joesevennumbers · 11 months
Fartspam on top discord.gg/spamming
Fartspam on top discord.gg/spamming
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joesevennumbers · 4 years
Do you do quirk combos???
Thank you, dear Anonymous user.
If by Quirk Combos you mean Quirk Marriages, I’d be happy to formulate ideas for them!
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joesevennumbers · 4 years
Discovering the “Quirkless” Hero
Dear Journal,
Today, the government has tasked me with observing and making note of a up-and-coming hero who goes by "Kounna". Passing the written-portion of the hero license exam with middling marks, it's surprising to see a quirkless person could perform so highly in the physical-portion of the exam. I had heard news of him when this first happened, and initially thought it was just luck. Looks like I was spot on, though. Take a look at this file that came in the mail with my task!
Due to the sensitive nature of this user's quirk, the following information is classified "Highly Sensitive", and disciplinary penalties will apply upon the leakage of such information to the public, especially the user of the quirk.
Curious thing to say. I'm sure they don't mind if I write this down on my completely private digital journal where no one can see it, would they?
Quirk Name: Dumb Luck
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: The user of this quirk subconsciously and psionically initiates random reality-bending acts that affect the "future" "probability" in their favor by making improbable (but seemingly not impossible) events to occur within their vicinity when times are dire. This causes the user to experience perceived "Good Luck" while their opponents have "Bad Luck". It is currently unknown to the investigative bureau of how the user is able to seemingly bend reality, as such a quirk is unheard of in modern day society. In addition, a side effect of the quirk makes the user appear quirkless. Initially manifesting late into the user's teenage years, the user seems to be completely unaware of his own quirks, attributing the "Good Luck" he experiences as a form of cosmic phenomena of karma.
It is currently theorized that the quirk has something to do with radiation, as small traces of radioactive doses can be found emanating from the user when the quirk is active. It is unclear at the moment how such radiation affects the probabilities the user experiences.
Addendum I: It is notable that no discernible trace of radiation could be found within the physical examination room, suggesting that the user of the quirk was able to pass the exam with high marks without the assistance of his quirk, with his quirk understanding that the user was able to pass it on his own capabilities.
Addendum II: The user of the quirk must NOT, under any circumstances, stumble upon the knowledge of their own quirk. As a subconsciously reality-bending quirk user, it is of the upmost importance that his value as a hero is exploited to the highest degree possible. As this is an unprecedented scenario, the risk of knowledge about the users quirk my range from inconsequential all the way to catastrophic. It is deemed by upper management that it is best to be safe than sorry.
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joesevennumbers · 4 years
An explosive Quirk I came across today
Dear Journal,
As I was doing one of my daily patrols, I came across a particular quirk that fancied my interest. The user was a particularly slender teenage girl with pink hair. Her clothes gave off the impression that she was a student at a local school in the municipality.
She was fighting a villain, but I could tell that she wasn’t in any hero course nor did she looked like she was properly licensed for the job. The villain seemed to have a regular strength-boosting quirk, but his attacks seemed to be doing nothing to the girl. She took no knockback form the impact. Right as I prepared to swoop in, however, the just villain went and exploded! The blast left the villain halfway across the block.
It was a sight to behold, and I just had to interrogate this girl on what the nature to her quirk was. Using my authority as a hero I took her aside to have a conversation, and also to scold her for using her quirk in public.
She told me she was on her way to school, so she had to keep it quick. I liked her style already, unamused that a hero was giving her a verbal lashing. I inquired what the nature of her quirk was, to which she explained to me the following: Quirk Name: Explosive Payback Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: The user of the quirk has two particular “modes”. “Punishment mode” and “Payback mode”. The user can switch between either modes as she wished to. In "Punishment mode", the user absorbs and accumulates kinetic energy into their body from physical attacks, completely nullifying the force applied to them (to a certain limit). When unconscious or not thinking actively about the quirk, "Punishment mode" is the natural state of the user. In "Payback mode", the user releases the kinetic energy stored into their body in the form of various styled-explosions the mass of which is determined by how much energy they choose to release. By transferring the energy to different parts of the body, the user is able to cause different types of explosions. However, the user is unable to release AND absorb energy at the same time using both modes at once, leaving them vulnerable to counter-attack while unleashing during "Payback mode"
By instantly toggling “Punishment mode” right after exploding, she can become invulnerable to her own explosions. Releasing “Payback” from her feet apparently opens up the ground below, while firing concentrated “Payback” from the tips of her fingers fires an explosive dart-like arrow. Such a versatile and strong quirk was just my type, so I gave her my business card in case she was interested in applying to become a hero. Like the total gangster she was, she told me she wasn’t interested and briskly walked away from the encounter. Though, when she left, I swore I saw her skipping along joyfully as she turned the corner. I’m pretty sure I’ll be seeing her sometime soon someday.
I took credit for the villain takedown with the official paperwork to save her skin. I hope to see many other unique quirks like that girl’s in the future!
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joesevennumbers · 4 years
Hello World
This is a test
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