jenndanielson · 3 years
capacity and context
How are you? Seriously, how are you doing right now? How are you balancing your life in the world? It feels strange in so many ways to continue to “just” post on social media about personal, professional & energy balance while the world continues to face a pandemic, wars and climate crises. Yet this is how and where we can make an impact: in our personal choices of how to process and…
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jenndanielson · 3 years
the answer is no longer 42
the answer is no longer 42
A few (or more-ish) years ago, I celebrated my birthday with a month of asking questions about the ultimate question of life, the universe & everything.* The questions and conversations among colleagues and online revealed a lot – even if we didn’t get to a “real” ultimate answer. That was the month of my 42nd birthday day. And, as much as any other answer I found, 42 really was the ultimate…
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jenndanielson · 5 years
Soul Sparks - passing the spark
Soul Sparks – passing the spark
The first half of this year has been a whirlwind of activity for me on many fronts, not the least of which has been the continuation of my Reiki Master Teacher Training. And, in just over a week, I will be holding my first Reiki Level 1 class.
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Sharing a Reiki session or a coaching session is about shining a light, holding the space, opening the opportunity, for others to step into the work,…
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jenndanielson · 6 years
Time to Shift
New post in the week that sees 2018 turn into 2019: Time to Shift
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What a year end set up, y’all.
the end of 2018,
rolling toward 2019,
winter solstice (here in north america, at least) where we turn from longer nights back to lighter days and the auspices of growth and newness with the coming new year
a brilliant full moon that invites us to cast off the remnants of 2018 that are no longer serving us
So, what do you do with all that epic alignment?…
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jenndanielson · 6 years
Article: Don't Fence Me In
Article: Don’t Fence Me In
How do you define and create boundaries in your life, work and even with yourself?
It’s not always a clear-cut line (though, sometimes, it has to be!).
I wanted to share my summer post on The Coaching Tools Blog: Don’t Fence Me In: Unlock Successful Life Balance with Practical Boundaries
We are so often a society of Yes. How frequently do (you or) your clients take on extra projects, problems or…
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jenndanielson · 6 years
Coach Certification - I got it :)
Coach Certification – I got it :)
Well, it’s been a while since my last post here, and it’s been a full few months. My first news to share is that I (finally*) hit the submission button, wrote the test and am now happily an ACC (Associate Certified Coach) with the International Coach Federation (ICF).
What does this mean for you and me? Well, it means I have taken an accredited training program, included mentored hours of…
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jenndanielson · 6 years
Confidence Boost
New Post: When change shakes things up, it's time for a Confidence Boost
How do you connect to your confidence? When going through change, it’s natural to feel a lack of confidence, even in something that has been a solid skill. Everything shifts, and we can feel lost.
I had a few coaching conversations recently that all related to recovering lost confidence and shared a few tips for uncovering our hidden strengths. It’s written for coaches, but it applies equally to…
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jenndanielson · 7 years
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My new lovelies 😄 Looking forward to getting to know them #connectyourdots #crystallove #quartz #prehnite #celestite #lepidolite #shivalingam #vancouvergemandmineralshow (at Vancouver Forum)
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jenndanielson · 7 years
New audio connection about how and why we should pay attention to synchronicity
It’s been a while since I added an audio connection and it seems like the right time to start again 🙂 I wanted to share a little about synchronicity and coincidence – how it can show up and, more importantly, what to do about it [soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/417906172"…
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jenndanielson · 7 years
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It's the first day of spring. 🌱Vernal equinox. Day and night in balance as we shift into spring. Hold balance for a moment today - light and dark, night and day, winter and spring. What shifts for you as we open to spring? 🌞 #connectyourdots #equinox #spring (at Burnaby, British Columbia)
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jenndanielson · 7 years
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Time to shift to growth and all that comes with it. When you find your goals, find what you need to grow - warmth, sun, rain? It's nearly spring - happy growing to a balanced, engaged life 🌱
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jenndanielson · 7 years
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All in a day's work 😄 I love supporting clients to identify and update their unique high level lifescape. How better to set your best balance and next goals?! #connectyourdots #clientlove #createyourlife #mindmapsession (at Burnaby, British Columbia)
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jenndanielson · 7 years
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When it comes to striking out for your big goals, what's your approach? Taking a chance on the unknown can be a scary thing. It doesn't have to be a total crap-shoot roll of the dice. Ask key questions to remove some the unknowns and the fear, and move past obstacles (hint: coaches have a LOT of good key questions!) Put yourself on the path to that goal. No matter what the dice roll shows. #connectyourdots #rollofthedice #nofear #askthequestion
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jenndanielson · 7 years
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Time to add a little extra energy to the day. 💎 #connectyourdots #crystals #crystallove #quartz (at Burnaby, British Columbia)
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jenndanielson · 7 years
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Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free. -- Rumi Move. Dance. Shift energy as you shift in physical space. Make your own next steps. #connectyourdots #qotd #rumi (at New Westminster, British Columbia)
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jenndanielson · 7 years
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Last night's lighting and scarf check (now heavily filtered) from The Home Office before going live on fb. 😉 I was especially happy and grateful for being outside under such a gorgeous full moon a few minutes earlier - did you get to see it? Enjoy it? Connect with it? #connectyourdots #fullmoon #homeoffice (at Burnaby, British Columbia)
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jenndanielson · 7 years
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What little things in your life are exactly what they need to be right now? Sometimes it's about the little "random" things - like this cluster of good vibes in the corner of my desk. It's not the prettiest layout, hell, it wasn't even planned, but together they create a little zone of awesome. I couldn't imagine it any other way. #connectyourdots #synchronicity #crystals #buddha #selenite #fluorite #quartz #incense (at Burnaby, British Columbia)
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