js2-hetalia · 7 years
Okay. I just thought now to empty out the queue.
It’s time. The shift is complete.
All Hetalia posts will be at the hetalia tag on my main from now on.
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
I always love this Hetalia musical stage photo (x) because everyone is just steady and relax in their own positions…
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
Denmark reading hate comments
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
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通販はじまりました。 by 梶川
(※permission to reprint was given by the artist※)
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
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Here are some scientific facts about blood loss for all you psychopaths writers out there.
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
but like i think we need to like have a moment to appreciate fucking ukraine
i mean she had to have those huge heavy ass boobs on her chest all the damn time for like thousands of years and shit and that shit hurts her back ok??
and i bet she doesnt take shit from anybody and dealing with those little motherfuckers (russia and belarus) shes like the fucking like iron man of hetalia
and yet still shes like fuckin nice and sweet to ppl
like you go girl fuck everybody else wow
someone give this girl a slow clap
good character great character a+
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
Belarus Character Facts
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🇧🇾She is obsessed with cardboard and cardboard boxes
🇧🇾She is great at cooking potatoes and knows a lot about them as well.
🇧🇾She is a great acrobat and her voice is very good.
🇧🇾Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued travel warnings against her because she is “unsafe”.
🇧🇾She likes rock music.
🇧🇾She is VERY vulgar and casually swears in many sentences.
🇧🇾She enjoys prank and silent calling Lithuania and Poland
🇧🇾She can see ghosts
🇧🇾She once went through Ukraine’s garbage bags
🇧🇾She can speak Polish
🇧🇾She spaces out a lot and spent a lot of time staring at weird objects 
🇧🇾Some of these objects include her ribbon, “France’s thing,” “a cat’s thing,” (interpret those as you will) cardboard, and flea remover
🇧🇾She has fantasized about Dmitri Smirnov
🇧🇾She used to take haunted photos, but found American ghosts annoying
🇧🇾She made a fansite for both her boss and her brother
🇧🇾She has spent three hours each staring at white noise on a TV, massaging her sister’s breasts, and stretching her sister’s headband
🇧🇾It is noted that she is lonely 
🇧🇾She knows a lot of “useless trivia” such as the name of Paris Hilton’s dog.
🇧🇾She often questions how much longer she will live
🇧🇾Her dreams about Russia involve walking and singing in the forest with him, being around nature with him, smiling with him, and talking about love with him. And of course, having sex with him.
🇧🇾As a kid and during the Soviet Union, she had short hair
🇧🇾She values her boss and the things she does have in life while she still can, and tends to not take things for granted
🇧🇾She loves to read the Pravda
🇧🇾She thinks degus are cute
🇧🇾She loves the occult and likes to tell fortunes
🇧🇾She hates it when people flirt with Ukraine and will intimidate them to stop.
🇧🇾She steals and smells Russia’s underwear.
🇧🇾She also wears his underwear as a nightcap
🇧🇾She looks through pornographic photos of Russia
🇧🇾She desires to be his underwear and his toothbrush
🇧🇾She was originally supposed to be more shy and mild. She was supposed to be a character who could get her point across well and would mutter whenever she was angry. 
🇧🇾Old design of Belarus:
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Previous post that attracted so many notes
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
Ukraine is many things: friend; confidant; occasional guest star in some confusing dreams that remind me a woman’s sexuality is a moving target…
APH Hungary, probably. (via anotheraphincorrectquoteblog)
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
PRUSSIA: If I run and leap at Germany, he will most certainly catch me! Comin’ in!
GERMANY: No! I’m holding coffee! [drops coffee to catch Prussia]
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
UKRAINE: Were you in a fire or something?
BELARUS: No, I'm just dead inside.
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
SWITZERLAND: I’m byesexual, I get off on you leaving me the fuck alone.
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
art tips post
for all the artists following me
draw fast. it’ll look messy for a long time but you’ll improve faster than if you spend 4 hours on every drawing
if you draw in pencil and have a habit of erasing all of your mistakes, try drawing in pen or marker. i know it’s scary but it’ll help in the long run (i’m speaking from experience)
try different methods and mediums but don’t worry about mastering any of them, just have fun
if you’re not rich, buy art supplies from the dollar store, not the art store (seriously. i go through a sketchbook about once a month and i’d rather spend $4 on one than $15)
there’s no wrong way to learn. you can copy other people’s art if you want to, just don’t post it
DO NOT worry about having a consistent style. do not. just draw however you want
if you want to make original characters then do it. don’t worry about if they’re original, or a good design, or if they have an accompanying story. make sonic ocs. do it. it’s fun and it’s not hurting anyone
try not to kill your back. stand up and stretch once in a while
make a folder and save all of your favorite arts for inspiration 
draw from life. draw your dog. draw your teachers. draw your desk. draw your own hands (seriously that’s the best way to get better at drawing hands)
in general, drawing from life or a photo is better than drawing from a diagram
draw whatever you want. draw youtubers if you like youtubers. draw undertale if you like undertale. when i was a kid i drew nothing but shadow the hedgehog and horses. everyone deserves to draw what they want without being mocked, and if people start making fun of you, block them and keep drawing
don’t expect to get any notes at first. don’t let it discourage you. if you want validation go show your art to your mom or your friends or your teacher or your grandma
take breaks, but don’t give up.
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
ENGLAND: Are you posing? There aren’t any cameras here.
FRANCE: Google Earth. Always taking pics.
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
What if Scotland got someone pregnant and she wanted him to help take care of it
Too bad he’s not good to do it
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
Maybe I should go back to putting Hetalia on my main.
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
OTPetty: when you start shipping a pairing after seeing how much hate the antis give it
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js2-hetalia · 7 years
I actually now have a good, simple idea. I’ll link you to it once I’m done if you’d like. ^^
me in huggiebird’s ask: I wanna draw!
me in my mind: I know what I wanna draw!!!
me once I pull out a pencil and paper: uh
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