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Going left to right November 11 November 8 October 31 October 26 It's about the food you put in your body! So eat the good carbs, fats and proteins! I really don't like my hips so seeing that they are slowly loosing inches makes me happy! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016
HAPPPPYYYYY HUMP DAYYYYYY!!! Today is so far a great day! Went into my workout and RX'ing the weight requirements!!!! It was a 15 minute cap and it took me 20 minutes. I'm very proud of myself of not using lighter weight! I have gained so much more confidence in myself! That's all I have to say today!
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Tuesday, November 8, 2016
This morning is a great day! Although, I lied, I was gonna hide my scale for a month and then look but I just got to overwhelmed and checked it myself!!! I weigh 179.5!!! I dropped 1.3 pounds from last week and a total of 5.5 pounds overall! Today was a lifting day so I did clean and jerks and back squats! Okay, so, at the gym I was doing clean and jerks EMOM (every min on the min) and during it some guy came up to me and started talking to me because he was doing weights by me. HE RUINED MY WORKOUT! I had to do an extra minute because he interrupted and I HATE when people do that! Clean and jerks, did 70 pounds Back squats, did 90 pounds Overall it was a fantastic workout and very heavy but I enjoyed it a lot!!!:)
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Monday, November 7, 2016
Happy Monday! So the weekend wasn't my favorite, I ate junk food a lot :/ now how am I gonna improve if I keep putting this junk food in me??? Staying on a good eating schedule is CRAZY hard and I need to figure out how to keep it calm! Thursday's and the weekend are usually my rest days from the gym just because rest days at the gym are Thursdays and I work 16 hours on the weekend. My days I workout I eat like a beast but those days off I seem to eat poopy! I need help on how to stay consistent! Today's workout sounded so much fun but actually doing the work I was about dead if felt like!!! 10 rounds of 100m spring and 10 box jump burpees! It took me 27 minutes to complete because we rested 1 minute after each round! I am home now and cooked myself some scrambled eggs and bacon and to drink is water and protein energy shake; chocolate flavor:)
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Wednesday, November 2, 2016
HAPPY HUMP DAY!!! It's the middle of the week and today just seems blah! I woke up at 4:20 a.m. and I just wasn't having it; I wanted to go back to sleep! I got myself up though and went to the gym! Today's workout was pretty hard and fun at the same time!!! We were doing ring muscle ups and rowing! I can't do ring muscle ups yet so I just did ring pull ups and ring dips. I felt pretty strong until I attempted to do a muscle up then that was hard! I had some eggs and bacon for breakfast and finished up some homework that is due today! I am ready for a rest today this week has been a lot of back side muscles! Tomorrow is my rest day and I'll be spending it as an active rest day!
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Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Omg today is going AWESOME so far! I work up and decided to check my weight cause I just felt lighter and I LOST WEIGHT!!!!! I went from 185 to 180.8 in the last 2 weeks!!!! I also checked my measurements and there wasn't much of a change but I can tell my body looks more slim! After finding this out it motivated me to get my butt moving to the gym to kill my weight training workout! Did some power cleans, breathing back squats, snatches, and bar muscle up progressions! I didn't workout at the crossfit gym because I'm obsessed with not wanting to waste gas when I don't have to. Usually my Tuesday's and Thursday's I don't have school so I drive as little and as close go home as possible! There is a gym that's 5 minutes away so I just worked out at that gym this morning! What was awesome but kind of annoying is that the trainers and therapist people were watching me. I had to do 85% of my max on most of the exercises so yes it was heavy and no I wasn't gonna drop it! I think they were worried that I was gonna hurt myself but I didn't and they went back to helping their clients! Overall today just seems like a good day! HAPPY TUESDAY!!!
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Monday, October 31, 2016
Dressed up for the workout this morning! If you can’t tell I’m Cinderella! Princesses can be fit too!!!
It was ZOMBIE LAND WOD today!!! 800m run 50 deadlifts, box jumps, wall balls, overhead lunges 800m run
My but and legs I can tell are sore but it won’t come into full affect till tomorrow and the day after that!
I felt pretty good today! I was up and ready to go! Today seemed easy getting out of bed but, finishing the workout was hard!
It was a 20 min cap and I finished wall balls and had lunges and 800m run left to do! So, the zombies ate me cause I didn’t finish in time!
When I left the gym I felt guilty cause I still had lunges and 800m run. When I got home and did lunges and ran the 800!
I did good for breakfast! I had: 2 eggs 2 bacon 1 sausage Protein shake
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Friday, October 28, 2016
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! I didn't eat so good on Thursday because I chose that day to be my cheat day! I hope to lean of the cheat day but for now I'm just trying to slowly get away from the bad food! I officially took the scale out of my bathroom and put it in the storage room because I never go in their so that's the perfect place for it! Did my morning workout and omg am I happy I went! It was breathing squats at 38kg and man was I sweating crazy just by doing those! We also did a metcom for 12 minutes! 50 HSPU, 50 TTB, and HR Push-Ups! I split it up into 5 rounds 10 reps each because my upper body is super weak and I felt I would get a better workout if I did it that way! My eating is going so far so good!! Had 4 eggs that were scrambled and milk with chocolate protein powder! I've only had breakfast so far!!
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Thursday, October 27, 2016
Alright so, Woke up this morning pretty good; it is my rest day so I am taking it really easy because of my calves hurting still! I have a scale in my bathroom that just sits and watches me every time I go in! I know it's a mental thing and I just need to take the scale out of the bathroom! I really just wanna focus on me; eat healthy and workout all on a normal basis! Yes I do want to loose weight but I don't want to get dependent on the scale like I recently have been! Although, at the beginning of the week I was around 184 and now it is Thursday and I weigh 180! I must be doing something right! Today is also homework day thank goodness because it's cloudy outside so that will help me stay motivated to get my homework done!!! Happy Thursday:) May your day be filled with healthy eating, keeping busy, and kill them workouts :)!
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I’m Not Here Because I Have To
I’m here because it makes me feel good.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016
I enjoy Wednesday because it is the middle of the week and I enjoy saying Happy Hump Day!
Today’s workout was fun! we did 1 round of workouts then rested for 3 minutes then did another round with different workouts and rested for 3 minutes then did a 400 m pinch carry with weighted plates!
After my workout I made some eggs and bacon and it was delicious. 
Then I got ready and went to school from 9-1. 
I am in a lot better mood then I was in last week and this Monday! Although, I am still having calve tightness and I really wish I didn’t have to walk places.
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Tuesday was a lot better then Monday!!!
Tuesday’s are usually weight training day and we work on breathing back squats, snatches, bench press, etc. 
We normally always do breathing squats and each Tuesday and Friday we add 2 kg each day. When we started, we started at 50% and working our way closer to are 1 rep max!
We also do a little endurance after doing weights and so we did 5 rounds of 250 meter rows.
My eating was really good yesterday I had 3 meals; breakfast, lunch and dinner. I did have a snack before dinner and that was just a cold hot dog. 
For the rest of the day after my workout I did a lot of school work and got a lot of it done!
I would say I was active but not physically active. I was active because I kept my mind busy but my body was really in one spot most of the day. 
Overall, Tuesday was a really good day!
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Made a motivational wall to help me get through my journey
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Fitness Goals for End of October Into November
- Reach 175 pounds by Thanksgiving. - Workout at 5 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. - Tuesday’s wake up and go workout. - Practice snatches (They scare me). - Have at least 1 cheat meal A WEEK.
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Monday, October 24, 2016
I enjoy working out in the morning because my mood seems to be a lot more cheerful then if I worked out in the afternoon or evening. 
Well, 4:15 a.m. my alarm went off and that means its time to get ready to go workout. I hit the stop button so that it wouldn’t go off again and just went right back to bed. During that time I thought to myself:
“you should get up or else you’ll regret it later” 
“just sleep in, you can do it later in the day”
“okay, you need to get up and go”
“you are going to hate yourself if you sleep in”
I opened my eyes and it was only 4:20 a.m. so I got my butt out of bed, went up stairs, filled my water bottle, and went out to my car and drove to the gym. 
It wasn’t just that it was Monday, it was because I am so mad at myself that I felt like I couldn’t do anything to help me achieve my goals. 
Not everyday is going to be hard but everyday you will be more impressed with yourself if you keep going on those hard days. 
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Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
A Cinderella Story
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