jehnt · 1 day
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a set if hp bookmarks i’ll have for melbourne supanova next weekend! one (1) boy for each book 
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jehnt · 3 months
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Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.
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jehnt · 3 months
in louisiana back in the 90's there was an election for governor. the democrat running was edwin edwards, who was absolutely wildly notoriously corrupt and extremely open about it and had been for his entire career. the republican was david duke, an actual former grand wizard of the klu klux klan.
i cannot emphasize enough how much absolutely nobody liked or trusted edwin edwards. absolutely nobody actively wanted him to be governor. he won the election anyway, because people were voting against duke, not for edwards. about five years after edwards' term ended he was convicted of racketeering and spent the next eight years in federal prison. nobody was surprised. everyone had known this was going to happen before they elected him.
my parents are republicans, and i disagree with them about nearly everything about politics and have for as long as i can remember, literally since i was old enough to have political opinions at all, and this is a big strain on our relationship. but they both voted for edwards with no hesitation, despite hating him and knowing he would be a bad governor, because they knew it was important to. i am proud and grateful that they did this. deciding to vote for a candidate you like is, or at least should be, easy. casting a vote for someone you hate, whom you know will do things you hate, because nevertheless that vote will bring about the least bad possible outcome for the world your children grow up in, that's hard. and if a lot of people had not done the hard thing my own childhood would have been much worse for it.
anyway when somebody says they think you shouldn't vote for the lesser evil, what i hear is "i would not have used my vote to make sure you didn't grow up in a state governed by the klu klux klan," and i do have a problem with that
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jehnt · 4 months
I am not a 911 person but I am told by my Beloved Friends who are that in this show people fuck on top of fire trucks
please know that the hose bed is on top of the fire truck, that it is extremely uncomfortable to lie on, and that it ruins the fantasy to bring bedding up there with you
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jehnt · 5 months
You keep talking about the origins of AO3 as this group effort by an actual group of people who were friends and who spent time discussing this with each other in person. It's kind of blowing my mind. Is there a post or a journal somewhere that specifically keeps record of this?
I'm dying.
Nonnie, seriously?
No, that's mean, I know you're serious. It's just flabbergasting how much fandom has expanded and how much there isn't a direct link to the past.
Astolat and Cesperanza floated the idea at Vividcon and various places, I think, though I wasn't going to cons in that era. We were all on LJ in those days, and Astolat made a big post nailing her theses to the door. Discussion in the comments was instant and prolonged.
A LJ com was set up to discuss. It was later renamed to otw_news, but if you go all the way back to the beginning, you can see brainstorming mess instead of official news posts.
Fanlore page linking to Astolat's post and giving a little context.
Early brainstorming: https://otw-news.livejournal.com/2007/05/
For example, here I am collecting links to older archives to look at for research when designing AO3.
Fun fact, we never intended to call it AO3. There was a whole call for name suggestions, but nothing was as evocative as astolat's original post title referencing Virginia Woolf. (For those who haven't thought about it, AO3's name is a reference to A Room of One's Own.)
Here's the name discussion
Here's the poll that came out of it
But also notice how many people voted: 562.
That's how many people cared at the time: a few hundred. Maybe a thousand if you count lurkers, but frankly, that community was not as lurkery as now. It wasn't just ten friends. It was a community effort. But what "our" community looked like at the time was vastly different. It was six degrees of Kevin Bacon astolat, not a vast sea of strangers like fic fandom on AO3 is now.
Here's an early post suggesting we ban the under 18s from the site entirely. Pity we didn't do so, given the rise of antis.
Here's the invite to a fundraising party at astolat's in NYC that following Halloween. I dressed as Amanda from Highlander, not very well.
You can tell we knew each other by looking at those comments on astolat's initial post. You can also tell how discussion-based that part of fandom was back in 2007.
The way my tumblr is now with a ton of text, back and forth, and hopping around between threads of conversation, all featuring a consistent set of faces, is very much like LJ. Most of tumblr is not.
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jehnt · 5 months
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ive gotten so much mileage out of this tweet. every time i see something on the internet that makes me mad i just think to myself "people in real life: hey man how's it going" and i keep it pushing
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jehnt · 5 months
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The Real Les Mis Captions
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jehnt · 5 months
“If you have time to watch Netflix you have time for a side hustle” my side hustle is relaxing so that my body and brain can heal from by this nose-to-the-grindstone bullshit. I refuse to feel guilty for being a human with the need to relax sometimes. my side hustle is no.
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jehnt · 5 months
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Buy it for billions of dollars
Be so surrounded by crypto and NFT shills and yes men that you start to see Twitter's ordinary users as the real bots
Scrap the site's pre-existing bot programs bc you were mad a report showed that the site didn't have as much of a bot problem as you thought
Make impersonation trivial, and let everyone who pays you $5 have all their tweets boosted no matter what
Make the site a barely functional husk run by a skeleton crew and reduce moderation in the name of free speech
Have your site flooded with bots, impersonators, and spam
Make them pay you $1 as a effort to fix spam, even though most of them already paid $5 for the checkmark that incentivized them to spam
Genius. The real Tony Stark. A pioneer on par with the Wright brothers and Zefram Cochrane. Where do I sign up for my One-Way Ticket to Mars NFT
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jehnt · 5 months
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Oliver Stark, your hand in marriage please
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jehnt · 5 months
online communities are so strange because people slip away so easily. you can be on here for years, folding people you've never met into the fabric of your daily life, and then they disappear, leaving only ghost posts scattered across tumblr behind. or their blog stays dormant, for weeks, months, years, until you're only still following them because you remember that they love sunflowers or they were kind to you when they didn't have to be or the last thing they posted was sad and raw and you still worry about them sometimes.
and sometimes they come back when you least expect it, years later, even, and there's this sudden rush of relief like there you are, there you are, even though you barely knew each other.
there's a strange kind of love to it. i don't know you and i want to hold your hand across miles and time zones and oceans. i can still see the imprint of you in this community you left. you don't anyone will notice or care when you're gone, but we notice and we care and we wish you well.
i hope you're all okay out there. i hope the sun is shining on your face and you are breathing deeply. i miss you.
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jehnt · 5 months
Also one thing I've thought about a lot while watching this show is how unhinged episodic network dramas are in general and how we as a society have forgotten that now that we're watching cohesive serialized stories on streaming channels. Like I watched ER from when I was a kid and batshit crazy stuff was always happening on it. I think we maybe just had a string of not-particularly-compelling network shows right at the same time that streaming channels were busting out with really compelling short serialized shows. But lately I've mostly been going back to watch more strongly episodic shows because I don't have much tv watching time right now (... ok, that I've blasted through two seasons of this in a week makes that seem like a lie, I know) and I like shows where I can just turn the show off between episodes and not always have it feel incomplete, and quite a few of them are just legit bonkers. They start out normal! And then they go slowly more wild every season. And doing totally unhinged stuff and then going back to normal the next week makes them seem really nutballs, because on more serialized tv, you'd continue to have more serious repercussions.
1 week ago I barely knew 911 the tv show existed. Today I am 2 seasons deep and unsure how I thought the gifs made this show look so deeply heterosexual. thanks tumblr
so sorry if I helped inflict this upon you except no I’m not! the entire show makes me feel like I have taken powerful hallucinogens and every time I think the most insane thing has happened a new scene begins and I yet again learn my lesson. “what if we wrote a 5+ year slow burn gay romance where first comes coparenting a child and then comes curtainfic and then comes a coming out scene and then comes [TBD] and also that is just two characters and everyone else is having equally unhinged plots” yeah okay go for it. The show is like the videotape in The Ring, only way to survive it is to pass it on and permanently alter the landscape of someone else’s psychological stability. Truly impossible to explain, must be experienced to understand (jk comprehension is impossible)
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jehnt · 5 months
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jehnt · 5 months
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turned this in for my biology assignment today online school is going well
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jehnt · 5 months
girl they’re gonna have this man’s phone locked up before end of day tomorrow
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jehnt · 5 months
Yeah even at first I didn't get why fandom was SO into this show except THEN Buck met Eddie in a slow-mo scene with sexy music over it, Eddie was revealed to be a sensitive single dad to a disabled son, and Buck was trying to get out of his Slut Era by having sex with pretty women and then apologizing to them for it and telling them he drinks his respects women juice. And I was like, alright heeeere we go.
And you're right, that is just TWO of the characters, and everyone else has equally interesting storylines that also happen to be fandom-bait. Married lesbian firefighter who adopted her ex-girlfriend's child? Straight-laced fire captain dating a cop whose ex-husband came out in the first episode? Everything I've seen of Maddie and Chimney's storyline so far, which I don't even know how to describe? Like every single story is the most major found-family vibes, and that's only even considering them separately, not even considering them together!
1 week ago I barely knew 911 the tv show existed. Today I am 2 seasons deep and unsure how I thought the gifs made this show look so deeply heterosexual. thanks tumblr
so sorry if I helped inflict this upon you except no I’m not! the entire show makes me feel like I have taken powerful hallucinogens and every time I think the most insane thing has happened a new scene begins and I yet again learn my lesson. “what if we wrote a 5+ year slow burn gay romance where first comes coparenting a child and then comes curtainfic and then comes a coming out scene and then comes [TBD] and also that is just two characters and everyone else is having equally unhinged plots” yeah okay go for it. The show is like the videotape in The Ring, only way to survive it is to pass it on and permanently alter the landscape of someone else’s psychological stability. Truly impossible to explain, must be experienced to understand (jk comprehension is impossible)
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jehnt · 6 months
you guys are getting queerbaited big time but its kinda beautiful to see in 2024. firemen arent gay everybody knows that.....
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