jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
⎨ SNS ✉️ xxx ⎬ This might be an out of the blue question, but what are you doing this weekend? ⎨ SNS ✉️ xxx ⎬ If you didn’t have any plans, I was thinking you could come somewhere with me. ⎨ SNS ✉️ xxx ⎬ ..I just realized this sounds like I’m asking you on a date.  ⎨ SNS ✉️ xxx ⎬ I’m not, I promise. It’d be a totally platonic outing.
⎨ SNS ✉️ seungcheol ⎬ who could blame you ? look at me  ⎨ SNS ✉️ seungcheol ⎬ but also i’m going to need at least twice as much detail 
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
「  SENT ; 10:14 p.m.  」 »  이지민  ⋮  it’s a little ironic, isn’t it ? 「  SENT ; 10:14 p.m.  」 »  이지민  ⋮  😂😂😂 「  SENT ; 10:15 p.m.  」 »  이지민  ⋮  the worst that happens ? 「  SENT ; 10:15 p.m.  」 »  이지민  ⋮  tbh i don’t know. 「  SENT ; 10:16 p.m.  」 »  이지민  ⋮  what if i get ripped apart by netz ?
「  SENT ; 10:09 p.m.  」 »  shieon  ⋮  oh fuck them dude  「  SENT ; 10:09 p.m.  」 »  shieon  ⋮  they just want someone to hate  「  SENT ; 10:09 p.m.  」 »  shieon  ⋮  if you’re not one of their chosen golden kids, you won’t get a favorable edit regardless, so live your best life and make them mad as hell  「  SENT ; 10:09 p.m.  」 »  shieon  ⋮  u’d think u wouldn’t care at this point
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
*  𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐌𝐒, *  배시언  ⇢  open.
「  SENT ; 09:59 p.m.  」 »  ???  ⋮  alright, i need your opinion. 「  SENT ; 09:59 p.m.  」 »  ???  ⋮  one sec, let me take a selfie. 😂 「  SENT ; 10:06 p.m.  」 »  ???  ⋮  one ( 1 ) image attached ! 「  SENT ; 10:07 p.m.  」 »  ???  ⋮  if i left the house in a crop top… 「  SENT ; 10:08 p.m.  」 »  ???  ⋮  would it be too weird or ? 「  SENT ; 10:08 p.m.  」 »  ???  ⋮  i think my outfit’s good, but, like… 「  SENT ; 10:09 p.m.  」 »  ???  ⋮  i don’t wanna cause a scene, hah.
「  SENT ; 10:09 p.m.  」 »  shieon  ⋮  wow i can’t believe i’m the one who has to tell you this  「  SENT ; 10:09 p.m.  」 »  shieon  ⋮  you debuted how many years ago?  「  SENT ; 10:09 p.m.  」 »  shieon  ⋮  you’ll cause a scene regardless, wear the hoe shirt. what’s the worst that happens? 
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
once his eyes landed on jimin a smile spread across maverick’s face. he had many cousins in south korea, two of them being in seoul specifically, but he never got to see any of them on a frequent basis. his family only returned to their homeland during the american schools’ summer breaks, which of course were extremely different from the breaks that korean school children got. so he had never been particularly close with any of them until this point in his life. “i think you’re memory is going back,” he answered after approaching the table she sat at, taking a seat across from her, “i’ve been taller than you for years now.”
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she gave a scoff, looking over the menu again while trying to decide what she could afford to eat just then with what gal.actic had coming up. “please, i was so taller,” she brushed off his protest with a wave of her hand, her revisionist’s history true to her, which was really all that mattered in her mind. “how’s your fancy company treating you?” she asked, cautiously positive, the question only a little probing as she tried to get a sense for how he was doing — she knew not all companies were like dimensions, but she didn’t want to be in the dark about it if gold star was as bad as she knew they could be. “training’s going alright?” 
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
˙   ⊹    ⊰     𝒍. 𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏
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 the  brunette  bites  down  on  ruby  gem  lips  ,  teeth  sinking  into  pink  flesh  as  she  eyes  the  senior  idol  .  aeri  knows  she  should  lessen  up  on  the  drinks  ,  three  mixed  ones  gone  in  a  flash  &  the  main  vocalist  has  moved  onto  her  fourth  for  the  night  .  but  with  the  way  the  elixir  of  life  was  making  her  feel  ,  she’s  quite  doubtful  in  the  back  of  her  pretty  little  mind  that  she  was  going  to  stop  anytime  soon  .  the  femme  fatale  member  chooses  a  bolder  look  for  the  afterparty  ,  legs  clad  with  fishnets  &  a  tiny  black  dress  wrapped  itself  around  her  figure  .  her  neck  practically  shined  with  the  diamond  necklace  choking  her  tightly  ,  but  she  puts  up  with  it  ,  whatever  that  made  her  the  center  of  the  attention  .  she  has  made  her  way  to  the  gal.actic  member  ,  eyes  fluttering  with  adoration  &  gleaming  with  an  underlying  taste  of  something  sinister  .  ❝  you’re  sooo  pretty  ,  do  you  know  that  ?  ❞  aeri  giggles  a  little  ,  taking  a  gulp  of  her  drink  .
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jimin was relaxed for now. the party was going pretty well, she was fashionably late, and she wasn’t drinking but no one was too out there just yet, so she was still comfortable being inside, seeing her colleagues and their superiors. some were further than others, though, much like aeri was, wearing a dress that would have had a weaker person drooling. a lazy smile played across her features, looking at the younger girl with no small amount of amusement. she remembered her younger days as an idol, spending her days practicing and nights at parties thrown by other idols, by actors, socialites. anyone who would fall for her batting her eyelashes at them. she could spot the similarities in how aeri was acting a mile away, but she was a pretty girl — who was jimin to not give her what she wanted ? “i’ve been told once or twice, thank you,” she said, a tinge of sarcasm in her voice. “what’s your point ? ” 
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
Send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly!
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
i didnt plan for beth 2 see that request tonight i thought it was later than it was so uhhh jimins icon n blof will b updated tomorrow gjkslg s
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
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the backyard area was quite busy, with idols milling about, playing games, or dancing, but joosung still felt a sense of calm. the pool lights lights the gentle cascades of the water into a water shadow on the wall of the house. he’d always liked that type of shadow for how different it was from solid objects.
he turned his attention back to the actual water, watching his feet kick back and forth in it. this was needed, if he was honest. sung wasn’t used to having such packed schedules that he couldn’t make time for the people he cared about, or events like this that could be a fun release. but, as much as he might want to relish in the calm, the need for non-schedule related social interaction was high. he looked around, for anyone that might need company, and locked onto someone sitting on the other side of the pool. there wasn’t much thought into it as he slid into the pool and took a few strokes across, but there was some regret as he pulled himself out and felt a shiver start up. nonetheless, he greeted the person with a smile and, “hi.” he rung out his swim shorts without looking. “wanna get a drink? i’m not very knowledgable about alcohol, but i can make a really yummy soda mixture.”
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jimin had been by herself for most of the party. socializing was exhausting sometimes. pretending to care about most of these people was a lot for her. other than the pleasantries exchanged with the people she had deemed important ( and then some ) she wasn’t very interested in the event at all. she just wanted to be home, or out, or anywhere where she didn’t feel like she was at work. as soon as it seemed appropriate, she had excused herself outside so she could just exist for a while, without the added pressure of being watched.
instead, she people watched, making note of who was doing what, in case it came in handy at a later point, but half heartedly at best. she simply didn’t care about most of them. the burn out was worse than it had been previously and even just the couple minutes of close to silence she was getting was nice, sitting near the pool on the ground. when joosung came over to say hello, her first reaction was to glare, as she had narrowly avoided being dripped on, but she mellowed out pretty quickly, too tired to really maintain it, resigned to the nature of a pool party. “i suppose,” she said slowly, pushing herself up and stretching some. “i don’t know about any mixes, but juice wouldn’t be too bad.” 
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
hi im working on a handful of starters for the event but i have an update/plot ideas for it (for all three characters since im Lazy™) below !! im gonna pause the other call i did til after the event :~) but anyways like this if somethin sticks out or if u want me 2 message u abt event threads !!! 
Keep reading
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
theoretically ,,, if i change jimins fc would yall rather see jueun or the queen hag yves ,,,
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
a small frown graced her face as they arrived at the filming location. yes, they were having a comeback. this was great but she was still unsure about the direction of it. yes. the song still had the sexy side that they had become known for. it was groovy but when they told them about the concept and the music video she couldn’t help but think they were heading back towards cute. she enjoyed the instrumental but it was all of the cute actions they wanted.
even when they explained what they would do in the music video, she wasn’t happy about it. but she’d suck it up, as long as they never touched a concept like supa dupa diva again. finally someones voice broke out of the haze and she turned to be faced with jimin. indicating that they had to get out and the frown didn’t clear up. despite being in the group for years, they weren’t the best of friends. “sorry.” kami finally muttered and got out so jimin could also.
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jimin was more excited about this comeback than she had been in a while. it was sexy, but with a classier, cuter vibe that she could entirely get behind. there was almost an innocence in the music video as it was explained to them, with the girls not acting overtly sexy, nothing like joker — and thank god for that, because she couldn’t handle another scandal and the backlash that would come from it. though she was typically in better graces with the public, it still wasn’t easy to deal with because it made her less appealing, even on her own, for outside opportunities. 
being stuck in dressing rooms and the like with the others was difficult at times, usually not enjoyable. yena was really the only member that jimin could seriously call a friend, but she didn’t think she was overtly rude to the others. however, kami struck a nerve, given how different they were. the other girl put her all into the group and jimin couldn’t understand that, when it was so clear they were on a downward trend. she was a daydreamer and it exasperated the younger girl, to the point where nearly every time they spoke it felt like she was snapping at her. this time, she had been in the doorway too long. “don’t be sorry, just go,” she said, annoyance clear. “the sooner we get there, the sooner we’re out of here.” 
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not so close / jimin & kami
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
when: early 2012 where: a food establishment, lunch tine with: @jiminfmd
maverick had only been living in seoul full-time for a few months, and he had spent a majority of his days at gold star media’s building, practicing his singing and dancing skills in effort to improve them both. though he would have loved to have been able to catch up with his cousins that lived in seoul the moment he arrived, sadly they had all been extremely busy, with him being a trainee and the others being idols. he was happy to finally get some time to sit down and hang out with jimin and get the dance to have some lunch and catch up. they usually only got the chance to see each other during the few weeks maverick’s family would spend in south korea while growing up. upon arriving at the simple diner they agreed on, he first paused to see if he could locate his cousin among the patrons. 
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jimin was in a rare good mood. her group wasn’t doing well exactly, but their song had charted some and she was getting calls finally to audition for dramas. small roles, frankly beneath her, but it was a step in the right direction. she had even been early to meet her cousin for lunch, keeping an eye out after she had sat down and ordered waters for both of them, sure he would have been tired from training. when he came in, she craned her neck and lifted her hand to wave him over, pulling her sunglasses off with a small smile. “you’re taller than me finally,” she said, in lieu of an actual greeting. 
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
last one but we love bitch hours too so like this for a starter from jimin 
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
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{ .・:*:・゚’✫,’✫’゚private dm to ????} hello hello { .・:*:・゚’✫,’✫’゚private dm to ????} what are you doing? { .・:*:・゚’✫,’✫’゚private dm to ????} i got lost on my way to the shopping mall (┬┬_┬┬)
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{ .・:*:・゚’✫,’✫’゚private dm to alyssia} practicing  { .・:*:・゚’✫,’✫’゚private dm to alyssia} how’d you get lost? don’t you have a phone w that bee money?  
open - sns private dm
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
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naiveté. — jimin’s trainee playlist.
lee jimin was promised an acting debut. with her visuals, she knew a company would take her and she could then blow them away during auditions. the dance lessons, singing lessons, all of it was just standard, she was told when she arrived. suck it up, she thought, and you’ll be golden. she listened to whatever was popular, whatever the other trainees were listening to in the training rooms, because it’s all she had time for in the year she spent there. she danced along to some of them, of course — she liked idol groups well enough, liked a good beat in a song that she could move to, learned the dances even for her evaluations. but she never expected to be placed in the company’s new group. 
she was promised an acting debut and an acting debut she would have.
i. bad girl, good girl - silhouette  ii. queen - son dambi iii. esperando - mirae iv. she’s back - decipher v. u go girl - lee hyori  vi. a story only i didn’t know - aurora vii. abracadabra - brown eyed girls viii. saturday night - son dambi  ix. so hot - bee x. forever love - fin.k.l 
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
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❝ don’t be surprised, cupid shot him. ❞
jimin's ideal concept: innocent and pristine.
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