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~ Crab Vessel with Double Spout.
Place of origin: Colombia, Calima Region
Period: Ilama Period
Date: 1500 B.C.-A.D. 100
Medium: Ceramics
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Same vabes.
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My crush in childhood. Favorite list.
The Snow Queen ("The Snow Queen", USSR, 1957)
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2. The little robber ("The Snow Queen", USSR, 1957)
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3. Odette ("Barbie of Swan Lake", 2003)
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4. Vasilisa ("Vasilisa Mikulishna", USSR, 1975)
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5. Царица Забава ("The Flying Ship", USSR, 1979)
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6. Eris ("SInbad: Legend of the Seven Seas", 2003)
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7. Captain Amelia ("Treasure Planet", 2002)
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8. Maleficent ("Sleeping Beauty", 1959)
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9. Lady Tremaine ("Cinderella", 1950)
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To be continued...
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A Guide to Mastery: Finding Your Life's Work
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Mastery is what we hope to attain. We hope to get a point where we become master of our fields, experts of our work, and mentors to younger people. But the big question we ask ourselves is "what should I do?" "what can I do?" "what is my purpose in life?" and that is a very big question that we might spend our entire lives trying to figure out.
It is difficult now, especially when we hear people talk about their careers, we see updates on people's career changes on LinkedIn and everyone is vying for a job in big tech, big law, consulting, Wall Street and you feel left out, not good enough, in fact discouraged.
However, you can find fulfillment by taking this self-discovery one step at a time, at a pace that best suits your skills, and still rise to the top.
Here is how to find your Life's work:
Look back to your childhood
Often to figure out what you want to do or who you want to become you have to look back to your past, your childhood. What made you tick? What classes were most fun for you? Who did you enjoy watching or spending time with growing up? The answers can give you a peek into the kind of life you want. Growing up I enjoyed reading biographies of people. I was obsessed with how they became successful and how they set themselves apart - now my writing mirrors that.
2. Find your niche
The uncertainty or discomfort you feel could be caused by not fitting into one field. You feel like you can do a lot more than there is out there. This is a great feeling. if you feel this way do not be discouraged. It is your life's journey to figure out the intersection of your interest. It is a sign that you should try out multiple things. Your career may become an amalgamation of your interest, ideas, disciplines, and fields. Here are some intersections that I found in people I admire:
Design + Technology - Steve Jobs- Apple Co-founder, Brian Chesky - Airbnb Co-founder
Food + Technology - Apoorva Mehta; co-founder Instacart
Culture + Commerce - Most architects, designers fit this category
Science + Art - Trip Hawkins; founder of Electronic Arts
Community + technology - Whitney Wolfe Herd; Founder of Bumble
Food + business: Kaspar Basse; founder of Joe & The Juice
Sportsmanship + design - Phil Knight; co-founder of Nike
Environmentalism + Sportsmanship - Yvon Chouinard; founder of Patagonia
These people are at the top of their fields. You can start by having a double major, or minoring in a totally different field (Art + Finance, Biology + Sports management etc)
3. Resist the pressure of the majority
There is always a group of people on the other side of your interest and skills - parents, friends, professors, peers who want something different from what you aspire to. You love art but they remind you that the pay is meagre, you want be a lawyer but they tell you, you are not good enough for law. You see, the salary you get paid for doing something you love should not stop you from getting started. You will eventually become so good that the value you provide will eventually command a huge compensation but for now bend down and learn.
4. Find a mentor
Once you get a glimpse of what you feel like you want to do. Find a mentor, your mentor could be distant or imminent. A distant mentor could be a renowned expert, a person you stumble upon through a book, an interview etc. Their story inspires you and you somehow you feel seen, you goals aren't so impossible anymore. The imminent mentors are the people you meet through school, work and whose work has some skills you need to learn for your Life's work. Your relationship with them or experience with them is the closest to reality of your Life's Work. Learn as much as you can in this process.
Welcome to my A Guide to Mastery series inspired by the book Mastery.
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Akashi is a Cat in disguise, a thesis
Akashi is often liken to a cat, but I think most people underestimate how much of a cat he really is.
First the obvious, he has cat eyes
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He also has a cat tongue
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The way he stare unblinking at people when he analyze them. That's what cats do.
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The slow blinks he does, it's exactly what cats do to show affection. I'm sure you remember how many times we see Akashi blink in slow motion in the anime.
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Lions are big cat
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Exactly the way cats look when they're hunting or playing, even the stillness -> sudden movement
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Cats are small but they jump high, he is 5′ 8″ and he can dunk
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Let's be honest, if our cat could do that to us they would
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And last of all, look at him, is he not an adorable kitten ??
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He also does this thing cats do, when they just sit next to you and follow you if you leave the room. Like they want to enjoy your company but not really interact at time.
The way he wins many competitions (during the summer festival and the teiko school festival) and brings all his prizes to Murasakibara like a cat brings its hunting trophies to its owner
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That's all for now, I probably forgot a few points and couldn't illustrate others but I think I gave enough examples for my thesis.
In short Akashi is a cat, but not only that, he is the most adorable kitten to ever exist.
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favourite thing: his new habit of saying uhuh/mhm and also this
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Hey, Hey Netflix, look at me. Bitch.
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Rick Prime was a great-grandfather. Just a reminder.
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jimfromyourmothersship · 10 months
All the things that fell, when trying to press the left lever of the Yzma's secret laboratory.
One thing:
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One combo:
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Nothing happens:
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Plus new door. Nothing happens:
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P.S. I don't remember what happened there:
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jimfromyourmothersship · 11 months
hi!! are u still active? i see the askbox is opeen sooo.
could i request some relationship of older!GOM like who's the marrying type, what do they like, who sleeps around most, who finds dating bother some etc etc!!! Maybe their ideal types in a s/o as well??? Thank u so muuuuch im so excited if everaaa
Hi! This request is really interesting and here are my dating headcanons for the GOM. You can request another one for their ideal types if you’d like since this ended up quite long 😅
GOM Dating/Marriage Headcanons
a/n: unedited
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Come on, obviously this guy is the most emotionally intelligent out of all of them. 
But does he approach the people he likes? No 
But it’s painfully obvious when he does fancy someone
His ears become red. Warning: fair chance of passing out
He does his best to be more assertive though, meticulously planning how to approach his crush
Very very thoughtful, remembers what you told him 128 days, 13 hours, 6 minutes ago about that video you were showing him
When he’s with someone, you better bet the relationship will last for years
Not that he’s boring like that or anything but Kuroko hates the mind games that come with modern dating
But Kuroko’s immensely loyal to some may argue, a fault, I think
Like s/o wants to swerve careers? Kuroko supports
Wants to start a small business? He’s supportive 
Needs to rob a bank/hide a body? He has all the tools already......
I just imagine domestic fluff kuroko being the troll that he is. he purposefully hides in the corner to surprise you with a heart attack when you come back home 
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Kise has quite a fanbase, as we all know
Headcanoning is that a word that Kise gets scouted by a Japanese company and becomes an idol for a short while
Kise’s a jack-of-all-trades so I can definitely see him working in different fields and having multiple sources of income
Which means he’s probably met a lot of people along the way
So yes this boy dates casually a lot, mostly just for publicity, and the other party knows it usually. People just come up to him and ask him out.
He has to have MAD respect for the person to even consider seriously or sometimes casually dating them or making the first move, though. Like the person of his interest has to be VERY good at what they do and have banger character
Kise is, contrary to popular opinion, not shallow at all. Personality and a person’s passion/morals comes first. He knows the feeling of being ogled for your looks and how those feelings of infatuation are fleeting
BUT I’D BE LYING IF I DONT SAY THAT KISE 100% LOVES THE CHASE. He’s a fast learner so I bet he also gets bored pretty quickly
If you wanna date Kise, you better not be the jealous type and not be controlling. Someone who can keep him on his toes. 
Fun, goofy, sometimes intimidating lover
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Somehow I see him settling down earlier than the others. 
But before that he sleeps around a lot. 
He likes hot women, that’s canon, but like he doesn’t date seriously during his early 20s, just casually. 
Many fics present Aomine as this suave guy who can pick up any person he likes but I honestly doubt that’s the case 
Definitely gets with Momoi at least once, whether they cross the line between bffs and lovers officially is up to Aomine sadly (see Replace novel)
Thankfully, he’s as graceful on the court as he’s not on the dating scene 
So many people approach him on their own, often as fans who, if they ask appropriately enough, gets to go home with him
Boy just wants to have fun
But he never love bombs, and is in no way a manipulative lover
Respects your boundaries and asks for consent 1000%
When he falls in love tho, he falls hard
He might start off with seemingly cold feet and is indifferent but that’s just him actually thinking how to properly take the relationship to the next level considering all his hang-ups
Aomine’s insanely loyal and a committed relationship with him is something that even becomes sweeter over time. 
Once he’s committed, he’s all in: he thinks of marriage, kids, the works
Aomine may look tough but he’s all soft for his s/o
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He’s a late bloomer in the dating department
Midorima just thinks it’s bothersome. He’s busy with basketball and medical school already. He just doesn’t see what the fuss is about 
But can you imagine if he just falls in love with an incompatible sun sign???
Like an Aquarius or a Libra (Murasakibara’s one)… or god forbid an Aries!!
And he just freaks out and questions his beliefs and does research on the rest of his/their birth chart. Lmao
Takao secretly made Midorima a dating app account and his profile gets plenty of traffic
Midorima knows nothing about this and refuses downright every time Takao tries to set him up with someone
Doesn’t do casual. Period.
You have to be very patient with him he’s the densest out of all of them you might as well just spell it out for him for Midorima to get the hint that you’re flirting
Midorima’s romantic relationships can only ever happen organically so you can’t 1. Force it. 2. Expect him to seek out relations for its own sake
Will either have to be set up by a friend on a date OR
Have some Kdrama destiny shit to occur for romance to get through his head (Doctor Midorima with patient reader AU???
Needless to say Midorima’s a faithful partner in all senses of the word. He’s consistent, hard-working, and responsible. He’s the kind of person who’d literally grow old with his lover and wake up next to them each morning. 
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Another one who doesn’t like initiate dates
No formal conversations of labels or anything like that
He may be a man child at times but no one is more loyal than this giant
You wanna date him? You better know how to cook. Or at the very least love food
He will not ask you out, well not directly anyway
Doesn’t take breakups well
He will sulk for days, someone from the GOM or Himuro or his siblings has to drag him out of the room so he could take a shower
One day you’ll just notice him hanging out with you
Anyway I hc that he gets the most jealous out of everyone in GOM. Like he gets too little attention and you’ll find him pouting like a kid
Mura also really easily distracted, and might even come across quite cold
It’s only because he rarely sweats the small stuff
So sometimes you’d be upset and he wouldn’t notice
WARNING: this could go on for days so unless you tell it to him straight up he won’t know you’re even upset
Buuuuut gets the hang of it after several months
He’s attentive when he needs to be, especially when it comes to his partner’s needs
So fights would rarely occur, unless it’s about his habits
His ideal s/o is a mom. Sorta
There I said it
TL;DR Murasakibara baby in the streets daddy in the sheets
But tbh any established relationship with him would be quite stable, his life would simply revolve around his s/o, food, and basketball
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Akashi’s future is all planned out.
Being the only child in his political and influential family, marriage and family’s simply part of his duty. I read somewhere that his parents were most likely in an arranged marriage and that it’s not far off that he would be too, as Masaomi expects, when the time comes.
He sees the appeal in dating around but eventually decides against it because it’s seen as taboo (his family seems to be traditional), though he thinks about it from time to time when he feels lonely :-(
Lots of women (and men) fawn themselves over Akashi, he’s used to it, while he appreciates the support, emotional connection and bond is an important factor for the redhair
So he’s either seeing someone properly or not talking to anybody at all. Akashi’s forward like that.
He’s very discreet about his dating life. Like one day he just announces to the Miracles that he’s engaged to the love of his life and like??? No one knows he was even seeing someone?? Maybe just midorima and kuroko. Maybe Momoi (and by association Aomine)
Akashi haaaas relationships… they’re just very selective and won’t last long if he can’t see marrying them
Eventually marries for love. I just can’t see him tagging along an arranged marriage (like his father expects) with someone if he doesn’t like them
Yes boy do clear that karmic ancestral baggage
If you want to date Akashi, you should probably not be afraid to take the lead too sometimes. He already juggles plenty of responsibilities outside the home, he appreciates if he can just let go of the reins when he’s with his s/o
Bonus bonus if you can hold an intellectual conversation with him. He also takes a keen interest in your hobbies
Akashi’s a generous, kind, faithful, and attentive lover. You’re provided for for life.
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reminder that you're sexy and cool and your fav character wants you so bad. they're literally simping over you rn. they write fanfic about you, it's 100% true they told me.
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Visiting an old friend
Links of interest here
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The way it took all of the Guardians to take down one Abilisk but Mantis looked at three of them, went, “Puppy!! :D” and walked away with three giant pets. Truly a queen
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One of the things I found amusing about the Guardians movies, is how their ships keep exponentially getting bigger.
The Milano was sleek and combat-sized, even if it had plenty of room for half a dozen people. It was like a sports car, and my favorite ship ever. Look at this bird-like beauty.
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You can put all the Avengers and them some in the Benathar, it was as big as a parking lot. James Gunn confirmed that is still around, but that since it's smaller than the next one, and Rocket keeps upgrading the ships, they are no longer using it.
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But...the Bowie??? It's a beast of a ship. I know the Bowie exists in the comics (and I think it was Gamora who named it in them) but it's much smaller and with a different shape. This is an absolute unit.
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And at first, I thought, that since they are living together 24/7 when they travel, they might want some room and privacy for themselves.
However, they are also in each other spaces constantly, and the cockpits of the ships are not even that much bigger in proportion to the rest of the crafts.
And then it dawned on me.
It's for rescue missions.
They could fit a ton of people and animals in the new ship, even possibly almost the whole population of Knowhere if need be. While Knowhere is huge, people seem to gather/live mostly in one specific place like a town, and not be much larger than that.
I fucking love the Guardians, guys.
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One of two known surviving tea chests from the December 16, 1773, Boston Tea Party when 340 tea chests were dumped into Boston Harbor by rebelling colonists.
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I love Brendan and Sadie so much. To tears.
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For once forget your pain and realize you are amazing
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me when I have a lot of problems but I need to write my graduate work myself.
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The Emperor’s New Groove (2000)
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