#( f2f. )
fondueforme · 6 months
“What do you mean? Lord, what do you mean?” Brittany questioned again, gaping at their cat. But then there was a knock on the door and they had no more time to question Lord Tubbington further. “We are so talking about this later, mister.” There was a meow of agreement from Lady Tubbington, who was currently glaring at her boyfriend. Britt went to go answer the door, grinning at the Warbler and his pet once the door was open. “Greetings!”
They invited the two in and brought them toward the living area, half of which had a full interview set up. “You two can take the couch. Do you want anything to drink before we start?” They pointed toward the small table between both seating arrangements; couch for them and a single recliner for her. “I don't know if you've ever seen the show before or heard of it, Hunter. But we usually do fondue, i.e. the name being Fondue for Two.” There was a small fondue pot in the middle of the table, along with some 3-prong forks for dipping the assortment of vegetables surrounding the rest of the table’s surface. “You seemed like someone who eats healthy so.” 
A girl popped up at Brittany’s side wearing a neck brace, carrying two lapel mics. “This is Celeste, my roommate and one of my elite employees. She’s going to mic you two up. Usually, she’ll do a little makeup too, but you two seem ready. Are you ready?”
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askbrett · 6 months
closed starter for @thejbi
What a night. Things were just getting better and better, if you asked him. The football team actually managed a win, with or without some extra help, who’s to say. Dottie was back in his arms, being extra clingy and his best friend was by his side. He even complimented Brett’s new look! He was sure his girlfriend would tell him something about it later, right now he knew she was just distracted by something on the other side of the room. That aside, Brett couldn't think of a way to make the night better. Mostly because he knew he was definitely going to be able to sell all of his product by the end of it, so he had no other reason to be worried tonight. 
Sure, there was still lingering tension festering between the trio, which had only increased when Brett left them alone. He'd almost asked about it, but figured it was better not poke the cocaine bear. Especially since Jacob still refused to call his girlfriend by her actual name and then there was Dottie, who kept making digs at his friend’s lack of a date. He knew nothing was ever perfect though, c'est la vie.
Brett had learned long ago that sometimes you had to power through, even if you didn’t want to, but really it was no hardship for him to be between the two people he cared about most. He rocked back on his heels and gave them his brightest smile.
"So, do any of you want some punch? Sue is still hovering over it so it should be safe."
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skulltramarine · 7 months
*[While it's not a place Phthalo visits particularly often, it's one he knows how to reach perhaps instinctively; it nearly ails him to admit it to himself, but he's certain he can feel his vague and wishy-washy connection to this world. This universe. At first that had been much more unsettling, and surely even now could throw one for a loop... but it's also become comforting in the strangest way. Something he finds a little too easy to lean into, even with how foreign and DANGEROUS it all proves to be nonetheless.]
*[Which is why he shouldn't be here. They both know that. And when he is, when here they are in the same room, Alizarin figures straight away that something is either very odd... or very wrong. But he's nothing if not skilled at playing it up or off. Grinning a bit wider, a showcase of how unalike their teeth are, he spreads his arms out wide to either side as if to greet and welcome someone important to a glitzy venue. Knowing full well which of their worlds the both of them might prefer to be in.]
🔴 * " if it isn't number one... here i thought ya might be fuckin' with me. but ya actually showed, huh? "
*[Phthalo sighs. He earnestly does HATE that nickname deep down, and how every overly familiar face has taken to calling him that. A joke they all feel entitled to be in on. Still, that sigh is long suffering and dramatic. He scoffs in what appears to be annoyance... before a long beat of silence passes, and the both of them start genuinely chuckling. He crosses the room to lean against an empty work bench, and here surrounded by Alizarin's unfinished works, he might even look like he fits right in. Like they're his doing. Again, too easily nestled at first-- and why not? It's not like he NEEDS to come here that often for it to be this way. It's only natural, right? But when Phthalo looks to his right, to the empty space in the back corner of this locked workroom, that particular immersion is broken in a very immediate way. The glowing eyes which look at him are too piercing, too bright, too RED. Her silhouette possesses too many jagged edges. The glint of her metal exterior deflects all light, like a warning. The threatening aura that hangs in the air when their gazes meet, even while he's certain she recognizes him by design... it's all wrong. Phthalo makes companions, after all. Now, after everything. His projects have always been much smaller scale, too. A cat here, a rat there, a bird when he really wanted to push himself.]
*[... And KEY9? There is none of that sentimentality visible in her, internals be damned. To put it bluntly? That's a big, menacing WOLF. She isn't shy about it, a testament to that being the very point. Neither of them look away until Alizarin is knocking his closed fist back on the wall he's resting against, loudly enough to get the both of their attention.]
🔴 * " hey. focus. ya said ya needed m'help, right? so out with it. "
*[A more nervous sort of laugh this time, as Phthalo shrugs nonchalantly.]
🔵 * " well... yeah, i did. could say i was focused though, uh... she's sort'a why i'm here. "
*[Alizarin definitely looks confused to hear this, casting a deadpan look to KEY9 which is returned in record speed. When Alizarin looks back to his alternate, it's with a slightly warier gaze. Voice sounding tentative as he inquires.]
🔴 * " ... yeah? what 'bout 'er? ya can't have 'er, if that's the kind'a weirdo shit yer on right now. "
*[Phthalo can't help but huff a laugh at that. As if he'd be the type to show up out of the blue and take something so important to somebody.]
🔵 * " no, that's not-- never mind. keepin' it short, since i know ya hate me beatin' 'round the bush... "
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🔵 * " ... d'ya think... i could make somethin' like that? like her, i mean. "
*[The rumble of a soft growl which sounds from the corner of the room is ghosted with a faint static. Now it's Alizarin's turn to bark a short laugh, smirking playfully.]
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🔴 * " what, y'mean a WEAPON? "
*[Phthalo winces, eyes darting to the side. Alizarin doesn't wait for the reply he knows isn't coming anyway, and instead deigns to actually answer the question.]
🔴 * " sure don't. "
*[Yeesh... that was shot down fast. Not that he's amazed, when it's exactly the answer he expected. So that's that, huh? Or so he thinks. It makes sense. He's not afraid to admit that Alizarin is capable of and practiced in things he isn't, since that's exactly why he came here in the first place. But in the awkward lapse of quiet that seems to drag on after that blow, unable to see it looking away as he is, Alizarin wavers quite clearly. Gritting his teeth with a barely audible grumble, and crossing his arms tightly over his chest. You're caving. You're too soft.]
🔴 * " ... 'm not finished, though. "
🔴 * " -- no, i don't think ya can... alone. but lucky fer you, i'm feelin' generous 'nough ta lend ya a hand. "
*[Phthalo's surprise must be evident, because Alizarin is quick to continue on. Likely trying to bypass receiving the thanks he can see the other readying to give, with a wave to dismiss it altogether.]
🔴 * " and don' bother thankin' me. heh... maybe ya haven't considered this, but i'm not the only one here who'd bring somethin' unique ta the table. 've sort'a been hopin' you'd 'ventually come 'round ta my way'a doin' things. "
*[Phthalo is swift in ignoring the smugness in Alizarin's tone, as if he's won something. He doesn't say anything to argue it, though. He supposes the monster in front of him should be allowed the win this time, if it means he'll help. Alizarin has forever been a fickle one, truth be told. Fairly sensible for the Red type, but he doesn't do anything he doesn't want to and is rather unshakable on that front. The burning in that red pupil however, the one uncovered by an eyepatch, tells Phthalo that he was worried for nothing. Because Alizarin is also fairly unmoving when it comes to doing the things that he DOES want to do, especially when it comes to his engineering. ]
*[ Good. This is good; this will work. Who can he trust if not himself? This is a real plan. Phthalo will stay here for the night, and by morning they'll have come up with something much more tangible to set in motion. It's better than doing nothing and waiting for the worst, isn't it?]
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off-1eash · 4 months
[Special delivery! A present box that can be for no one other than stray, what with that purple box and gold ribbon. And inside? Exactly as promised, though perhaps delivered a little later than anticipated; his own hoverboard! A similar style to Comet's, but customized in a nice shade of purple with gold trim. Matchies!]
*[A gift? For him of all people? Stray is seeing it, sure enough, but still finds himself reluctant to truly believe it right away. Skeptical, and perhaps understandably so... he eyes it for a little while before deciding to open it up. Maybe if someone was watching he'd have recklessly dove right in, looking to prove something of himself, but that isn't the case this time. Showing a little restraint.]
*[And either way, the minute his sharp eyes fall on what's inside? A foul, pleased expression chases away any reluctance he had. It's very purple. It's very shiny. It's very HIS on sight, so don't go getting the idea that you're EVER getting it back. And this notorious menace already has sooo many bad ideas about how to use it, once he's practiced enough to utilize it as a reliable "get away vehicle." ]
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* " about damn time... "
*[Not that he earnestly expected Comet to follow through deep down, but who cares about that now? What's sure to be a dangerous asset later is, for now, a well-placed distraction. Maybe this will keep him out of trouble for the time being? Even if it's definitely going to get a criminal like himself into plenty more trouble down the road...]
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puckjake · 2 months
how i met my sister ↔︎ puckersibs 2 & 4
Arriving to the ballroom on time, for once in his life, Jake was ready to hit that open bar first and foremost. While he had absolutely no problem mingling, and even loved it to an extent, he wasn't doing a mixer sober. Only an idiot wouldn't take advantage of free food and drinks, and while he did act like it here and there, he wasn't an idiot. The only thing standing between him and the whiskey he planned to kick things off with was a table full of name tags. It seemed like it may have been an optional thing, but considering the amount of people he was assuming he'd be interacting with at this event, the visual aid could come in handy.
Glancing through the names until he found his own, Jake's eyes widened. Right there on the same row as his own name tag was another one: Naomi Puckerman. He had known that he had siblings that were at PSU, but it wasn't like Gabe did his kids any favors and told them their siblings' names, what they looked like, ages, how many of them there were, etc. Why wouldn't this event offer a chance for an awkward run in? Jake was about to just grab his name tag and run off when he felt a body moving in next to him, and he almost choked when he saw which name she was reaching for. "Naomi?" He blurted out as if she hadn't just grabbed the corresponding tag with that name on it.. "H-hi. I'm uh.." When words failed him, he did the next best thing and picked up his own before showing it to her. "Guess we're related."
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vetiaverred · 1 year
[ BREAK ; PT. 2 ]
*[ “ i want to know why. “ While the space between them is much less than Vetiver would like, those words slice through it so cleanly. His mind moves miles a minute, a bit frantic with the pressure having a gun on him understandably creates— it could mean a million related things, and he could be looking for a million separate answers. But none of them feel right as he fumbles to reply.] 
“ WHY... WHAT? “ 
*[Stray growls, body giving a threatening jolt forward to bring the gun even closer. Close enough to hold it directly against Vetiver’s sternum, though he leaves a few centimeters yet.] 
* “ everything! don't— don't act stupid, you know i'll do it. “ 
*[Vetiver’s gaze once again drops to the gun; slowly, reluctantly. As if looking at it head on might make this situation real. But that’s wishful thinking, he knows. He doesn’t doubt Stray’s conviction for even an instant. He really would do it. He wouldn’t push it this far unless he was ready to see it through.] 
“ I DO, BUT... “ 
*[Stray’s glare only becomes increasingly ferocious, his grip on his pistol tightening in direct response to his rage. Yet he too takes a moment to formulate what he wants to say. Clearly the monster in front of him doesn’t get it.] 
* “ why is it always you? “ 
*[Confusion crosses Vetiver’s expression, briefly replacing the well-restrained fear that was written there. Stray immediately starts to bare his teeth like an animal waiting for its prey to make the wrong move he’s SURE it will.] 
*[Disappointment and frustration sound in the way Stray huffs, nearly incredulous.] 
* “ come on, use your fucking head a little! you don’t think there’s something wrong with that? with any of it? you really think that makes sense? “ 
*[Vetiver remains silent, still not fully certain what Stray is trying to get at. Of course, it doesn’t make sense to him either. It’s not like he expected for things to go this way, for him to become like this, for it to be for the better. And he especially didn’t expect to make any friends, given his track record. Is that earnestly what this is about, though?] 
* “ people may not kiss the ground you walk on anymore, but plenty of them would still kill me because of you. don't tell me you’ve forgotten that little detail. and i'm supposed to just let it go because you’re sooo much better now? nothing has changed. “ 
*[It’s only a moment, but Vetiver is almost positive he heard desperation in Stray’s declaration that nothing has changed. He’s not prepared for the way that hearing that... hurts, strangely. Perhaps he’s been desperate this whole time, too. Desperate for things to be different after all.] 
*[Stray snaps his response, close to tripping over the sentences with how rushed they come out. Caught up in his emotions, speaking before getting the chance to think. Lacking the cold calculation that Vetiver is used to seeing from him.] 
* “ great, because i don’t! but everyone seems to think you got what you deserved— hell, maybe even more than you had coming. what do you think? “  
*[Vetiver frowns, giving a sort of wince at this loaded question. It’s one he doesn’t like to think about. It’s something that’s contributed to keeping him up at night on multiple occasions. As much as he’d love to shy away from even brushing the subject, right now he hasn’t got that choice. Stray's words from their last encounter like this rush to the front of his mind: “ and what a luxury that is, huh? “ He thinks he understands that sentiment, now. Stray had never had the luxury of getting to step away from the things that hurt. He wasn’t given that option. So now, he’s TAKING IT AWAY.] 
*[Stray’s growl is much louder this time, and finally, Vetiver can feel the pistol pressed to his chest. Jabbed into it, though only enough to sting at a level that the taller skeleton would hardly pay notice to right now. There’s bigger things to be focused on.] 
* “ ohh, don’t give me that shit! that answer’s the easy way out. keep that up and i'll show you how easy your out can be. “ 
*[Cornered as he is, tensions running high, Vetiver raises his voice to shoot back much louder than he should for someone at gunpoint.] 
*[Stray hisses from between his teeth, but Vetiver can see it. Visible suddenly, not just audible, that DESPERATE look in the skeleton’s eyes.] 
* “ no. “ 
*[That’s not what he was looking for, evidently, but... he glances away for awhile. A lengthy pause follows, Vetiver not daring to speak up and challenge the silence. To try and use this to his advantage never occurs to him, but then again, he senses that something is coming. The HEART of this problem. And when Stray eventually looks at him again, his hand— the gun in it, too — shakes. Never wavering or moving away, but it gives the mercenary away.] 
*[Vetiver hasn’t seen him look this vulnerable in a very long time. Stray has always made sure of that.] 
* “ why did you... “ 
* “ you’re my fucking brother-- why did you...! “ 
*[He hasn’t earnestly called Vetiver a brother in years, either. Years. Stray trails off, his eye sockets gone devoid of any light. His usual grin, his cocky demeanor, have completely vanished. Stripped of all of that, the fancy clothes, the arsenal, the smart remarks that keep everyone away... all that’s left is a monster who’s haunted by something. By someone, or what they should have been. That same monster he was when he was trapped underground, trapped in more than one way. Vetiver is well aware that he’s not the only one who has morphed into someone different on purpose. When the captive audience settles on an honest answer to give him, his voice is lowered again. Gentle, or attempting to be as best as he can. It’s not his area of expertise.] 
*[There’s a hitching sound deep in Stray’s chest, like a choked breath or utterance. Like he’s in pain. He once again tightens his hold on his weapon, but his hand only shakes more now. All of him shaking, as it resounds through his body.] 
* “ but why?! don't act like i can’t take it now. you've dished out worse. “ 
*[A bitter laugh tails behind, but it’s apparent he doesn’t really mean it. It's his reflex; his NATURE.] 
*[Dead air. Stray says absolutely nothing, but his arm gradually starts to lower, pointing the gun away from its intended target. Without acknowledgement, like his arm simply grew tired. He’s so tired. Vetiver is conflicted on whether he should feel relieved, or feel worse than ever... though his body is starting to relax a touch. Thankfully.] 
* “ save it. “ 
*[He’s cut off before he can finish, but it’s empty of the usual bite. Stray sounds as tired as he feels, and looks. Probably no more sober, but this moment has been no less than sobering for the both of them. Finally Stray’s arm has dropped fully at his side, pistol’s line of fire directed fully to the floor... and he turns away, beginning to drag his feet towards the door. Vetiver’s eyes remain on him, but he believes it unwise to follow after in body. He doesn’t know what he’d even say. Or why he’d even stop him from leaving.] 
*[He doesn’t expect an answer. He doesn’t know why he asked. But he felt himself leaning into the question anyway. Stray stops for a moment, but as he retorts without even looking back over his shoulder, he starts to make for the exit again.] 
* “ … home. see ya. “ 
*[An afterthought, he throws a up a middle finger as he opens the door. Letting it be the last thing seen of him as the door shuts behind, a bit like none of this had ever happened. To restore some sense of normalcy, maybe. But in the stillness that comes after, in the wake of it all, Vetiver is certain that something has just changed. Given Stray’s unpredictable personality, he can’t be too sure whether this difference is for the better or worse... but it’s change. And this ex-guard has been finding most change lately to be better than nothing.
*[All he can do is hope for the best.]
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eloise-mccarthy · 2 months
with: open! location: tbh anywhere timeframe: morning, 8/9
"I have wonderful news, Sweet Pea," Eloise declared, a bright smile plastered to her face as she fell in step with the first person she saw. Did she know said person? Not exactly. But Eloise loved meeting new people, and she had no qualms with striking up conversations with strangers and hoping for the best. It worked out for her most of the time, although people have told her that was because she caught people so off guard that they didn't know how else to respond to her. That was fine. Kill 'em with enthusiastic kindness, as the kids say. (Okay, maybe sometimes that hurt her feelings just like, a tiny little bit, super duper tiny, to think that there were people who didn't like her. Not that she was expected to be liked all the time, but like... okay, maybe she did expect to be liked all the time. But she was friendly and cool and hot, and therefore the total package. Right?) I digress. "I was getting coffee and they made this dude's coffee wrong while I was there. And, like, it was an honest mistake, you know? So many people get shitty when baristas fuck up. I fuck up all the time. I'm not a barista, but I'm just saying that, like. Well, you know what I'm saying. Anyway, the guy was a total dick about it. So they remade his coffee and whatever, and then I swept in very heroically and booped that barista on the nose and reminded them that they were the bee's knees, so they gave me the fuck up coffee. I actually think they probably would've given it to me anyway so it didn't go to waste, but." Eloise shrugged, the gesture just as animated as her rambling. "Anyway. I have two coffees, now, and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? I like your vibe. You can even choose which one you want. I've got a vanilla oat milk latte with like, a bunch of caramel drizzle because I'm a little hungover and I wanted it. And the guy got..." Squinting, she held the cup in the air to read the scribbles on the side. "Mm, this bad boy's a triple espresso." She sniffed near the lid. "Hint of cinnamon. Do either tickle your fancy?"
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asksam · 5 months
Sam might be a little wasted at the moment and while he knew Blaine probably wouldn’t be while he was in uniform, especially after the earlier blow up about Dalton, he also knew Blaine was more or less drunk himself. At least none of his clothes had gone missing, despite the fact that he’d taken more than a few shots of tequila, courtesy of Jordan. He stumbled a little, but caught himself before he ran into someone. He came face to foot with a pair of soft looking purple boots and straightened himself up to see a familiar face. “Kitty! Or should I say Daphne?”
“Awesome costume. It’s a classic,” he nodded, sagely. “I’m Blaine, Blaine Warbler. Wait- No, Blaine Anderson.” He shook his head and that after the nod a few seconds ago was a little too much movement. Sam swallowed and glanced around. “Water, I think… I think I should be drinking water.” He put a hand over his forehead and he tried hard to remember exactly where the kitchen was. “Do you know where the kitchen is? I keep getting turned around.” @goldenkwilde
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tylrswfts · 1 year
“kels,” taylor calls out when she sees the familiar blonde, offering a small wave as she picks up the hem of her dress to move toward the other musician. the music is loud, so she might not have heard her -- so, taylor picks up the pace to get closer to her friend. when she approaches, the songwriter easily loops an arm around kelsea’s neck. “hi, stranger!” she beams, smile widening on her lips as the two are finally close enough to chat. “how are you? how is everything? i’ve been watching clips of your shows, and i’m obsessed. how do i sneak into one?” @kelsxaballerini​
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eternalsa2z · 1 month
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"Done! What do you think?"
Deborah stared at the artist's sketch of her blankly. It had long, white blonde hair and a heavy golden tan, the inverse of her pale skin and brown hair. There were blue eyes and a cute button nose, which made the woman blink and wrinkle her own nose with confusion. She grabbed her chest in shock at the sight of the massive silicone breasts squeezed into a tiny pink bikini top. It was a combination she could never be caught wearing.
"This caricature looks nothing like me!" she gasped indignantly.
"Oh, my mistake. I forgot one detail," the creator apologized. "The character is the most important piece of the living artwork."
With that the designer booped her nose with a pink brush. Instantly Deborah went cross eyed. Her thoughts swirling in her head before being emptied out like a rainbow of watercolor paints being washed away. Eventually her blank stare and pout ended when she took a new look at the painting.
"OMG you're sooooo right! The carrie-coutour totes looks 'xactly like Debi!" the silly blonde giggled. She loved the painting...it made her look hawt!
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fondueforme · 5 months
They were having a fantastic time. Brittany always looked forward to Sugar's annual Halloween party and this year hadn't been any different. Throwing their hands up, sword included, they danced along with the music blasting through the speakers. At this point, they were only a little tipsy. They'd had one cup of whatever green drink Sugar had made and immediately moved to the dance floor, dancing with any and all takers. When they were finally working up a sweat, Brittany pulled away from the jock they'd been currently dancing with to stumble toward the kitchen for another drink.
On the way there, they bumped into a familiar face. "Dottie! Hey! Are you enjoying the party?" They glanced down, taking in the other's costume in with a scrunch of their nose. "Dottie. I know it's a classic, but a dog?" @askdottie
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askbrett · 7 months
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Brett was actually sober for once, one of the conditions Dottie set up before she agreed to go to Homecoming with him. But despite that, she still seemed really annoyed with him right now and kept shooting looks between him and Jacob. So he excused himself because as much as he wanted to spend time with her and his best friend, the weird tension between the three of them was getting to him. Besides, he had work to do and this was Homecoming. It was like the primo place and time.
He gave Jacob a lingering glance because he knew the other knew he wasn't really going to the bathroom. But sacrifices had to be made. He was sure he'd meet up with him later anyways. Brett walked through the crowd before sliding up to someone he knew. "You looking for a good time tonight? 'Cause I got something that'll make it even better."
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skulltramarine · 9 months
“You won’t always be around to save him.”
*[... He'd really like to say that the remark doesn't bother him in the least. Yet, it still feels as though a slight chill comes over the room the longer Phthalo sits there with the words hanging over his skull. It's nothing he hasn't considered, mind you. His mind is good for nothing if not jumping to worst case scenarios and What Ifs, day or night. But to have it pointed out in such a blunt sentence still... stings, even if he isn't keen to admit it.]
*[However, for all of his worrying for Solaire at times-- again and again, somehow he arrives at the same conclusion. A comforting release of CONTROL over things he can't change, like something gripped so painfully tight in hand that to finally let it go is to feel bittersweet relief. He's always been a big brother first, before all else... but they aren't kids anymore.]
* " you're right, but... maybe i don't need ta be. "
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* " -- maybe... i jus' gotta believe in him. "
*[And let him work his magic, reliably as ever.]
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off-1eash · 6 months
*[ ... Silence. On your blog. At home. And where are you now?]
*[ What have you done? ]
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dutchboyzx · 11 days
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Goodmorning 🌞
Wanna see more and some more spicy🌶 pics?
Check the link on my profile 👀🌟
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vetiaverred · 1 year
[ BREAK ; PT. 1 ]
*[This late into the evening, Vetiver would normally be sleeping—that is, if he could manage to quiet the brewing of his thoughts inside a restless skull for long enough to drift off. But tonight is no such night, and there he lies awake despite better efforts. For how long, he couldn't say. But he does know it drags on for too long before he finally decides to get up and waltz right past his bedside clock without checking it. He decides he doesn’t need to know what time it is. That information feels almost intentionally irrelevant.] 
*[... But it’s too late for random visitors. Too late for someone to be here, without doubt. So when he enters the living room on his way to the kitchen and is met with a glare, of course it’s a bit of a shock. Sitting there in his home without a care in the world is Stray, looking entirely unbothered to be caught as an uninvited guest. Vetiver finds himself grasping for words, unsure what to say or how to even acknowledge what’s in front of him. And Stray appears happy to let him flounder, a thin grin on his face as his skull lulls slightly to the side. Mockingly, almost like it’s too heavy to hold upright.] 
*[Stray scoffs, waving a hand towards the taller skeleton as if to brush his existence off entirely.] 
* “ what, you want me gone already? figures. that's not very brotherly of you. “ 
*[A slight frown comes to Vetiver’s face, audible in his voice as he replies.] 
*[Odd, the way Stray’s piercing eyelights dull and his grin seems to fall slightly as well. He sighs sharply, pointing to a spot on the couch rather demandingly. The furthest spot from him as possible. That much isn’t strange at all.]  * “ … whatever. and don’t just stand there like a fucking moron. this is your house, you know. “ 
*[Vetiver takes quite a long time to do as requested, let alone even move in Stray’s direction. The hostility between them maintains a certain distance that’s hard to breach. Even as Vetiver finally rounds the couch to sit, not daring sit any closer than necessary, a silence remains heavy in the remaining air that fills the space apart. Stray crosses his legs, leaning comfortably back against the cushions as he stares up at the ceiling. The lack of eye contact only makes it feel more unbearably stale in the room.] 
*[The response received is quick, and predictable.] 
* “ so i have to want something to be here? “ 
“ ...YES. I WOULD SAY SO. “ 
*[After all, Stray has never been shy about speaking his mind. A mind which has pretty firmly devoted itself to harboring a distaste for Vetiver and everything he stands for. The more bitter of the two has always behaved as though being in the same room with his brother was painful. It probably is. Why else would he be here if not for a specific reason?] 
* “ feheh! got me there... “ 
*[Yet, no elaboration. Not for the longest time. No, Stray lets this weighted quiet continue for some time, and it only makes his chuckle prior seem more out of place. Vetiver can’t put a finger on it, but there’s something off about the skeleton sitting next to him. More than usual, anyhow. On a normal day, Stray is straight to the point. He knows what he wants and he jumps the gun before it’s even loaded. But right now, he almost comes across at a loss for words. He looks tired, and restless. His glance upward towards the ceiling is somewhat unseeing, and hollow. It’s like he’s taken a step backwards towards... something familiar.] 
*[Stray sighs again, before he finally stops staring into space. He doesn’t turn his skull, but those vivid eyelights settle instead on the subject of his ire.] 
* “ … you wanna know something hilarious? i really expected your sorry dust to turn up somewhere by now. i thought for sure— for sure, a guy like you wouldn’t last too long without all the bullshit to keep you safe in your fucked up little bubble. i couldn’t be the only enemy you made, right? “ 
*[He starts low, but his voice grows louder as he goes; only now, Vetiver hearing the slight slur in them. The scent of alcohol carried on them as they’re tossed carelessly in his direction. Things are starting to make more sense, but he nearly wishes that weren’t the case.] 
*[Stray carries on as though Vetiver never even spoke, but the increased anger in his tone says he certainly heard it.] 
* “ but everybody just kind of fucked off and forgot about you, didn’t they? i guess they never really cared. bet that stings. poor, poor veti.  “ 
*[He speaks this name like it’s a bad word, like he’d need to wipe it from the back of his teeth to get that taste out along with the liquor. Whereas before he was leisurely reclined in his spot, now he sits with his spine arrow straight. His hands are animated as they emphasize every spat word.] 
“ STRAY... “ 
“ -- not as bad as being hated though, huh? you could have all sorts of messed up freaks out to get you. you could have eeeverybody you know holding that shit over your head, just waiting for you to let your guard down so they can get their fucking digs in... and you should! you know you should. “ 
*[An awful laughter rasps from deep in his chest, echoes from the walls, grates on Vetiver’s senses as he grits his teeth. Gloved fists clench at his sides, phalanges digging into the couch.] 
“ STRAY--” 
* “ shut the hell up!!! i'm talking now. “ 
*[He goes from sitting to standing in an instant. Something jerky and unnatural about the transition, carrying force with it. He wasn’t talking, in fact. That was yelling. And it teeters on... an edge. Of what, Vetiver doesn’t want to find out. The tension in the air grows so thick that it renders him pinned where he sits. Any movement feels too risky, too likely to provoke a negative reaction. So he just LISTENS, thankful that the bite of Stray’s glare targets anything other than him for awhile.] 
* “ and then... feheheh! then i see you making f r i e n d s . people actually like this 'new you.' it’s like watching a goddamn car crash! and you just can’t look away... “ 
*[Spoken as though this is inconceivable. Impossible. Disgusting. His bones rattle faintly, the only sound in a pause as Stray attempts to gather himself back together. Half-assed, swiping a hand down his face and grinning in a way that feels entirely out of place on his darkened expression. His eyes blaze wildly, once again fitting to take a chunk out of Vetiver. They’re dangerous. The taller hates to admit it, but it has him sweating.] 
* “ you want to know what i want? like it isn’t fucking obvious? “ 
*[It happens so quickly that Vetiver has no time to react. Even if he did, he’s not the fighter that he used to be and his reflexes have grown a bit rusty. All that he knows is that Stray stands directly before him now, and forcibly holds his attention. More so does the GUN in his hand, pointed directly to the center of his brother's chest where a stunned SOUL resides. He shouldn’t have stayed sitting. It creates an unideal advantage against him. The room feels as though it bends around that focal point, leaving no escape.] 
* “ i want you to make it make sense. like your life depends on it.” 
*[The fuschia hue of Stray's gaze flickers like a flame. His finger makes a show of resting over the trigger, purposefully slow-like so that Vetiver can track it. Just barely, a quiver in his voice.] 
* “ -- i want to know why. “  
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