jinoukat-blog · 12 years
Talons raked through the dirt, as a smaller than average jinouga clawed at the ground beneath him. He had been tagged with the name 'Karkat', for easy recognition. His size wasn't the only tell-tale that it was the one and only Karkat, he was not the subspecies of jinouga by any means, but there were a few bright red markings on him, other than that, he looked like a young, but strong, monster.
After a few minutes idly sniffing the unearthed dirt beneath him, he snorted, then lay down to rest. He had no reason to hunt, he was not hungry or injured, so he just lay, slowly swishing his tail from side to side contently, occasionally hitting it off the trunk of a nearby tree to amuse himself.
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jinoukat-blog · 12 years
Karkat lives in a smaller than average rainforest part of the ‘map’. 
He doesn’t normally have to worry about finding somewhere ‘inside’ to sleep since he has thunderbugs to alert him when there are dangerous things around him, but if he feels threatened he’ll limp or run off to a cave of some sort.
He’s smaller than average for a Jinouga, and has some red colourations as well as blue.
He is not a Jinouga subspecies, these are just genetic mishaps. He has the abilities and such of a regular Jinouga.
I chose Jinouga for Karkat because of the fact, while fighting Jinouga, he becomes ‘enraged’ as lot more often that a lot of other monsters, and it’s a fairly small monster anyway, considering Karkat was probably the smallest troll due to his mutation.
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