jueyun-chilies · 2 months
Yall make fun of tone tags but theres a billion instances where people on this site take satire and jokes seriously
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jueyun-chilies · 2 months
Next person that calls xinyan genshit impact a chocolate tomboy im calling one of their random twinks "beurre blanc king <3"
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jueyun-chilies · 3 months
Tumblr is the "piss on the poor website" but the amount of tumblr users that say it also have bad reading comprehension.
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jueyun-chilies · 3 months
I think it's incredibly funny how theres a "mean girl"-esque crowd for anything. Oh, you aren't neurodivergent (see: autism and adhd) the same way we are? You deserve to get harassed for being different and unpalatable to us 😋.I will add that the thing here (from what I've observed) is that they either dont know the person is also nd (because they have a limited understanding on what combination of traits count, because they fall for the same misconceptions perpetuated by neurotypicals and studies only observing a single group), or they aren't comprehending struggles they dont experience themselves (not fully related, but someone I knew had memory issues, and their friends condemned them for not remembering their pronouns and accused them of disrespecting them).
Really, it's just boiling down to that other post talking about how supporting autistic people includes not judging anyone else who is "weird."
If you're thinking "Well. This just sounds like something a younger person would do, so why does it matter?" Yes, you are right. In online spaces, I mostly see it with teenagers or young adults. But I think it matters because it's harmful to their peers who are undiagnosed or who are but don't fit into some kind of standard.
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