joeyburrcw · 5 months
Yeah, it's great. One of Madelyn's best friends is good friends with one of my teammates, so we met that way a couple years ago. Seeing her happy is the most important thing to me, so I'm glad I'm doing a good job at doing that. At least, I'd like to think I am. I appreciate you saying that, man. I don't know how I got so lucky with her, but she's one of the best things that has happened to me.
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Well, hey, at least you're getting to know her friends and it's cool you and Madelyn already knew each other. I'm sure you're doing great, she just seems pretty happy from what I've seen. Yeah, she's had quite the past and definitely deserves a good one and I'm glad it's you.
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
I do actually get that question a lot, but it doesn't really bother me at all. We love to see you entering your sports era and I'd be more than happy to teach you everything you need to know. There's a lot to football more than you might think, but honestly, if you just know the basics, then you'll be solid before the season starts.
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i bet you probably get this question a lot, but i need someone to teach me the fundamentals of football. i've recently entered my sports era, but i'm afraid i have no idea how any of the rules work, and i feel stupid anytime i try and watch a game. i just need the basics— like a 'football for dummies' crash course. @joeyburrcw
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
"Oh, no, I definitely did not forget," he said matter-of-factly. "I get the sentiment of saying, 'I guess so,' but I think saying I wanted a reminder was better than that, you know? Besides, I don't think I'd be hearing you complain. A mind-blowing orgasm is what you're getting in return, obviously."
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Sabrina, the type to laugh at her own joke, couldn't quite stifle the smirk and soft chuckle that left her lips as Joe prepared to answer. "Forgot already, huh? Not even an "I guess so?" I could refresh your memory, what's in it for me? Songs and now a reminder, you're asking for a lot, Joey."
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
Joe: Well, yeah, actually. Not in Vegas, but I'm staying in LA for a bit with Sabrina and because I do some of my offseason training here.
Madelyn: And are you STAYING there forever? No. And I will be in Ohio soon :)
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
Joe: Feel free to ask me more things about outer space. :)
Josh: We'll go with yes.
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
"Oh?" Now Joe was intrigued, to say the least. "And when do I get to hear all the other ones?" He had no clue what Sabrina was about to ask him, but what he definitely didn't expect was the question that actually followed. "I dunno, babe," he shrugged, trying to play it off as if it was nothing. "Might need a reminder to see if it's as sweet as I remember it being last night."
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"Who says it's the first I've written about you? Maybe it's just the first one you've heard." Sabrina replied, a knowing smile on her face as she leaned in closer to him. "But, I've been meaning to ask," she pulled at his shirt in an effort to have him meet her halfway, "is it that sweet?"
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
The look of defeat on Sabrina's face was one Joe took a lot of pride in. How could he not? Even if he knew he was right from the beginning, it still fueled his ego hearing her say it for herself. "Well, I'm very honored that you did that because I don't think I've ever had a song written about me before. Not that I know of, at least," he chuckled. His brows then furrowed in confusion when she mentioned having a question of her own. "And what would that be?"
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Sabrina couldn't wriggle away even if she tried, so, she admitted defeat when it came to shutting him up, rolling her eyes playfully as she laughed. "Okay, so you got me there," she said, a smirk of her own mirroring his as he brought it up once more. "Fine, so it's true." Normally, she'd play around a little longer, keep him guessing, but it seemed Joe was well aware without her having her fun. "My turn to ask the question now."
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
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Joe Burrow & Sam Hubbard via Sam's Instagram story | April 20, 2024
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
Joe quickly grabbed Sabrina's wrist before she could reach up to cover his mouth in order to silence him, "Yeah, that's exactly how it sounded." The smirk on his face was impossible to hide now with the roll he was currently on. "Don't act like you aren't always coming up with the most horny outros for 'Nonsense', babygirl." It wasn't until just then that Joe had realized that they'd somehow gotten away from the actual topic of the conversation. "But for real, is it true?"
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Sabrina instantly raised her brows, jumping up in an effort to cover his mouth as she let out a loud laugh. "Oh my God, Joe," she said between breaths, covering her face with her hands. "Damn, say it louder for the people in the back."
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
Joe: Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it on Friday because I had to be in Vegas for a wedding. But I'm positive there will be plenty more opportunities for us to support her at another one of her shows. Joe: I was able to watch the livestream at least, so that definitely made up for me not being able to be there.
Joey: It was amazing to meet you in person and enjoy her set with you and Taylor. Felt like a true friend group and we'll have to do it again for her next set, yeah? Joey: If you can't, I'll send you the video and some pictures to enjoy and you can still be the most proud supportive boyfriend from afar while working.
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
Joe: No, you won't. I'm in Vegas for a wedding.
Madelyn: I think Sabrina would say otherwise. Madelyn: See you soon btw :)
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
Joe: Now aren't you so glad I told you?
Josh: That certainly is a fun fact about space.
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
I totally get that, it's definitely not for the faint of heart. But I'd say being able to watch it every now and then is pretty commendable.
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I've seen a few matches and yeah the violence is a little too much for me. I can't do all the blood and such, I get a bit squeamish. I do like it though, just have to watch it in doses. I even have to close my eyes if something happens in wrestling too.
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
Joe: A day on Venus is approximately 243 Earth days long. If we were on Venus, we would have to wait up to three Earth years for a weekend.
Josh: Well, tell me something about space.
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
"Moe, huh?" Joe tried so hard to hide the smug look on his face, but it was next to impossible. "That's not what my name sounded like last night coming out of your mouth when I was making you cum, but I digress."
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"Boe Jurrow," Sabrina repeated, fingers tapping her chin as if deep in thought. She figured it wouldn't take him long to put the pieces together, yet she'd play along. "Yeah, actually, my beau Moe. Didn't know you knew him."
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
Joe: I think the proper response is, "Thank you, Joey. You're the bestest friend I've ever had in the whole entire world."
Madelyn: Oh did you now?
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joeyburrcw · 5 months
"Nah, I'll make sure I'm there no matter what. Not quite twenty questions, more like just one question. Your new song... I didn't think anything of it the first time, but when I listened to it a second time, I couldn't help but to think you had some inspiration for it. A muse, if you will. Is it possible the muse's name rhymes with Boe Jurrow?"
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"But what if you're not able to come with me next time? It's better when I can experience it with you. Alright, twenty questions first? I have an answer... maybe."
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