jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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“M’willing to try anything at this point.” He offers a soft chuckle, releasing a soft sigh before shaking his head. Yeah. He’ll try anything if it gets this done. If this heals him, he can actually do stuff again without much help. He can go back to work, go back to doing his own thing. It’ll be wonderful.
“I trust you.”
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Yeah. That’s what I was thinking.
[ a nervous smile of anticipation crosses his lips, which he then tempers into a serious line as he lays out some precautions. ]
Uh, I’ve never really tried it on someone else before, but… I’ve healed all my own cuts and stuff so I think I can figure it out. And if I can’t, I just won’t do anything.
[ he waits a moment for his warnings to sink in before he asks, ]
Are you… uh, are you okay with that? Will you let me try?
[ he tries not to sound too eager, though he very much is. he doesn’t want to miss this chance. ]
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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He knows where this is going. Looking down at his arm, then looking back over at Andrew, he furrows his brows.
“Heal? So... My arm and leg?”
Jimmy will offer a nervous smile.  He wasn’t exactly expecting this, but who would? Either way, if it helps him get out of these casts faster he’ll do anything.
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[ andrew’s breath leaves him in a rush of relief now that the secret is out and jimmy is, luckily, not totally freaking out about it. ]
Yeah. I know.
[ the camera floats back into his hand and he holds it for comfort as he continues: ]
And, uh, that’s not all I can do. I can use it to fly, and to like, make shields… and I can use it to heal.
[ his gaze, mirrored by the lens of the camera in his hands, settles expectantly on the cast on jimmy’s arm. ]
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
// trying to get back on here and in the groove. been occupied with family things and real life duties.     -thumbs up emoji-
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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So he was quiet, in awe and caught of guard all at once. This was beyond his understanding, and quite honestly, he  was expecting some sort of joke out of this. He stared at Andrew, then at the camera, trying to piece everything together in a way that makes sense. That failed miserably. His lips part slightly.
“ - Holy cow.”
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[ andrew presses his lips flat together for one long moment, scrutinizing his friend in a rare moment of direct eye contact, and then launches into explanation. ]
Uh, okay. They, uh, they weren’t really tricks, I was just using this power that I have. It’s called telekinesis.
[ he gets it all out in one breath and then pauses, knowing what comes next – a demonstration. his camera, always on hand, makes the perfect test dummy, and he lets it slowly rise from his hand to prove that he’s not just messing with jimmy. ]
…It means I can move things with my mind.
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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How bad could it be? Magic is all innocent, right? With a nod of his head, the elder flashes a smile.
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…Sort of.
[ his lips quirk again in a brief smile before he shakes his head. ]
…Actually, I wanna tell you how I did them.
[ he looks seriously at him, then, and implores: ]
You just have to  promise not to freak out.
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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He hums and nods his head in understanding, fingers tapping at his arm cast as if it were an instrument. Still listening to Andrew carefully, he perks up at the memory of the magic the other had shown him. It was interesting, how could he forget? 
“How could I forget those? That was the highlight of my day at that point. Why? Come to show me more?”
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[ andrew flashes a nervous smile as jimmy laughs, and the fingers of his free hand curl into his palm while he tries to conjure a response. ]
It’s… uh…
Well, I have something to tell you.
[ deciding this might be easier if he isn’t just standing awkwardly at the edge of the bed, he moves to sit in the chair he sat in when he first visited his ailing friend – and the memory it sparks gives him an idea of where to start. ]
…Uh, remember those magic tricks?
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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Jimmy will watch as Andrew approaches his bedside, offering an airy laugh of sorts. His eyes glance at the other’s fingers, then back to his face.
“Like hell-”
He shakes his head, another sort of laugh escaping him before he groans while adjusting himself. Having not moved in a while, Jimmy felt somewhat stiff. He really had to have someone get him to walk around for a bit. It was starting to get sore and uncomfortable. 
“What’s goin’ on?”
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[ andrew gently pushes the door and steps inside upon invitation. he finds jimmy in bed, just as he’d expected, and his nerves tingle from his fingertips to his toes as he approaches the edge of it and hovers there. his gaze sweeps over the casts on jimmy’s leg and arm and he clears his throat. he knows he’s got a lot of explaining to do before he can give this a try, but excitement outweighs his apprehension. starting as simply as he can, he nods toward the casts and asks, ]
Uh… how’re you feeling?
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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Jimmy was laying in bed, of course, reading a comic book he had found. What else is new? The poor man has been in casts for how long now? That damn motorcycle really did a number on him. At the sudden knock, he’ll flinch, trying his best to push himself up with that usual dork smile of his.
“Where else would I be?”
He offers a soft laugh, placing his comic book on the bedside table.
“Y’can come in-”
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[ cuts, andrew finds, are easy to heal. it’s just a matter of stringing the fibers for flesh back together at the molecular level, encouraging the cells to multiply and repair the wound. he’s not sure if bones will be the same, but after exploring the marrow of his own in preparation for the task ahead, he thinks he has a pretty good idea of how he’ll go about healing jimmy’s. it’s jimmy’s door that he stands before now, knocking tentatively with the hand that his camera isn’t held in. ]
Hey, uh, Jimmy? Are you still in there?
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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Jimmy will fall back onto the mattress, sighing with content before looking over at Andrew briefly. A look over, and then he smiles. 
“Magic’d out. Don’t ever be too shy to   stop by again. Okay?”
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[ still giggling, andrew teases: ]
Yeah, turns out it’s all real.
[ sitting down again with the cards in his hands again, he asks, ]
Wanna see something else, or are you like, all magic’d out?
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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“God, just get me out of these darn things already, right?” He waves his casted arm around.
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Nelson giggled at Jimmy’s comment, but then patted him on the shoulder.
“It’s not exactly your fault, you have been injured for quite a while. But this should be fun!”
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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He offers a long, hard stare, before breaking into a soft laugh, watching the cards fly around now. Andrew’s grin was contagious, to say the least.
“Everyone said that stuff was fake, yet here it is happening right in front of my eyes-”
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Dude, no one’s behind me.
[ he giggles as he spins around to prove it, the cards that are still flying toward him looping around him in the air as he does. once the whole deck is back in his hand, he brandishes it with a grin. ]
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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As he was wheeled out of the room, Jimmy tapped his fingers on the arm rests. He hated relying on others, but at this rate he had no choice. A bad arm and leg? What a terrible combination.  “Sounds a lot like me-” He offers a soft laugh.
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“Oh, I was rambling, wasn’t I? Sorry, just tell me if I’m talking too much.”
Once he was settled in the chair, Nelson began to wheel him out of his room, a spring in his step as he walked down the hallway.
“Well, I know that they spend about 20 hours a day sleeping?” That’s one of the only lion facts I can remember.”
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
Usually, this isn’t the place I would update, but I’m hoping everyone will see this.
I plan on getting online later this week, possibly tonight. I apologize for any inactivity, everything has come up out of no where March-May. Jimmy will be resuming this week if everything goes as planned. Sorry that he’s sort of been frozen in time, haha. Hope to RP soon, and if anyone is interesting in plotting, find my skype in the group chat. 
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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“Movies. I like to think I did okay.” He offers a soft smile before relaxing in bed.
“Nothing too important--”
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“An actor?”
Phillip brightened at the word. That’s different from anything that he’s familiar with.
“The kind with a stage, or in movies?”
He noticed the emphasis that Jimmy put on the past tense, but decided not to mention it. Talking about the end of his career might make him sadder than he already is.
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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“Surprise me then. You’ll have complete control over the wheelchair anyways.”
He offers a soft smile before noticing Harry go to his closet. A soft grumble, he shakes his head. Jimmy had an older taste when it came to clothing. That comes with where he came from. Simple and effective. That’s all that matters, right?
“Find anything?”
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“I can see that.” Harry’s not going to pry a friendship out of Jimmy, he’s only met the man for a short period of time so he’s only here to help. He taps at his chin and maps out the street in his head, the closer to home the less time spent out in the cold. “We are going out, to any place but here. There’s museums, jazz clubs, and coffee shops all close by.” He moves in front of the closet and scans the wardrobe. He’s not pleased by what’s available but it will have to do. 
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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“Are you this knowledgeable on every species? Because if so, this is going to be a long zoo trip.”
Jimmy settles into the chair, gripping at the handle with his good hand before smiling up at Nelson.
“Do you know anything about lions?”
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“You’ve never been to the zoo? Wow, this is so cool then! I bet you’ll love it!”
Nelson tried his best to assist Jimmy in getting in the wheelchair, but due to his  weak arms, could offer little support.
“I’m really excited, I wonder if they have parrots there? Parrots are really smart, you know, in fact one species of parrot- african gray parrots- can make up and laugh at jokes and lie, which are both indicators of high intelligence!”
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jimmyxdean-blog · 8 years
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Jimmy is surprised, once again, at Andrew’s magic trick. He’s not sure how he’s doing it, but he is. At least he was keeping him entertained during the long hours of the day trapped in bed. “Okay, come on, there has to be a string   of some sort. Is Lucien hiding behind you   and pulling a string?”
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[ this part is always kind of difficult for him; he hates to feel embarrassed, and even faking it makes him nervous. as he looks down at the cards he mumbles sheepishly, ]
Yeah, I guess… 
Just hold on, I’ll get them –
[ after brushing jimmy’s hands away from the scattered cards, he takes a step back and stands up straight. lifting a hand to the bed, he summons each and every fallen card into his hand telekinetically, a smile growing on his face as they flutter into his open palm. ]
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