jsundance · 8 years
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“I feel we are all islands - in a common sea.” - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
First time making short pixel gifs so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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jsundance · 8 years
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jsundance · 8 years
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jsundance · 8 years
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jsundance · 10 years
Hey kids. It's been quite some time.  Sorry I haven't been up on running TNR, but life's been a bit fast recently. Anyways, I'm here giving you a bit of Korn for right now, because I'm really diggin' the Nu-Metal.  If you guys can, follow me on instagram. My tag is "therealsirbox". Thank you loyal listeners. And without further adieu, "Everything I've Known".  Sundance out! 
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jsundance · 10 years
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#tequila so good, it'll put you in the mood! #ponchosvilla
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jsundance · 11 years
Oh my god. 
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Rebecca Black reacts to “Friday”. (x)
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jsundance · 11 years
Hello children! It's me again! Your favorite Tumblr Radio host, Sundance! How are you guys holding up? I'm sorry about my month long disappearance. I've been going through a lot of shit, so I've barely been able to post to this at all. But here, my love for you, in one of my favorite RHCP songs, Especially in Michigan. 
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jsundance · 11 years
Heyyyyy kids!  Sundance here! How y'all doing?  You guys like rock and roll? I do. I love some of the fine bands, such as Led Zeppelin, Five Finger Death Punch, AC-DC, A7X, and so many more.  Speaking of Avenged Sevenfold, I got a song for you guys. An amazing song. This came with Black Ops 2, and was the first song by A7X I heard.  Regardless, I'm in love with it.  Rock on kids. Have a gooooooood night! 
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jsundance · 11 years
Heyo! Sundance here! How you kiddies doin?  Nice night. Great day for the memories and feels. So let me ask you guys a question. Do you guys have any special memories? Any nostalgic things that just bring you back?  I do. Nights like these.  This song goes out there to all those with the memories from a long time ago. To the listeners who wish they could be in those old wonder years.  I miss those days. Because I remember.  This is Sundance, signing off for the night - and I hope you enjoy our night program. 
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jsundance · 11 years
Hello Tumblr children! How you guys handling the world today? Well, Not much news. But I got two things for you. A song and a lesson.  The Song? Avril Lavigne's "Complicated" on the hit album "Let Go".  The Lesson? It's told in the song. Never change or be someone your not.  Stay true to yourself, people always like you more that way.  Never forget this advice friends. Always stay true, and be you.
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jsundance · 11 years
Hey kiddos! Sundance here! How you cats enjoyin y'alls days? So I have a bit of a story for you guys. Wouldn't call it "news", but its some good stuff.  Not sure if many of y'all know this, but I reside in the 49th state of the United States - Alaska. And let me tell you, it's beautiful up here. Not many days like this up here! 79 degrees, bright, sunshiny, blue sky, and the wind blowing softly through the trees. Man, these days make me nostalgic. Reminds me of the "good 'ol days", with the special girl of mine. Hilariously, this was actually mine and my girlfriends break up song in 8th grade haha.  But here, from me to you. For your significant other. Savor the song and the days kids. 
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jsundance · 11 years
Hellooooooooo kids! How you guys handling social network topia today?  I got some music for you. This one comes strait from the heart. It reminds us that we hide behind our critisism of others, yet we are exactly like them.  Patrick Stump's voice really pulls this one off. From me to you guys. I love you all. 
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jsundance · 11 years
Alright guys. As first measure of my triumpent return, I want to share with you guys some of my music. I got everything, From Electronica to Rap, and everything in between.  Today, to start us off, we've got some Folk.  Classic tracks, kiddos. James Taylor's "Fire and Rain" on "Sweet Baby James".  Old days, kids, old days.
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jsundance · 11 years
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mfw justice.  But dat raep face doe!
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jsundance · 11 years
It's been about a year. No... two! TWO WHOLE SALE FUCKING YEA- wait no just one.  I've grown a lot.  Lost a lot. Gained a lot.  Glad to still be kickin'. 
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jsundance · 12 years
Gif backwards. Still cool
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Guy Catches Shoe with Foot
If the shoe fits, wear it IN THE COOLEST WAY POSSIBLE.
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