jinrohblog · 7 years
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A cost effective, easily accessible item that has opened many "doors" for me in the past is a private security officer badge. It can be found in many supply/uniform stores and cost next to nothing. I purchased one and so did 2 other people who weren't in the security field, both at a different times (one was a white man in the admin field and the other a mexican mechanic). With this item, as well as a few stereotypical yet unmarked items of clothing, you practically have reasonable access to places and information critical to commiting many acts and many crime. I personally tested this out at different times, though I had the relative saftey net of actually being in the security field just in case things got a bit interesting. Both I and my 2 buddies then made a game of picking a target and getting as much info as we can while being "safe" in order to plan a workable crime. Think about that and imagine what people with more intent can do. I once was told on several occasions that one of my hobbies was to give people headaches... Si •_•
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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Sometimes, the simplest things provide the most effective solution. Like using a screw to screw up a door's security function and create an available entry way for later use. Call if humor, or creativity, or a little of both, but this bypass has officially made my night tonight. This door is screwed....
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jinrohblog · 7 years
Slow rainy night. Got bored at work and became inspired to make a video by watching some clips of @kleinmesser doing some impressive flows. I used a kudu for it's long length (it makes concealment harder than a shorter blade. Plus, it's cheap so If I end up breaking it I wouldn't feel bad) and decided to transition from one concealment option to a 'concealed ready' option. Take note that these clips are in pure form, if you add body movement and/or distraction using your other hand, this turns from basic to the beginning of a shit storm real fast.
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jinrohblog · 7 years
Sometimes all you have is a second. 4 separate clips, 4 separate instances of an assault with an exged weapon (a knife here), 1 second long each, combined into a 4 second clip. Each clip has at LEAST 2 stabs in separate areas targeting arteries, vital organs, or the eyes. Some have a strike mixed in between. To trained people, as well as people with enough intent (especially women), this comes much easier hence they are much more dangerous. That is what criminals are: full of intent (and potentially experience thus trained) Intent makes the difference. On the street, at war, in class, in a building or home, or in an alleyway in some God forsaken part of town, keep this in mind. Sometimes, all you have is a second. Act
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jinrohblog · 7 years
Knife assaults are assexual. It is scientifically proven
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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An good way of doing recon in an area is to walk your pet. You get the added benefit of some LISS cardio (which is particularity good for those of you who are recovering from injuries or are currently sick like me). Also, you can put on some earbuds and practice how you place your feet while walking as you listen to music (or pretend to).
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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An example from on of my current study material.. I like the way this man thinks. Even a little baby can knock out a man, with nothing but it's body weight and enough acceleration. How much more a full grown man, who weighs more than a baby and can generate more force?
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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From what I’ve been told, a drug addict caused these wounds.
As graphic as this picture may be, what can be said about this? • Which direction did he get attacked from? • Can the type of edged weapon be figured out based on the wounds? • Was he bent over/ did he bend over during the assault?
Pictures like these, though graphic as some of them may be, are crucial for learning general human nature and anatomical dynamics. In many ways, criminals study the same thing, but from a different manner.
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jinrohblog · 7 years
Afternoon hand training starting with the palms. Bag of beans and jow. People underestimate the efficacy of being hit with a heavy hand. Sometimes, a heavy strike is all you need to create an opening. Strike are basically substitute flashbangs in a more concentrated and precise format. I know from experience.
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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No matter what you believe or do, there is always going to be someone better than you. Especially in the physical and mental arts. ESPECIALLY in the weapons department But that is no reason not to better yourself and train to be better. By no means will an out of shape fighter be better than a fighter in shape in the same general skill level, but one in shape can generally outlast the other due to the stress he trains his body under and how it is used to it. That is why I train people the way I do. Those in SE Asia knows this to be true. You must make your body comfortable at being in stress so that it is more adapted to when shit goes upsidedown and sideways. You don’t have to be “buff” or built. You simply have to make your body last under stress and perform better when it needs to.
If anybody tells you that you don’t have to train your body for a fight, that technique alone will work, has never been in enough true fights to stay alive, let alone help other not die.
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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*A story of a distant past I remember while reading the manga where the last post came from*
I once used the cotton ball as an example in my teacher’s class that I assist in sometimes. I was teaching the lesson that there are no weapons aside from your own mind. From your mind comes intent, and from intent anything can be weaponized. I said a hammer can help build a home but can also break a body. A blade can help a surgeon save a life or somebody who is stranded in the wilderness to survive, but it can also separate one’s spirit from the body. With enough creativity and the proper mindset, even the most “harmless” of items can be made useful. I then gave them a few examples. First, I placed the cotton ball in the palm of my hand and did a variation of my teacher’s technique as a defense art by palm slapping the volunteer on the forehead to stun him as the first step. The second example, everyone was focused on the cotton ball and the hand it wad held in. Used my other hand and body parts. In both examples, I made sure to make the volunteer show visible signs of suffering. For the third example, I simply held up the ball pinched with my thumb and forefinger to the group and said “this third example will potentially cause the longest and most severe negative effect. It may carry on past this class and stay with you a while. Who wants to volunteer to stand next to me ?”. Everyone hesitated and didn’t really want to volunteer. I said “This is the third example. Fear and the target’s mind. When using something on someone, nothing is scarier or more effective a weapon than the imagination of another. They can always think of much worse than you are ever capable of doing to them. The fear of pain. The fear of death. The fear of loss and living on past that permanent loss. That is how a few men can hijack an entire plane full of people, how a someone with a knife can control an entire situation against multiple untrained police officers, and in this case this is how I intimidated you all and made you feel fear.. with nothing but a cotton ball. I honestly have no Idea what to do next, but you all have thought of the worst. I simply asked who wants to volunteer to stand next to me. You never even had to stand next to me, and even so, all you would be doing is standing next to me.” With the right mindset, you win.
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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Mindset.. and the Art of psychological warfare. This small portion of my favorite manga has deeper meaning then meets the eye for those who know what to look for. For example, the properties of F.L.A.G.S.
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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Salt is an “amplifier”. From my own personal experience, It lowers the freezing point of water as well as increases the boiling point. It other words, when added, water was made to be hotter than normal to boil and colder than normal to turn to ice. Meaning water can be colder or hotter than they seem.
Though I havent tested the effect on things, such as in 1 video I have seen where a man claims that added sugar to hot water and throwing it on someone’s face is a nasty but effective way to initiate a hit on someone, I would imagine this form of sodium can likewise be made as a tool in certain times and places. Giving the surface temperature of an object an extreme and sudden shift might be very handy in many circles. Or maybe not.
*Mostly useless information in the back burner of my mind*
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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You can have all the protection you want in the world, spanning multiple cultures and trains of thought, but unless you arm yourself, you are nothing but a punching bag with accessories
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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One of the most deceptive things you can ever do, is to openly honest and genuine. Depending on thr person, it can be just as deceptive as it is unsettling or disarming. Case in point, a while back, while I was in the role of a cadre during a blackbox event in a safehouse somewhere south of the border, I recieved an email asking my opinion about a knife design and asked my address so they can send me a prototype. I openly gave it. Why? At the time, the place I lived in wasn't under my name, the person whose name it was under was frequently not at the residence, and I had security measures just in case the owner of said email had malintentions. Aside from that, the devices linked to the email as well as all information linked to that residence and the name I told them to send it to had intentional information. It is ok for you to be genuine and openly honest, as long as you can keep yourself safe. The most dangerous of people are those who walk with a friendly smile and an open hand. Examples are laid out throughout history and media.
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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Duct tape is known by many a man as a kind of a multi-use tool. A "swiss army knife" of sort. It can do everything from hold things in place, keep things from leaking (at least temporarily), and aid in making loud things more quiet, deny entry through a doorway, or in this case, decease the chance of leaving evidence of your use on a hammer handle.
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jinrohblog · 7 years
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There are three factors when planning and equipping yourself with gear: Practicality, Simplicity, and Necessity.
The Paramount of which is practicality. It must be relevant to the situation at hand, or the situation you will be getting yourself involved in. Be it your job, an area, or otherwise. If it is not, if it is a “just in case” or “just for when” item that has no honest and feasible use and can be replicated with the tools you have on you and the items in the surroundings you will be in, it is dead weight. It is junk.
Next is Simplicity. Try to find the most basic, easy to use, easy to carry, easy to discard and replace (when applicable), easy to function with grosser motor skills (when applicable) version of an item possible. Creativity is key here, because it would be bonus points if the item can serve multiple functions. You may very well need to use the items you carry under short and sudden notice, where finer thinking and finer motor skills will degrade or go down the drain. “Keep it simple stupid” is a reality under duress.
Last is Necessity. What is necessary? Personal growth in your field/area of focus; that which makes you better as a person in what you are doing. Also, items and gear that are deemed essential for the task or tasks at hand in the area you are or will be going into. Not what you personally feel is essential, because a situation, and the world as a whole, doesn’t give a shit about your feelings. Strip away what honestly doesn’t matter to do and complete what you are setting up for, all that will remain should be the essentials, what is necessary.
After gearing yourself up under these 3 factors, re-check your loadout under the 3 factors again.
This is my method when going to work (regardless of site) and when going through life (where ever the journey may take me)
Pictured above is an example of a loadout I did for a job I’ve worked in the past. A finger trainer, bag/jacket hanger, and something to bind a someone with. As you can see, no blades, as edged weapons can be acquired or fabricated on site, with little to no effort, if necessary.
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