jnselfshipping · 5 months
nothing convinces me more that people no longer read books than coming back into this website and seeing 20 year olds clutching pearls at topics that have been explored in fiction for the entirety that humanity has told stories
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jnselfshipping · 5 months
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jnselfshipping · 5 months
Did you know about the superstition that if you kiss someone as the new year's countdown strikes zero, you'll stay together that year?
I think it's quite the romantic concept. But unfortunately Aesop and I were trying to come up with the most bizarre readings using poker cards.
💀 I wonder what that means.
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jnselfshipping · 5 months
「You're strong. You can push through.」 
📫from your F/O ⇢ to you.📫
[TW: Self harm]
I can see it on your face. Whether or not you try to hide it doesn't matter. I know you better than you know yourself, sometimes. I know, I know. Sometimes. Well, this is sometimes.
Was it something about the last few days? Did something happen, love?
Or maybe it was the end of year? The stress of the holidays? Family? Friends? Work? School?
Come here. Rest your head on my shoulder. Imagine for a second, that all those terrible thoughts which have long outstayed their welcome in your head, coming out from your temple. Into me. Don't worry, love. I can handle them. Let me take them from you for a second. Now you can breathe.
I know how horrible this all feels.
I know, I do.
You're worried. You're worried about getting worse... and about getting better. And about everything else on earth simultaneously. It's difficult to carry so many things all the time. Even the toughest fighter buckles once in a while.
None of this is your fault, love. It's never going to be your fault, your problem, your incompetence.
I don't like seeing you like this, dear. Because you're so much more than this.
You're strong. Incredibly strong. You're beautiful. You could do anything if you put your heart to it.
Don't let this make you feel weak, don't let it convince you that this is what you are in your deepest layer. You know it isn't true - Or, if you can't remember that right now, I know it isn't true. And I'll tell you again and again until you believe it.
Say it back to me. That you're strong. That you're incredibly intelligent. You're one of a kind.
Don't stop yourself.
You're beautiful. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen.
And you can make it through this. Say it to me, love. We can make it through this.
You're not troubling me with this, love. I promise you aren't smothering me, or burdening me. This is what I'm here for.
Because I love you. I love you so much. I do - I can swear on my life.
Can you show me where you hurt yourself? If you don't want to, that's completely alright. But if you would like... I could help massage it. Antiseptic cream is probably a good idea.
I hate to see you hurt, love. I hate that you have to fight all kinds of hurt, all the time. I hate that this was the only way to make some things better, to make some things disappear.
But I'm here. Look at me, please? I'm here. Right here, with you.
So... close your eyes and breathe. Did you clean the wounds? Bandage them? Good. Stay here with me, picture yourself handing me a big, heavy backpack, full of all your pain and anxiety and responsibilities. I'll take that, thank you.
Now, do you want to watch a movie? Or cuddle? Or have a nice meal? I'll cook. You, love, on the other hand... Take a break. You've earned it.
[Author's Note: From my notes app, to your tumblr page for your enjoyment! This was cathartic to write as someone who recently... kind of... maybe... relapsed. But I'll get better. You'll get better too. We'll get better together. To anyone reading this to the end - thank you. And I love you.]
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jnselfshipping · 5 months
F/O: Sorry for being insane do you still think I'm malewife or whatever? 🥺
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jnselfshipping · 5 months
✧Imagine travelling (with your F/O)✧
「All the things we see, all the things we pass by - yet still, you are the most beautiful thing in my humble eyes」
✧ Their fluffiest jackets lying in a heap at the bottom of the suitcase
✧ Disputes over the custody of a hoodie
✧ The new album in your camera roll full of pre-departure selfies, from trying out matching outfits in front of the mirror
✧ Collaborating on a spotify playlist - until unreasonable hours at night
✧ Sloppy, lazy kisses at 4am on the day of departure
✧ Their small groans and profanities as you navigate the road to the airport together
✧ The way they fret over the security checks, the plane tickets and the luggage until you plant a kiss on their cheek
✧ Their shoulder, sturdy and perfect for leaning on, no matter its relative height to your head, as you wait for the plane
✧ Them whipping out an item you needed but thought you didn't bring
✧ Watching their face light up with wonder at various views
✧ Then, watch them look back at you, seeing their eyes sparkle - and realising that you are still the most beautiful vista they've ever seen.
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jnselfshipping · 10 months
your f/o memorizes the little things about you. your favorite colors, movies, games. the sort of pets you’d want, your favorite brand of dish soap, the laundry detergent you buy.
they surprise you endlessly with little gifts and comments in regards to things you never thought they’d remember. “of course i remember,” they’d laugh, as if it’s for the simplest reason in the world. “i love you!”
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jnselfshipping · 10 months
mannnn i feel like this can be so different for every person- for me, i don't mention Aesop in everyday conversation (my lizard brain believes it is essential that he is kept confidential bc he is so important) but when i do i often address him as my lover - only because it feels right... but i think calling your f/o anything should be fine since it's your relationship you're exploring :DDD
Hello, I have a question for the self shipping community / yume community.
I have been doing selfshipping / yumeshipping for as long as I can remember (I just had no idea what it was called back then) but even then I only recently asked myself... When do you call an f/o your wife/husband/spouse? Or just your girlfriend/boyfriend/lover?
Only recently have I ever truly thought about this being an option. Is there something you 'have to' do or do you just say it? It does sound like a commitment of some sorts. I don't want to suddenly call an f/o my 'spouse' and suddenly have done something wrong... Or feel like I jumped the shark from one moment to the next. It has crossed my mind with one or two characters on my f/o list, I'm just not sure if I should.
I guess the only exception are the Azur Lane ship girls since you can marry them in game, so I feel confident to call those I oathed on my main account my wives.
Or I'm just insecure about this and think too much. I would still be interested in hearing how others in the community handle this though! Responses in any shape or form would be appreciated!
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jnselfshipping · 10 months
i've been missing in action for far too long TT sorry everyone life got in the way- i am back though >:D
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jnselfshipping · 1 year
I heard that you’re writing headcanons for Valentines Day! I didn’t see any fandom restrictions, so I was hoping you could do Saki Nikaido from Zombieland Saga because I can’t find any people who write for her. I love her dearly, but sometimes I struggle to know what we’d do as a couple. For context, I’m 16-17 (my birthday will be on the 22nd) and I identify as female. I’d prefer that if you refer to me by name in the headcanons, you choose to use Y/n or simply a pet name Saki would give me. I always imagine myself as a zombie when I fantasize about her to make things less complicated. I’m an ESFP 4w3, and my personality is very reminiscent of Mizuki Akiyama from Project Sekai and Kou Minamoto from Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun. I have a passion for digital art and supernatural anime and manga (right now my favorites are Zombieland Saga and Chainsaw Man.) I have ADHD, and I like to think that Saki does as well. I also love yume kawaii fashion, and I try to dress in exclusively pastel clothing. Plushies are also something I love, and I enjoy video games from time to time, mainly Nintendo. My food taste differs a lot from Saki though, as I love anything sweet and I am a vegetarian. I generally enjoy hanging out with people who will listen to me ramble about my hyperfixations and will do fun and exciting things with me. Speaking of which… amusement park dates? That’s my kind of thing. My love language is probably quality time and words of affirmation and uh… I’d say I’m smart but I act very dumb. This is long enough as it is, so I’ll spare you of any more details. You can post this to your blog, I don’t mind. I hope this isn’t too much trouble, and I hope you have a nice day!
Saki Nikaido Headcanons!!
Heya anon!! Sorry it took so long... we had a mass blackout during the weekends. :P
I hope I got her character (marginally) right! I haven't really watched Zombieland Saga, but I did a fair bit of research. It sounds like such a cool show! I'll bet you guys are a cute couple, too :D
♤Saki might appear a little bit harsh on the outside, despite caring deeply for you. 
♤It can be hard for her to be honest with her emotions, especially because of how much emotions she feels when she is around you. In the beginning, she might turn to "cuteness aggression" when she's flustered.
♤And then... she might turn to occasional honesty aka. A long winded, flustered, angry (?) rant about how horribly adorable you are. How dare you be so cute. It's unacceptable!
♤Slowly, though, she would be able to soften up a little. Don't expect her to be sugary sweet, but she will start trying to show affection (and get flustered when you bring it up)
♤Even though she can be rebellious and carefree, you'll see a more serious side of her whenever you're upset. She might feel a little tactless, but you'll be able to see her care for you shine through. 
♤Saki will buy you matching tamagotchis, probably a pair of sparkly Meets, for the sole reason that your tamas can marry each other. She will never tell you this. Ever.
♤She would pout when you indulge in sweets, because she thinks sugar is not fit for people with "guts", but you'll find her sneaking in to leave cookies or cupcakes on your desk.
♤You might even find her trying to bake. 
(Look away before she turns a delicate shade of red and start yelling.)
♤Since she is the leader of Franchouchou, she takes her job very seriously. She goes through severe inner turmoil before a show about whether or not to save you front row tickets. 
♤Because her hair is so long, it takes her a fair bit of time to deal with it in the morning. You might convince her to let you help brush it, but expect her to mumble (while blushing thoroughly) that there's no point in fussing so much about her hair anyways, because- you know, rebelling things.
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jnselfshipping · 1 year
Hi! For the ask game: 🧸, 🎀 :)
— canon-can-fight-me
Heya rina!!
I already did 🧸 in a previous post~ Sorry!! I'm trying to find a way to link them all together, but it's taking a while.
🎀What is your love language? What is your F/O's love language? How do you show each other love?
My primary love languages are quality time and physical touch! Aesop leans more towards acts of service instead of physical touch, but we share the love for spending time with each other.
So... We spend a lot of time together! We can be doing our own things: He might be reading, I might be writing. But being in the same room as him makes me feel warm and comfortable, without anything being forced, like conversations or eye contact (For Aesop).
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jnselfshipping · 1 year
💐 and 💋 for the valentine’s day asks!
I already did 💋 in a previous post~ I'll try and find a way to link everything hehe
💐Does your F/O like flowers? What is their favourite/least favourite flower?
I'd say yes and no. Aesop likes flowers, but he wouldn't hang them all around the house. As part of his job, he can be around flowers a lot. In fact, in the valentines day event of his source game, he appears in a flower shop!! (even though he doesn't realise that it's for valentines day). He is especially fond of yellow roses, but I think that extends to roses of any sorts. It's very adorable.
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jnselfshipping · 1 year
🧸 and 💋 for the valentines ask game <3
Heya Anon!!
🧸What makes your F/O flustered?
Aesop is easily flustered by physical contact. He was actually very touch-averse in the beginning, but he's coming around <33 He's also easily flustered by straightforward praise and lovey dovey things, which is why I try to do it as much as possible.
💋Who is the more cuddly person? Who usually initiates physical contact?
I'm definitely the more cuddly person haha- I didn't realise it before, but when I'm with someone I really, really love, I kind of just want to hRNGNNG. I usually initiate physical contact, but it really depends. Sometimes Aesop is tired and would more likely lean into me.
Love you anon <33
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jnselfshipping · 1 year
,,,*holds out cyberverse!soundwave like a proud child holds out artwork* look at my husband
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jnselfshipping · 1 year
Happy Valentines Day, Everyone!
For the next week, my inbox is open to selfshipping imagines, drabbles and headcanon requests. I could write a general imagine, or a you-and-your-f/o specific drabble/short story. It's also up to you whether I post it on my blog or just send it to you.
I might take a little bit of time to finish all of them, but I'll try my best! I would love to write about your relationships or ideas.
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jnselfshipping · 1 year
Valentines day countdown!
Valentines day is tomorrow! Today, let's do an ask game (just cause I feel like it).
💋 Who is the more cuddly person? Who usually initiates physical contact?
💗 What is your favourite physical attribute of your F/O?
💐 Does your F/O like flowers? What is their favourite/least favourite flower?
🥰 On a scale of 1-10, how romantic are they? Are they a more reserved and do-don't-say person, or are they over the top with flowers, dates and affection?
🎀 What is your love language? What is your F/O's love language? How do you show each other love?
🧸 What makes your F/O flustered?
🍫 What is your F/O's favourite snack?
❤️‍🩹 What is their biggest flaw? What is your way of dealing with it?
💛 If you had to assign them a colour, what would you pick? Why?
💌 If you could visit any place in their world with your F/O right now, where would it be?
❤️‍🔥 Who is the more jealous partner? How do you and/or your F/O show jealousy?
💘 What is one thing about them that makes you fall in love with them again and again?
Feel free to reblog! I would love for you to send me an ask if you reblog, though. Not mandatory, but I would love to have more interaction with all of you wonderful people :D
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jnselfshipping · 1 year
I have an idea...
Please interact with my post (like/reblog etc. doesn't matter!) and you'll get a free sketch I drew in your inbox! (It can be your OC/SI, your ship, etc.) The sketch may look a little rough, but I'll try my best! ^o^ ❤️
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