jennerusn · 7 years
Seoul, Korea
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jennerusn · 7 years
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jennerusn · 7 years
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“A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows."
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jennerusn · 7 years
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Taco Vengo
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jennerusn · 8 years
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jennerusn · 8 years
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jennerusn · 8 years
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Colors of the year
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jennerusn · 8 years
The Caballana Lookbook #3
Model: Ica Macazo
Brows by Me 
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jennerusn · 8 years
The Caballana Lookbook # 2
Model: Denise Heredia
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jennerusn · 8 years
Introducing: The Caballana Lookbook
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Hey guys! I’ve been MIA for so long so I decided to post about what I’ve been working on lately - a fashion lookbook. 
My friend Cola and I decided to collaborate for her new instagram store’s (@caballanaph) collection. I’ll be posting more photo sets of the collections soon (daily, hopefully)! 
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That’s all for now! Make sure to keep checking my page for the updates xx 
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jennerusn · 8 years
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This is Jamie. 
So I’ve gathered enough confidence and decided to start my portrait series... and I’m calling it #byjennerusn. 
I chose Jamie as my first muse because I always feel like I’m playing around whenever I shoot her. She was the perfect blank canvas. Everything was on the spot, from the make up to the venue. It was really fun.
She’s looks like the quiet type but boy can she beautifully speak her mind.
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The wind also cooperated with us during the shoot.
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She joked about me being the Marc Jacobs of the shoot because I styled her, did her make up, and shot her photos and videos. It’s literally jennerusn by jennerusn by jennerusn... haha!
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She reminds me of a cat. Looks very calming on the outside but feisty on the inside!
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You’ve reached the end of this post! Be on the lookout for my next photo series! If you wanna collaborate or model for me, you may reach me at [email protected]
x, jen
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jennerusn · 8 years
Streets of Athens, Greece
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Kicking off my Europe travel series with Greece!
Last year my parents surprised me with the Europe trip I’ve always dreamt of. I actually thought they were kidding at first cause I never specifically asked for it for my birthday, but when they handed me the plane tickets it suddenly felt real! So kudos to my parents (aka my real life angels) for everything, even though I don’t deserve it they still planned it for me. Yay.
Moving on!
Our first destination for the trip was Athens, Greece. 
Our hotel was just a 10 minute train ride away from the museums and street shops. What I noticed about Athens was that their streets are filled with so much color and art.
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They also have creative street graffiti!
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& random people playing music on the streets
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My favorite shot of my angels so far.
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Fun fact: I was just supposed to stay in the hotel the whole day because my temperature went up to 39 degrees. Thank the Lord my parents dragged me out to see the museums and cool artefacts which I will be talking about next time!
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jennerusn · 8 years
Now that you know the reason behind my blog, I guess I should sort of introduce myself... through this video clip of me prancing around in cool lights.  
or you could read this link that basically sums up what I do and who I am. 
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jennerusn · 8 years
The Beginning
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Right after school ended, I decided that I needed a project to focus on for the summer. I didn’t know what to do at first, I just knew that I wanted to work on something that I find pleasure in doing. After thinking about it for a long time, I came to a conclusion that I enjoy writing about my past adventures. The thing was that I didn’t know how to make that into a project. So I asked some of my friends if they had any suggestions on how to make it happen, and in return they told me to just push through with a blog, which they’ve been suggesting for quite some time now.
I was of course a bit hesitant about the idea since I’m a very private person and it agitates me when people know about my life. But at the same time I felt like it was the right thing to do. It feels liberating in the sense that I will now be able to share the stories of the wonderful people I’ve met, places I’ve been to and the experiences that come along with everything. I just hope that my stories would give justice to the real thing. I’ll really have to excavate deeply into my brain so I could remember those experiences in detail and bring them back to life.
So here goes. This is the starting point. This is the beginning.
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