jellybile · 1 year
A 13 year old girl can stomach what a grown man can't.
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jellybile · 1 year
A little girl will always hold the good memories of her father locked far far away, so far that even he can't reach and ruin.
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jellybile · 1 year
cw: captivity- slight Stockholm syndrome ??
creepy whumper who gave whumpee their kid to take care of.
when whumpee was first taken they were tortured and tortured till they thought they will never make it out, that was until one day whumper dragged them out of their cell, forced them to bathe and brush their hair and gave them an infant to take care of.
whumpee had no idea how to take care of this less than a month old baby. whumper gave them some generic books about raising a child and left them on their own.
whumpee tried their hardest at first they were only upstairs to take care of the baby while the sun was out, at night whumper locked them back in their cell.
as time went on and the baby grew and their needs grew with them whumpee was allowed to be upstairs now,even though the thick metal collar stays on, they make grocery lists for the house and the baby even though they barely get to eat any of it.
they wake up early feed the baby and play with it, talk to it and hold it. make dinner for when whumper gets home, they clean and dust and do everything that whumpee asked of them.
punishments became longer but less severe, not any injuries that can stop them from caring for the baby, no broken legs and no broken arms, their ribs are intact, their face was kept fairly clean as to not scare the child.
they were so broken and mentally fragile that as soon as they got this positive little thing in their life they got extremely attached to it, their whole life revolved around this tiny little thing.
the infant grew to a toddler and whumpee got into the habit of singing to it when whumper wasn't home, the toddler soon grew and started singing to whumpee the same songs.
they had a deep connection almost like the baby was their own, they never asked whumper if it was theirs, they just took care of this small seed of joy that has been planted in their life.
when whumpee was rescued they couldnt take it.
they were downstairs getting something from the basement and they heard the crashes and yelling and a familiar voice ....
they remember the name and the voice but the image that popped up in their head was blurry, they had no emotional connection to this person, maybe they did at some point, but right now the only love they have is for the baby.
but even that was ripped away from them as the rescue team came down stairs and kept talking about 'saving whumpee' and how the 'monster' cant get them but their brain didnt register any of that.
as soon as they were upstairs they thrashed and screamed to reach the bedroom
"the baby is in there please let me take them!!"
they missed how the rescue team looked at each other and the thick tense air covering the place, they let whumpee go and they tripped over their own feet running for the crib next to the bed, but the baby was no where to be seen, the window was open and the curtains danced to the summer breeze.
whumper escaped with the baby, their baby.
• this is part one i guess ???? idk im thinking of making a second one of the baby all grown up 🥹
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jellybile · 1 year
TW: starvation - extreme weight loss
whumpee who pre-whump was always teased about their weight.
by everyone in their life team members especially.
but now after being rescued their team can't recognise them, as their bones are all out on display.
they wear whatever they're given (sometimes its their own old clothes) and their body is just lost in the big fabric.
their cheeks are hollowed and their eyes seem way larger, so sickly and pale.
they don't eat. anything more than a few bites made them sick, being starved for so long really fucked up their digestion.
they smile but it feels so cold and not like old whumpee, it's frustrating its like whumper took their old friend and gave them their lifeless skeleton.
they never wanted this.
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jellybile · 1 year
caretaker finally snapped at whumpee they cant do this anymore. whumpee wasn't putting in any effort to recover, all the things caretaker has done for them have gone to waste.
they called whumpee all sorts of names and said things they never though they would say.
caretaker walked out on them, the world was suddenly overwhelming again, too big and too scary. they didn't know what to do with themselves. so they carried themselves into the only place they know they'll be safe.
caretaker who is friends with whumper.
who didn't even blink when whumper complained about their lost 'pet'.
caretaker who's stomach dropped when as they were sitting at the dinner table with whumper and a bunch of their friends, a familiar figure came crawling out of the hallway, the collar on their neck making a slight noise as they moved.
whumpee sat at whumpers knee, the food came back up caretakers throat when whumper laid a twisted hand over whumpees hair, their face was bruised, one of their eyes purple and sealed shut.
"oh i forgot to tell you they made it home last week"
whumpers voice was poisonous, sharp and sickeningly sweet, whumpee nuzzled their face into whumpers thigh tightly holding their leg, hiding their face from caretaker, whumper chuckled and kept stroking their hair, "you won't believe the crazy story they told me about someone I trusted taking them away from home".
caretakers stomach turned and twisted, the small sick grin on the side of whumpees face only making the realisation hit ten times harder like a punch in the face. whumpee lied.
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jellybile · 1 year
omg caretaker that started dating whumpee without knowing about any of their trauma and they get into a heated argument and caretaker snaps at whumpee and calls them horrible names but instead of fighting back like their previous partners whumpee just nods as their eyes widen.
"why aren't you saying anything?"
"what? why would i? i deserve this, you're right." and they force a breathy laugh out of their mouth and it stings so bad because its so obviously fake.
"i'm a monster. a manipulative attention seeking monster, you said it yourself" and now whumpee is sobbing and shaking on the floor and caretaker tries to get close to them but they flinch away and caretakers heart breaks into a million pieces. now they have to know exactly what made whumpee into this scared self loathing lost version of themself.
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jellybile · 1 year
whump trope i thought about
ok so mean caretaker that had already snapped at whumpee a few times since they took them in, sometimes it even got physical. the frustration and the burden of having to take care of someone so broken and sick quickly catching up to them, turning them slowly but surely into just another whumper for whumpee to be scared of.
they don't notice just how scary they've gotten until they come home from an exhausting shift, throw their keys and take off their shoes by the door, they expect whumpee to be in bed by now as its way past their bedtime. they sigh and walk into the dark hallway stopping when they hear muffled sobs seeping through the crack in the bathroom door.
the sound of steps seemed to be overpowered by the blood rushing through whumpees head, they had to do this quickly, caretaker will be home any minute, they're gonna be mad, furious even. they will yell at them for creating such a big mess on the nice tiles, any minute now, any minute now, any minute-
it was like the world stopped spinning. 
time froze as they looked up to see caretaker standing by the door, eyes scanning the mess and scanning whumpee. they've really fucked up this time, caretaker won't tolerate them anymore, they should've worn more clothes and eaten before doing something so stupid and reckless, caretaker is finally gonna snap and pull them by their hair and throw them out of their nice clean house. or even worse punish them like whumper used to, whumper would've been so disappointed, whumper, whum-
they didn't even register what was happening their body moving on instinct, their head hanging low between their shoulders, they were bowing. asking for any forgiveness they can have, a shred of mercy, anything.
whumpee was on the floor, their head bowed, loud sobs and incoherent words pouring out of their mouth like a broken faucet, caretakers eyes turned to the scene again, the bathroom floor was covered in blood and vomit, a knife and a bunch of cleaning supplies piled in a poor attempt to clean up the mess, a trail of blood following whumpee as they looked up and started crawling towards caretaker.
"I- im so sorry, sir... It was an accident please forgive me-” they held on to caretakers legs, clutching their worn work pants like a life line, the blood started soaking through and thats when caretaker saw the life drain out of whumpees face.
whumpee was terrified, absolutely inconsolable. they fucked up big this time. they got blood on caretaker, their filthy blood. whumpee quickly scurried back into the far back corner, like a wild frightened animal. they pulled their knees against their chest, their hands pulling at their hair mumbling a jumble of apologies and incoherent words.
caretaker tried to come closer but whumpee kept backing up even if they were already flush against the wall, their wails only getting louder and louder, “please, p-punish me sir, so i can be better! please don't throw m-me out” “im not- i won't throw you out whumpee, i promise. just -- tell me what happened ok?” caretaker tried to come closer but was afraid that whumpee was gonna have a heart attack by how hard their breathing was. 
“Just punish me like you always do! don't leave me i don't know where to go-”  whumpees words once again became a big mess of snot and tears but caretaker wouldn't have registered anything anyway. whumpees words echoing in their brain. punish me like you always do.
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