jennitalwarts · 7 years
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*Happy Birthday 20170810 YAMATO* Sorry,Japanese & Long article.
ヤマト隊長・テンゾウ・甲ちゃん お誕生日おめでとう!
漫画描くのが不慣れなもので伝わってるか心配ですが、大蛇丸を監視し続ける原作のヤマト隊長がこんな風に報われてほしいな と思って描きました。
出生不明で実験体の過去、幼少期からずっと任務に生きてきたヤマト。 実はダンゾウは手塩にかけてかわいがってくれてた説や、初代火影=木ノ葉の象徴でもある木遁を里のために有効活用できる唯一の忍びとして、ヤマト隊長のことをもっと公式的に労ってほしいです。 (ゴリ押ししてとは言わないし大人の事情もわかるけど、オールキャラグッズのラインナップとか貴重な原作ありのシーンでカットしないでほしい)
大蛇丸の監視については六代目の任命以上に、きっ��木遁使いとして生まれた意味・ルーツに寄り添って生きたい ヤマトの真面目な性分なのだと思ってます。 でも見守る立場としては 木ノ葉で木遁を活かした任務についてほしいし、 カカシ・ガイのようにふたりきまま生活もいいけど 幸せな結婚もしてほしい><
そして改めて ヤマト隊長お誕生日おめでとうございます 大好きだ!!!!
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jennitalwarts · 7 years
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jennitalwarts · 7 years
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Luis R. Ruiz
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jennitalwarts · 7 years
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Naruto Shippuden 470 & Boruto 23
The result of their excellent teamwork!
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jennitalwarts · 9 years
Dogs are the literal best and let me tell you why.
When my parents are out of town, my pup Remmy sleeps downstairs with me. I don’t mind because the basement is chilly sometimes and he’s a fuzzy little space heater. But he always does this weird thing and I didn’t figure out why until last night.
I’m a stomach-sleeper, while the rest of my family are back-sleepers. So Remmy has taken up this very different behavior with me (my family says he doesn’t do it with them). It always takes me a while to settle down, but when I do, Remmy takes his head off of his paws and rests it square in the center of my back.
So I’m thinking, “What’s the point of that? It can’t be comfortable. It cranes his neck in a funny way, and besides, every time I breathe his head goes up and down. That’s a weird thing.” So I formulate a hypothesis, and test it.
Last night, I got comfortable, Remmy put his head on my back, I waited a while, then I held my breath. It took him a while to react, but when he did, he fuckin lost it. He started whining and yipping, and repeatedly licking my face and hands. And I was like oh my god.
Conclusion: my dog noticed that I slept in a way that was different from the rest of my family, thought “that kid is gonna die” and made sure that I never stopped breathing in the middle of the night.
Dogs are fuckin smart as hell. What a wonderful animal.
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jennitalwarts · 10 years
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jennitalwarts · 10 years
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jennitalwarts · 10 years
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jennitalwarts · 10 years
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jennitalwarts · 10 years
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jennitalwarts · 10 years
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jennitalwarts · 10 years
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jennitalwarts · 10 years
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jennitalwarts · 11 years
what do you mean im not cut out for modeling? my horoscope said i was extremely attractive and passionate
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jennitalwarts · 11 years
what what
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jennitalwarts · 11 years
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jennitalwarts · 11 years
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