jieunsapphic · 3 years
domestic sweetness!!!! getting groceries together, buying home decor together??? making traditions??? cooking dinner while badly singing along to the radio??? making each other breakfast in bed??? leaving notes around the house for each other??? i’m so soft,,,,
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
do you ever lay on your bed staring at the ceiling and wish that your girlfriend was with you or are you not in a long distance relationship
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
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Rabbits and triangles🐇
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
*marries u but only as a friend*
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
New Moon Ritual - Reclaiming Power
from The Six Ways by Aiden Watcher, p. 36-37
Fresh Water, any herbs you want to add (author recommends rose petals)
Photo of yourself or Mirror
Start this ritual on the day of the new moon and repeat daily until the next new moon.
Prepare your space with your materials. For the water, you can use a small bowl or do this in the bath/shower. You should be able to see your photo or reflection in the mirror, though I sometimes personally skip this step.
Light the candle and incense.
Ground, center, calm yourself for a few moments until you're in a good headspace.
Repeat the all following phrase 3 times each, using the water to consecrate yourself as inspired.
"I forgive myself for my failures, each and every one of them, past, present and future" x3, take a moment and feel your feelings.
" I call back all of my power. All that was taken from me, all that I gave away, all that I lost. I call it all back to me. As it was, as it is, as it shall be." x3
"Here and now, ever and always, as an Avatar of the Ineffable, I bless myself. I give thanks to the powers that aid and guard me, I thank them for their help, their protection, and their infinite blessings. As was, as is, as is to come." x3
Let your incense burn out, and extinguish candle with respect and gratitude whenever you feel ready.
This ritual was taken from Aiden Watcher's book The Six Ways, with slight modification by me. As always, of you feel the need to make small changes to things, be smart about it and don't be afraid to try. I highly recommend the book, It's a great read for a beginner witch!
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
you deserve to wake up to sun light and gentle touch
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
I hold my pillow at night hoping that you’ll one day take its place.
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
concept: you are in my arms for the first time in months. the smell of your jacket is so familiar and your smile is so the same and i feel so happy to be with you, everything else is unimportant.
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
i get so excited to hug you. i just want to wrap around you
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
cute weekly self care checklist:
♡ read one chapter of a book  ♡ practice a new skill of your choice every day for 15 minutes ♡ clean & tidy your room  ♡ exercise daily with a workout video  ♡ take a picture of the sky ♡ write a small poem or story  ♡ make your bed & fold your clothes every morning ♡ make one playlist of songs that you like ♡ check up on a friend  ♡ draw a picture of anything ♡ take a nice stroll around the block if it’s sunny ♡ go to bed at the same time each night ♡ write a list of nice things that happened this week ♡ bake a sweet dessert you like
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
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A collection of many bunny Akko moments, because gosh darn if she isn’t an expressive little cutie.
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
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happy international lesbian day!!
have some gfs!
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
removing yourself from toxic situations is lonely. removing toxic friends and family members from your life is lonely. learning to be without the people, or outside of the environment you were in for so long–somewhere that might’ve been unsafe or made you unhappy but was still familiar–is lonely. but it isn’t supposed to be easy. you have to choose yourself and you’ll regret it sometimes because you’ve never felt this alone, and yet it’s the right thing to do. learn to be happy with your own company, learn to support yourself the way you wish others would. there’s nothing others can give you that you cannot eventually give yourself.
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
How to be alone
I love being alone. I am OBSESSED with being alone. I don’t mean to sound horrible, but it’s kind of my favourite way to spend time. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with friends, but I find prolonged social interaction super exhausting, and I need my solo time to recharge and learn how to be a human bean again.  
I know that a lot of you can’t necessarily relate-for lots of people, social interaction is energizing, not energy-depleting. If you are one of those people, that’s amazing! Well done you! But at some point, maybe right this second, you may find that you’re completely by yourself, and when you do, I want you to enjoy it. Relish it. Rest…have a kitchen rave!!
Over the years, I have happily spent lots of time by myself, and by now I daresay I’m an expert o the subject-a true artiste when it comes to solitary pursuits.  Being alone is not a big deal! In many ways, it can be helpful and enhance the time you spend with other human beans.  Try to not just get through it but enjoy it too!
The first step to being happy in your own company is to realize that you’re a pretty cool person to be around and that the things you like to do are fun because they’re fun for you (and really, who else’s opinion counts when you’re alone?).
Becoming truly comfortable with your own company is partly an exercise in working out what you actually want to do when no one is asking you to compromise or jump through their hoops, whether that means catching up on sleep, watching films, reading, going on long walks or sitting on the couch in your pants eating ice cream! If it makes you happy, it’s an acceptable thing to do when you’re alone. The end.
The next step in learning how to be alone is to practice. You don’t learn all the words to Hamilton’s ‘My Shot’ (holy shit Lin-Manuel Miranda) well enough to lip-synch to it the first or even fifth time you hear it; most people who are new to spending time by themselves aren’t instantly masters of it, either. Start small, take a long nature walk by yourself (don’t listen to music!) or going to a coffee shop without any friends (take a book or magazine!). Then build to bigger things, go to the cinema by yourself or even to a gig! Go see or do something you wouldn’t normally be able to do. Test yourself!
The best thing about practicing being alone is that there are ENDLESS activities that you can do in the company of your own badass self. Here are some I would particularly recommend:
·     Reading every book your favourite author has ever written-in chronological order.
·     Getting sucked into a show (or several) that people reference all the time- like Bob’s Burgers, Voltron, Firefly, Dragonball Z, Twin Peaks, Black Books, Spaced or Arrested Development-but that you’ve never seen.
·     Repeatedly watching a single cult classic movie, like Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Hot Fuzz or Mulan until you can flawlessly recite lines from memory.
·     Sitting alone in a café to watch people and eavesdrop on their conversations.
·     Going to an art museum and noticing what you’re drawn to and thinking about why.
If you are committed to the practice of making time for yourself and being alone, you can actually run through this list pretty quickly. So, what should you do next? Time to get an OBSESSIVE hobby! Try your hand at blogging, crocheting, sewing, painting, yarn-bombing…..the world is your oyster! Whatever your obsessive hobby is, make it the private thing you only do with you.
Sometimes when you are emotionally or physically drained, the best way to use your alone time sot practice ‘Extreme Self-care’, ESC for short. ESC is when you spend a chunk of time self-soothing and setting realistic goals to positively change your behaviours.  The thing about being alone is that it really does not have to include feeling lonely. Doing active, productive, fun and/or soothing activities can actually stave off loneliness. Getting to know yourself when you are by yourself will also help to identify those moments when you do feel isolated and sad and need to reach out to other people for help and companionship-which is another act of ESC!
I know it can feel like this moment right now will never end, but it is entirely possible that you won’t have this much time to yourself for a long time. When you are alone, think about it as a non-permanent, yet still important, part of your life that is shaping who you are as a person. And even in the shorter term-almost nothing is more satisfying than realizing you had a brilliant day, all by yourself.
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
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Starlight Glimmer x Sunset Shimmer matching icons! 💜🧡
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
being individuals together is so intimate. let’s read different books but curled up next to each other, let’s visit a coffee shop so you can study & i can write, let’s just be near each other
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jieunsapphic · 4 years
you guys know adora is actually smart right?
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