julianna777888-blog · 5 years
"Ring of fire" at the Eclipse of the Sun.​
The Eclipse corridor of the end of 2019 opens with a Solar Eclipse, which peaked at 8: 15 Moscow time.
Amateur astronomers, located on a vast stretch of land, ranging from Saudi Arabia and Oman and up to India and Singapore, were able to observe a rare solar Eclipse in the form of a "ring of fire" last Thursday.
Annular eclipses occur when the Moon is not close enough to the Earth to completely cover the Sun, resulting in a thin part of the disk of our sun in the form of a ring remains visible from the surface of the planet.
Although eclipses of this type occur every year or two, they are always observed only from a narrow band of the Earth's surface, and it may take several decades before the exact same configuration is repeated.
Depending on weather conditions, this year's annular solar Eclipse was observed from the Middle East, South India and South-West Asia, and the zone from which it was possible to observe this phenomenon ended in the North Pacific ocean.
Hundreds of Amateur astronomers gathered in Singapore harbour to observe this "once-in-a-lifetime" event.
""The next such event will happen in about 40 years, I think," said 37-year-old Jason ting (Jason Yang), specially took a day off at work, in order to shoot the Eclipse on the camera.
In South India, people gathered on the beaches of Tamil Nadu to watch the event.
In the Eastern state of Orissa, an official holiday was declared, with all official institutions, courts, schools and other educational institutions closed.
However, in new Delhi on clouds and the effects of air pollution are not allowed to see the Eclipse, on which Prime Minister Narendra modi has expressed on Twitter his disappointment, even despite the fact that it is so far North it was possible to observe only a partial Eclipse.
In Indonesia, hundreds of people gathered around the Jakarta planetarium to observe an annular Eclipse of the Sun using safety glasses issued at the planetarium.
Outside the narrow band of observation of the "ring of fire" Amateur astronomers could register a private solar Eclipse.
The next annular solar Eclipse, expected in June 2020, can be observed from a narrow strip of the earth's surface, stretching from Africa to Northern Asia.
For astrology, this event is very important. Usually, the effect of eclipses is felt 10 days before and 10 days after the event.
Since ancient times, solar and lunar eclipses, as well as other rare astronomical phenomena, such as the appearance of comets, were perceived as negative events. People were very afraid of eclipses, as they occur rarely and are unusual and frightening phenomena of nature. In mythology, eclipses were associated with the struggle of higher forces, one of which wants to break the established order in the world ("extinguish" or "eat" the Sun, "kill" or "pour blood" on the moon), and the other — to preserve it. The beliefs of some peoples demanded complete silence and inaction during eclipses, others, on the contrary, active witchcraft to help the "light forces".​
The Eclipse of the Sun will occur in the fiery and spiritual sign of Sagittarius in the heart of our galaxy Nakshatra Mule and the peculiarity of the Eclipse is that it involves a parade of planets. In addition to the moon, Sun, and lunar node Ketu, Sagittarius also contains Saturn, mercury, and Jupiter. Under the strongest influence of the Eclipse falls Jupiter, which will be 1 degree near the eclipsed Sun. Moreover, Sagittarius is his own sign.
The Eclipse of December 26 primarily concerns topics of knowledge, worldview, spiritual concepts, and teachers. Nakshatra Mula is associated with the destruction of the old and obsolete. It has a fairly sharp, categorical energy, when you need a decisive action to cut off what prevents you from moving on. Ties may be broken, views on life may change, beliefs and beliefs may be abandoned, and what has served its purpose may simply go away.
It is impossible to live fully with the negative. Sooner or later, he wins, and then the human destiny is crashing. Due to a powerful solar Eclipse, the fate of many people can be destroyed on the eve of the new year holidays-December 26. One way to deal with destructive influences is to make a reset.
Reset negative-release from an excess of negative energy. First of all, it is the ability of the psyche to finish, transform, let go and be released:
To finish — to comprehend the past and what is happening, draw conclusions, make a decision and do not return to this.
Transform — create a conditional energy form, which will be reset. Something like this: we write down all our problems on a piece of paper, and then burn it.
To let go is to cut off all energy channels and connections, leaving no way for the negative to return. Many of us have a problem with letting go, not solving problems. You can reset not only the abstract negative, but also people.
To be free is a symbolic action that will conditionally free you from the clots of negativity on the subtle plane. It's mostly like a ritual. Liberation can be symbolic taking a shower, sitting by the fire, throwing out old clothes. The most important thing is to draw a line, make a symbolic action, after which it will be good and calm.
After you make a reset on the psychological level, you need to create energy messages for rejuvenation, healing, rejection of negative attitudes and bad habits:​
Solve family, birth problems. For example, people who have global problems in life (large debts, difficulties with starting a family or having children) can use meditative practices for positive changes in important areas of life.
Harmonize your thoughts and desires. Mental hygiene is very important. Prayers, communication with spiritual mentors, Church attendance, gratitude to relatives, positive attitudes are shown. On the day of the Eclipse, you can program your future, but only if your desires are considered and creative.Radiate love. It is very important not only to forgive insults, but also to help loved ones get rid of this heavy burden.Avoid any violence: psychological, verbal, physical. It is forbidden to spread rumors, get irritated, talk about someone in a bad way. The Eclipse will awaken the dark side of the person, and it is quite possible that the inner demon will break out, will begin to provoke destructive karmic thoughts and actions. Evil words, insults, negative emotions can turn into a curse.The days of the eclipses are magical. It is during the Eclipse that it is easiest to get rid of bad habits. People who tried many times to quit Smoking, finally abandoned this habit when another attempt to" quit " coincided with the Eclipse. Successfully getting rid of unnecessary connections, exhausted relationships. The Eclipse clears the energy-informational space around a person so that he can let something new into his life. Hence some fear of an Eclipse - for many such clearing is painful, through conflict and loss. But it will not be so terrible if you approach it consciously.
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julianna777888-blog · 5 years
ОшThe planet Saturn in astrology rightfully occupies one of the most important places. ​ He is able to turn a person's fate upside down. Saturn is destruction and creation, death and longevity, poverty and prosperity.
In the birth chart, Saturn (Shani) is an indicator of destiny, life expectancy, disease, poverty, and any real estate. Saturn is considered the most severe of the planets and not in vain. It brings limitations, obstacles and difficult tasks into a person's life, the solution of which either allows to move to a completely new spiritual level, or leaves a person with a series of troubles and misfortunes. Saturn should be read by everyone and those who are lucky to be born with its good location in the birth chart, and even more so-with a bad one.​
Saturn is one of the slowest planets, the period of Saturn's revolution around the Sun is as much as 29.5 years. The planet is often compared to a strict mentor or teacher who strictly asks a person about all his sins. "Teacher" for a long time is in a certain sign of the zodiac - up to 2.5 years. The main abode of the planet is in the houses of Capricorn and Aquarius.
A strong Saturn is when it is in the sign of exaltation (in Libra), it is in it that this sluggish planet feels best. As his power is manifested in the signs of his monastery (Capricorn, Aquarius). Dik Bala or directional strength gets Saturn in the seventh house.
There is also an important point. ​ Determine what house — good or bad — enters the sign MultiKey Saturn. If the mulatricone is in a good house (in other words, not in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th) and the planet itself is also favorably positioned relative to its sign, the results will be positive. Otherwise, there will be undesirable effects.
When the sign of mulatricona gets into a bad house, but its owner has chosen a good place, if you look from mulatricona, the consequences will be unpleasant. However, with a poor placement of the planet relative to the sign of its mulatricone, which is safely located, the results will also be unfavorable.
Strong Saturn characterizes a person with great willpower. Such a thing as self-discipline is not alien to him, he knows how to control not only his behavior, but also emotions. This is an overly cautious person who will not plunge headlong into questionable activities. He is patient and knows that his time will come when the situation will be in his favor. Diligence distinguishes people in whom Saturn is in a strong position. They are ready to work day and night. Incredible perseverance and dedication allows them to achieve their goals and solve complex problems. The ability to think logically does not prevent such people from looking at life and its obstacles from a philosophical point of view. They are moderately detached and do not go crazy in severe and emergency situations. They are distinguished by a special sense of justice and honesty, which allows them to hold high positions and good positions. Usually successful and wealthy, they lead a rather ascetic lifestyle.
Good position Saturn in horoscope gives man prudence, reliability, focus, honesty, dedication, chastity, long life. A strong and favorable Saturn allows man to acquire real estate and preserve it. A well-placed Saturn gives a predisposition to spiritual development, gives a direction to find your true path.​
Beneficial Saturn, is considered, when manages good homes or is in connecting (in one sign) with beneficial planets. These people are naturally inclined to monasticism, asceticism and selfless service to humanity. Their way of life may seem like bizarre self-torture to others. Such people are detached, constant, disciplined and impartial. They are characterized by humility, patience, wisdom, they accept any tests of fate, realizing that all this gives them an invaluable experience of spirituality.
Professions of people with strong Saturn are usually connected with the earth, real estate, sources of raw materials.
Weak Saturn​
The planet is in the sign of its fall – Aries or if it is in the house of its enemies (Sun, moon and Mars). People with weak Saturn are too anxious, not sustained, not constant. They have a weak psyche, even the slightest stress can hit the consciousness and health. The lack of logic, stamina, any difficulty leads to panic. It is necessary to develop practicality and organization. It is necessary to make a plan for each day and move from smaller goals to higher ones. If you leave everything as it is, you can wallow in poverty and despondency for life, cursing others for their failures.
Stricken Saturn
Saturn becomes more dangerous and harmful when he controls bad houses. When a planet stands in good houses, then he will invariably spoil the Affairs of good houses, especially if connected with harmful planets (the Sun, Mars, Rahu or Ketu, and governs his house). Has malevolent aspects, burned, in the same degree as the unfavorable planet (sign does not matter); Sandwiched between bad planets; Has weak shadbala scores;
in fractional cards falls into unfriendly signs.
If Saturn is affected, then there will be dissatisfaction, irritability, anger in the person. Poorly located Saturn as it deprives a person of vitality and energy, such people are anxious, prone to depression. A person with an affected Saturn can have congenital neurological diseases, blindness, deafness, stuttering. These people are suffering from depression, depression, because of what more than others are prone to intoxication, craving for drugs. Struck Saturn gives man the idea of the meaninglessness of his existence. Such a person needs to see more goodness and love in people. It is advisable to listen to the following tips:
1.​ ​ ​ Take responsibility for yourself.
2.​ ​ ​ Watch interesting and inspiring TV shows and movies.
3.​ ​ ​ Avoid solitude and loneliness. Communicate more often with people around you. Attend interesting events. Find yourself an exciting activity or hobby. Best of all is creativity, especially drawing.​
4.​ ​ ​ Allow yourself to accept help from other people.
5.​ ​ ​ Turn to the spiritual world. Engage in meditation, read prayers.​
6.​ ​ ​ Completely eliminate alcohol and other drugs. They have a negative impact on the state of the psyche of people and with each application it worsens.
7.​ ​ ​ Adjust the sleep. Only a long and healthy rest can restore the human nervous system.
8.​ ​ ​ Engage in physical exercise.
9.​ ​ ​ Do something useful for the people around you selflessly-show love to them, and they will reciprocate.
​ 10. Fill every day with meaning, praise yourself for small achievements.
Saturn may bring limitations, want, and privation to life on the material plane, but it gives the desire for spiritual knowledge and perfection.
People with a pronounced Saturn in the horoscope-asthenic addition, serious, closed, have deep-set eyes.
Diseases ruled by Saturn.
* Problems with teeth, bones.​
• Diseases of the bone marrow.​
* Diseases of the nervous system (neuroses, depression, mental disorders).​
* General soreness, weak immunity, lack of vitality.​
* Accumulation of toxins in the body, constipation.​
* In particularly severe cases – epilepsy, paralysis, asthma, Oncology.
Saturn day-Saturday Metal-iron and steel Gems-blue sapphire Color-blue or black. Friendly to mercury and Venus. Hostile to the Sun, moon and Mars. To Jupiter neutral. Rahu and Ketu consider him their friend.
So, do not underestimate the limiting and destructive power of Saturn. But we should not forget about the positive side of its energy. Destruction is the eternal companion of creation; decay and death are the necessary conditions for new life and growth.
Our material existence must have limits: every material thing must inevitably perish and disintegrate into the elements of which it is composed. The wisdom of Saturn is reflected in Buddha's" four noble truths " and in the Buddhist doctrine of the impermanence and futility of all things and of universal suffering.
The fear we have of Saturn is proportional to our attachment to the material world and our inability to face the fact that our existence in the physical body will eventually come to an end. Saturn shows us the limitations of the realm of matter — and to discover the path to infinity we must learn the painful lessons of this planet, Saturn is death leading us beyond mortal life. His path is straight and narrow as the blade of a sword, but it leads to the gates of eternity.
Saturn knows all sorts of troubles and failures, heavy karma, unfavorable fate. However, the reason why all these misfortunes fall on a person is not always that in past lives he committed atrocities or developed too slowly. Some souls, especially the more advanced ones, may deliberately seek such trials in order to accelerate their spiritual growth. Everyone can thank God in the days of prosperity, but who will do it in the days of great misfortune? Only a great soul. Saturn is the suffering that contributes to the development and growth of our soul.
Upaii for Saturn.
In order to see the effect of performing upai Saturn they need to be done regularly, for years, with great dedication and discipline. On a quick result in the case of Saturn just can not count.
* Attentive, responsible, diligent performance of their duties in the family, at work, in society.​
* Humility and unselfish service to people are the most important qualities that need to be developed in order to reduce the adverse influence of Saturn.​
* Fasting and rest on Saturdays. For those who have Saturn unfavorably located-this is a recommendation for life.​
• Feeding the homeless animals and elderly people living alone on Saturdays.​
* Navagraha Yajna with special attention to Saturn.
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julianna777888-blog · 5 years
December eclipse corridor
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This New year will be special, both in terms of numerology and astronomy. The festival falls on the corridor of eclipses! Starting on December 26, the corridor of eclipses will begin. However, its influence begins to be felt from December 19, 2019 and January 17, 2020 (that is, a week before the first and a week after the last Eclipse). Therefore, all the recommendations listed below should be taken into account now.
From the point of view of Vedic astrology, solar and lunar eclipses are considered an unfavorable period for any activities other than spiritual practices. Very often it is during eclipses that fateful events occur. The intensity of the influence of eclipses, of course, depends on the person's personal horoscope, but, nevertheless, General recommendations are relevant for everyone.
In addition, on December 26 and 27, we expect a large cluster of planets in the sign of Sagittarius (there will gather as many as 6 of the 9 planets: the Sun, Moon, Ketu, Jupiter, Saturn, mercury). All this, of course, for a reason and is a sign of great changes in the near future. The positive aspect of such a cluster is that Jupiter is in its own sign of Sagittarius, which means that spiritual practices these days will give a wonderful result.
December 26 at 08: 18 an Annular solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Sagittarius, in Nakshatra Mula. At this time there will be a great uplift of energy that can only be used for spiritual progress and practices. Any other business at this time is unfavorable.
Penumbra lunar Eclipse January 10, 2020 at 22: 10 (Moscow time) in Gemini.
The impact of the corridor eclipses:
All this time, you may feel nervousness, malaise, a high probability of conflicts, quarrels, potentially dangerous situations. Try to rest more, observe fasting (preferably eating only vegetarian food), devote more time to practice.
Below are the recommendations to be followed directly during eclipses.
Recommendations at the time of the eclipses.
So, this day is good:
* Take a bath or shower (it is better to do it directly at the time of the solar Eclipse).
* Fast (if you completely abandon food, limit yourself to light vegetarian food and juices)
* Engage in some quiet activities that do not cause you strong emotions and stress.
• Give alms
* Performing any charitable activity
You need to relax, free your mind from problems. Engage in meditation, a quiet relaxing warm-up. Think about the good, surround the care of loved ones.
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