jedichick04 · 15 days
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#his family loves him #but he knows that Pen actually understands him
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jedichick04 · 15 days
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Say, you look great by the way. Really, really great.
THE HOLIDAY: Iris + Miles + moments
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jedichick04 · 15 days
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Colin face journey as decides he's going to marry Penelope is excellent.
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jedichick04 · 15 days
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Simone Ashley as Kate Bridgerton 3.01 'Out of the Shadows'
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jedichick04 · 16 days
Tips for writing those gala scenes, from someone who goes to them occasionally:
Generally you unbutton and re-button a suit coat when you sit down and stand up.
You’re supposed to hold wine or champagne glasses by the stem to avoid warming up the liquid inside. A character out of their depth might hold the glass around the sides instead.
When rich/important people forget your name and they’re drunk, they usually just tell you that they don’t remember or completely skip over any opportunity to use your name so they don’t look silly.
A good way to indicate you don’t want to shake someone’s hand at an event is to hold a drink in your right hand (and if you’re a woman, a purse in the other so you definitely can’t shift the glass to another hand and then shake)
Americans who still kiss cheeks as a welcome generally don’t press lips to cheeks, it’s more of a touch of cheek to cheek or even a hover (these days, mostly to avoid smudging a woman’s makeup)
The distinctions between dress codes (black tie, cocktail, etc) are very intricate but obvious to those who know how to look. If you wear a short skirt to a black tie event for example, people would clock that instantly even if the dress itself was very formal. Same thing goes for certain articles of men’s clothing.
Open bars / cash bars at events usually carry limited options. They’re meant to serve lots of people very quickly, so nobody is getting a cosmo or a Manhattan etc.
Members of the press generally aren’t allowed to freely circulate at nicer galas/events without a very good reason. When they do, they need to identify themselves before talking with someone.
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jedichick04 · 16 days
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BRIDGERTON 3.04 | Old Friends
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jedichick04 · 16 days
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Keira Knightley as Handmaiden Sabé, Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace (1999)
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jedichick04 · 16 days
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getting yelled at by the skywalker siblings
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jedichick04 · 17 days
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please, sir, i need 20 more hours of this 🤲🏻
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jedichick04 · 17 days
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1x01 | 2x01 | 3x01
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jedichick04 · 17 days
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kathony + kathonying in front of the ton’s salad
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jedichick04 · 17 days
the older I get, the more the technological changes I've lived through as a millennial feel bizarre to me. we had computers in my primary school classroom; I first learned to type on a typewriter. I had a cellphone as a teenager, but still needed a physical train timetable. my parents listened to LP records when I was growing up; meanwhile, my childhood cassette tape collection became a CD collection, until I started downloading mp3s on kazaa over our 56k modem internet connection to play in winamp on my desktop computer, and now my laptop doesn't even have a disc tray. I used to save my word documents on floppy discs. I grew up using the rotary phone at my grandparents' house and our wall-connected landline; my mother's first cellphone was so big, we called it The Brick. I once took my desktop computer - monitor, tower and all - on the train to attend a LAN party at a friend's house where we had to connect to the internet with physical cables to play together, and where one friend's massive CRT monitor wouldn't fit on any available table. as kids, we used to make concertina caterpillars in class with the punctured and perforated paper strips that were left over whenever anything was printed on the room's dot matrix printer, which was outdated by the time I was in high school. VHS tapes became DVDs, and you could still rent both at the local video store when I was first married, but those shops all died out within the next six years. my facebook account predates the iphone camera - I used to carry around a separate digital camera and manually upload photos to the computer in order to post them; there are rolls of undeveloped film from my childhood still in envelopes from the chemist's in my childhood photo albums. I have a photo album from my wedding, but no physical albums of my child; by then, we were all posting online, and now that's a decade's worth of pictures I'd have to sort through manually in order to create one. there are video games I tell my son about but can't ever show him because the consoles they used to run on are all obsolete and the games were never remastered for the new ones that don't have the requisite backwards compatibility. I used to have a walkman for car trips as a kid; then I had a discman and a plastic hardshell case of CDs to carry around as a teenager; later, a friend gave my husband and I engraved matching ipods as a wedding present, and we used them both until they stopped working; now they're obsolete. today I texted my mother, who was born in 1950, a tiktok upload of an instructional video for girls from 1956 on how to look after their hair and nails and fold their clothes. my father was born four years after the invention of colour televison; he worked in radio and print journalism, and in the years before his health declined, even though he logically understood that newspapers existed online, he would clip out articles from the physical paper, put them in an envelope and mail them to me overseas if he wanted me to read them. and now I hold the world in a glass-faced rectangle, and I have access to everything and ownership of nothing, and everything I write online can potentially be wiped out at the drop of a hat by the ego of an idiot manchild billionaire. as a child, I wore a watch, but like most of my generation, I stopped when cellphones started telling us the time and they became redundant. now, my son wears a smartwatch so we can call him home from playing in the neighbourhood park, and there's a tanline on his wrist ike the one I haven't had since the age of fifteen. and I wonder: what will 2030 look like?
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jedichick04 · 18 days
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“You’re coming in as well?” she asked.
He looked at her as if she’d suddenly gone daft. “Of course.”
She didn’t move, too perplexed by his actions to give her legs the orders to step down. There was certainly no reason he had to accompany her inside. Propriety didn’t really demand it, and—
“For God’s sake, Penelope,” he said, grabbing her hand and yanking her down. “Are you going to marry me or not?”
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jedichick04 · 18 days
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Return of the Jedi (1983)
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jedichick04 · 18 days
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"Oh, Penelope," he was groaning, his lips and hands growing more frantic. "Oh, Penelope. Oh, Penelope, oh—" He lifted his head. Very abruptly. "Oh, God."
"What is it?" she asked, trying to lift the back of her head from the cushion.
"We've stopped."
It took her a moment to recognize the import of this. If they'd stopped, that meant they'd most likely reached their destination, which was…her home.
"Oh, God!" She started yanking at the bodice of her gown with frantic motions. "Can't we just ask the driver to keep going?"
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jedichick04 · 18 days
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Princess Leia Organa, you are wise, discerning and kindhearted. These are qualities that came from your mother. But you are also passionate and fearless, forthright. And these are gifts from your father. Both were exceptional people who bore an exceptional daughter.
@swsource STAR WARS WEEK
Day Three: I'll Try Spin-Offs! ↳ Obi-Wan Kenobi
Episode descriptions from IMDb, [insp: ☆★☆★ ]
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jedichick04 · 19 days
Padmé: Ani, why are there little hand prints all over the walls?
Anakin, turning to the twins: why are there little hand prints all over the walls?
Leia: we have little hands.
Anakin: *turns back to Padmé* they have little hands.
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