jjba-gravity · 3 years
The Fortune Teller - Apollo
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This is the introduction to Apollo, one of my JJBA OCs. Stats and little blurbs will be found here.
Relevant as of 07/30/2022.
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Name: Apollo Lawrence
Namesake: Apollo (Band) ; Lawrence Gowan (Musician)
Race: Human ; Born Stand User
Occupation: Fortune Teller ; Minor Con Artist ; Bookkeeper
Identity: Male
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 19
Birthdate: June 17th, 1969
Western Zodiac: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Height: 5' 10" / 178cm
Weight: 177lbs / 81kg
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Italian
Build: Generally fit, little to no muscle definition. General sizes are proportionate to an average male of same age and build. Shoulders are not as broad as someone with an athletic background. Legs and arms are strong enough to participate in the average fight and hold more power behind them than let on at first glance, however physically are only just slightly above the average Stand user. Hips and waist slope from one another to create a straight-edge hourglass shape. Top half and bottom half of body are similar in length and build. The most common shapes that make up the form are rounded and rectangular, giving an overall look of agility and nimbleness while maintaining typically perceived masculinity. Fingers are long and slender, however are not feminine in nature. Feet are US 10 (26.8cm). Nose gently slopes from just under the eyebrows and ends in a point. Nostrils are average. Overall nose size is proportionate to the face structure. Cheek bones are not prominent. Lips are thin with the top lip being slightly fuller than the bottom. Chin is slightly squared off with a generally rounded jawline that provides a look of softness and masculinity simultaneously. There is a hint of femininity to the overall appearance, though it is blended well into the masculine features and does not cause confusion amongst those used to the binary of a male.
Skin: Generally soft but stretched over frame. Pale with an orange-y brownish undertone. Brown where needed. Additional hair is a light powdery blue, white, or too thin to hold color depending on how fine the hair is. Additional hair is sparser than expected naturally. Hair growth rate is below average, possibly effected by a life lived with less than enough food more often than not. A small dusting of light brown freckles that almost blend too well into the skin is found on the tips of shoulders. No remarkable scars present on skin.
Hair: Typically kept in an uneven and short style. Strands are a light, blue. Tips and roots are the darkest parts of the hair. Routine hair cuts are only needed once a month, generally to maintain the choppy shape that is desired. Cuts are done with a razorblade and by self rather than going to someone and paying.
Eyes: Strikingly darker than the hair. Wine red, dark raspberry, ruby red, etc. are all synonyms for eye color. Eyes are slightly larger than average but do not create a doe-like expression. Eyes are not hooded. Natural expression has the lids lowered slightly more than usual, giving a soft or sleepy look.
Style: Style is generally the same throughout. Typical outfits include a loose fitting white button-up shirt with sleeves rolled above the shoulders, dark colored pants with a multitude of varying sized rips starting at the mid-thigh down to the ankle, two sets of overall straps attached to two multi colored belts with one set over shoulders and other hanging off of body but forming an X in back, white socks that are bunched around the ankle, and dark colored dress shoes. Coats, scarves, and other outside wear are used as needed. Left hand sports a thick 7mm black ring with a cup pouring out water carved into the face of it. Cup may appear upside down for anyone looking at it as it is worn with the water pouring towards the knuckle. A single ear clasp is wrapped around the top-back of the left ear. These two accessories are never seen off, are cleaned every morning no matter what, and are not allowed to be touched.
Part: Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders (1988-1989)
Stand: Age of Aquarius (AoA for short) ; Related Song
Stats: Power - D ; Speed - B ; Range - B ; Durability - D ; Precision - A ; Potential - C (From top, clockwise )
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Abilities: AoA is a type of universal divination that is solely focused on the target and their path in life whether it be past, present, or future. AoA cannot be used to interpret natural disasters or events unless they are related to or caused by the target. The target must be a living creature that is capable of having Fate. AoA is a Close-Range, Artificial Non-Humanoid stand that has no set manifestation and is therefore considered a Bound Stand. AoA manifests as anything that portrays writing. It can rearrange already printed or written lettering to match the information it acquires. Water can also be used. Magnets that can depict lettering are also effected. The most common manifestations used are a book, cards, or any type of paper found. Prewritten graffiti can also be manipulated. In order for AoA to manifest, the user must touch the object or have touched the object. Only one object may be manipulated in full at a time. There is no delay between using AoA's abilities aside from waiting for the information to be processed or printed fully. Printing time varies and is dependent on how much information is requested. Information is mostly based on the human perceived attributes, metaphors, comparisons, symbolisms, etc. These includes zodiac chart readings, tarot card readings, flower readings, tea leaf readings, etc. These are interpretations and give near accurate predictions on anything and everything about the target. Basic demographic information that can be perceived via sight such as height, weight, ethnicity, and present location details are not found in AoA's information. Birthdate, birthyear, blood type, time born, length of fingers or toes, palm lines, and names are some visual or otherwise hidden pieces of information that can be obtained. The user must see the target to some capacity. The further away the target, the harder it is to gather information. It is best to be within 1m or 3ft of the target as this provides the most accurate reading. AoA's printing works fastest when the user is touching the target, speeding the printing by x1.75 while providing the most accurate reading. The further the target is visually, the harder it is to provide accurate, if any at all, information. AoA's main function is to discern Fate and attempt to read it. Readings may not be in the near future, can be mistakenly from the past, and may change as time goes on as the events in one's life shapes their Fate. Those who are erratic and more prone to change may have multiple readings, thus making them harder to pin point. Stands that can alter Fate can outwit AoA. Stands that mimic others cannot outwit AoA. Readings for mimicking Stands may confuse the user and can cause confusion in relaying messages or other information. AoA has been known to change printed information repeatedly at random while in passive mode depending on the user's current interest. Books and other pieces of literature have been known to hold different text that depict AoA's readings even when on the other side of the world, though it is unclear when these changes occur. AoA cannot discern if a target is friend or foe. AoA can help to detect favorability. Others may interpret AoA's readings as they see fit.
Scent: Parchment and Sea Salt
Favorites: Books, fortune telling, classical art, classical music, roast beef, Egyptian chicken kebabs, money
Dislikes: Coffee, small spaces, wet clothing
Affinity: Air, lawful neutrality, Fate
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For Apollo's star chart, keep reading below.
The below text is not included in the word count as it was copied and pasted from a website and not written by the author.
Born June 17th, 1969 at 8:41pm
Apollo's chart, for varying purposes, is a guideline and insight into the character prior to introducing him in the story to varying scenarios. Everything is up for interpretation. Not everything is 100% accurate, as divination as a whole is not perfect. Personal experiences can change everything. Fate is a fickle mistress.
The sun determines your ego, identity, and "role" in life. It's the core of who you are, and is the sign you're most likely to already know. Your Sun is in Gemini, meaning you are fundamentally dynamic, quick-witted, eclectic, and curious. Fascinated by everything, your childlike energy is often scattered in a million directions. On a social level, this may come off as gossipy or flaky. It's in your seventh house, meaning you feel the need to distinguish yourself from others through close relationships and long-term partnerships.
Your ascendant is the "mask" you present to people. It can be seen in your personal style and how you come off to people when you first meet. Some say it becomes less relevant as you get older. It changes every two hours, so if it doesn't make sense, text your mom to confirm your birth time. Your Ascendant is in Sagittarius, meaning you come across as independent, optimistic, and confident, though sometimes overly blunt or critical. Generally a charming conversationalist, your free-spirited approach may come off as restless or easily bored.
The moon rules your emotions, moods, and feelings. This is likely the sign you most think of yourself as, since it reflects your personality when you're alone or deeply comfortable. Your Moon is in Cancer, meaning your emotional self is sensitive, thoughtful, and empathetic. You have a tendency to feel like a martyr, and secretly fear being abandoned by those you love. You often have trouble letting things go and feel like an emotional wreck. It's in your seventh house, meaning you find security and safety through close relationships and long-term partnerships.
Mercury determines how you communicate, talk, think, and process information. It also indicates how you learn. It is the mind's planet. Your Mercury is in Gemini, meaning your intellect is dynamic, quick-witted, and eclectic. You're deeply curious about everything, and your energy is often scattered in a million directions. The way you speak is articulate and witty, but you're likely to talk behind people's backs. It's in your sixth house, meaning you are curious about and inclined to analyze your productivity, how to help people, and your emotional wellbeing.
Venus determines how and what you love. It indicates how you express affection and the qualities you're attracted to. Your Venus is in Taurus, meaning your romantic side is oriented toward comfort and stability. You move slowly and deliberately at the beginning of relationships; that timidity sometimes comes off as intimidating. You just want something sweet and simple. It's in your fourth house, meaning that for you, love is often expressed in your home and family.
Mars is the planet of aggression. It determines how you assert yourself, take action, and the energy that surrounds you—particularly in your sex life, your ambitiousness, and when you're angry. Your Mars is in Sagittarius, meaning you assert yourself in a way that pushes boundaries, you easily become impatient and restless, and you push things forward with more vision than thoughtfulness. It's in your twelfth house, meaning you put a lot of energy into privacy, secrets, and introspection.
One of the two social planets, Jupiter rules idealism, optimism, and expansion. It's also very philosophical. Your Jupiter is in Virgo, meaning you grow and find understanding through careful thought, goal-setting, and hard work. It's in your ninth house, meaning you find success through the creation of meaning: philosophy, faith, education, politics, and travel.
The other social planet, Saturn rules responsibility, restrictions, limits, boundaries, fears, and self-discipline. Your Saturn is in Taurus, meaning you struggle with settling too easily, a lack of imagination, and getting stuck in the mud or distracted by sensory pleasure. It's in your fourth house, meaning you have had difficulties with your home and family.
Uranus stays in each sign for seven years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It rules innovation, rebellion, and progress. Your Uranus is in Virgo, meaning other generations are shocked by your generation's diligence, analytical nature, perfectionism, and criticism. It's in your ninth house, meaning that for you, this manifests in rebelling against dated expectations about philosophy, faith, education, and politics.
Neptune stays in each sign for around fourteen years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It rules dreams, imagination, and the unconscious. Your Neptune is in Scorpio, meaning your entire generation finds inspiration through passion, intensity, and darkness. It's in your eleventh house, meaning that for you, this manifests in your ideal—verging on unrealistic and impractical—about social status, including platonic and casual friends, along with your hopes, wishes, and dreams.
Pluto stays in each sign for up to thirty years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It rules power, intensity, obsession, and control. Your Pluto is in Virgo, meaning your generation's psyche is comparatively critical, perfectionist, methodical, intentional, and organized. It's in your ninth house, meaning you personally are transforming outdated forms of meaning through philosophy, faith, education, politics, and travel.
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jjba-gravity · 3 years
Gravity Master List
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This is a master list of chapters and other important posts for organization. Please keep in mind when they are updated.
Relevant as of 07/30/2022.
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Posts with information pertaining to or about the main character or story.
Apollo - OC Sheet
Where the Horizon Births A New Journey - Series 1
Chapter posts will be listed here.
When the Sun Collapsed on Itself - Series 2
Chapter posts will be listed here.
Posts that do not fit the other categories but pertain to the main character or story.
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