jett-maverick · 11 years
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Jamie Bower | via Tumblr on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/75033440
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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jett-maverick · 11 years
Headless Rider | Part 2
He had lost track of time in Dullahan. Jett was trying to remember how many days it had been since arriving with Arlo but he failed miserably. Jett felt as if he was slowly going crazy - insane-asylum crazy. A nurse knocked on the bullet proof, triple-paned window to his cell and gave him a sympathetic look. Using the little microphone attached, she told him that it was time to go to see Dr. Renfrew and Dr. Wolff again. Those were the two who were always there doing tests, asking questions, observing him... Jett had grown to dislike them early on and as the procedures became more invasive (both physically and mentally) the young man became less cooperative.
They had clearly picked up on this because four strong orderlies entered his cell and grabbed on to him quickly. Jett was tall but his time at Dullahan made him weaker every day. Despite his yells, the laboratory door was opened and the blonde man was fastened into the chair. "Hello, Mr. Maverick," crooned Dr. Renfrew through the mic. "Do you remember the first test we did on you when you arrived?" Jett thought back through the countless examinations but he was having trouble picking one out. "Well we're going to do another one quite similar to that, only this time we aren't going to knock you out completely; we need to be able to communicate with you. So please keep that in mind. When you hear us, we will be able to hear your thoughts back." Jett pondered this for a moment before putting two and two together. If they could hear his thoughts, what's to say he won't end up telling them about the gangs and their members and where their hideouts were and everything? A spark of fear lit behind his blue eyes. As the long, silver syringe was brought out, Jett vowed to use every inch of his strength to protect his thoughts and have control. Otherwise, who knows what would happen. 
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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And I believe in Us ‘cause you believe in me (x)
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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jett-maverick · 11 years
Headless Rider || Part 1
His first room at Dullahan hadn't been his for long before he was ushered into a different one. After Arlo left, the doctors sprung into action, taking Jett - who to them seemed like a walking time bomb - and putting him in a stark white, square room with a wall of windows. The windows looked into a control office, where the two doctors that would be working with him were pressing buttons and hooking up wires. The female spoke into a microphone attached to a wrist piece and the sound fed into the area where Jett was standing. 
"Jett Maverick stand absolutely still in a neutral position. There will be a very bright blue light, it will do a full body scan so we can monitor you during a series of tests. After a few seconds the light will dim significantly and you are free to move." 
He gave a curt nod and froze. It happened just as the doctor had said it would and Jett ran a hand through his hair as his eyes readjusted. Next the male doctor lifted his wrist to his mouth and gave him some instructions. "This first procedure we are conducting will involve a prep, which we will do right now. It involves your memories - please let them flow, try not to resist. We are not tapping into them so they remain private so don't fear anything. This should take about three or four hours to complete but for you time will go much slower. You will literally be reliving your entire life. After the simulation is complete, we can begin to see what is causing your episodes, as described when you checked in." 
Again Jett gave a curt nod. Four orderlies walked in through a door that blended into the wall and sat the young man in a chair, hooked a few wires to pressure points, and then asked for his arm. "What is that?" he asked, looking at a large, silver syringe. "The serum." Before Jett could ask any further questions, a sharp pain ran up his arm and the world turned to black. 
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jett-maverick · 11 years
Arlo seemed so sure and collected that Jett found himself feeling more relaxed than he probably should have. In fact, the whole situation seemed surreal - which scared Jett because if he was only seeing this play out but wasn't actually present, he honestly had no clue. The blonde took a deep breath and answered any questions for him just the way he and Arlo had talked about it. 
When the meetings and discussions came to a close, the nervousness rose quickly for Jett, and a panic began to settle. The two men were left alone momentarily for farewells and the Soldier was trying hard to breathe. He already felt constricted by the stark white walls and the knowledge that he was going to be locked in. "Arlo..." he said, a small shake in his voice, "Thank you." So many words could be exchanged but Jett just needed to say goodbye and get on with it. "Well this is goodbye. For now." He shifted his weight awkwardly. 
Finally two orderlies came and asked Jett to follow them. He swallowed down some of his fear and began to walk slightly behind them. The Toy Soldier gave a nod to the Killjoy as he passed him, conveying so much meaning with such a simple gesture. And that was that.
He, Jett Maverick, was now an inmate of the Dullahan Asylum. 
Purple Haze | Arlo and Jett
They reached their destination exactly as expected. Outside the doors, Arlo stopped in his tracks and turned to face Jett. Without saying anything, he gave him a huge, tight hug. Things could go terrible wrong or amazingly right, but there was only one way to find out. Breaking out of the strong embrace, the Killjoy looked the Soldier in the eyes. “I will keep her safe." That’s all he said. The young men were so close that even without speaking much the past couple of years, they still had a special connection.
With a firm squeeze on Jett’s shoulder, Arlo pushed open the doors. A secretary asked if she could help him with something and the Killjoy began. “I’d like to admit my brother," he stated simply. The secretary paged a doctor and Arlo sat across from the older man, glancing over at the Soldier every so often. After an hour and a three quarters, one gold coin was handed over and the boys were told to make their goodbyes, before Jett was taken to his room.  
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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You ready, mate?
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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Right, yeah.  
You ready, mate?
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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[walks alongside the Killjoy] I couldn't begin to tell you. 
Sorry? What was that?
You ready, mate?
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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Thanks. I feel pretty dreadful, too. I was with Loralie nearly the entire night. 
You ready, mate?
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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Ready as I'll ever be.  Here are the letters, [hands over the envelopes]
You ready, mate?
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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I - well both. 
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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I said I love you. 
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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Yes. In that case, you are definitely like family. 
[strokes her hair gently, leaving a few beats of silence] I love you, Lor. 
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jett-maverick · 11 years
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It's hard to think of you as family when I think of kissing you and being with you. I mean I can't draw on personal experiences but I'm pretty sure it's weird for relatives to do that sort of romantic stuff. 
We don't need to think about that now. Just close your eyes and relax.
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