joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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With a land area of only 4,000,000 square miles, Europe is the second smallest continent in the world, just behind Australia.
Despite its relatively small size, Europe is quite populous. It comes right after Asia and Africa in terms of population.
It might be the second smallest continent, but Europe is home to the largest country in the world. Russia is so big, in fact, that it takes up forty percent of Europe’s land area.
Europe was the main location of several historical periods that made a huge impact on the world like the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution.
When it comes to land area, Europe is only two percent bigger than Canada.
The etymology for the word “Europe” is uncertain up to the present time. Some people like to think that it came from Europa, one of Zeus’s many wives in Greek mythology.
The name “Europe” might have originated from the Greek word “eurus,” meaning wide or broad.
Aside from “eurus,” the Greek word for wide, Europe might have also come from the ancient Syrian word for sunset, “ereb.”
The first historians who first used “Europe” (or an ancient variant of the name thereof) as a geographical term was Hecataeus and Anaximander.
The boundary between Asia and Europe changed a lot during the course of history. Anaximander and Herodotus placed the boundary near the Phasis (modern day Rioni) river, while Roman era historians like Ptolemy and Strabo placed it near Tanais (modern day Don) river.
Europe is also called as Frangistan or “the land of the Franks” in the vernacular of some Turkic languages.
Some of the world’s greatest empires were founded on European land. This includes the ancient Roman Empire (the cradle of modern civilization, according to some historians), and then later on, the British, Spanish, and Russian Empires.
Aside from having the largest country in the world, Europe also has the smallest! The Vatican has a land area of only 0.44 square kilometers.
There are more than 250 distinct languages spoken in Europe.
The largest city in Europe is Istanbul, if transcontinental countries that straddle both Europe and Asia (like Turkey) is counted. Otherwise, Moscow is the largest, followed by Paris and London.
Europe is part of Eurasia, a giant continental landmass consisting both of Europe and mainland Asia.
Europe has many geopolitical divisions, some of which includes many countries that are more proximate to other continents. For example, Cyprus (which is nearer to West Asia) is considered as European. Sometimes, Israel can also be considered as part of geopolitical Europe as well.
While Greenland is closer to North America, it is still considered as part of Europe because it is a dependent territory of Denmark.
Transcontinental countries (i.e. countries that straddle both Asia and Europe), include Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, and Turkey.
The entirety of Portugal is in Europe, but it has an autonomous region (Madeira) near Africa, and another (Azores) near North America. This would make Portugal a tricontinental country since it has territories in three continents.
Europe’s largest active volcano is Mount Etna, located in Sicila, in the southern part of Italy.
Vatnajökull (or Vatna Glacier) is Europe’s largest glacier with an area of more than 8,000 square kilometers. Located underneath it are several volcanoes.
Evidence has shown that the Mediterranean Sea, which borders Europe, Asia, and Africa, have dried up several times in the past. This is called as the Messinian Salinity Crisis.
If transcontinental countries like Russia were not counted, Ukraine would be Europe’s largest country.
The idea to separate Europe and Asia (that both share a common landmass) came from the Greeks. The boundary was at Hellespont (modern day Dardanelles) a strait located in the northwestern part of Turkey.
Dardanelles (ancient name Hellespont), the strait that separates Europe from mainland Asia is very narrow. It’s only 1.2 to 6 kilometers wide.
Europe’s most visited tourist destination is not the Eiffel Tower or the Big Ben, but Disneyland in Paris.
Bulgaria is considered to be the oldest country on Europe, since the country’s name was virtually unchanged since 641 AD.
Europe’s largest country, Russia, is so vast, that there are literally thousands of uninhabited villages inside the country that were abandoned due to lack of development and infrastructure.
While Mount Etna is Europe’s largest volcano, Mount Vesuvius might be the most popular. This volcano, located east of Naples in Italy, is known for its eruption in AD 79 that destroyed Pompeii and other nearby areas. It is still an active volcano, so there’s a chance that it will erupt again in the future (though the specific time for this is uncertain).
History’s biggest empire was European. In its golden days, the British empire managed to cover one-fourth of the world’s territories.
The world’s largest colony of ants was found in Europe. This colony measured a whopping 6,000 kilometers long, and spanned all the way from near the Atlantic coast of Spain to the northern part of Italy.
There are around 730 million people living in Europe today. This figure constitutes about eleven to twelve percent of the world’s current population.
There is a period in European history that is still full of mystery and intrigue. Called the “Age of Migrations” this historical period happened when various tribes (Vandals, Lombards, Goths, Saxons, and Vandals) made their way to Europe, and was estimated to have ended around 500 AD. The reasons for this mass migration of tribes still remain unclear up to this very day, and there are very little written records about it.
A number of European countries have weird laws. For example, in Switzerland, it forbidden to flush the toilet after 10 in the evening. Also, the country forbids mowing the lawn and laundering clothes during Sundays. In France, there’s a law that bans people from naming their pet pigs “Napoleon.” In the United Kingdom, dying in the House of Parliament is illegal. Greece bans all forms of electronic games- not just gambling games- but also harmless ones like online chess, Solitaire, and most mobile games that you play on your phone.
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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Asia’s population-of over 4 billion people-is greater than that of the all the other continents combined.
In China, it is not uncommon to come across canned fresh air on sale. This is due to the widespread air pollution that has rocked the country due to its expansive industrialization.
Both the highest point on land, Mount Everest (over 8,848 meters above sea level), and the lowest point on land, the Dead Sea (-395meters), are found in Asia. It is continent of varied landscape.
Everyone in Vietnam has the same birthday, which is celebrated on the Vietnamese New Year (aka Tet). Day one of the lunar calendar marks the beginning of a new year, and as a result, the Vietnamese, alongside the Koreans, calculate age based on the number of lunar years that have elapsed.
Sill on the New Year, Thailand celebrates this event (known as the Songkran festival) not on 1st January, but sometime in mid-April, for three days. Even more bizarre is the way Thais celebrate this day-using water guns and water pistol to spray each other.
In 2005, a Chinese billionaire built the world’s largest shopping mall in in Dongguan, China. It is so big, it boasts of an indoor rollercoaster. What is even more interesting is that fact that since it opened, 99 percent of the mall has remained unoccupied.
Like many other nations, North Korea does have a Christmas festival, but not to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Instead, Koreans celebrate the birthday of Kim Jong II’s mother, on December 24.
China is so wide that naturally, it should cut across up to 5 separate time zones, but oddly enough, it has only one national time zone (China Standard Time).
Japan is a wonderful place to live in, just as long as you don’t get fat, because it is against the law.
India is the world’s leading producer of Mangoes. Every year it produces about 12 million tons of the fruit.
Of the top ten tallest buildings in the world, nine are found in Asia.
Only two countries in the world, India and China, have a population above 1 billion people, and both of them are in Asia.
The ten largest shopping malls in the world are all located in Asia.
India is a country of interesting customs. One of the most peculiar one is that people eat with their right hand only. The left hand is out of limits because it is used for other purposes-like wiping oneself after using the toilet, instead of using toilet paper.
Of the ten largest cities in the world (by population), seven of them are located in Asia.
Afghanistan’s National Game is not soccer, basketball, tennis; it is goat grabbing.
Only one country in the world has banned tobacco sale. It is called Bhutan, and is found in Asia.
Being over 100 years of age is amazing. In Japan, there are over 50,000 people who have surpassed the 100-year mark.
Sholapur is no typical Indian town. It has a bizarre tradition where newborns are thrown from the top of a 50-feet-high tower to symbolize health, wealth and good fortunes.
In China, it is common for children to be named after events. What is interesting, though, is that there are over 4,000 people named Aoyun, or “Olympic Games”.
The world’s most spoken language is not English, but Mandarin Chinese, which boasts of over one billion speakers.
The Arabian Desert found in Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest continuous sandy desert.
Many countries boast of two, three of even five official languages. India alone has 30 of them while Indonesia brags of 12.
The original merchant farmers were all from Asia, not Africa.
The second oldest people in the world are the Japanese. They have a median age of 44.6, coming second only to Monaco’s people.
Although the pop culture paints all Asians as one the same, they are not. Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Indians, Arabs, and many more cultures are vastly different.
Most Chinese action movies had characters with a very unique hairstyleh-a tonsured beard and pigtail. Well, that is not a fashion trend. It was actually a state enforceable law whose violation was punishable by execution.
Asia’s size and position makes it the only continent that borders two other continents, Europe and Africa. Sometimes during winter when the Bering Sea freezes, Asia joins with North America.
Out of the three largest economies in the world, two are in Asia-China (second), and Japan (third).
Some of the most fascinating and revered animals-the tiger, giant panda, king cobra, Komodo dragon, and Asian Elephant-are all found in Asia.
“Asia” has always been thought of as being of Greek origin. In actual fact, there is no concrete evidence of where the name actually came from.
In 2013, the world’s most toured city was not New York, London, or Paris; it was Bangkok, Thailand, which recorded the highest number of international arrivals.
The ratio of mobile phone to people in North Korea is roughly 1:12. This means that in every 100 citizens, only 9 have mobile phones. North Korea thus scoops the global award for lowest mobile phone density.
Asia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. That said, it is also home about 44 tribes with absolutely no contact to modern civilization. They live alone, in the jungles of Indonesia and Papua.
Some Asian countries have more mobile phones is use more than the total population. Hong Kong, for instance, has 2.36 mobile phones per person.
According to the WHO, Japan’s life expectancy is the longest in the world-87.3 years for women, and 85 years for men.
As of 2012, there were more millionaires in Tokyo, Japan (460,700), than in New York City (389,100).
Only two places on the planet are home to wild orangutans-the island of Borneo (shared by Indonesia and Malaysia) and Sumatra (Indonesia). Both of these places are in Asia.
Turkey is home to the world’s tallest man (8 feet, 3 inches). The world’s tallest woman (7 feet, 8 inches) comes from China.
Indonesia is made up of over 17,000 islands, effectively making it the world’s largest archipelago.
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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              10 Dog Breeds That Have The CUTEST Puppies                                        by Kristina Lotz
#1 – English Bulldog
There is something about these wrinkly, tubby, squat puppies that just make humans melt. Bulldog puppies literally make people stop in their tracks
#2 – Golden Retriever
There is something about a Golden puppy that makes everyone smile. They are used in a lot of commercials, and it’s no secret why—they are irresistible.
#3 –  Labrador Retriever
Another breed that gets a lot of air-time as a puppy is the lab. And we all know why: their rolly-polly bodies and sweet face could sell anything.
#4 – Corgi
With their short little legs and ears that are bigger than their body, corgi puppies are absolutely adorable. To see one it so fall in love immediately.
#5 – French Bulldog
Like the Pug and English Bulldog, something about the Frenchie’s flat face is endearing. Couple it with those too-big ears, and you have one cute pup.
#6 – Pomeranian
As a puppy, this breed looks like a little teddy bear. Their fluffy coat, tiny ears, and round eyes make it impossible to not want to pick them up and cuddle them.
#7 – Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
If there was ever a dog breed that was born to give her owner the “sad look,” it would be the cavi. No one can resist this face.
#8 – Saint Bernard
Those big paws, covered in extra soft fur, make the Saint Bernard puppy one of the cutest of the giant breeds. The “sad eyes” don’t hurt, either.
#9 – Basset Hound
This puppy has it all: short, wrinkly legs, tons of loose skin, ears that are too big, and those sad eyes. Not to mention how soft those giant ears are, they are definitely irresistible.
#10 – Pug
While their looks are slightly unconventional, you can’t help but smile when you see a pug pup. They melt your heart with their bug-eyes, smooched face and curly tail.
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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Chicken fajitas
olive oil
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon chipotle Tabasco sauce
1 teaspoon dried oregano
2 teaspoons sweet smoked paprika
2 cloves of garlic
1 large red onion
2 x 200 g skinless free-range chicken breasts
3 mixed-colour peppers
1 large aubergine
2 limes
1 bunch of fresh coriander , (30g)
1 ripe avocado
4 large seeded wholemeal tortillas
50 g feta cheese
Put 1 tablespoon of oil into a bowl with the vinegar, chilli sauce, oregano, paprika and a pinch of sea salt and black pepper. Crush in the unpeeled garlic through a garlic crusher and mix together.
Peel and halve the onion, slice into 1cm-thick wedges, then slice the chicken lengthways 1cm thick and toss both in the marinade. Leave in the fridge for at least 1 hour, or preferably overnight.
Blacken the whole peppers and aubergine over a direct flame on the hob, or in a griddle pan on a high heat, until charred and blistered all over.
Pop the peppers into a bowl and cover with clingfilm for 10 minutes, then scrape off most of the black skin, discarding the stalks and seeds.
Pinch the skin off the aubergine and trim off the ends. Nicely slice it all 2cm thick, dress on a platter with the juice of 1 lime and a few picked coriander leaves, then taste and season to perfection.
Cook the chicken and onions in all that lovely marinade in a large non-stick frying pan on a medium-high heat for 6 to 8 minutes, or until cooked through, turning halfway.
Peel, destone and finely slice the avocado, and squeeze over the juice of half a lime.
Warm the tortillas in a dry frying pan for 30 seconds, then keep warm in a clean tea towel. Take it all to the table, with the feta and the remaining coriander leaves, and let everyone build their own.
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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Pan-cooked giant prawns
olive oil
12 large Australian Green banana prawns , responsibly sourced
1-2 fresh chillies
1 bunch of spring onions
4 large handfuls of snow peas
500 g ripe tomatoes
2 large handfuls of frozen peas
2 x 410 g tins of butter beans , or cannellini beans
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
½ bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley
1-2 lemons
4 slices of quality bread , such as sourdough or ciabatta
1. Trim and finely slice the chilli and spring onions. Peel, devein and butterfly the prawns.
2. Get yourself a large paella pan, casserole pan, wok or sturdy roasting tin. Place over a medium-high heat and pour in 3 tablespoons of oil.
3. Once hot, add the prawns and cook for a few minutes to allow them to colour, then sprinkle over the sliced chilli and spring onions.
4. Add the snow peas and give the pan a good shake, then add a splash of water. Pop a lid or some tin foil on top and let everything steam for 1 minute. Place a griddle pan on a medium heat to warm up.
5. Meanwhile, roughly chop the tomatoes. Remove the lid (or foil) from the pan and add the peas and tomatoes, then drain and add the beans. Stir everything together and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes, or until softened. Season to taste.
6. Pick and roughly chop the parsley leaves, discarding the stalks, then add to the pan with the juice from 1 lemon, adding a squeeze or two more, if needed.
7. Grill the bread on the hot griddle for 1 to 2 minutes on each side, or until nicely golden. Divide everything between 4 plates, then tuck in. This is delicious served with rice or couscous, if you prefer.Tips
To take the flavour up a few notches, rub the surface of the grilled bread with the cut side of a halved garlic clove or cherry tomato – super simple, but incredibly delicious.
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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Leftover squash pancakes 
250 g leftover roasted squash
1 fresh red chilli
2 sprigs of fresh rosemary
30 g Parmesan cheese , plus extra to serve
1 large free-range egg
280 ml semi-skimmed milk
150 g self-raising flour
1 whole nutmeg , for grating
olive oil
Remove the skin from the roasted squash, then deseed and finely chop the chilli. Pick and finely chop the rosemary leaves, discarding the stalks, and finely grate the Parmesan.
In a large bowl, mash the squash with a fork, then whisk in the egg, milk and flour. Add the chilli, rosemary, Parmesan and a grating of nutmeg.
Heat a little oil in a frying pan and, once hot, add half a ladle of mixture per pancake into the pan. Cook for 1 to 2 mins on each side, until golden and crisp.
Keep warm in a low oven until ready, then serve with and extra grating of Parmesan and some rocket.
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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                                      ‘’Chocolate Delight ‘’
2 (8 or 9 inch) baked round chocolate cake layers, cooled
1 cup coffee-flavored liqueur
2 (5.9 ounce) packages instant chocolate pudding mix
4 cups milk, or as needed
6 (1.4 ounce) bars chocolate covered toffee bars, chopped
2 (12 ounce) containers frozen whipped topping, thawed
1 (1 ounce) square semisweet chocolate
Cut chocolate cake into large squares and place on a baking sheet or large baking dish (see Cook's Note). Pour coffee-flavored liqueur over cake and set aside. Prepare chocolate pudding with milk according to package directions.
In large trifle bowl or other glass bowl, crumble half of liqueur-moistened cake. Top cake with half of chocolate pudding, half of crumbled candy bars, and one container of whipped topping. Repeat with remaining cake, pudding, candy bars, and Cool Whip(R). Shave chocolate with a vegetable peeler for garnish; sprinkle over top of dessert. Keep refrigerated until serving.
Cook's Note:
You can use a 9x13-inch cake for this recipe as well, either made from scratch or from a mix.
Nutrition Facts Per Serving: 1114 calories; 47.2 g fat; 144.8 g carbohydrates; 14.4 g protein; 128 mg cholesterol; 771 mg sodium
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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‘’Spaghetti Pasta Carbonara Recipe’’
1 Tbsp olive oil or unsalted butter
1/2 pound pancetta or thick cut bacon, diced
1-2 garlic cloves, minced, about 1 teaspoon (optional)
3-4 whole eggs
1 cup grated parmesan or pecorino cheese
1 pound spaghetti pasta (or bucatini or fettuccine)
Salt and black pepper to taste
1 Heat pasta water: Put a large pot of salted water on to boil (1 Tbsp salt for every 2 quarts of water.)
2 Sauté pancetta/bacon and garlic: While the water is coming to a boil, heat the olive oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add the bacon or pancetta and cook slowly until crispy. Add the garlic (if using) and cook another minute, then turn off the heat and put the pancetta and garlic into a large bowl.
3 Beat eggs and half of the cheese: In a small bowl, beat the eggs and mix in about half of the cheese.
4 Cook pasta: Once the water has reached a rolling boil, add the dry pasta, and cook, uncovered, at a rolling boil.
5 Toss pasta with pancetta/bacon: When the pasta is al dente (still a little firm, not mushy), use tongs to move it to the bowl with the bacon and garlic. Let it be dripping wet. Reserve some of the pasta water.
Move the pasta from the pot to the bowl quickly, as you want the pasta to be hot. It's the heat of the pasta that will heat the eggs sufficiently to create a creamy sauce. Toss everything to combine, allowing the pasta to cool just enough so that it doesn't make the eggs curdle when you mix them in. (That's the tricky part.)
6 Add the beaten egg mixture: Add the beaten eggs with cheese and toss quickly to combine once more. Add salt to taste. Add some pasta water back to the pasta to keep it from drying out.
Serve at once with the rest of the parmesan and freshly ground black pepper.
If you want, sprinkle with a little fresh chopped parsley.
Hello! Thank you!
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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TRAVELISTA’S TIPS 1.Pray -Before you go,you must pray for your safety and he is the one who might help you when you get in troubles,conflicts,and problems in your problem.
2.Be Ready And Be Alert -you need to be ready anytime and anywhere there’s many possible problem may challenge you,not only G0D can help you but also you can help yourself to.
3.Pack Your Important Things -you need to pack and prepare your things specially the important once or things, seperate the important once to other bag,don’t combine all your things that you may not regret it at last.
4.Wake up Early\Book Your Flight Early  -if you can’t wake up early in the morning set an alarm,so that you may nat come late to your flight and the airplane may not left you behind.
5.Travel All By Yourself -you can learn how to become a independent person and learn a lot more about yourself and what makes you capable to or of something.You can handle unfamiliar situations and you can be also a socialable person.
6.Learn Basics  Words In The Native Language Of Your Destination -you need to learn how to speak because you can communicate and interact to other people and easy to adjust.
7.Try Something New  -came out to your comfort zone.Experince everything you never try or tested before as long as you are stiil alive as they said ‘’(YOLO)you only live once’’,so that you might remember it until you are old or grow old.You can cherish some memories that you will never forget in your life.
8.Keep An Open Mind -don’t be disrespectful to others specially when you are still or not still in your destination because you’re just a visitor.
9.Travel First Aid Kit -you need to pack your first aid kit all the time so that what ever happens you have a aid kit that will help you while traveling.
10.Make A List / Plan Ahead -you must make a list so that you might know what to do and you won’t forget some important items.
11.Make A Photocopy Of Important Documents
12.Have An Extra Battery
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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joycolvin-blog · 6 years
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TRAVEL is a round trip,roadtrip,or even one way.I really love travelling but I have no time for that because am still studying and I have to do my responsibilities as a Daughter and as a Student,so that I can balance my time.I’m a kind of person who puts others first before mine or myself.Travelling is so enjoyable for sure all the problems and pain of the past may lose,there’s nothing to lose if you 
         ‘’LIFE IS LIKE RIDING A BICYCLE.TO KEEP YOUR BALANCE,YOU                                                  MUST KEEP MOVING’’
                                    -ALBERT EINSTEIN
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