanium, copper and other alloys. The original state of the material is rod material, ingots, metal powder and liquid metal, the ratio of the cross-sectional area before deformation to the die-breaking area after deformation is called the forging ratio.
 The correct choice of forging ratio has a lot to do with improving product quality and reducing costs.
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jcforging · 2 years
Forging Process
Create Die Mold
 Create a die mold is the first step for the forging process, it is critical and essential step for the die mold forging process.
 We have a die mold maker who had been working with us for near 20 years, with rich experience, who can design the mold according to customers’ drawings, samples very quickly and with very high quality.
 Material Cutting and Heating
Base on the drawings or samples, our engineers will calculate the bar material diameter and length we need, then we will select the correct bar material and cut it in suitable billets.
 The billets will be sent to the high frequency furnace for hearting to about 1000°C, then start the press.
The heated billet with 1000° C will be put at the middle of the  dies, close the dies, the material will be shaped as the customers requirement. When open the dies, we get a raw parts with the fin around.
 Cutting the Fin
The raw parts with the fin will put in a cutting mold to remove the fin, after the fin removed, we get the raw forgings, the forging process is completely.
 Heating Treatment
To get better strength or machining hardness, eliminate forging stress and improve metal cutting performance. we need put the forging in heat treatment furnace. Heat the parts near or above its critical temperature, held for a certain time, then cooling the metal in some medium like air, water or molten salts.
 The heat treatment process includes annealing, case hardening, tempering, normalizing and quenching, nitriding, cyaniding etc.
 Sand Blasting
To remove the oxide layer of the forging and get a uniformed surface, we will place the parts in sand blast machine. After sand blasting, the surface is quite uniform.
To get accurate dimensions, the machining process is needed. In my factory, with more than 40set machining, we can machine the forgings in turning, drilling, milling, grinding, that means, you just need provide the drawings or samples, we will make finished parts according to your request.
 Quality Inspection
Every part in our factory must be inspected the quality before leading to my customers. This is very important to process, we have various inspection tools and experienced inspectors in our forge factory. The defected parts are not allowed to ship to any customer.
We are experienced in export package, we will follow customers request to pack the parts, the plywood box or carton, pallets all available.
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