jedikhaleesi · 7 years
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Astrid & Atticus - Hufflepuff & Gryfinndor
“   I've lost all resistance and crossed some borderline  and if it turns out  it’s over too fast I'll make ev’ry last moment last as long as you’re mine... “
{ @ravenclawbelle }
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jedikhaleesi · 7 years
“Cyclops are huge and highly dangerous.” Cyrus responded and looked back at Rayna “you better have good aim. I’d suggest to go for the eye. They only have one anyway.” He added. As they continued to walk into the cave their surroundings started to brighten. Asriel noticed that there were torches on the walls of the cave. “We’re getting close.” He said. Everyone started to bring out their weapons. Cyrus put out the flame in his hand. In the distance you could see an opening and then an angry growl echo. “Play more music!!!” Shouted what the group could only assume be the Cyclops, “I’ve been playing the lyre for the last 5 hours straight. Give my hands a break for Hades’ sake!!” Responded Luz and next thing you know the cave started trembling which could only mean that cylcops wasnt having any of Luz’s defience and started to throw a fit.
Breaking barriers (literally!!)
Skye was speechless and kept her eyes on the crumbling rock until she heard Rayna speak. She then looked over to Lennox who was standing next to her as she looked at her hand. She took off her glove and her hand seemed perfectly fine, her knuckles where a bit red from the hit but when she moved her fingers she didn’t feel any pain. She put her glove back on and looked at Lennox, “I’ll be fine lets go.” She said as she started to walk towards the new entrance she made for the group. Cyrus however grinned proudly at Skye as if he didn’t just say horrible things to her and started to follow, he knew if he approached her he’d get his teeth knocked in so he kept his distance from her as he followed. The deeper the walked into the cave the darker it got, so Cyrus set his hand aflame to use as a torch.
Lennox looked at Skye wildly but continued into the cave. Skye didn’t seem hurt and the possibility of that was not something Lennox could comprehend at the moment. Jasper stayed by Cyrus’ side unsheathing his sword from his side as he lead the group ahead. Rayna made her way forward pulling her dagger from her waist until she was on the other side of Skye. “Right, so how much do we actually know about what we are about to walk into?” 
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jedikhaleesi · 7 years
Sage quickly caught the keys and got in the car. Her eyes widen when she saw the gun in Gio’s hand “are you fucking kidding, put that shit away! If he sees that he’ll let the cops know and they’ll know we’re armed and then shit will be ten times worse.” She said as she started the car and then yelled in fear when she heard a gun shout and the sound of the outside side mirror shattering. Sage cursed and slamed the accelerator driving off. She took a sharp right turn when she heard the cops coming from the left but she hadn’t realize that she had driven into the wrong lane and was about to hit an incoming car. She swerved back into the right lane but lost control as she drove into a line of parked cars and crashed into a black pick up truck. Right by the now totaled car was a shocked Jade. She and Dax where about leave from robbing the jewelry that was a block away from them. The car was Dax’s and god whoever just crashed into was going to wish the impact killed them instead.
Runaway - Gio & Sage
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jedikhaleesi · 7 years
Sage stayed behind Gio and watched the meeting carefully, the feeling in her gut didnt go away. In fact it was just getting worse. He kept asking questions and saying that it was just to be sure that the deal is set in stone and that she's not going to rip him off. The exchange was about to happen when Sage noticed a shiny object on his belt but she couldn't make it out at first. But it didn't take her that long to realize it was a police badge either. "He's a fucking cop!" She shouted as she pulled Gio back to kick Evan in the stomach. Sage then quickly ran towards the driver side of the car while Gio was still by the passenger side, "Throw me the keys, we need to get out of here!" She rushed her once she started to hear police sirens in the distance.
Runaway - Gio & Sage
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jedikhaleesi · 7 years
Skye was speechless and kept her eyes on the crumbling rock until she heard Rayna speak. She then looked over to Lennox who was standing next to her as she looked at her hand. She took off her glove and her hand seemed perfectly fine, her knuckles where a bit red from the hit but when she moved her fingers she didn't feel any pain. She put her glove back on and looked at Lennox, "I'll be fine lets go." She said as she started to walk towards the new entrance she made for the group. Cyrus however grinned proudly at Skye as if he didn't just say horrible things to her and started to follow, he knew if he approached her he'd get his teeth knocked in so he kept his distance from her as he followed. The deeper the walked into the cave the darker it got, so Cyrus set his hand aflame to use as a torch.
Breaking barriers (literally!!)
“You had your whole life ahead of you!! You could’ve been a pro in ice skating by now. Your were so close to achieving your dreams, but you threw all of the away huh?! For what?!? So that you could runaway to same camp thinking you could save an already damned world. It’s pathetic…no you’re pathetic! Is that how you want your dying mother to see her youngest daughter. As someone who threw away her dreams to waste her time playing with swords!” Cyrus yelled at Skye. He hadn’t been in the group for very long but Skye pretty much had enough of him. She was beyond pissed, Cyrus thought he could rile her up so that she would be able to unlock her hidden super strength abilities but honestly he’d just crossed the line with the possibility of not achieving anything but getting back at Skye for dumping him. He stood infront the boulder that was blocking their entrance and glared at Skye as he threw more insults at her. Skye glared back, her fists shaking in anger. Luckily she had put on a pair of leather gloves before they headed to the caves because she probably would’ve cut her hands after punching Cyrus but the second she threw her fist at him, he smirked and quickly ducked out of the way. Causing Skye to hit the boulder dead in the center of it. Once she hit it a small tremble was felt in the entrance. Elektra’s eyes widen as she saw the cracks on the boulder forming and peices of it starting to crumble. Skye realized what just happened and watched as the rock fell into peices.
{ @rienwrites }
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jedikhaleesi · 7 years
Something in Sage’s gut was telling her that it was a bad idea but of course the thought that they really needed the money to get out of her was what made her get out of the car. However just before she stepped out she pulled out a dagger that was still in its black leather holster and placed it in her back pocket. It was gift from her grandad before he passed away, that his dad gave him ages ago. Sage always showed that she never cared for sentiment but a part of her never wants to get rid of that dagger for some reason. So she always has it with her when she would get into a sticky situation like this one. She covered it with her tshirt and walked over to Gio, crossing her arms. “Ready when you are, you see him anywhere?” She asked as she looked around.
Runaway - Gio & Sage
Gio’s hands were shaking, this would prove to be the worst idea she had yet. The road to hell is paved in good intentions, she had heard somewhere. She needed money, not just for her but for Sage as well. This was their chance to finally free themselves from the darkness caving in around them. 
She trusted Evan, at least as much as she could. Stepping out of the car, she threw her backpack around her shoulders shutting the car door quietly coming to the hood to wait for Sage to join her. “Hurry up, the faster this gets done, the fast we can get on the road.” 
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jedikhaleesi · 7 years
Breaking barriers (literally!!)
“You had your whole life ahead of you!! You could’ve been a pro in ice skating by now. Your were so close to achieving your dreams, but you threw all of the away huh?! For what?!? So that you could runaway to same camp thinking you could save an already damned world. It’s pathetic…no you’re pathetic! Is that how you want your dying mother to see her youngest daughter. As someone who threw away her dreams to waste her time playing with swords!” Cyrus yelled at Skye. He hadn’t been in the group for very long but Skye pretty much had enough of him. She was beyond pissed, Cyrus thought he could rile her up so that she would be able to unlock her hidden super strength abilities but honestly he’d just crossed the line with the possibility of not achieving anything but getting back at Skye for dumping him. He stood infront the boulder that was blocking their entrance and glared at Skye as he threw more insults at her. Skye glared back, her fists shaking in anger. Luckily she had put on a pair of leather gloves before they headed to the caves because she probably would’ve cut her hands after punching Cyrus but the second she threw her fist at him, he smirked and quickly ducked out of the way. Causing Skye to hit the boulder dead in the center of it. Once she hit it a small tremble was felt in the entrance. Elektra’s eyes widen as she saw the cracks on the boulder forming and peices of it starting to crumble. Skye realized what just happened and watched as the rock fell into peices.
{ @rienwrites }
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jedikhaleesi · 8 years
“It must get lonely sometimes at home then. I completely understand, I’m an only child as well.” Violet said, smiling sympathetically at Bambi, “My husband is the one with the siblings, three brothers.” She chuckled, “I hope you know that being close to Astrid and Arrius means you’re always welcome to visit in the summer.” Astrid and Arrius looked at eachother with surprised looks on their faces. The two had always discussed inviting their friends, basically just Atticus and Bambi, over in the summers but knowing how their father felt about non-pureblood wizards they’d would think he’d scare them off and then the two would be hated by the people they care for the most. Astrid looked at her mum with confused look, “really?” She asked, Violet looked back to Astrid and shrugged, “I don’t see why not.” The two siblings looked at eachother speechless, they didn’t expect this from their mother and now they probably look like jerks. “Well it’s just that you and dad are so busy in the summer we didn’t think you’d let us.” Astrid quickly said and then looked at Bambi apologetically, “we really did think of inviting you over.”
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jedikhaleesi · 8 years
"Aunt Elsa will probably want to meet her so we'll just start with the castle and then meet up with you afterwards." Marius suggested, Noelani shrugged "Whatever works with you. It's all fine with me." She smiled, Katia had realized that she probably hasn't had anything to eat so she offered the container of grapes. "Oh thank you." She said and took the container, eating a few grapes.
New arrivals in Arendelle
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jedikhaleesi · 8 years
Leia looked at him and couldn't help but crack a smile, chuckling at expression his expression, "sure ok." She said as closed the cabinet, "Come along then, my strong protector." She giggled as she made her way to the kitchens door. A thought then crossed her mind, "oh maybe we can check the Herbology room. The bowtruckle likes to hide within plants sometimes."
Creature nonsense (once again)
{ for @ravenclawbelle }
Classes had ended and instead of going to her dorm like on most days Leia decided to hang out in the great hall. Usually her dorm mate Astrid was there and the two of them would just battle out in wizard chess until dinner but strangely today she didnt see Astrid. She couldn’t leave to bother her brother Rolf since he was already in a club meeting so she decided that studying wouldn’t be such a bad idea. She sat at an empty spot on the far end of a table and started to pull out her books from her bag, suddenly and opened letter envelope fell out of her bag. For a moment she was confused but when she checked the envelope and saw that the letter was from her grandfather she sighed and remembered that she hadn’t responded to the letter he sent her yesterday. It’s nothing unusual he always writes to her and her brother but he mostly asks for an update on their creatures to make sure they’re being well taken care of. Unfortunately for Leia she had to take care of a Niffler and a Bowtruckle that had somehow wounded up in her bag when she started her fourth year of Hogwarts, they’ve been nothing but a pain to her since then. On several occasions she’s tried to get rid of them by leaving them at home or outside the castle but they’ve always seem to come back. Her grandad says that he believes that her “tough love” act has made them attached to her, which frustrates her even more. Anyway Leia pulled out her quill and parchment paper from her bag and figured that she should probably get on to writing him back sense he didn’t seem to enjoy the little drawing she sent him of her dropping the creatures into the lake last week and is probably worried out of his mind right now.
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jedikhaleesi · 8 years
Katia crossed her arms, “says the girl who questions me whenever I dont want to wear a dress.” Katia muttered under her breath. Noelani smiled and nodded, “might as well make the most of my time then, I’d love to do some exploring while I’m here.” 
“we can show you around, the castle for now while we wait for our mother and aunt to return?” Marius sugested, "oh that would be lovely." She said cheerfully.
New arrivals in Arendelle
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jedikhaleesi · 8 years
Katia sighed, "Calm down I didn't say we push or interrogate her. Im just saying that we should keep an open mind to the possibilities." She explained and ate another grape. Before Marius could say anything to her Noelani had walked out to the balcony, approaching the siblings, "you know you guys have a beautiful castle. I almost got lost from just staring at everything." She chuckled as she braided her hair. She was now wearing the pink dress that Adela had lent her but seemed to have forgotten to put on shoes? "They didn't give you any shoes?" Katia asked once she noticed, "oh.." Noelani chuckled as she looked down at her feet "yeah they did, but im not much of a shoe person. I'll wear them outdoors but usually when it comes to being indoors I was walk around barefoot...why? Is that not ok?" She asked, giving them a concerned look.
New arrivals in Arendelle
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jedikhaleesi · 8 years
Leia ran a hand through her hair, thinking as she stared at a cabinet filled with shiny utensils that she knew the niffler would’ve stolen if it had been here. “I don’t know..would that class even be open? Also that new professor gives me the creeps, what if he’s there? The last thing we need is a creepy professor questioning us on why we’re in the classroom after classes have ended.” She explained as she went back to looking through more cabinets and small areas that they could be hiding in.
Creature nonsense (once again)
{ for @ravenclawbelle }
Classes had ended and instead of going to her dorm like on most days Leia decided to hang out in the great hall. Usually her dorm mate Astrid was there and the two of them would just battle out in wizard chess until dinner but strangely today she didnt see Astrid. She couldn’t leave to bother her brother Rolf since he was already in a club meeting so she decided that studying wouldn’t be such a bad idea. She sat at an empty spot on the far end of a table and started to pull out her books from her bag, suddenly and opened letter envelope fell out of her bag. For a moment she was confused but when she checked the envelope and saw that the letter was from her grandfather she sighed and remembered that she hadn’t responded to the letter he sent her yesterday. It’s nothing unusual he always writes to her and her brother but he mostly asks for an update on their creatures to make sure they’re being well taken care of. Unfortunately for Leia she had to take care of a Niffler and a Bowtruckle that had somehow wounded up in her bag when she started her fourth year of Hogwarts, they’ve been nothing but a pain to her since then. On several occasions she’s tried to get rid of them by leaving them at home or outside the castle but they’ve always seem to come back. Her grandad says that he believes that her “tough love” act has made them attached to her, which frustrates her even more. Anyway Leia pulled out her quill and parchment paper from her bag and figured that she should probably get on to writing him back sense he didn’t seem to enjoy the little drawing she sent him of her dropping the creatures into the lake last week and is probably worried out of his mind right now.
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jedikhaleesi · 8 years
"Well they don't have many friends outside of school. They mostly rely on each other when they're home and they're not really fond of the gatherings we throw at home. I don't really blame them though it's mostly just a bunch of our work friends." Violet explained, "a lot of their kids are spoiled brats and Arrius and I try our best to not waste our time with them." Astrid told them as she set up the chess pieces on the board, Arrius tried to help but Astrid just slapped his hand away making him roll his eyes. "I think this is the most they've both agreed on something in a while, am I right?" Violet teased.
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jedikhaleesi · 8 years
Leia smacked Cyrus' arm when she heard him giggle and then looked back at Hadley, "yes that would be nice.." she sighed "You look in the dorms to see if they wondered back there and I'll check the kitchen." She said and turned to walk away but then turned back to face Hadley, "oh one more thing, you should probably have like a medium sized box with you incase they try to get away again. They're really fast." She said and then took Cyrus's hand as she walked away in the direction that leads to the kitchen.
Creature nonsense (once again)
{ for @ravenclawbelle }
Classes had ended and instead of going to her dorm like on most days Leia decided to hang out in the great hall. Usually her dorm mate Astrid was there and the two of them would just battle out in wizard chess until dinner but strangely today she didnt see Astrid. She couldn’t leave to bother her brother Rolf since he was already in a club meeting so she decided that studying wouldn’t be such a bad idea. She sat at an empty spot on the far end of a table and started to pull out her books from her bag, suddenly and opened letter envelope fell out of her bag. For a moment she was confused but when she checked the envelope and saw that the letter was from her grandfather she sighed and remembered that she hadn’t responded to the letter he sent her yesterday. It’s nothing unusual he always writes to her and her brother but he mostly asks for an update on their creatures to make sure they’re being well taken care of. Unfortunately for Leia she had to take care of a Niffler and a Bowtruckle that had somehow wounded up in her bag when she started her fourth year of Hogwarts, they’ve been nothing but a pain to her since then. On several occasions she’s tried to get rid of them by leaving them at home or outside the castle but they’ve always seem to come back. Her grandad says that he believes that her “tough love” act has made them attached to her, which frustrates her even more. Anyway Leia pulled out her quill and parchment paper from her bag and figured that she should probably get on to writing him back sense he didn’t seem to enjoy the little drawing she sent him of her dropping the creatures into the lake last week and is probably worried out of his mind right now.
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jedikhaleesi · 8 years
"So Bambi.." Violet started when she noticed that the two of them were the only ones not talking since Astrid and Arrius got carried into their own little conversation about chess. "I'd love to get to know you, Arrius and Astrid seem to adore you and are always telling me stories about what you guys are up too here." Astrid, who was now sitting on Arrius' bedside, furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her mother, "mum please don't embarrass me infront of my friend." Violet scoffed and reached over to pat Astrid's back, "I would never." She said and then smiled mischievously at Bambi.
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jedikhaleesi · 8 years
"True, it’s just her story doesn’t sound right at all..I don’t really think you can swim all the way from Langelinie to Arendelle and still be in one piece..or sane as a matter of fact.” Marius looked at his sister with a curious look on his face, "you're really buying this mermaid rumor, huh?" Katia shrugged "I can't be the only one who finds all of this weird? You know some would say this seems..fishy." She said and the chuckled at her joke.
New arrivals in Arendelle
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