julessofaded · 2 months
I'd do anything to get rid of the heavy weight inside my chest
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julessofaded · 2 months
“I hope one day Your human body Is not a jail cell, Instead it’s a sunny 2pm garden with daisies Thriving because of Self love.”
— Alexa Evangelista (via knittings)
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julessofaded · 2 months
How to kill yourself painlessly and instantly 😋
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julessofaded · 2 months
Why do even my best of friends try to forget about me when I'll I've ever done is try to be the best I can be? (I'm Cooked)
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julessofaded · 6 months
bcz this is genuinely important information abt this piercing that could probably warn you abt the long term affects
PSA to any nonhumans/otherkin/voidpunks who want a fang piercing to affirm themselves!!!
Do NOT do this:
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This is a “smiley” piercing (a horseshoe bar through the frenulum); fang bars are NOT proper jewelry to wear in them! Their size and shape can increase the risk of gum recession and tooth chipping (and are at a higher risk of being torn out by mistake!), plus they’re difficult to live with when it comes to eating, drinking, and sleeping.
Do this instead:
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These are vertical angel bites (AKA “angel fangs”), using a standard curved barbell with a spike on the bottom. They don’t extend into the oral cavity at all, which means your teeth won’t be damaged and there’s a lesser risk of injury. This piercing is also easier to live with so you can keep your fangs full-time (as long as the spikes you use aren’t TOO long, I’d recommend 3 to 4 mm).
Pls remember to affirm yourselves safely (especially with body modification), and only wear jewelry that’s meant to safely go in your piercing! 💕
(This is a safe space for MOGAI, otherkin, voidpunk, and nonhuman identities! Any offending or bigoted comments will be deleted and blocked. Please be respectful in the comments!!)
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julessofaded · 7 months
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julessofaded · 8 months
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good riddance live
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julessofaded · 8 months
kudos and hits do not indicate the quality of the fic, by the way.
I’ve read so many fics, that aren’t as popular, that are so professionally written that I immediately know the authors even know the characters better than their original creators, respectfully. and so many of those fics made me cry and I’ve always come back to reread them because they’re that good, even if they don’t reach many people. they’re literally in my heart and I even think about them during the day because they’re that special to me.
the bottom line: the number of kudos and hits do not represent whether the work is good or bad.
and if you’re an author, don’t let it discourage you if you think your works don’t get enough hits or kudos.
sometimes the best fics that have ever been written are like a rare treasure, not many people will find them, but I promise you, those who do will cherish them very dearly ♡
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