jrrl-blog1 · 7 years
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jrrl-blog1 · 7 years
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blk excellence " opulence " decadence.
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jrrl-blog1 · 7 years
unedited ink spill re: Charlottesville
12 de agosto de 2017 Volksbier Buenos Aires My thoughts are in a million places at once. Where am I supposed to start? The beginning has outsized importance and I don't know what the most important thing is to say at the moment. I'm not surprised. At all. There will be a section in my grandkids history books that will list Charlottesville among a series of related events. Violence is so fucking inevitable. It's always so fucking inevitable. How will chapter with Charlottesville begin? Trayvon, Michael Brown, BLM? Trump's campaign? Depends on how they want to frame it. But it's not over. The disease of white supremacy and hate is far too public. It's too integrated into public discourse, consciousness, social media, awkward family meals. They don't even bother with the masks anymore. Conversely, the currents of unrest in the Black community are far too strong. The concept of resistance has too much momentum. This will not fade into historical obscurity. And the clashes will continue. It's inevitable. "...hate, bigotry, and violence from all sides." With those fucking pandering mannerisms. My mind rips back to the debate over the Obama administration's use of "radical Islamic terrorism," how Trump criticized it. Flash forward to his reluctance to say white supremacy or white domestic terrorism. In both instances we have deliberate rhetoric choices: Obama administration - we don't use the terms 'radical Islam' or 'radical Islamic terrorism' because we believe that this further reinforces a destructive narrative of the west vs. Islam that is helpful to Al Queda, ISIS, etc.. As a rational actor interested in extinguishing these forces, we make this rhetorical decision. Trump administration - "We polled the race stuff and it doesn't matter. It doesn't move anyone who isn't already in her camp." Bannon in September 2016. They don't want to alienate their base, particularly if it isn't going to bring them more support. Also rational, their base is already so small. And getting smaller by the funeral. If they start alienating the very same marginalized demographics they activated, where will they go for support, for re-election? It's not tenable and Bannon knows it, and Miller knows it, and Trump knows it. Behold their rationale response. I feel like taking a sledge hammer to a confederate statue. /Bucket list grows by one item.
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jrrl-blog1 · 7 years
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reverberación 1. reflejo de luz sobre un objeto o sobre una superficie u otra cosa.
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jrrl-blog1 · 7 years
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armas de preferencia. these are a few of my favorite things.
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