jenuinelycurious · 5 hours
may the rest of this year be softer
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jenuinelycurious · 6 hours
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jenuinelycurious · 6 hours
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Back to our regularly scheduled daydream plot
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jenuinelycurious · 4 days
It could very well may be something similar to medically genetic mutation that causes high sensitivity to UV, such as Xeroderma pigmentosum
In some studies on the history of vampires in culture, it is said that diseases such as the one linked may have helped garnered the legend of the ancient creatures over time, which could help in understanding one of the main key features of them that is shared thru multiple cultures: these genetic conditions can pop up in any country. And whose to say, in their gained strength and stealth, and beauty, their very DNA genetics are either increased or decreased (no need to limit)? Aka they're either fucked by UV, and from needing only midnight sun (if that, some might be so sensitive they have to be underground) to where their eyes are now sensitive to light but adapt WELL in the night or they're a bit closer to feeling normal around the sun, have better adjusting eyes and senses in certain times of far and night but have ✨ preferences✨. So much so, that there could be some vampires with such low sensitivity that their able to be okay in the early morning and late evening sun.
For the increased genes: This is also why the mid-morning/afternoon sun is the most deadly: the crisp UV of the rising sun is cutting thru areas where they had been just absent and calmer in the night and early mornings. For visual/sense purposes (cause my own mind is like that) it would be the equivalent of walking into a hot shower when your home is in the degrees of 60s (or ~18 C). It will hurt. Almost like you're being burned or boiled.
But, for the decreased genes: there might be some vampires that are dramatic af because they just prefer the darker midnight sun, and hiss their displeasure, even though they can tolerate the sun. Maybe they embraced the stigma on vampires to heart, or they just prefer the night for a multiple of reasons. But when the sun comes out, so to their fangs and speed to find darkness. As funny as that'd be to witness (in my head, I'm thinking similar to Imhotep reacting fearfully to a cat in The Mummy--you stop being intimidating long enough for a laugh when your jaw unhinges in fear from something seen otherwise as "harmless" to the public opinion) I'm sure the vampires that are actually harmed by the sun's UVs as if being slowly burned and boiled by it do not appreciate the theatrics.
CALL ME STUPID or whatever i’m curious about how exactly vampires get hurt by the sun. is it just the sun in general, is it sunlight, is it extreme sensitivity to UV rays. basically would they be more severely hurt at certain times of day when the UV scale is higher? And I grew up with polar seasons and my NON SCIENTIFIC personal experience with it is that midnight sun feels very different to regular sunlight, it doesn’t feel warm and i’ve never been sunburnt from staying outside for 5 hours without sunscreen at night. so basically I’m doing research on the UV scale and the midnight sun on public transportation on my way to work because I wanna know if midnight sun would be less harmful to a vampire. but like it probably is not that deep at all it’s just they are night creatures sun bad.
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jenuinelycurious · 4 days
hey writers stretch your hands and arms and shoulders before sitting down and writing. and then do that again every hour or two
also remember to blink
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jenuinelycurious · 4 days
My little Lani looks just like this cat, except white and tan. She does the same when I'm working at my desks and naps for at least 2 hrs/day in my lap 💕💕💕
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jenuinelycurious · 4 days
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SITH! OBI-WAN & ANAKIN SKYWALKER | WHAT IF? STAR WARS BY ME. I always liked the idea of Obi-Wan corrupted by the dark side, so i made this. Star Wars really needs a what if show.
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jenuinelycurious · 5 days
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more than anything else, sunstone is a series about messy flawed people figuring out life love, sexuality and kink one failure at a time. everyone is a fuckup! no exceptions! also third hardcover preorders are available in comic stores bookstores and amazon
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jenuinelycurious · 8 days
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Finished the lineart for Falin while rewatching the last ep of Dungeon Meshi ☺️
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jenuinelycurious · 8 days
@rachierue @justtex328
As someone who struggles with disordered eating thoughts a lot I will forever appreciate Dungeon Meshi for giving me the scene where Laios kicks Toshiro's ass before saying outloud that the reason he won is because he's been eating(and resting) and Toshiro hasn't.
In a world that is so fatphobic it absolutely demonizes needing to eat to the point we have whole entire adult humans who think being hungry is a sign you're addicted to food it means everything to me to have a show say "cooking and eating is not only fun, rewarding, and a way to bond and share/preserve our cultures, it is a necessary part of life that makes your body stronger, you cannot save yourself or others if you're starving, you gain nothing from denying yourself food" like...Dunmeshi is such a breath of fresh air. No fat jokes, no "oh tee hee I gotta watch my weight" comments, no fucking moralizing any type of food as bad or unhealthy, fatty meats and fried foods and carbs being shown as just as nutritious and valuable and necessary as vegetables and salads, the show even having a part talking about how eating isn't just about being full and you can still enjoy food even if you aren't doing it for nutrition or to sate hunger, and Laios literally proving that there is nothing noble in starvation and denial of our base needs....goddamn. I love this story so fucking much.
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jenuinelycurious · 8 days
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Forgive me.
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jenuinelycurious · 8 days
For the longest time, when people would say "Cryptocurrency," this is what I'd imagine.
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jenuinelycurious · 8 days
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Plum Coffee Cake
Follow for recipes
Is this how you roll?
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jenuinelycurious · 8 days
this is amazing 🐈 ♥️♥️
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jenuinelycurious · 8 days
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Love in Paradise (but not really)
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jenuinelycurious · 8 days
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I’ve posted two of these before, but here are all 3 warforged commissions for @hinkledinkle together in one post! <3 
The top two are heavily inspired and referenced from designs by Alan Blackwell by request.
twitch / commissions / art tag
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jenuinelycurious · 9 days
we are in a media literacy crisis
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