jointheunwritten 2 years
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We are a community for adult only fans of Hogwarts Legacy and related media (i.e.: Wizarding World, Harry Potter Series, Fantastic Beasts Series) with a heavy emphasis on fanfiction and lore discussion. If you love the Wizarding World and want a place to socialize and discuss without judgement from the haters, come join the Unwritten.
We are adults only, but we do not require checking your ID as we believe in respecting your privacy - not to mention it's against Discord's TOS to request that information. The only thing we do require is for your discord account to have a verified phone number, as we have high security settings in place. This is to ensure it is legitimate and secure. If you are referred by an existing member and do not have a phone number on your account, your referral contact will need to let the admins know to by pass this step for you when you join.
We only allow English language, but it does not mean that has to be your first language. Non-native English speakers are welcome.
You must read and accept the rules to gain access to the server, after that you can add roles as you will. We've started off with a small handful of channels but will expand based on need and what the community as a whole decide.
If you want to see our Discord Rules, please check out our pinned post here. And if you agree with them, you can Join the Unwritten today
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jointheunwritten 2 years
Our Discord Rules
English Language Only. Non native speakers are welcome
You must speak and write in English on this server. You do not have to speak English perfectly, but so long as your posts are in English and can be understood, you'll be fine.
Be 18 years of age and over
You must be 18 years of age minimum to join and participate on this server. We are using the honor system with regards to do this, but if we find out you lied about your age to gain access to the server, you will be banned indefinitely.
Have a verified phone on your account
You must have a verified phone number on your discord account to join this server. You don't have to share that number with us, but it is purely a safety precaution to ensure your account is legitimate and secure.
Staff considerations and notices
The staff is not omniscient or perfect and are bound to make mistakes and miss things. They are only human, so be respectful when they are carrying out their duties on the server. The staff reserves the right to update these rules on a need basis.
Prejudice is not tolerated
Any sort of prejudice will get you kicked/banned. Nazis, Alt-Right, QANON, TERFS (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) and FARTS (Feminism Appropriating Ridiculous Transphobes) are not welcome here. If you espouse any of their ideology you will be banned. Any misogyny (misogynoir or transmisogyny), sexism (including misandry and transmisandry), enbyphobia/exorsexism, racism, hate speech, harassment, anti-intellectualism, tone policing, respectability politics, and assimilationism politics of any sort will get you banned. If you are a radfem you're on thin ice due to how easily you lot can be radicalized into TERFs
Be civil and respectful
This is a safe place to discuss the game and fandom related activities. As such you will treat your fellow members civily and respectfully or you will be kicked and/or banned. Any form of witch hunting, antishipping, callout culture, fandom policing, and purity culture is bannable. Bashing of any characters, ships, tropes, kinks, fetishes, fan authors, or fan artists is bannable. If someone's fanwork/theory has inspired you, it is common courtesy to credit them.
All Artwork must accompany a link to the artist
All artwork shared must be linked directly to the artist. This includes dollmakers (if they are still up) and any legally and ethically sourced AI generators. Respect artists who had their artwork stolen and fed into AI learning algorithm by not using and sharing the artwork generated. Unless you can prove the AI art was ethically sourced (and no one can then disprove your sources) the safest option is to not link any AI art.
Political, Historical, & Religious sensitivity
Do not use real-world political or historical figures, or religions and their related figures in memes, gifs or disparaging jokes. Real world equivalence of fiction, i.e.: Muggleborns are POC, Death Eaters are Nazis, House Elves are Slaves, are not allowed as they are not a one to one. Muggleborns are not a race, Death Eaters wish they had been as successful as Nazis, and House Elves are based on the folklore fae known as the Brownies.
No one is a mind reader
Be responsible for your own experience on this server. If a conversation makes you uncomfortable, mute the channel and disengage from it. Likewise respect other members boundaries. If they have disengaged from a conversation, do not badger or mention them to get them to answer you. No one owes you an explanation for why something makes them uncomfortable or why they are portraying a certain topic a certain way.
For legal reasons these topics are restricted
All nsfw discussions and works must be spoiler tagged and only posted into the NSFW sections. Absolutely no underage/adult fiction or art is to be discussed, shared, or written. This does not include aged-up or age-down characters (i.e. Sebastian Sallow aged-up to be paired with adult Aesop Sharp, or Phineas aged-down to be paired with Poppy Sweeting). Underage/Underage ships are allowed. Use of the word minor-coded in regards to characters is a kick-able offense. We determine age of the character based on physical age of characters.
Stay on topic and don't steam roll.
Please keep discussions and content in the relevant channels. If you veer off course, its alright and you aren't in trouble if a @deleted-role tells you to move or make a thread. Try to wait at least an hour before starting another new conversation as the last post. But if it's particularly pressing, please make a thread.
Spoilers should be tagged
Make sure to keep game spoilers strictly in 馃幃quidditch. Anywhere else they should be spoiler tagged and warned for.
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jointheunwritten 2 years
A gentle chill settles over Hogwarts and its neighboring hamlets. Enjoy the sounds and scenes of a late winter afternoon in the wizarding world.
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jointheunwritten 2 years
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jointheunwritten 2 years
Really excited for Hogwarts Legacy! Specifically about exploring the world, being able to see the space beyond just a movie set. The common rooms especially are going to be a key place to visit.
What are you all looking forward to exploring in Hogwarts Legacy?
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